How to make a modern city in minecraft. It's hard to be mayor: how to build your own and successful city

Creating a city in Minecraft is a rather long and painstaking process. It requires a lot of time, resources and, of course, a clear and agreed plan. So that the efforts expended are not in vain, it is important to know the nuances regarding how to make a city in Minecraft.

Process of creation

To make the city really interesting, you need to sketch. You can draw it on plain paper or in a graphics editor. Here it is important to think over the scale, location of streets, their number, harmoniously place sights between residential areas. If you plan to build a personal architectural masterpiece- it is quite possible to implement this in single player mode, but if you want other players to be able to live in the settlement, you need to create it on the server.

Those who are interested in the question of how to build a beautiful and unusual city in Minecraft should choose a non-standard landscape for building, different from a simple flat field. In this case, it will look more interesting, but it will be more difficult to organically fit streets and houses into such an area. The area is small enough, later the settlement can be expanded. Houses should be located at a small distance from each other. On average, the size of one house is 15x15. Houses can be fenced off, paths can be built between them (5 cubes wide is enough) and lighting can be installed (it can be spaced 15 cubes apart). Infrastructure is very important, so you will have to take care of the construction of shopping centers, squares, clubs, beaches, fountains.

After the settlement plan is ready, you can proceed to its construction. Blocks like sheep wool or sand are suitable for marking. Before you start building buildings, you should think about protecting the settlement from hostile mobs. So first of all, it is worth laying roads, doing lighting and building walls. Wood and stone are perfect for building houses. It is not difficult to get them, and the possibility of alternating their different types and varieties will make houses more attractive in appearance.

Every city should have cozy houses, fully prepared for life. Therefore, it will be useful to know:

City Generator

If you come up with a unique and interesting city there is no time, there is a way to make a city in Minecraft quickly. Perhaps this is when using a generator that is able to make them randomly or according to your settings. The generated streets can have names, and the houses will be numbered. The entire creation process can take as little as 10 minutes.

Create a portal

If there is already a ready-made city, many players are interested in the question of how to make a portal to the city in Minecraft. In fact, the process of its creation is no more difficult than the construction of any other portal and consists of the following steps:

  1. Take any two blocks and a clock.
  2. Remove 4 blocks from the floor.
  3. Now you need to build a 4x4 portal from any type of stone, but it is important to use only one of its types.
  4. In any other place, create the exact same portal.
  5. Take the clock, point it at the lower blocks. After pressing the right mouse button, the portal will fill with water.
  6. Similar actions should be done with the second portal.

Now the portal is up and running. You can freely move back and forth any number of times.

Design your cities in Minecraft, embody them in the game, make them unique and completely different from others. This will help diversify the game and make it rich and even more fun.

The Minecraft game genre is a cross between strategy and simulation. Here the player is invited to build a whole world. And not some specific one, but your own, your own, whichever one comes into your head. And its splendor will depend only on the imagination and courage of the creator. At the same time, rebuilt worlds are not always friendly. For out of 4 game modes, only one is peaceful - Creativity or Creativ. Launching any of the remaining modes - Survival, Journey or Hardcore - implies the presence of restless monsters nearby, and striving to destroy you. You can escape from them by building yourself shelters, houses or caves. But the real achievement will be the construction of your own own city. Experienced players already know all the steps of this exciting process. Beginners, please come here, we will master the initial technologies.

Construction in Minecraft takes place using blocks of different textures. All objects, living and non-living, houses, cars, pieces of furniture - everything consists of the same square cubes. By manipulating different combinations and textures, using the right tools, you create a conceived world. Small structures do not require special place, but to build a whole city, you need large territory. In Minecraft, this is called biomes. It is worth starting with their search. If you still doubt your knowledge, start with the Superflat biome. It has a smooth relief and is convenient for honing experience. If you are confident in yourself, you can raise the city anywhere, in the mountains, underground, even in the middle of the ocean. But in this case, you will have to painstakingly work on grinding the relief in order to prepare a place for buildings. Now take care of the city plan. You can sketch a drawing on paper, fitting it to the selected relief, or vice versa - pick up the relief under the already finished project. Good way- outline ideas right on the biome itself, delimiting the places of future structures with blocks. Planning a city can be a rather laborious and time-consuming task, but for an enthusiastic person it gives no less pleasure than the construction itself.

Having decided on the main parameters of your settlement, start raising buildings. Block by block, build houses, roads, parks - everything you would like to see in the city of your dreams. Experienced gamers do not recommend fiddling with the design of one design for a long time. It is better to build draft versions of all buildings and only then begin to bring them to perfection, improving the design. It is worth noting that the city can be built both individually, purely for the sake of satisfying one's ambitions, and for settling it by other players, since Minecraft can also be played online.

