The place of life is your source of life force. How to get there. The strangest places where people live are lighthouses


    Rezekne is a city of miracles. Walked in with money, walked out without.

    I don't have thoughts.

    I love my house, courtyard, river nearby and actually the whole city!

    I was born and lived for 19 years in Daugavpils ... it is not the same as before, there are no those carousels where for 50 centimes you could ride a Ferris wheel and see the whole city, there is no Cindy cafe where in my childhood they made the most delicious cocktails, there is no pizzeria with the most delicious pizzas - my mother and I always looked there when we were in the center ... there are no longer those friends with whom more than one pair of jeans were sitting on the bench .. ! now everything is different .. but anyway, when I come here once every two weeks, he is still waiting for me

    no, no. My favorite places in Russia. Closer to Karelia and in the Tver region, on the Volga.
    When I get there, everything inside somehow boils.
    And then... it's not...

    I moved at the beginning of the year, now everything suits me. There is no talk of any relocation. True, the neighbors here are mostly all sorts of freaks, but they don’t bother me.



Kitty, what happened?

I was turned over. I can't stand these idiotic nicknames - cat, bunny, hedgehog. One, I remember, called me a little mouse - we didn’t get to bed with her, I said goodbye almost immediately and didn’t call her again. Do I really, for some women, associate with these small animals, and this is with my height?

What, you don't want me at all? - the lips are pouted, the voice is exaggeratedly childish - the little girl was offended! Maybe something similar happened with someone, but such behavior of a thirty-year-old woman did not cause me anything but rejection.

But that's not even the point, I have already seen similar grimaces in my former girlfriends, but I never reacted like that. In the end, it's just sex, and, for me - the last one before many years of celibacy. So what's the deal? Why does my body refuse to listen to the voice of the mind that says - fuck her, have fun, give her the precious trinket on duty and leave, as you have constantly done in the last twenty years with hundreds of other women.

Nothing, it happens. Fatigue, stress. But I have a magic pill, believe me, you won’t be able to stop until the morning, it’s checked!

And what should I say to that? That I don't need any pill? That this kind of help is for those who can't, and I just... don't want to! I, a young, healthy man, am in bed with a naked woman with a gorgeous body and a lot of experience, and I just don't want her, because it's... Wrong! Here it is, this word, here is the very block that prevents me from enjoying non-binding sex with a woman who knows the rules of the game.

True, today I slightly deviated from my rules and dragged her to the issuance of diplomas - my younger brother finally graduated from school. Yes, I understand, in vain, but it just happened. To be honest, I just forgot about it, spun around in the hospital, handed over cases, then did several emergency operations - a bus accident, many wounded, there weren’t enough surgeons, so although I officially quit, I didn’t have time to leave the hospital building, so I left I just couldn't get to work. In the morning I collapsed on the sofa in the office of the head physician, he, concurrently, is also my older brother, so I had the keys.

I woke up from a call from Isolde, she happily announced that she had taken a day off from work, because she knew that from today I was free, and she decided that we would spend this day together. I was half asleep, and this is the only way I can justify the fact that I completely forgot what day it was, so, on the machine, I agreed. In addition, we have already met twice, and she made it clear that she did not mind being in bed with me, which, in fact, was my purpose of meeting her.

And so, when we had already dined at a luxurious restaurant that she chose, or rather, she dined, and I had breakfast, and were already about to go to her house, a call came from my daughter-in-law. She asked me if I remember my little brother's graduation because the whole family is leaving in fifteen minutes and I'm still gone. I promised to come directly to the school, I thought that I would have to reschedule the planned "event" with Isolde until tomorrow, but she offered to come with me. I probably thought that by getting to know my loved ones, it would take our relationship to a higher level. Naive. We spent the entire boring graduation ceremony a little away from the members of my rather big family, and then immediately left, I didn’t even introduce her to anyone, why?

And now I'm lying, naked, on a wide bed in her bedroom, and I think - what am I doing here at all, and under what pretext to escape. Because I definitely don’t intend to swallow her miracle pills.

