What does the word grotto mean. The meaning of the word Grotto in the Big Explanatory Dictionary online

There is something romantic in the word "grotto", isn't there? The crystal streams of a waterfall, bushes of flowering roses, a mysterious twilight and a beauty in a lace dress, waiting for her lover, appear in the imagination. In fact, "grotto" in French and Italian means "cave". And there is nothing romantic in the formation of such caves, although it could not have done without “crystal jets”.

Imagine a drop of water that falls on the same stone with enviable constancy. And this process does not last a day, not a year, but many centuries. What will happen? Quite right - a hole is formed in the stone. And if this restless drop is not alone? If there are millions of stubborn drops? For example, the waves of the ocean surf, which for centuries have been falling on coastal cliffs? Right! The hole will be very large, and it can be safely called a grotto.

Temperature drops come to the aid of restless drops. As you know, the water that winter found inside a rocky crack freezes, destroying this very crack, gradually turning the stone into sand, which is carried away by water flows. The dimensions of the cave-grotto will depend not only on the time of exposure and the strength of the wave, but also on the composition of the rocks. Most often, water, always containing some acid, dissolves the limestone, and the wind forms bizarre caves in the sandstone. The grotto differs from the cave in its wider entrance and shallower depth.

Speleologists who professionally study caves call underground halls grottoes, which can be reached along a narrow winding path. And glaciologists who professionally study glaciers use the term "grotto" to refer to a niche at the end of a glacial tongue.

An ordinary grain of sand carried by the wind can also become an active participant in the creation of grottoes. This tireless traveler with her companions is able to create bizarre sandstone formations of a completely futuristic appearance. Ufologists can seriously believe that the caves created by the wind are the work of alien tentacles.

I don't want to disappoint romantic readers. In the 18-19 centuries, artificial grottoes were created in the palace parks. Here there were vaulted ceilings, man-made ponds, picturesque stone bridges, various flower arrangements. It was in such grottoes that gentle dates of beauties with court cavaliers took place. Masterpieces of landscape and park design can still be admired in the Kuskovo estate, the Mon Repos Park Museum and many other famous architectural structures peace. By the way, in our time there are many companies that can be ordered to create a luxurious grotto in their own park.

Those readers who prefer maritime romance will not be disappointed either. If at the word "grotto" you imagined a beautiful brigantine dissecting azure waves ocean or a pirate flag over the deck of a frigate, they were not at all mistaken. In the rigging of these and other ships, the prefix “mainsail” denotes all accessories of the mainmast armament: mainmast, mainsail, mainsail, mainsail and others.

Favorable wind and pleasant dates in natural and man-made grottoes!

There are a lot of amazing places in the world, the beauty of which is simply mesmerizing. For each person, the most different objects. So, someone prefers seascapes, others - the greatness of the mountains, the rest just need to be in the forest to reunite with nature and feel happy. Truly unique place the grotto is also considered - a cave that has its own characteristics and secrets.

Characteristics of the cave

In nature, a cave is a cavity in the upper part of the earth's crust that has one or more openings. A long time ago, such unique gifts of nature were shelters for people. Today, caves are visited during excursions, or a person can rarely stumble upon them in the wild. Many are interested in what a grotto is. In fact, this is also a cave, but there is one important difference - it is shallow. In addition, the grotto has a wide entrance, a vaulted ceiling and, as a rule, looks like a large and spacious hall inside.

Grotto features

Before the formation of a cave, certain events necessarily occur, which are the cause of the emergence of grottoes. The latter may appear as a result of erosion. When surface waters are washed away, depressions are formed with a narrow passage and a wide hall inside. As a rule, grottoes can be found near the seas and rivers. Coastal surf - main reason their education.