Don't stop building a city with a standard set of infrastructure. After all, the uniqueness of Minecraft lies precisely in the fact that there are no boundaries and stereotypes. Therefore, complete your city with unusual statues, airports, gothic cathedrals and even cemeteries. Some of the works of gamers on this topic can be called real masterpieces. And do not forget to constantly click on save to avoid disappointment from the untimely loss of your offspring.

Invented in 2009 by the Swedes, Minecraft is a virtual game that is steadily roaming the planet, adding new fans to its ranks. Even a simple description of the missions of the game is addictive and makes you want to try it. We have offered you a manual way to create a city in Minecraft. With this mode of creativity, it can take you weeks, even months, from start to finish. Currently, there are many supporting software for quickly and easily rebuilding Minecraft cities. But every creative person knows that there is no better joy from personal involvement in what is happening.

Before you decide to build a portal to a city in Minecraft, you will need to search for a settlement. To do this, you will need a map, a compass, and provisions to be able to find your way. You can build a city in advance using the map. This can be done by applying another method: choose a place and break the spawn eggs of the locals. You need to calculate the size of the village, how many eggs you need. Later, you can give yourself a break. After building the village, residents can start creating a portal.
Necessarily, for this you need to install mods in order to gain access to direct movement from the place of residence to the settlement. There is another method, in the case of building a portal to the Nether, it does not matter the number of them created in and ready for construction. The transfer from Hell will be exactly to him.

How to create a portal to the city in minecraft?

The construction requires about 20 blocks of obsidian, they are in the dungeons. Before you fill the source with stagnant lava, water is poured into it, it is easy to find it. It can be mined using a diamond pickaxe, transported using buckets created from three ingots made of iron. If you took 10 blocks of obsidian, you need to come to the surface of the settlement. To start building a frame from mined blocks, you need to decide where it is better to build by choosing a terrain. Then, you need to activate it using a flint and iron ore ingot.

Now in detail. Launch the game and select creative mode. Now just go straight (press the W key) until you meet the city.

Now we need obsidian.

And a lighter or any other source of fire.
Choose a place and start building. We expose 4 blocks of oxidian from below and 5 blocks up and we get a 3 by 2 square.

Then we just set it on fire. Fill with fire all the squares.
And right into this purple part we enter.

How to activate the portal to the city

Activation will be considered successful if the space becomes purple. Now the portal is ready to play, what is required for this: you need to return to housing, create the same. We go into the portal and wait a bit, we are transported to the Lower World. In order for the mobs not to attack, upon completion of the teleportation, it is better to think about building a fortification around the portal in hell. Upon completion, we leave, then we go into the portal, the starting point from which you exited into the dark world changes. This is how a portal to the city is created in Minecraft without using mobs. The space is filled with water, if all operations were carried out correctly, and after that you can start your journey.

When engaging in such a time-consuming activity as building your own city in Minecraft, it is very important to maintain interest and a fresh look during the whole process. Our article is devoted to important aspects of this work, which are aimed at speeding up construction without the use of additional assistants, in the form of modifications or third-party applications.

The first useful solution is to divide the whole process into several stages. This will help to achieve certain goals, and at the same time the player will not lose his creative fuse.

We start with planning

The first stage is an important basis, which should form an idea of ​​the future city in Minecraft. As a rule, all the efforts of the player are directed to the design of the future construction site, leveling surfaces, as well as setting the boundaries of urban zones and districts.

Another useful touch at this stage will be a sketch of the roads. To do this, it is enough to use a schematic designation and approximate markings. Thus, the process of creating roads will become much easier in the subsequent stages.

Choose a style

Now the user must make a choice of the style of the future city in Minecraft. To begin with, you can build several separate buildings (3-4) to decide what works best and what you like best. The resulting buildings will help to better imagine the future style of the city and the necessary types of materials that will form its basis.

By the way, if the user wants to build modern metropolis with skyscrapers and towers, in this case the "clone" command will help him. Its main function is to clone certain areas. This is an indispensable assistant in the creation of the same type of parts and multi-storey buildings.

Decide on the number of districts and zones

At this stage, the construction of each district can be considered a separate stage. What can be advised in this case?

Firstly, within any city there must be administrative buildings and the main shopping mall. Some areas can be made sleeping - they will be filled residential buildings. By the way, it often happens that players forget about the construction of residential buildings and pay attention only to various shops, offices, motels, bars and other public institutions. Houses for ordinary residents are the main component of any real city, so they should not be neglected.

Secondly, do not lose sight of the industrial zone. It can be filled with various factories and other buildings that fit the chosen style. The industrial zone will help make the city in Minecraft more lively and multifaceted.

And, finally, the third advice is the need to create a peri-urban zone. Its player can build up to his liking, such as fields, farm houses and livestock farms.

Creativity of other Minecraft users: cities and the apocalypse

It's no secret that the Minecraft community has many talented players with versatile imaginations. Some of them have managed to use the construction mode to create entertainment sites for other users.

