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Compiling a European protocol on your own, signing and leaving is an obvious time saving and necessary convenience. A large number of accidents consists of a minor category of accidents with minor damage to vehicles. Often this is a collision in a parking lot, a collision of vehicles at low speed, when driving near traffic lights, or on sharp turns, bridges.
According to the new traffic rules, drivers have the right to file minor accidents without calling inspectors. But there are certain nuances, after the European protocol has been drawn up on the spot, it is required no later than five days, be sure to contact the insurance company. If this line expires, insurers have the right to refuse assistance. Consider this important fact!

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What is Europrotocol?

The Europrotocol is a document according to which it is possible to issue an insured event under OSAGO by participants in an accident. In a deep understanding, this is a simplified procedure for fixing an accident, in which there are no injured people, the participants of which are only two cars and who have OSAGO poles, and they also have minor damage to the cars of the two parties who managed to agree with each other.

The advantages of this procedure:

  • saving time (no need to wait for the arrival of the inspector, and by virtue of their ability to independently assess what happened);
  • simple design system;
  • there is no need to pay fines to traffic police inspectors.

In the event of an accident, you are required to fill out the Europrotocol form - notice of the accident. It consists of two parts: the front side and the back. The first part should carry information about the nature of what happened, about the owners of vehicles. The other part is copying yellow paper. Therefore, car owners fill out only one form for two, this does not affect the result of the work of the insurance company.

The procedure for filling out the points is quite simple, the main ones are:

  • vehicle data;
  • place, time, date;
  • information about the participants and witnesses of the accident;
  • information about insurance companies.
  • the location of the initial impact;
  • characteristics of damage (localization, size, assessment);
  • special remarks of the victim;
  • circumstances (description of the reasons for the collision of cars);
  • here it is necessary to schematically depict the crash site with the contours of the road, traffic lights and other data that may be important in the proceedings.

In unnecessary lines on the forms, put long dashes or the letter Z so that nothing can be added. Having filled in all the stanzas, it is necessary for both participants to confirm what was written with a signature. In case of damage to the form, it is necessary to fill out a new one, without defects. If one of the parties refused to fill out the European protocol, then the deal is broken, you need to contact the traffic police.

In connection with the innovations, since July 1, 2015, the procedure for registering an accident has changed slightly. In case of minor damage to vehicles, the analysis of the accident should be carried out outside the area traffic so as not to create inconvenience on the roadway. Competitors must, as soon as possible, leave the place of movement of transport, because this violation entails the payment of a fine. According to the OSAGO rules, it is necessary to properly file an accident:

  • involved in the accident are two vehicles;
  • the form is filled out independently if there is a CMTPL pole on both sides;
  • a deal is made provided that no harm is done to other machines and both parties come to a common opinion.

If the cause of the accident is the inadequate state of one of the parties, in this case it is recommended not to draw up documents on your own, but to contact the traffic police.

Please note that you draw up the European protocol yourself, which means that the form must always be in the car! You can get them for free from your insurance companies. But also blank notice forms can be downloaded from the Internet, but there will not be a second side that must be copied - and this is mandatory. But it is possible, as an option, to fill out two copies (forms) in case of an accident, but insurance companies may react negatively to this and even refuse to pay.

Europrotocol for road accidents 2014-2015. Design rules

During an accident, the main thing is not to panic. Your actions:

  • stop and put out an emergency sign;
  • in no case do not remove the traces of the accident and approximately estimate the amount of damage;
  • if possible, collect the contacts of witnesses;
  • taking pictures: group photo the scene of the accident, traces of braking, debris, broken parts, both cars from all sides and necessarily their numbers, as well as individual damaged parts of the vehicles.

The Europrotocol drawn up by you will be valid if:

  • no casualties (drivers, pedestrians);
  • two drivers are involved in the accident;
  • both have an insurance policy;
  • drawn up "Notice of the accident";
  • both sides have no disagreement.