Particularly interesting is the question of what a grotto is for tourists, who often meet with the creations of nature. So, in the desert you can meet small cave, which was formed under the influence of wind erosion. As for the grottoes karst origin, then these are relic depressions. They arise on the basis of the once huge and massive caves, which collapsed, and small fragments remained, forming a unique grotto. It can be found near rocks or in limestone cliffs. In the karst grottoes, one can find a source consisting of flowing streams.

grotto cave

To get a better idea of ​​what a grotto is, it is worth visiting a valley not far from (the territory of Crimea). There is unique cave Chokurcha, which has rightly been called the most ancient dwelling in all of Europe. At times Soviet Union Neanderthal skeletons and mammoth bones were found inside the grotto. In addition, there were the remains of ancient animals, such as a rhinoceros, a giant deer, and a grotto stretched to a depth of fifteen meters. Photo of the cave today is a real rarity, but unique shots show how ancient the walls and surrounding elements are.

Also interesting are among which you can often find the image of the sun, fish and mammoths. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the grotto was awarded the status natural monument, whose value reached the world level. To the deepest regret, today it is impossible to visit because its condition is bad and dangerous to human life. Even if the grotto is abandoned, everyone still remembers it and dreams of visiting its gates.

Grotto - part of the cave

To immediately decide what a grotto is, you just need to look around in the cave. It can be easily recognized by its landslide origin. Since the grotto is susceptible to erosion, namely, it is most often destroyed by water, the rock begins to gradually crumble. Parts that fall to the ground are dissolved or carried away by the current. As a result, a void is formed.

You can often find a park structure that is artificially close to a natural grotto. For the first time, the Italians dared to imitate the cave, using it in the landscape gardening area. And it really is a decoration of the whole landscape!

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    grotto- grotto, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Husband. cave, nativity scene, exit, basement, dungeon, dug and decorated or natural. Grotto entrance. II. GROT male., marine. on sailing ships, a large straight sail, on the lower yard of the middle mast; oblique or storm grotto, a triangular sail at the bottom of the same ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (Dutch groot, from German gross big). A large straight sail tied to the lower yard of the main mast. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. GROT (Italian grotta). Cave. Dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (1. Main sail. 2. Main) 1. Straight sail, the lowest on the second mast from the bow (main mast). Tied to the mainsail. 2. A word added to the names of the yards, sails and rigging located above the mainmast of the main mast. Samoilov K. I. Marine ... ... Marine Dictionary

    1. GROT, a; m. [ital. grotta] A shallow cave with a wide entrance; a park structure in the form of such a cave. Natural city Artificial city 2. GROT, a; m Mor. Lower straight sail on the main mast. * * * grotto (French grotte), 1) a shallow cave with ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (from Dutch groot, lit. large) (mor.). The first part of the complex maritime terms denoting the accessories of the main mast, for example. mainsail topsail (second from the bottom sail on the middle mast), mainsail staysail (sail stretched between the mainsail and foremasts). ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Nikolai Yakovlevich (born April 16, 1852, St. Petersburg - died May 23, 1899) Russian. philosopher, professor (since 1886), chairman of the Moscow Psychological Society (since 1888). In every philosophical movement, he sought to highlight the grain of truth contained in it, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    grotto- a, m. grotte f. it. grotta goal. grotto Cave. Sl. 18. Grotta, in other words, a cave. RGL 40. In the grotto of this forest sat an interpreter of future human cases. Note. Vedas. 1738 149. Not a source, but a noisy river pours out of this native grotto. IN … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - [from goll. groot big] The first part of compound words. Mor. Indicates the accessories of the main mast. Mainsail topsail (second from the bottom sail on the middle mast); mainsail (a sail stretched between the mainsail and foremast) ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • J. K. Grot. Some data for his biography and characterization. With the attachment of some documents related to the anniversaries of Yakov Karlovich in 1882 and 1892. and a bibliographic list of his works, trans., Grot Ya.K. (about him).. The book is a reprint edition of 1895. Although serious work has been done to restore the original quality of the edition, some pages may…

Thinking about the question of what a grotto is, you will notice that come to mind great views endless sea, sandy beaches, secluded shelters in the rocks, immersed in greenery. The beauty of such places fascinates, makes them attractive to visit. not without reason hiking trails laid so that you can look into them.