Cities and zombies in Minecraft are one of the most popular examples of such creativity. Players enter locations abandoned by mankind, where, according to the plot, an epidemic of a terrible virus occurred. Now the cities are filled with bloodthirsty zombie mobs, attacking any traveler passing by.

Such maps are created as tests for all players who wish to take part in them. By the way, often in such post-apocalyptic cities you can meet ordinary surviving residents. Usually, the creators think through a lot of little things to make their creation as realistic as possible.

Minecraft is a unique sandbox computer game. Such an unusual genre means that the player can do whatever he wants in Minecraft: survive, fight monsters, build buildings and engage in "craft" - the creation of things.

This game is unique in that it almost endless space for creativity: 30 million game meters each way. Physically, the world of Minecraft is eight times the size of our planet, so it is very important to be able to move quickly through it.

For a comfortable game, each user must know how to make a city portal in minecraft. For this in right place cities, you need to dig a four-block line in the ground. For the construction of the gate of movement, choose any two types of blocks, for example, lapis lazuli and a diamond block. In a dug line for two central places set the first type of blocks (for example, diamond). On the sides - lapis lazuli. Up from the side, add three more lapis lazuli blocks and connect at the top.

In our example, we get a "frame" of lapis lazuli with a diamond floor. It remains to activate the clock from the inventory on the portal. If water poured into the frame, then everything was built correctly. Now you need to build a portal at any other point on the map, activate it with a clock, and they will automatically contact. Now to move you just need to go through the frame.

There are a few more things to be aware of:

  1. Remember that for the construction it is not necessary to use the blocks that we described in the example. The frame can be made from anything: quartz, concrete, wood, bookshelves, sponges, glowing stone.
  2. In some versions of Minecraft, it is not necessary to select a floor, the entire frame can be built from one type of block.
  3. On weak computers, portals may work with a delay. In this case, it will not be enough just to pass through the frame, you need to linger in it for a few seconds.
  4. To craft a watch, you need to place red dust in the center of the layout, and gold bars on top, bottom and sides.
  5. At least one of the portals must be located in a village or city.

Portal between cities through Hell

There is another option how to make a portal to the city. This method is a little more complicated, but it is suitable for games on servers where many people play.

At the first point we build the same frame as described above, only this time from obsidian - other materials are not suitable. You can save obsidian by not putting blocks in the corners of the frame. After that, set fire to the obsidian with a lighter. The center will glow purple, which means that everything worked out.

It's a portal to hell. Before moving, press the F3 key. Inscriptions will appear in the corner of the screen, of which it is necessary to remember the coordinates along the x, y, z axes. You also need to know the coordinates end point, in which you want to build a second portal. We will need this information a little later.

Now you can go inside and move to Hell. Now some calculations need to be done: the entire distance in Hell is reduced by 16 times compared to the upper world. Thanks to this, you can move between the desired points 16 times faster. This method is popular on almost all servers, so learning how to calculate coordinates is a must.

Calculate the distance between the first and second point of the upper world, divide it by 16. The calculation must be done along each of the coordinate axes. Now go through Hell for the number of blocks received and build another portal out of obsidian. You will be transported to the Overworld. Now to close the distance it is enough for you to overcome the distance through Hell.

Calculation example

  1. Let's say we are given coordinates. First point: X - 0, Y - 0, Z - 0. Second point: X - 1595, Y - 0, Z - 8000. In Minecraft, Y means height. For convenience, the coordinates of the first point are zero, since it is customary to build a “zero portal” on public servers in this very place.
  2. We reduce all the numbers by 16. If the number is not a whole number, we round it up: X - 100, Y - 0, Z - 500.
  3. We got the coordinates in Hell, on which the second frame should be built.

There is a common bug: When leaving the Hell Portal, the character lights up. If this happens, it is necessary to pour water in front of the frame in order to have time to put out the fire each time. Other options for fixing the bug are unknown, you can only move the frame to other coordinates.

Another advantage of moving between cities through the portal of Hell is that for it to work, it is not necessary to set the frame in the settlement. You can build it in any place you need, regardless of whether there are inhabitants there or not.

It remains to add a craft lighter or "tinderbox", as some call it, which is necessary to activate the frame: put flint in the center of the workbench, and an iron ingot in the left slot.

Portal arrangement rules

It is not enough to know how to make a portal to the city, must be able to protect. It is customary on servers to equip their own tunnel between portals to Hell. This is necessary not only for beauty, but also for faster movement. And, most importantly: monsters can climb through the hole in the tunnel, including Gasts, who, if the opportunity arises, will smash the entire lobby at the zero coordinate.

In order not to cause such a disaster, you need to block the tunnel from the rest of Hell with blocks. To quickly move between cities, you can lay rails and ride trolleys. Or, if there are not a lot of people on the server, you can make a path out of ice and move along it in boats. This option is faster, but it is only suitable for small servers, otherwise this way of moving can cause lags.


See how you can make a portal in Minecraft.

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