In most regions of Russia, you can independently draw up a European protocol only for small accidents, when the maximum amount of damage is no more than 50 thousand rubles. But in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the damage can be equal to 400,000 rubles, provided that there is a video recorder recording the time, date, coordinates of the car, as well as acceleration, braking and impacts. Such strict requirements of insurance companies have been in force since 2016. An exception for those who purchased the OSAGO pole before August 2, 2014 is the maximum compensation for damage - 25 thousand rubles. The perpetrator undertakes to reimburse the insurer for the entire amount if he:

  • belatedly briefed the insurance company on the disaster;
  • engaged in car repairs earlier than 15 days from the date of the accident;
  • refused to submit his vehicle for examination.

If there is not enough money to repair the victim’s car, or other damages are found that were not mentioned in the notice, the perpetrator undertakes to pay for the repair on their own, either voluntarily or with the help of the court.

The rules that must be observed by each driver in the execution of the Europrotocol in case of an accident 2017-2018:

  • when filling out, it is recommended to use a ballpoint pen;
  • the notice has two sides, each of the drivers fills out his column on both sides;
  • at the end of filling, the copies must be divided and certified by the signatures of both drivers.

Within five days, you must contact the insurance company and provide them with the following package of certificates: a copy of the notice of the accident, an application for compensation for losses, an electronic media with information about the accident (if necessary), a statement that the video, photo on the media were not subject to change . The insurance company, having received the documents, sends an application to the culprit of the accident, which he must confirm, after which the insurance company pays the money. You can familiarize yourself with the sample European protocol in case of an accident 2017-2018 and the rules for registration in more detail, and find answers to additional questions on the website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

Europrotocol is a victory for justice

In order for the case to be won in favor of the victim, it is necessary not only to correctly fill in all the fields of the notice, but also to correctly draw up an accident diagram. To do this, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • external design: use a blank A4 sheet (if available), in extreme cases, an expanded notebook sheet is also suitable - this scale will allow you to describe the situation in more detail, depict the scene only with a pen, in no case with a pencil (it can be wiped off);
  • name (Road accident scheme);
  • the area (if possible, draw everything to the smallest detail - houses, direction of cars, street names, stops, shops, if there is evidence of witnesses - they should also be displayed) - this will all help prove the guilt of the other side.

Under the scheme, if there are signs, there should be their decoding so that there are no unnecessary questions from the insurance company or the traffic police. There are also cases (prescribed in the legislation) when calling the traffic police is essential. This is a case where only one car was damaged and people were injured in addition. Also, if one of the drivers is not in a sober state, you should refuse to fill out the protocol yourself. When the damage to the car is serious enough, and there is not enough money to compensate for the damage, be sure to contact the special authorities. Only under this condition is it possible to obtain the maximum insurance payment, but according to OSAGO, the victim does not have the right to dispute the amount received. It is worth paying attention to the date of issue of the pole of the second participant - this will determine the maximum or minimum amount payments.

An insurance company may refuse to pay if:

  • the notice contains the signature of only one party;
  • information in the Europrotocol is not readable (corrupted by external factors, for example, ink has blurred, water has spread, etc.);
  • the poles on both sides are invalid or forged;
  • data from both sides are in disagreement;
  • the side of the culprit is not included in the CMTPL pole;
  • the personal data of the parties are incorrectly indicated in the notice.

OSAGO is compulsory vehicle insurance, which can be registered even online. Be sure to indicate the drivers who have the right to use the car. If an unlimited number of such is indicated, then you can drive the car with a driver's license. Failure to register for an insurance policy is punishable by a fine of 500 to 800 rubles. It is also necessary to renew the OSAGO policy two months before the expiration of the insurance. What gives us this pole? Very important - the perpetrators of the accident do not need to pay for car repairs, the insurer compensates for the damage to the affected objects. The cost of this insurance depends on:

  • places of registration;
  • period of operation of the vehicle;
  • engine power;
  • age and number of authorized car owners;
  • tariffs set by insurers;
  • insurance tariff rates (set by the Central Bank).

The most common mistakes made by drivers when applying for a Europrotocol are:

  • incorrect filling of the item "Circumstances of an accident". Often this point causes controversy and doubts about the veracity;
  • the absence of a diagram at all (many car owners believe that it is not needed and do not depict it, and some draw only two cars and nothing more);
  • doubts about the importance of filling out the European protocol (drivers believe that it is easier to pay a fine of 1 thousand rubles than to pay extra for the repair of the affected car later).