The relief in the form of a recess with a fairly large and wide entrance is called "grotto". Photos of such natural places can be seen in the article. However, the grotto is not always a natural relief. There are other types as well. Apart from natural origin, grottoes are artificial. They are created by people.

The natural grotto is a work of nature

Consider how a natural grotto is formed. Here, such natural factors like water, wind, sea salt, waves, tides.

A grotto can form for the following reasons:

  • mechanical way. Waves hitting the rocks gradually break off pieces of stones. Gradually, the recess becomes larger and larger. A grotto appears, a deepening.
  • Niches arose in a similar way in desert places without the participation of water. Under the influence of winds, a grotto appeared in the rocks. Wind speed values ​​must be high. Therefore, relief recesses arose in desert places with a small amount of vegetation.

  • Education often takes place in rocks from limestone. This material is quite soluble in water. Inside the caves, under the action of groundwater, limestone swells, softens and becomes less durable. It collapses under its own gravity. So in the caves there is an open vaulted space - a grotto. This place is often decorated with intricate reliefs - stalactites.
  • If it hit limestone sea ​​water, then relief potholes appeared faster. Salt corrodes this mineral well.

Grotto and cave - is it the same thing?

It is enough to look at appearance to understand the difference between a grotto and a cave. At the grotto, the entrance is much wider and more spacious. It can be so wide that it houses small cafes. However, unlike the cave, this place is shallow, its area is limited. A cave may not necessarily have one entrance. It's narrow. The cave itself extends far enough, up to several kilometers. There may be grottoes inside it. As you can see, there are no major differences. Both that and another - dredging, deepenings. In both cases, they occur in rocks. Therefore, there are much more similarities than differences.

Use of grotto niches

The history of the use of depressions in mountains and rocks began long before our time. Primitive people found shelter and protection in them. Speleologists, discovering new caves, find grottoes in them indicating that primitive people lived in them. These are expressive drawings, remains of fireplaces, dishes.

Animals still use them today. Often you can meet a flock of bats, comfortably located under the arch. Modern ways the uses of grottoes by humans are similar. This is a shelter, but no longer a home. On the coast in nooks and crannies you can find cozy and at the same time stylish modern cafes and restaurants.

Artificially created grottoes

What is a grotto in the interior? It serves for convenience and comfort. Such structures are a design move for decoration:

  • personal plot;
  • parka;
  • places of worship;
  • home interior, cafe, restaurant, sauna;
  • fountain;
  • aquarium.

The grotto niche serves as a place for rest. In the shadow of the arch you can find solitude, peace. IN landscape design arches are decorated with various plants, flower beds. Nearby there may be a pool, a waterfall, a cozy bench. Houses use miniature versions. Together with a fountain and lighting, they are created as a decoration and a way to humidify the air in the room.

In aquariums, grottoes are arranged for fish. This is not only a decorative element. In them, aquarium fish hide in case of danger, find shelter from bright light, lay eggs. If desired, a small grotto can be made independently.

How to make a grotto niche yourself

It is not difficult to make a grotto on a personal plot with low costs and abilities in building a grotto. To do this, you can follow the following instructions:

  • After looking closely at the site, choose a suitable place so that the grotto fits well into the ensemble. It is better if it is a small hill.
  • Decide on the size. For a small area, a small grotto is suitable.
  • Remove the top layer of soil. Level the site.
  • Make drainage, drain.

  • Build a frame. If the niche is low, you can use ready-made concrete half rings.
  • If you need a larger size, make the frame yourself from gravel and cement.
  • Don't forget the foundation. It must be installed without fail, even under a small grotto. This will strengthen the entire structure.
  • Decorate with stone, shells.
  • Plant suitable plants nearby. good option will be curly.

With such a relief landscape decoration, you can enjoy the silence in comfort and coziness.