Sighing heavily, I opened my mouth to weave something, at least something, and then run away from this house and from this woman, who irritated me more and more with every second, and at that moment salvation came to me in the form of a call to door.

They came to you, - I picked it up, barely hiding a sigh of relief.

I'm not waiting for anyone, - she tried to put me back. They call and leave.

But the caller was persistent. The trill of the bell did not stop for about thirty seconds, then there was a knock on the door, and they clearly knocked with their fists.

Can you open it? I suggested, because the whole situation annoyed me more and more.

You must be the change you want to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

Happy is he who is satisfied with his place of residence. But many do not like something: the environment, nature, climate.

Most people live with thoughts: “What difference does it make where, I still can’t change anything ...”.

With the development of transport mobility and the Internet, people are increasingly thinking about changing their place of residence.

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Beautiful pictures beckon, the stories of experienced people turn into a dream, but it often happens that moving does not help to find harmony in life.

In the new place, it turns out that there are also shortcomings, difficulties and difficulties.

What to do?

  • Put up with it or look for a new place to live?
  • Spend your life in search of an ideal or create this ideal for yourself?
  • Is it possible to make the place where you live source of life strength? And how to do it?

Let's talk about it today.

It so happened that I chose life in a small village. The village is beautiful, life is wonderful, but very different from life in the Big City, in which I spent most of my life.

At first, I rushed between the village and the city, getting inspiration in the city. And then travel became difficult, and I felt sad for old friends and for the opportunities that the Big City gave.

I realized that I have two paths - either I fall into a state of victimhood and slowly begin to hate the place that I myself have chosen for my life, or I go the other way.

I understood that the first path would lead me to the fact that anywhere in the world I would find flaws and would not be happy.

Therefore, for execution, I had only the second option.

I got acquainted with the people around me, with the Earth, with its cycles and gifts. I started thinking how can I be useful for her, what can I do to make life here better and more harmonious.

What facets should I discover for myself in order to love and accept her unconditionally.

From that moment another life began. I gave attention and energy to help the Place where I live.

I searched through Google and Facebook in search of local communities. I found some interesting resources dedicated to nature, animals, plants and environmental initiatives.

I met indifferent initiative people, and finally began to feel “at ease”.

I got on the road Guardian of the Place, deeply in love and peaceful, giving and receiving energy, support and care from the Place where I live.

How to turn a place of life into a source of vitality

Step 1. Discover where you live

The first thing to do is to understand that we live here and now.

There are seven billion people on earth. Someone is in a big city, someone is in a small village. Someone spends their whole life where they were born, someone travels, moves and looks for their place in the sun.

Someone never travels outside their native country, while someone changes countries and cities.

We may someday have another home elsewhere, but for now we are where we are.

And it depends only on us whether we will feel that we live in a boring village or in a place filled with smells, sounds and energy.

Whether we spend our lives in a metropolis crowded with people and cars, or we rejoice that this is a point of cultural and historical heritage.

Only we can decide whether the place will draw all the juices out of us in response to our dislike and indifference, or we will allow ourselves to be filled with its energy and power, loving it with all our heart.

Step 2. Learn to see the beauty of the place

Beauty manifests itself in different ways: in natural phenomena, in people, in architectural monuments, in a variety of fruits on trees, in the power of rivers and mountains, in a funny drawing that turned out on a chipped asphalt.

You just need to want to see it and manifest it in your life. Even an industrial view at sunset can be beautiful.

I propose not only to see beauty, but also share generously her with those around her. Sing it by any means - words, poems, photographs, paints.

Step 3. Observe and connect with nature

You can see beauty only by observing, only raising your head to the sky and lowering it to the earth.

If you stop and listen, then you can notice a butterfly or a snowflake, a sparrow with a crumb in its beak, or an unusual pebble.

When you allow yourself to slow down and look around, you can feel the energy present in this place.

The more such connections occur, the more of this energy you pass through yourself, the more you connect with the place where you are.