In connection with amendments to the law, from January 1, 2017, all insurance companies are required to issue electronic MTPL certificates. In the event that this becomes temporarily impossible due to malfunctions, the insurers undertake to report this immediately. A new fine has also been set for non-compliance with the registration of the OSAGO pole - 300 thousand rubles.

Very often, car drivers poorly and inaccurately fill in the accident notification forms, incorrectly assess the situation, damage to cars, which leads to a deplorable result - failure. Such a concept as a refusal to pay an insurance company is a fairly common case.

What are the reasons for refusal?

  1. documentary errors. Unfortunately, the law does not provide for an exact list of documents that must be provided to the insurer. Usually this is an accident notice, registration certificate, passport, driver's license, claims for damages. But in the interests of the insurance company, there may be another list of documents, in particular, those that are almost impossible to get. The situation is the same when, according to the insurer, the documents were provided with violations, since many forms were not approved by law.
  2. The court's decision. When the court decides to pay damages individual, legal in this case refuses to pay. This situation arises when a lawsuit is filed against the perpetrator, and a criminal case is opened. Then the insurance company decides to go against the law and refuse to pay for the damage.
  3. Illegal use of a vehicle. This explanation is found by the company in the fact that the car belongs to legal entity and managed by a subordinate. Very often, in order to save money, a car is not registered according to the rules or a lease agreement is not notarized.
  4. insurance event. The case is a little strange: insurers believe that a collision of a car in motion with a car without motion is not a disaster. As a result, there is no accident - there is no compensation for damage.
  5. passive insurance companies. You submitted the entire package of documents, passed the required deadlines, but there is no answer. This veiled rejection method is very common among unscrupulous insurance companies. Unfortunately, here you need to fight for your rights with the help of a professional lawyer.

If a collision has already occurred, the parties have the right to leave the scene of the accident if:

  • no casualties;
  • no disagreement;
  • there is a photo or video of the scene of the incident;
  • the car was damaged during parking (or in similar situations);
  • minor accident.

Note! Photo or video filming must reflect what is happening after the incident within 60 minutes and contain the following information: registration plates of vehicles or identification numbers, individual places of damage on cars close-up, placing a car with other objects of movement or houses (shops), registration plate of a witness of the incident (if he was in the car).

In the absence of these factors, the culprit who left the scene of the incident must be punished, because this is a gross offense. The most common punishment options are either deprivation driving license up to 2 years, or administrative arrest up to 15 days. The right to choose belongs only to the court after consideration of the case. But there are some nuances: persons who will be punished only in the form of deprivation of rights:

  • pregnant women;
  • women with children under the age of fourteen;
  • persons under the age of eighteen;
  • disabled people of І, ІІ groups;
  • military personnel;
  • employees of internal affairs bodies, fire service, customs authorities.

In most cases, judges revoke a driver's license without giving the violator the right to choose. But still the need for legal advice necessary.

Algorithm of actions and documents without Europrotocol

Witnesses need to be found before the incident can be traced. Collect their data, and already drawing a diagram - confirm it with the signatures of witnesses! After that, it is necessary to fix the place of the accident, damage to the vehicle using a video or photo; and only after these actions remove the affected car from the roadway (remember otherwise - this is a gross offense!); Having collected all the necessary data, you can already contact the traffic police. This means that the scheme of actions is as follows: a collision occurred, the culprit was found (who voluntarily admitted his guilt), witnesses were found who confirmed the correctness of the data, we fix the accident (photo, video), then joint execution of the protocol by both parties, evaluate the amount of damage, confirm what was written with signatures, draw up the correct scheme with all the details, the victim gives the collected package of documents to his insurance form for damages and in no case repairs the car immediately after the accident.

Having familiarized ourselves with all the rules, the nuances of behavior during an accident, we find such advantages self-registration protocol:

  • saving time in case of minor accidents;
  • the absence of a protocol from the traffic police, which obliges the parties to pay a fine or leads to the deprivation of a driver's license;
  • if you file a case yourself, you can quickly fill everything out and contact the insurance company for payment;
  • the culprit does not bear administrative responsibility.