The meaning of the word Grotto according to Efremova:
Grotto - 1. A shallow cave with a wide entrance.
2. Park building in the form of such a cave.

The lowest straight sail on the second mast from the bow (main mast).

The meaning of the word Grotto according to Ozhegov:
Grotto - A shallow cave with a wide entrance

Grotto in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
Grotto - (French grotte) - 1) a shallow cave with a vaulted ceiling and a wide entrance. 2) Expansion of the cave after the narrow passage. 3) A niche in the end glacier. 4) Construction in European parks 16th-18th centuries (in Russia since the 18th century), an artificial cave.

Nikolai Yakovlevich (1852-99) - Russian philosopher. Son of Ya. K. Grot. Professor of Moscow University (since 1886), chairman of the Moscow Psychological Society, founder and editor of the journal Questions of Philosophy and Psychology (since 1889). He evolved from positivism to the construction of metaphysics based on the data of experimental science (the so-called monodualism).
Yakov Karlovich (1812-93) - Russian philologist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1856). Works on the history of Swedish and Finnish literature, Scandinavian folklore and mythology, Russian literature, grammar, lexicology and lexicography. He established the norms of Russian spelling, which remained with minor changes until the orthographic reform of 1918.

The meaning of the word Grotto according to the marine dictionary:
Grotto - 1. Common name middle (highest) mast sailing ships. 2. A straight sail, the lowest on the second mast from the bow (mainmast), is tied to the mainsail. 3. A word added to the names of yards, sails and rigging located above the main mast.

The meaning of the word Grotto according to the numismatist's dictionary:
Grotto - Low German name for a grosz.

The meaning of the word Grotto according to Ushakov's dictionary:
GROTTO, grotto, m. (goal. groot) (mar.). Lower straight sail on the main mast.

GROTTO, grotto, m. (it. grotta). Cave, prev. artificial. There were several cool grottoes in the park.

The meaning of the word Grotto according to Dahl's dictionary:
m. on sailing ships, a large straight sail, on the lower yard of the middle mast; oblique or storm grotto, triangular sail at the bottom of the same mast, during strong storm; | on rowboats: almost the same big sail on the middle mast. For explained

m. cave, nativity scene, exit, basement, dungeon, dug and decorated or natural. Grotto entrance.

Definition of the word "Grotto" according to TSB:
George (11/17/1794, Kent - 6/18/1871, London), English historian of antiquity. G.'s main work on history Ancient Greece from ancient times to 301 BC. e., was distinguished for its time by the brightness and completeness of the presentation of the material. He studied mainly political history; highly idealized Athenian democracy. Considering the early Greek history from the positions of hypercriticism, G. denied the reliability of events up to the 8th century. BC e.; modernized the history of ancient Greece.
Cit.: History of Greece, 5 ed., v. 1-10, L., 1888; Plato and the other companions of Sokrates, 2 ed., v. 1-3, L., 1867; Aristotle, v. 1-2, L., 1872; Fragments on ethical subjects, L., 1876; The minor works, L., 1873.
Lit .: Buzeskul V.P., Introduction to the history of Greece, 3rd ed., P., 1915, p. 270-81; Vasilevsky V. G., A look at the history of Athenian democracy, "Journal of the Ministry of National Education", 1867, part 134, p. 87-145.
L. N. Kazamanova.