You can do this in many ways, choose what you like:

  • Plant flowers or take care of the garden;
  • Grow vegetables or take care of the front garden at the entrance;
  • Observe the local flora and fauna, study migratory birds or the living world that lives under your feet;
  • Get acquainted with wild plants - herbs and plants, including edible ones;
  • Get to know the crystals and stones that are “found” nearby;
  • Keep track of the planets and stars, moon changes and changing weather conditions and seasons.

And this is just the beginning of the list!

Step 4. Take care of the world around you

For the world to take care of you, you must take care of him.

Whether you live in a big city or a small village, environmental pollution problems are very acute almost everywhere.

Only in some countries the streets are clean and tidy, and garbage is collected and recycled for the benefit of the planet.

In most of the Earth, municipal governments are unable or unwilling to deal with this acute problem, and volunteer efforts are needed.

Any activity that you can do will be accepted by Gaia with love and gratitude:

  • Collecting garbage on the street near the house, in local parks and forests, separating it into recyclable and transferring it to special places for collecting garbage.
  • Promoting an environmentally responsible lifestyle.
  • Feeding birds and animals.
  • Caring for homeless animals.
  • Participation in voluntary fire fighting teams.

In the place where I live, there is a common practice of charity shops where people bring unwanted things and books, and the volunteers who work there sell them for a nominal fee and donate the proceeds to charity.

Various projects appear in the world, the purpose of which is to help the local community or nature.

For example, the “Food is free” project, in which people share their own grown vegetables and fruits for free.

When there is a desire to help the planet and feel unity with it, then a huge field for ideas appears.

For a more spiritually advanced audience, we offer.

Step 5. Thank the place you live

One of the simplest, but very effective practices - thanks to the place.

There is always a reason to be thankful for the place you live in. For rain, for snow, for warmth, for the chirping of birds, for a generous harvest, for a ray of sunshine or for a purring cat.

Feelings of gratitude and unconditional love raise our vibrations and, accordingly, change our lives.

Step 7 Connect the kids

Children are easier to adapt and get used to a new place and find friends. They also serve as a guide to the new world for adults through school, kindergartens and endless walks.

Involve the children in getting to know the place. With them, it is much more fun and interesting to look for edible herbs and observe wildlife.

In addition, they can make cards for neighbors and acquaintances for the holidays, or share fruits from the garden with friends and acquaintances.

Teenagers are quite capable of organizing a garage sale of their toys and books that they have already grown out of.

Children are happy to join in cleaning up areas, especially if they are given cute gloves.

Of course, I get a little worried when my two-year-old son starts picking up broken glass on the playground to throw in the trash, but on the other hand, I hope the experience will instill in him the habit of cleaning up after himself and not littering.

In recent years, I have gained tremendous experience in interacting with the Earth.

Learned to identify wild edible plants and cook them. She prayed for the forest, when a strong fire blazed in the mountains before our eyes, and sent myriads of angels there to help people.

We are happy to communicate with neighbors and exchange crops and various goodies, we collect garbage in the National Park and nearby streets without any problems.

I don’t have questions - why the municipality or the government does not do this and that, I only have questions for myself: what I want and can do.

I live here, my children live here, I love this place and it accepted me.

And if in the future I want to move, I can do it with a light heart, because I know for sure that another love will be waiting for me ahead!

Due to various reasons, some Russian citizens decide to move permanently to another country. The desire to improve the material well-being of one's family, to gain prospects for the future, to have a sense of security, encourages one to leave their homes and relatives and go to a new country. Considering the number of countries and the variety of conditions in them, the question is reasonable - where can a Russian live well?

Life abroad is different for everyone. Much depends on education and practical skills. Programmers and other freelancers can move to almost any country. They do not need to know the local language, culture and customs.

Working autonomy allows you to fulfill orders remotely, at home. The choice of the country where it is worth moving from Russia is determined by the income received and the ability to rent or purchase housing.

Owners of other professions should be more careful, because. a hasty move can only aggravate the situation and absorb savings.

In developed countries such as the USA, Germany, Canada, there is always a shortage of paramedics, nurses and secondary school teachers.

