Distance between berlin and düsseldorf. Distance from Berlin to Dusseldorf. Closest airports to Berlin

You set out to overcome the distance from Berlin to Düsseldorf. Which of the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly and at the lowest cost as possible. One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the point of origin and the end point of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between Berlin and Düsseldorf. With a known average vehicle speed, it is possible to calculate the travel time with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question of how many kilometers between Berlin and Düsseldorf - 562 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 9 hours 22 minutes. The map is very easy to work with. The system itself will find the shortest distance and suggest the OPTIMUM route. The route from Berlin to Düsseldorf is shown in the diagram with a thick line. On the map you will see all the settlements that will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list of settlements along the Berlin - Düsseldorf highway at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you can quickly navigate in unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to get, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from Berlin to Düsseldorf and knowing how to get through difficult interchanges, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from Berlin to Düsseldorf.

Panorama of Berlin and Dusseldorf

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar terrain and get over the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Do not miss the details, check in advance on the map all the complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver who travels long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having built a route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has different modes. Use the result of the work of ordinary Internet users and refer to the "People's Map" mode. You may find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. A preliminary calculation of the time and the built route of the trip will help to meet the schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. Thus, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use while driving substances that cause alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error in measuring the level of alcohol in the blood is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while driving.
Good luck on the roads!

With the help of our website you can get directions from Düsseldorf to Berlin both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google service maps. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get from Düsseldorf (Germany) to Berlin (Germany) by car.

Distance between Düsseldorf and Berlin

If you go by road by car, then the distance between Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin is 559.3 km.

  • Travel time

    5 hours, 57 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and meals

  • Fuel consumption

    at a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at the cost of fuel 35 rubles per liter

  • straight-line distance

    distance between the centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Road distance

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

  • tell friends
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Fuel Consumption Calculator:


We have selected several options for air tickets for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account the price, time of departure. If you want to buy a cheap air ticket Dusseldorf - Berlin or for another route, then follow the link.

    (CGN) Cologne → (LEJ) Leipzig

    (CGN) Cologne → (LEJ) Leipzig

    (DUS) Düsseldorf → (LEJ) Leipzig

    (CGN) Cologne → (LEJ) Leipzig

    (DUS) Düsseldorf → (HAJ) Hannover

Train tickets

Looking for cheap train tickets in Berlin or Düsseldorf? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. .

bus tickets

Looking for cheap tickets for intercity or international buses in Berlin or Düsseldorf? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Tickets for intercity buses.

Closest airports to Berlin

  • Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
  • Dresden, Saxony, Germany.
  • Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
  • Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany.

Closest airports to Düsseldorf

  • Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
  • Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
  • Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
  • Eindhoven, North Brabant, The Netherlands.


Need to find and book an inexpensive hotel in Berlin or Dusseldorf? Our site has a convenient resource for online hotel booking. Just follow the link.

Berlin and Düsseldorf are separated by 478 km. If we count the distance along the highway, then it will be 558 km. Between the capital of Germany and one of its largest cities, there is a large flow of travelers every day. Therefore, a lot of transport runs along the route Düsseldorf - Berlin - Düsseldorf. Below we will tell you how to get from Düsseldorf to Berlin and back.

air travel

Some airlines offer direct flights between the cities of Düsseldorf and Berlin. These are Airberlin, Lufthansa and Germanwings. In fact, Lufthansa and Airberlin are the most realistic ways to fly in this direction - planes fly several times a day every day. The average price of a round-trip ticket for Lufthansa is at least 80 euros. Airberlin has 90 euros.

  • A direct flight will take an hour plus check-in at the airport (total 2.5-3 hours).

In addition to these airlines, you can fly to your destination with a transfer using Airfrance, KLM and other carriers. However, such tickets are often more expensive than direct flights, and the journey itself is longer.

ICE Express

ICE trains is a high-speed express that runs between the regions of Germany. If you travel from Düsseldorf to Berlin, then this is the most convenient and fastest train in this direction. It departs from Düsseldorf (station Dusseldorf Flugh) each hour. He arrives in Berlin 4 hours 15 minutes. The ticket price is highly dependent on the time of departure of the train. Early in the morning and late in the evening the ticket will cost 55 euro one way. If you travel during the day, the price of a one-way trip can rise up to 90 euro.

  • Ordinary regional trains practically do not run on the route. This is because their cost is about the same as that of express trains, but they travel to their destination 2 times longer.


Another way to travel from Düsseldorf to Berlin and back is by bus. Transportation between these cities is carried out by several companies: One Bus, Main Fern Bus and ADAC postbas. The cheapest tickets are sold by One Bus. A one-way trip will cost at least 20 euros. A bus departs from Düsseldorf from the main bus station to 14:45 and 23:45. From Berlin to 14:00 and 23:00.

The duration of the bus journey is at least 7 hours 40 minutes. Some flights arrive at their destination after 8 hours and 20 minutes. The main bus station in Düsseldor is located on Worringer Strasse, in Berlin, buses arrive and depart from the station Berlin ZOB Am.


If you have the opportunity or if you have your own, you can get from Düsseldorf to Berlin and back by car. The journey will take 4-5 hours. If you plan to travel on the weekend, due to traffic congestion, the trip will take a little longer. On weekdays, it is better to start the trip before 11 am. Starting from lunch the roads are busier.

You can try your luck and try to hitchhike from Düsseldorf to Berlin. This type of travel is popular in Germany among tourists. It is also the cheapest way to get to your destination. They often deliver for free.

Useful links and resources

Before you go on a trip, you need to plan it and, if possible, buy tickets in advance. This will make your trip as easy and convenient as possible.

To book air tickets, you can use the resources www.skyscanner.com and www.onetravel.com. If you have already chosen the airline whose services you are going to use, then you can go directly to their website. Often, airlines and resources that sell tickets vary the price based on your purchase history, so when ordering tickets online, it's better to do it in incognito mode (enabled in browser settings). This advice applies to hotel and car rental websites as well.

  • The resource www.eurolines.de offers complete information about bus schedules in different cities of Germany. On the site you can also buy the desired ticket.
  • The website www.goeuro.com provides complete information about trains and buses in Germany. Here you can buy a ticket with a minimum extra charge.

There is a useful resource for motorists (www.travelmath.com) who have never been to Germany before. Here you can find detailed road maps for the route Berlin - Düsseldorf, calculate the cost of the trip and see other useful information.