Grotto - Nikolai Yakovlevich, Russian idealist philosopher. Son of J.K. Grot. Professor at Moscow University (since 1886), chairman of the Moscow Psychological Society, first editor of the journal
"Questions of Philosophy and Psychology" (since 1889). G. evolved from a positivist rejection of philosophy (Relation of Philosophy to Science and Art, 1883) to attempts to create an independent system, using for this, in particular, elements of the philosophy of J. Bruno, I. Kant, A. Schopenhauer, and E. Hartmann. The early psychological work of G.
(“Psychology of feelings ...”, 1879-80) reveal the influence of the reflex theory of I. M. Sechenov. In the future, G. sought to build a doctrine of the interaction of mental and material processes, introducing the concept of mental energy, which brings his concept closer to the energyism of W. Ostwald. G. sought to prove the existence of God, acting as one of the forerunners of Vehovstvo (see "Milestones")
and god-seeking.
Works: Main points in the development of new philosophy, M., 1894; Giordano Bruno and pantheism. Od., 1885; Philosophy and its general tasks. Sat. Art., St. Petersburg. 1904.
Lit .: Nikolai Yakovlevich Grot ..., St. Petersburg, 1911 (bibl. available).
Grot - Yakov Karlovich, Russian philologist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1856). Professor at the University of Helsingfors (1840-52), professor at the St. Petersburg Lyceum (1852-1862). Author of works on the history of Swedish and Finnish literature, on Scandinavian folklore and mythology, translations of Scandinavian poets, as well as studies on Russian literature:
"Pushkin, his lyceum comrades and mentors" (1887, 2nd edition 1899), "Krylov's literary life", "Essay on the life and poetry of Zhukovsky" (1883). Published "Works of G. R. Derzhavin with explanatory notes by J. Grot"
(vols. 1-9, 1864-83) and others. Philological Researches (vols. 1-2, 1873, 4th edition 1899) are devoted to Russian grammar and lexicology. Great importance had the work Russian Spelling (1885, 22nd edition, 1916), which established the norms of Russian spelling, which remained with minor changes until the spelling reform of 1918. In 1891, under the leadership of G., an academic
"Dictionary of the Russian language" (participated in three issues - letters A-D).
Cit.: Proceedings, ed. K. Ya. Grota, vol. 1-5, St. Petersburg, 1898 -1903; Correspondence of Ya. K. Grot with P. A. Pletnev, vol. 1-3, St. Petersburg, 1896.
Lit .: Grotto K. Ya., Materials for the biography of acad. Ya. K. Grota, St. Petersburg, 1912; In memory of acad. J. K. Grota. 1812-1893, St. Petersburg, 1913; Vinogradov V. V., Russian science of the Russian literary language, “Uch. app. Moscow State University. 1946, c. 106, v. 3, book. 1; Zeitlin R. M., Brief essay on the history of Russian lexicography, M., 1958, ch. 7.
R. M. Zeitlin.
J. K. Grot.
Grotto - Janis Janisovich Grots, Latvian Soviet poet. Born into a peasant family. G. entered Latvian. poetry as a romantic, a rebel against bourgeois reality, ardently asserting the future of mankind (the collection Spring Waters, 1925, Evening Clouds, 1930, etc.).
He wrote satirical plays about bourgeois Latvia (“Hello to free Latvia!”, 1930), lyric-romantic dramas (“Pushkin”, 1937; “Stenka Razin”, 1932, etc.). By the end of the 30s. his poetry becomes sad, tired
(“In deep snow”, 1939). Motifs of friendship among peoples and philosophical reflections resound in G.'s poems from the Soviet years (the collection Morning Hour, 1946; Evening Stories in the Village, 1959). G.'s poetry is distinguished by sincerity and musicality.
Cit.: Kopoti raksti, sēj. 1-6, Riga, 1968-1971.
Lit.: Essay on Latvian Soviet Literature. Riga, 1957.
I. V. Kirshentale.
Grotto (French grotte, from Italian grotta)
1) a shallow cave with a vaulted ceiling and a wide entrance; 2) expansion of the cave after a narrow passage; 3) a niche at the end of the glacial tongue, from which melt waters flow.
Grotto - in architecture, a type of park structure (sometimes in the form of a pavilion), the masonry and decoration of which (shells, tuff, sea ​​stones) mimic a natural cave. G. were especially widespread in Europe. garden and park architecture of the 17th-18th centuries. (in Russia - since the 18th century).
Grotto in the Alexander Garden in Moscow. 1820-22. Architect O. I. Bove.