What categories will be open when replacing rights. When replacing a driver's license, one of the categories cannot be excluded at will

The editors of the portal GARANT.RU received a question about whether the driver, when replacing a driver's license, which gives the right to drive several categories Vehicle, voluntarily refuse one or some of them. For example, if he has not been driving a certain category of transport for a long time and is sure that such a need will not arise.

In addition, situations are possible when a driver changes a license that has categories B and C. And in order to extend category C, he needs to make an encephalogram of the brain, which is not necessary for category B. Additional expenses associated with this can be difficult for him. The situation will become even more complicated if the driver lives in a remote area and needs to go to the regional center to undergo encephalography.

We turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for clarification, and its position is as follows.

The department indicated that current rules there is no provision for exclusion of categories and subcategories of vehicles at the request of the applicant when replacing a driver's license (; hereinafter - the Rules). Accordingly, in order to issue a new driver's license, a citizen must provide Required documents, including, if required, a medical opinion on the presence or absence of medical contraindications, medical indications or medical restrictions on driving.

What documents do I need to submit to the State traffic inspectorate to pass the exam for the right to drive a car? Learn from the resource "Drive and Driver's License Exam" on "Home legal encyclopedia " Internet version of the GARANT system. Get free access for 3 days!

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia recalled that when replacing a driver's license, the corresponding marks and entries contained in a previously issued certificate are transferred to a new one (). At the same time, if the driver has medical restrictions that were not previously detected, then the new certificate contains information about the right to drive only those vehicles that are determined by the medical report. In other words, categories of transport can be excluded from a driver's license only on the basis of a medical report, according to which the driver cannot drive certain types of transport.

The agency also said that if, in accordance with the medical report, the driver, on the contrary, can return to driving a vehicle of one category or another, then the certificate will be issued without passing exams.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia noted that it is the right to drive vehicles that is confirmed by a driver's license, and its implementation is voluntary. That is, even if driving license several categories are indicated, this does not impose on its owner the obligation to drive vehicles of all these categories.

There are 6 main categories: A - motorcycles, B - cars, C - trucks, D - buses, M - mopeds, 4 subcategories: A1, B1, C1, D1, and special categories for driving vehicles with a trailer BE, CE, DE, C1E, D1E.

For example, a category B driver's license allows you to drive only passenger cars and does not allow you to drive fixed-route taxi or bus (for these vehicles you need a driver's license category D).

In addition, according to the latest legislative changes in 2014, subcategories of rights have appeared that impose additional restrictions on transport management. Tb / Tm - category for driving a trolleybus and tram, M - for driving ATVs and mopeds (if you have the rights of any other category, you can safely ride a moped). Category E, which was intended for trucks with trailers, no longer exists: it has been replaced by subcategories like BE, CE, DE, and so on.

A motorist has no right to drive a type of transport that does not correspond to the category indicated in his current driver's license.

If you have a passenger car and a trailer, but you do not have a subcategory for the latter, you will also be fined

Get a new category

If you decide to get a new category on your driver's license, you will need to follow these steps.

First you need to go through training and pass the exam for the appropriate category. Any driver will have to pass qualifying exams to open a new category or subcategory of a driver's license. Moreover, for each of the categories, the composition of the exams is determined separately.

Most often, drivers want to open category A or C when B is open, or category B when C is open.

List of examination stages required to open each of the categories or subcategories

Opening of categories A, M or subcategories A1, B1

H must be submitted:

1. Theoretical exam. Setexamination traffic rules tickets for the theoretical exam is the same as the set of tickets for category B.

  • exercise No. 1 - "overall corridor", "overall semicircle", "acceleration-deceleration";
  • exercise No. 2 - "snake", "rut board", "low speed control";
  • exercise number 3 - "overall eight".

1. Theoretical exam. The set of tickets for the theoretical exam is the same as the set of tickets for category A.
2. Practical exam on the circuit, which consists of three exercises for the choice of the examiner:

a) option 1:

  • exercise number 4 - "stopping and starting uphill";
  • exercise number 6 - "snake".

b) option 2:

  • exercise number 5 - "reverse parallel parking";
  • exercise number 7 - "reversal".

c) option 3:

  • exercise No. 4 - "stopping and starting off on the rise";
  • exercise number 6 - "snake";
  • exercise number 8 - "entrance to the box".

3. Practical exam in the city.

Opening of categories C, D or subcategories C1, D1

1. Theoretical exam. The set of tickets for the category C theoretical exam is the same as the sets for category D and category B-C(in case of simultaneous delivery to 2 categories).
2. Practical exam on the circuit, which consists of 3 exercises for the choice of the examiner:

a) option 1:

  • exercise No. 4 - "stopping and starting off on the rise";
  • exercise number 5 - "parallel parking in reverse";
  • exercise number 6 - "snake".

b) option 2:

  • exercise No. 4 - "stopping and starting off on the rise";
  • exercise number 5 - "parallel parking in reverse";
  • exercise number 7 - "reversal".

c) option 3:

  • exercise No. 4 - "stopping and starting off on the rise";
  • exercise number 6 - "snake";
  • exercise number 8 - "entry into the box".

3. Practical exam in the city.

Category E opening (BE, CE, C1E, DE, D1E)

1. Theoretical exam (exam tickets).
2. Practical exam on the circuit:

  • exercise No. 9 - "setting to the platform with the rear side";
  • exercise number 10 - "rectilinear movement in reverse."