Since the requirements for certification and the level of knowledge in developed countries differ from the Russian one, it is necessary to confirm the diploma on the spot. There are more chances to undergo the procedure with existing specialists with rich experience and practice.

The majority, deciding where it is better to go to live from Russia, consider developed countries. There are three reasons for this:

  • all developed countries are distinguished by material well-being and high culture (beautiful cities, historical values, loyal political attitude, strong economy);
  • developed countries are developing special migration programs designed to help people who have moved to settle in a new place;
  • most developed countries have a pleasant climate.

For more than 100 years, many have believed that it is better to move to the United States of America. 882,000 Russian-speaking people live here. Of these, more than 200,000 are in New York.

It is possible to immigrate from Russia to the USA, but it is not very easy. This country is afraid of immigrants and the work of the consulate directly tries to stop this flow.

Statistics show that only 2% of the total number of those who left Russia managed to settle in the United States.

Only outstanding specialists, scientists or athletes who are ready to continue their activities and attribute the merits to America can submit a direct request to the consulate of this country to obtain citizenship.

Documents for moving can also be submitted by those who have relatives in America. However, the latter will have to confirm the call and their financial capabilities to provide the emigrant for a certain period.

Those who receive a tourist visa and decide to stay must contact the consulate and apply for political asylum. A long process of paperwork will begin. Within 5 years, a person will have a travel restriction status.

The average Russian who seeks political asylum from the United States should be prepared to turn down the opportunity to visit his homeland for the next five years. It should be taken into account how this will affect relatives left in Russia.

For girls, the legal way to obtain US residency is by marrying an American citizen. But to stop fictitious unions, there is a requirement to see the groom at least once in person, before arriving in the States.

It has beautiful landscapes and gorgeous beaches. He is very loyal to the Russians who have arrived. Included in the leaders of countries where it is better to go to live for a Russian person. You can get a residence permit if you buy a house or apartment in Spain. The amount to be guided by is from 250,000 euros.

Given the possibility of remote acquisition of real estate, Spain is becoming a great place where Russians live well. Immediately after the purchase, you can apply for a residence permit. True, with one feature - the first time the permit will be issued for a period of one year. After a year, the application is re-submitted and allowed to live in Spain for another two years. The third period is three years. And finally, after six years, the person will receive a permanent residence permit.

Of all the Schengen member states, getting permanent residence in Spain is the easiest!

For those who believe that it is better to move to Spain, the state puts forward two main requirements:

  1. a sufficient amount of funds for living (it is necessary to provide a certificate from the bank on the possession of a deposit, securities or precious metals, or a certificate of the availability of other material resources);
  2. no convictions for serious crimes.

Great place abroad - Sweden

Dream about this country. Many people think that a person from Russia is the best place to live here. Statistics show that out of the total population growth, 75% are emigrants (from all over the world).

Whoever receives the official right to live in Sweden quickly finds a good and well-paid job. But the paperwork for permanent residence is very difficult. It's hard to imagine a better place abroad where you should go to live.

One of the possibilities to become a citizen of this state is to marry a representative of Sweden. Such unions are carefully checked by immigration services. This happens because of a special program for immigrants from Russia. Serious means of support are intended for the arrivals. Therefore, the control is very strict.

One of the most populated countries in Europe. A good place for a Russian person to live abroad. Until the 1980s, it was a country closed to immigration. And in the late 2010s, it already had 10% of the total number of people who officially moved residents from other countries.

From 2008 to 2013, Norway led the Scandinavian countries in terms of economy and capital growth among the population. It is a country with a very high GDP per capita - $55,000 per year.

Life in Norway is much better than in Russia: there is more freedom of choice and prospects for the future. For example, there is a high level of trust in people (74%), while in Russian society it is 27%.

Parents and young families are well taken care of abroad. Denmark extends paid maternity leave. Medical care for citizens of the country is free. Men and women are equal here and can hold the same positions and corresponding pay.

Of transport here, a bicycle is common, although there are enough cars. Particularly stands out responsible attitude towards others. For example, for deaf and dumb citizens, announcements at railway stations are duplicated in sign language and displayed on a large screen. Such care of the state makes Denmark a good place to go to live.