"Unlimited Protocol" provides: payment within 400,000 rubles, registration of a pole in any region of the country, the place of an accident - Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, the fact is fixed by shooting with the use of global satellite systems.

With the attractive advantages of compiling this document, there is an indisputable risk:

  • inadequate assessment of what happened;
  • strict rules for registration of the protocol (any mistake will lead to the refusal of payment);
  • the document is filled out exclusively in one copy (giving it to insurers, the parties are left without documents);
  • in the event of a shortage of money for repairs, the culprit undertakes to cover this difference on his own;
  • the risk of insurers refusing to pay out.

In fact, there will be a fairly strong guarantee of fairness when uniform accident notification forms are approved by the government (so that insurance companies can no longer refuse to pay for this reason). Devices for fixing the incident will be available to every car owner, insurers will become more serious about the treatment of both parties to the violation and pay everything to the maximum, drivers will gain experience to fill out the protocol correctly and more detailed and accurate. Without this, we observe traffic jams, and injustice in solving the problem.

In Russia, the registration of the protocol has received quite serious popularity since 2015. According to statistics, every year the number of such completed documents increases by 20%. According to the results of the survey, 25% of drivers already have experience in drawing up a report, they consider it very convenient and good option settle the misunderstanding and clear the roadway. This suggests that drivers have become bolder in their actions, in the ability to settle everything on their own and prove their case. Draw up a European protocol - perfect solution problems on our roads.

So you learned how the European protocol is drawn up in case of an accident in 2017-2018 and the basic rules for its execution.

Video of registration of the Europrotocol without calling the traffic police

The process of registering a traffic accident with the help of drawing up a European protocol has been operating in the Russian Federation relatively recently. In practice, this option of settling losses in case of an accident is not very common among our motorists in 2019. Today, the question remains how to draw up a European protocol in case of an accident in 2019, what should be the filling in of this document, what is the process for obtaining the insurance amount?

What is the Europrotocol?

This document is a form of self-registration of an accident in order to receive compensation from insurers without calling the traffic police. You can draw up a European protocol, having received the following advantages:

  • You won't waste time waiting for road workers;
  • You will not create a traffic jam, thereby creating a difficult passage for other cars.

The advantages, as you can see, are significant, so every driver should see at least once a sample of how to correctly fill out the European protocol in case of an accident.

How to draw up a Europrotocol?

The form of the Europrotocol in case of an accident is filled in with a ballpoint pen. Filling is carried out by both drivers. A column is assigned for each, each driver fills out the document return independently. After that, both samples must be separated, put a signature on the front side.

You should also sign the consent and the data. On the reverse side, the participant who owns this copy must put his “autograph”. If any adjustments are made, each driver certifies each change by signing.

Rules for filling out the Europrotocol at the accident site

  1. The first step is to roughly assess the extent of the damage received.
  2. Discuss the situation with the other driver, reach a common agreement.
  3. If both drivers reached an agreement, and according to visual inspection, the damage amounted to no more than 25 thousand rubles. Then you can start preparing the form.
  4. Call the insurance company (phone number on OSAGO policies) and notify about the insured event.
  5. Next, you should enter the data in the notice of the incident, which is complete with the papers of the OSAGO policy for two drivers,
  6. Exchange addresses and contact numbers with each other.
  7. Deliver the completed form with the signatures of both participants in the accident to the insurance companies.
  8. You need to start repairing your own car no earlier than the second, injured driver, receives the amount of the payment from the insurers.

When you can not draw up a European protocol

There are cases when you still can’t do without the traffic police and you don’t have to draw up a European protocol. This service you will definitely have to call if the “victims” have only one car. This can happen if the car was damaged as a result of a blow to a garage or a pole.

Also, you won’t have to draw up a European protocol if the car accidentally touched a neighboring one in a traffic jam. In other cases, everyone decides for himself how to act correctly, draw up this document, or still call the traffic police.

You can leave the scene of an accident:

  • If there are no casualties;
  • If there are no disputes between both drivers;
  • If the accident is not serious, then you can contact the traffic police by phone and report in detail about all the nuances of the accident;
  • If the car was damaged due to touching a small obstacle or when parking;
  • If the incident was captured in a photo or video.