3. Practical exam in the city.


I fully agree with the question of citizen Osipov, since I also fell under this meat grinder and, as I believe, my rights were violated. I also opened categories D and E in 2003 and in any traffic police, exams were taken for category E only on a truck with a trailer, and category D was opened when passing on a bus (usually LAZ and the like) and not in one unit of the traffic police was not bus with an accordion, since the presence of categories E and D already allowed to drive an articulated bus. It turns out that a person working as a bus driver on an articulated bus, when replacing a driver's license, loses these rights, and, accordingly, his job. That in my understanding it violates and infringes on his rights prescribed in the Constitution.

If the traffic police warned that it was necessary to take an exam on an articulated bus, an exam to possess the necessary categories in the future, then everyone would pass it, just as they would pass it on passenger car with a trailer to obtain the BE category, but this was not and was not provided for earlier. The presence of category E allowed me, in the "translation" to today's categories, to have categories BE, DE and CE in the presence of B, D, C

There are also a couple of court decisions in favor of the drivers, here:

And I own a cart for a passenger car, I calmly ride in the old wu. category A B. tomorrow you need to change the rights. and that's it, stomp to a driving school ???


letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 13/5-184 dated September 27, 2007


Dear Osipov, I also have to replace the VU and I also had ABCDEs open. Share and tell us how your ordeals ended?


driver's license categories B C D E. received in KazSSR. moved to Russia. Which car do you need to pass driving to get BE CE D categories


If, when applying to the REO for the replacement of the VU, you are refused (they do not comply with the instruction of the DOBDD of Russia No. 13/5-184 dated September 27, 2007), try contacting another REO, maybe even in the neighboring region now you can change not only by registration ( through the site you can send an appeal) I just changed it.


Please tell me when replacing a national wu with a Russian one, the law states that driving must be passed in the highest category. In which category should I take if the national wu category ABCDE

Alexei, if your certificate contains exactly such categories, then it does not correspond to . It's just that there can be no category E in modern rights.

41. Foreign national and international driving licenses that do not meet the requirements of international treaties Russian Federation in the field of security traffic, exchange for Russian national and international driving licenses not subject to.

Those. such a certificate in the traffic police will refuse to change.

Good luck on the roads!


It is necessary to change the VU to new sample. I have all categories open

Thank you in advance.

Anatoly, will open A, A1, B, B1, C, C1, D, D1, M. With a letter E, they are guaranteed to open those categories for which you once passed exams. Others may or may not open.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon Maxim! I have a question about the categories when replacing the VU.

Cat. "B" - 1985, cat. "C" - 1995, cat. "E" - 2002 (from "C" to "E"), cat. "D" - 2002 (from "C" to "D").

When replacing, I received a VU with cat. "B", "B1", "C", "C1", "D", "D1", "CE", "C1E". Should there be cat. "BE" if cat. "B" and "C" received before 2001.

If not, then when passing the exam for cat "BE" is the theory and practice surrendered or only practice ???

Similarly for cat. "DE" and "D1E", cat. "A" and "A1" surrender theory and practice or just practice???

Hello, please explain this situation, I went to change the rights to new ones in the old BCE and at the bottom in special marks it says E to BC Which categories will open category E was opened in 2006

Semyon, Hello.

Categories B, B1, BE, C, CE, C1, C1E must be open in the new license. Category M can also be opened if it is marked on the medical certificate.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon. Such a question arose, please tell me. W.u. category ABC. the docks from dsafa were lost. they made a replacement, issued a duplicate and there is a mark in the driver's card that BC. they will have to redo it, since A was not indicated by their oversight.??? And I need to make a replacement for the v.u. after the expiration of the term, how to be in such a situation so that category A is still open. Thank you in advance.

Yuri, Hello.

Currently, when replacing a driver's license, it is not required to provide a document confirming the completion of a driving school to the traffic police. All categories will be transferred to your new ID. The main thing is that they are open in .

Good luck on the roads!


The question is this Until 1988, there were rights with the categories ALL According to the situation of that time Who, before 1988, had a second class and one of the additional categories D or E One of these categories was opened automatically, that is, you hand over all the documents and pass the traffic rules and a practical exam So I opened category D For almost 30 years I have been working as a bus driver to change my license soon Will they open category D or not because I don’t have a certificate of training for category D Now there are other laws and another country

Sergey, if your current certificate has a category D, then it will be transferred without problems. The main thing is that this category should also be indicated in the medical certificate.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello, tell me, I unlearned to Eshka, what do I need when replacing rights? Thank you!

Ivan, Hello.

First you need to pass the exams for category E. After that, when replacing the certificate, it will be added to the new rights.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello! In 1996, I received cat B. In 2007, I immediately studied C and E with an E to B mark. When replacing rights, I received B B1 C C1 BE. It turns out now on the truck with a foot?

Why do you think so??? Continue driving without a license. After all, from 2007 to the present. went, but what has changed? As you did not have permission to drive a truck, and right now, no.


Why wasn't there? Disaccustomed, passed the exams for a semi-trailer received the rights of ALL but cat. E, as they said in the traffic police, is valid a year after receiving it. So I say that I calmly traveled all over the country and not a single Gayets even gave a hint that I have no right to that :-)