Among the reasons for permanent residence abroad in Italy, in addition to marriage, there are three more:

  1. presence in the country of close relatives;
  2. opening a business (registration of an LLC or a private enterprise in the territory of the state);
  3. conclusion of an employment agreement with a company (public or private) and presentation of this document at the embassy.

The status of a citizen is obtained within a period of up to three months after arrival. After that, you can stay in the country indefinitely. Since such a resident as a resident has all legal rights, no one can deprive him of this status. Subsequently, you can send an invitation to Russia to other relatives, if you have the financial opportunity to take care of them.

Southeast Asia

A Russian person can live well in India or neighboring countries (Vietnam, Thailand). Vietnam is characterized by rapid development. Over the past 20 years, has the status of a popular resort. High standard of living in the country. Pleasant climate, cities built in a short time and quiet beaches. The dishes here are different from Russian cuisine, but you can get used to them.

When considering a future place of residence, it is important to learn in detail about the local culture and customs. Some features may attract, while others may repel.

In these Asian countries, you can live for a long time on tourist or study visas. The form for obtaining documents is quite simple. Of the advantages of living abroad in Asia:

  • affordable cost of housing;
  • good, inexpensive clothes;
  • cheap food.

Since 2016, Russians with a foreign passport can directly visit these Asian countries and see everything for themselves. A stamp in your passport that allows you to stay in the country for up to 30 days can be obtained directly at the airport.

"The place where the leader lives"

In 1871, the German traveler Karl Mauch, cutting through the thickets on the right bank of the Zambezi River, discovered majestic ruins, the likes of which no one has ever seen in Africa. Right in the jungle, overgrown and braided with creepers, there stood silently mighty walls built of hewn stone and built without any mortar, and round massive towers with a simple ornament of stripes.


Of course, this is only one of the hypotheses, one of many assumptions. There must have been hundreds of other reasons for the progress of human evolution. But the African geological catastrophes cannot be discounted. No wonder it was in Africa that the most ancient remains of humanoid creatures, hominids, were found. They are still very similar to monkeys, but they already stand firmly on two legs, live in a herd, hunt together and do not disdain meat food. Their remains differ from monkeys in something very significant, very important. So important that scientists, without classifying them as humans, cannot also attribute them to monkeys ...

Powerful defensive structures protected the dilapidated entrances inside. Who lived here? Who built these cyclopean fortifications in the very center of Africa - the “wild” continent, whose peoples, according to white researchers, did not know other buildings, except for adobe huts with leaf roofs?

When the traveler, accompanied by porters, went inside the building, he saw that behind the first circle of walls there was a second one, divided by stonework into small spaces. Here and there, numerous smelting furnaces, fragments of ore, slag and the remains of ancient melting crucibles caught my eye. Mauch moved from one crucible to another, carefully examining the remains of their contents. A few years ago, in the area between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers, he discovered rich gold placers. Suddenly, this find has something to do with the precious metal?

This is true! Some crucibles show traces of yellow metal. So, maybe he stumbled upon the ruins of the legendary country of Ophir - the country of gold? She was looked for in India, then in Africa, but was not found anywhere ...

A few years before Karl Mauch, the Englishman Adam Rendere visited these places. He briefly described some ruins of Zimbabwe, which in the Kaffir language meant "The place where the leader lives." But his article was ignored. But as soon as the word "gold" flashed in Karl Mauch's message, it immediately attracted greedy glances, especially in colonial England.

And when diamonds and gold were found in the land taken by the Boers from the Africans, the colonialists of Great Britain could not stand it. Once again, regular troops in British colonial uniforms crossed the frontiers to "help the Boers". The Anglo-Boer War began.

The entire European world sympathized with the colonists who fought against the English invaders. Few then thought that the Boers themselves took these lands from the local population. Only the belligerents knew and felt it. The British diligently set the African tribes against the Boers, and the Boers watched with alarm at the unreliability of their rear...