If the drivers reached a common opinion and decided to draw up this document, then they can save their time. Therefore, in 2019, more and more drivers give their preference to just this option for resolving a problem that happened on the road.

Making an accident according to this document is not at all complicated. To do this, you need to download and look at the sample of filling out the European protocol for an accident in order to enter the data into it correctly. The document explains in detail the circumstances, as well as the scheme of the accident, personal data about yourself, information about the vehicle, and also indicates the damage that was caused or received during the accident.


We fill in the European protocol in case of an accident

In the event of an accident on the road, the legislation provides for the possibility of registering an accident without the traffic police. This method of fixing an accident is possible if the parties to the accident have found a compromise solution on this issue. But it is also important to know how to draw up the Europrotocol correctly.

How to file an accident without the participation of the traffic police

Legislation in some cases, subject to certain conditions, allows for the possibility of registering an accident without the traffic police.

Conditions that allow you to do this:

  • participants in the accident had to conclude an OSAGO insurance contract.
  • as a result of an accident, only damage caused to property is allowed (in case of damage to health or life, this method of fixing an accident is not acceptable);
  • all parties to the accident must agree on the circumstances of the accident and record this fact in the notice of the accident.
  • The victim does not object to the fact that OSAGO insurance payments, which will be paid as compensation for this accident, will not exceed 50,000 rubles.
  • The parties to the accident must each contact their insurer within 5 days.

What to do after an accident?

  1. The first thing to do after an accident is to turn on the alarm and install an emergency installation sign.
  2. Find eyewitnesses of the incident who can act as witnesses and record their data.
  3. Call the insurance company that issued the insurance and notify the incident.
  4. When the insurance company draws up a contract, all drivers receive a notice of an accident. It must be filled right at the place where the accident occurred. Check that the notification form is of a new type (it should consist of 23 points). The other party (participant) of the accident must sign in all indicated places. This must be followed separately and not forgotten, succumbing to excitement.
  5. Do not rush to give any money at the scene of the accident. All payments will be made by the insurance company after you provide it with Required documents and statement.
  6. Exchange with the other party of the accident information about your insurers and OSAGO policy numbers.

Within a period of no more than 15 days, you will need to contact your insurer and provide the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • completed notice of the accident;
  • driver's license;
  • car documents.

The car will need to be provided for assessment and calculation of damage. The insurer will make an assessment within 5 working days after receiving your application.

If the results of the assessment are satisfactory to both parties to the accident, it is necessary to agree on the amount of payments. After the parties agree on all the nuances, the victim provides his details for payment and awaits the transfer of money.

If the participants in the accident did not agree on the amount of damage and the amount of payments based on the assessment, an independent examination will be appointed.

Registration of an accident according to the European protocol

The Europrotocol is a special document containing a form of notification of an accident, which is a confirmation of the right of the victim in an accident to receive a payment for OSAGO. It is filled in by the participants in the incident.

The Europrotocol in case of an accident has another purpose. It is the way in which an accident is recorded without the participation of the police.

This document began its existence in 2009. In 2013, changes were made to it regarding payments. At the moment, the victim in an accident, in the event of an accident registration in this way, can count on receiving 50,000 rubles.

How to fill out the European protocol in case of an accident, sample

An example of filling out the Europrotocol (front side, clickable) An example of filling out the Europrotocol (back side, clickable)

Registration of an accident according to the European protocol has its own characteristics, which you should pay attention to:

  1. Participants in the accident should be no more than 2 cars. This requirement does not apply to drivers, but to vehicles. That is, if, for example, a car and a trailer that is registered under a separate number and a second car are involved in an accident, then there are already three vehicles and without the participation of the traffic police, this is no longer enough.
  2. It will not be possible to apply the European Protocol even if the collision between the cars did not occur. For example, if one of the participants in an accident, trying to avoid an accident, turned to the side and fell into a ditch or crashed into a pole or road fence. In this case, the participation of the traffic police is also necessary.
  3. These recommendations can be applied when it comes to insurance payments for OSAGO. In the event that the party to the accident is counting on CASCO payments, then it is impossible to draw up an accident using the European Protocol. In order to make payments under CASCO, insurance companies require a document on an accident - a certificate that only the traffic police can issue. Therefore, in order for the insurer to make a CASCO payment, you will have to call the police.
  4. Carefully study the policy of the other side of the accident, if it is overdue, and you are the injured party in the accident, then you will not be able to receive insurance payments.
  5. The main document for payment is a notice of an accident. This document must be free of errors and omissions. An important point is that the other party directly admitted his guilt. The wording “I partially admit my guilt” will also not allow you to count on payments.
  6. Insurers are wary of payments under the Europrotocol, due to big amount fraud. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the insurance company wants to inspect not only your car, but also the vehicle of the other side of the accident. If the second participant in the accident lives in another region, this may cause additional difficulties.
  7. Be sure to make sure, first of all, that the car has been damaged, and secondly, that health has not been harmed.


One more moment! The European Protocol can be challenged in court if you signed it in a state of great excitement, and later found out that your health was still harmed.

Registration of an accident according to CASCO without the presence of the traffic police

If you have concluded a CASCO insurance contract, carefully read its terms and conditions. In some cases, insurers allow the execution of a Europrotocol. Most often, if the damage to the car is minor: the coating of the car or lighting devices, mirrors is damaged. Sometimes insurers limit the amount of damage to a certain amount.

In this case, you should approximately, offhand, estimate the extent of the damage, and approximately calculate whether the repair will fit into the amount specified in the insurance contract.

If you cannot make a decision on your own, in order to minimize the risk of losing your payment, contact your insurance company for advice.

Registration of an accident with the help of Europrotocol designed to make life easier for all OSAGO policy holders. This practice came to us from Europe, where it has been used for more than a year. The Europrotocol itself is a form of the Notice of a traffic accident, which provides for its self-filling by the participants in the accident. If you don't know where to get the Europrotocol form, contact your insurance company or carefully check the documents that you were given when applying for an OSAGO policy. As a rule, it is included in their kit.

Registration procedure

The form and sample of filling out the Europrotocol can be downloaded from our website.

The procedure for registration of an accident according to the Europrotocol does not provide for the involvement of traffic police officers. However, it provides for the obligatory fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • absence of injured persons: driver, passengers, pedestrians;
  • participation in the accident of two cars;
  • lack of disagreement among drivers about the circumstances of the accident and damage to the vehicle;
  • both drivers are owners of OSAGO policies.

Rules for registering an accident according to the Europrotocol also provide for limits on the amount of compensation. If it is higher than 50 thousand rubles, then it is necessary to call the traffic police. Moreover, last autumn the amount of compensation was increased to 400 thousand rubles. However, this opportunity is available only to OSAGO owners of the capital, St. Petersburg and regions if their vehicles are equipped with a satellite tracking system. Thanks to it, you can take photos and videos, as well as get information about exact position Vehicle at the scene. If at least one of the above conditions is not met, it is necessary to call the traffic police.

Filling rules

Main rules for issuing the Europrotocol in case of an accident in 2017 year include the following:

  • filling out the form only with a ballpoint pen due to the presence of a self-copying part;
  • filling in the form by both drivers (each - his own column);
  • separation of both copies of the form filled out on the front side;
  • filling in the reverse side by each of the drivers independently;
  • the presence of two pairs of signatures of both drivers on the front side of the form;
  • the possibility of making changes to the form after disconnection with their mandatory certification by both drivers.

Particular attention should be paid to filling out clause 14, in which it is necessary to list and indicate the nature of all visible damage received by the vehicle as a result of a traffic accident. They should be presented briefly and precisely, using the following terms: “scratch”, “dent”, “crack”. It is not allowed to enter into the column damage received before the accident. In the event that the car has invisible damage, they will be identified and listed by the representatives of the UK during the inspection. In the process of filling, do not leave empty columns - it is recommended to fill them with dashes or the letter "Z". If the form has been damaged or torn, if it has many corrections and is difficult to read, it is necessary to issue it on a new form. If the second driver does not want to fill out the form and refuses to sign it, you must call the traffic police. You can buy an OSAGO policy, get a Europrotocol form and comprehensive information about filling it out at