In the end, the colonists still had to lay down their arms and submit to the British. From the Boer republics and the British colonies a new state was formed - the Union of South Africa. His government began to support England in everything and organized a real terror directed against the local African population.

White minority politics in South Africa can be summed up in one word: APARTHEID. In the Afrikaans language, which is spoken by the descendants of the Boers - the inhabitants of South Africa (since 1961, the country has adopted the old name - the Republic of South Africa), this word means "separate existence of white and colored inhabitants of the country." At the same time, all the wealth and rights are in the hands of the "whites", and the lack of rights falls on the share of the "colored".

The lands of the Republic of South Africa turned out to be extremely rich in rare minerals. There is a lot of gold and platinum, uranium, antimony, manganese and chromium ores, excellent diamond mines. Has grown in the country and its own industry. The working class emerged. Every day the consciousness of the South African working class is growing, and the power of the democratic forces is growing. And no terror will stop the movement of those who defend the democratic rights of the peoples of the country. The imperialists know this. Know and fear...

Well, how did the story of the discovery of the mysterious stone complex of Zimbabwe - Places where the leader lives - end? For a long time, scientists did not know what to think. Hypotheses were put forward according to which these buildings were allegedly erected by visiting specialists from Asia or Europe. Or maybe they were built by aliens in general ...

Today, the ruins of Zimbabwe have been explored in the most advanced physical ways. Other buildings were found nearby, similar to the Place where the leader lives. Everywhere during the excavations, archaeologists found a lot of iron spearheads and arrowheads, hoes and axes, found shards of Persian faience dishes, Chinese porcelain and Arabic glass. This means that the people who lived within these walls were not only skilled builders, experienced metallurgists, but also enterprising merchants. Look from what distant countries goods were brought to them ...

When did the first settlements appear here? Precise physical instruments showed that the oldest buildings date back to the 6th century AD. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the ancestors of the modern Bantu peoples created the culture of Zimbabwe. And on its basis, around the 14th century, here, in the area between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers, an extensive state formation of Monomotapa was formed.

Few travelers who visited here in those days told real miracles. The king of Monomotapa was, according to them, so rich that he received guests sitting on a golden throne, and weighed golden dust with golden weights depicting various fish, insects and plants.

Oh, how the Portuguese and the Dutch, the Arabs, the British, the Indians and the French, the Persians, the Belgians, the Danes… wanted to get to the gold of Monomotapa! It didn't work! The fabulous riches of African kings remained legends. And when the first conquerors nevertheless penetrated the virgin forests, the cities turned out to be abandoned and overgrown with jungle. As in other countries of that era, African states were at war with each other. Some rose, others fell. Weakened by internal unrest and the struggle against the Portuguese colonialists, Monomotapa at the end of the 17th century was captured by the tribes of other African peoples, who were replaced by new conquerors. Large cities that stood on the banks of full-flowing rivers fell into decay. Trade routes are overgrown. The secrets of metal production were forgotten. But there was a time when life was in full swing here.

It is believed that it was in Africa that people first got acquainted with iron. No one on other continents had ever known this hard, refractory metal compared to copper and tin, but here bellows were already puffing, forges and furnaces were burning hot. Blacksmiths forged beautiful tools from the new metal, which were convenient for cultivating the land and harvesting.

In the western regions near the shores of the Gulf of Guinea, amazing varieties of velvet were made from the tender leaves of a banana tree. Today, his secret is irretrievably lost. They wove crease-resistant materials, shiny and flexible, like silk ... They carved wonderful sculptures from wood and ivory. And spears and bows were decorated with ornaments of such amazing beauty that they would worthily take a place in any armory. And what magnificent masks, gold pendants and bracelets were produced by black jewelers!

As in the rest of the world, the Black Continent developed its own original civilization, in no way inferior to either Asian or European cultures.

Foreign colonialists took it by surprise, trampled, destroyed it. They mixed the peoples of Africa, setting the boundaries of colonial possessions, regardless of the historically established national boundaries.

But the time of the colonial regime has passed. One by one, the young African states shake off the remnants of foreign domination and choose their fair path of development. Never again will the past return to the lands of Africa.