Pyramids are mysterious structures located all over the Earth. Who built them. Who built the Egyptian pyramids

Probably the cult of ancestors in the blood of modern man. Our childhoods are filled with tales of fairy tales, always beginning with the words: "Once upon a time..." Antiquity makes us tremble. The ancestors were wiser, lived correctly, they certainly owned " secret knowledge", which their frivolous heirs have lost. We sigh respectfully, touching a particle of the past - whether it be a piece of stone, a fragment of a pot or a copper coin. The gray-haired old excites the imagination - it is full of secrets. Well, curiosity is good ... Add a little more critical thinking and a little more knowledge. But the last point is really bad. What does a modern Russian remember from history? A mixture of skipped school lessons, adventure films and travel guide stories. Stories ancient world especially unlucky: at school it is passed first of all, in the 5th grade. By the time an 11-year-old teenager becomes an adult, even this meager store of knowledge will dry up. Meanwhile, the Internet and TV tirelessly regale the gullible viewer with sensations "hidden by official science." Thus, scientific knowledge is finally supplanted by myths and delusions.

Although I do not have strict statistics, the analysis of letters, Internet comments, questions from listeners, as well as expert advice allowed me to compile the top five most common misconceptions in Russia about ancient history. So…

1. The pyramids were built by an unknown person using mysterious technologies.

So, the leaders of our hit parade are the Egyptian pyramids. And why, you ask? What is the success of the folk brand "pyramids - the mysterious structures of ancient civilizations"?

Firstly, the pyramids are really striking in their size. The height of the pyramid of Cheops is 140 m, until the Middle Ages it was the highest architectural structure planets. Being nearby, a person feels his insignificance, our mind gives in to a stone hulk.

Also, they are very ancient. Pyramid of Cheops is 4500 years old! At that time, it seems that mammoths still roamed the earth?

When the first wave of admiration subsided, a natural question arises: why is all this? We are told that this is just the tomb of the pharaoh. But, gentlemen, you claim that thousands of people have been building it for 20 years. Did they have nothing else to do? And were there so many people in that era? For a modern city dweller who changes jobs every six months and cannot cope with two guest workers in the country, it seems absurd that somewhere and at some time, and even more so in ancient times, it could be different.

Egypt - in the recent past, extremely popular resort. Millions Russian citizens swam in the Red Sea, swept to Cairo, took pictures against the background of the Sphinx (you need to put your hand as if you are touching its beautiful stone face). And local energetic guides tried to entertain tourists - to the best of their imagination and poor knowledge of the history of their native country. With the light hand of enterprising tourists with video cameras, their pleasure trips turned into "research expeditions to the unsolved mysteries of Ancient Egypt."

Why are we told that the Egyptians we know about from textbooks "couldn't"? Well, firstly, the Egyptians did not have iron, and it is impossible to work with hard rocks of stone with copper tools - how were the granite blocks for the pyramids mined? And how were multi-ton stones dragged over long distances? By hand, on yourself? Okay, you can carve, drag, fit a few blocks together, but there are more than two million of them in the Great Pyramid! It is impossible to imagine such a colossal work!

This is only a small part of the arguments adopted by the “pyramidists” (the term was proposed by the Egyptologist Barbara Mertz), but these points are enough to put an unprepared opponent on the shoulder blades.

However, Egyptologists, having heard such questions, are in no hurry to faint. Pyramids are not built of granite. The main material of the Great Pyramid, for example, is limestone, it is a rather soft stone. The quarries, where the bulk of the limestone for the pyramid was mined, are located 200 meters from it - they even have markings. The probable limestone mining technology is described by Clarke and Engelbach in the book Building and Architecture in Ancient Egypt. With the help of copper or stone tools, vertical furrows were knocked out along the contour of the block, and wedges were hammered from below, by means of which the block was separated from the rock. In a number of ancient quarries, in the lower part of the unfinished blocks, there were recesses into which wedges were inserted.

Experiments show that moving a block weighing 2.5 tons (and this is the average weight of a block from the Great Pyramid) is quite within the power of a group of people using wooden rollers or skids. On an ancient Egyptian fresco, you can see how people are dragging a 60-ton statue of Pharaoh Jehutihotep on a sledge along special beds. On another fresco, we see a stone block with a sledge pulled by bulls.

Of course, this theme of the construction of the pyramids is not exhausted. It would be worth talking about the technology of extracting granite, and how materials for construction were transported along the Nile on ships, and how the Egyptians could drill and saw stone with copper tools with abrasive - such experiments were successfully conducted by experimental archaeologist Denis Stokes, and also Russian enthusiast Nikolai Vasyutin. Of course, many questions remain open. How exactly did the stone blocks rise to the right height when building the pyramids? How did the Egyptians fit the blocks of the pyramids together? Records and images of these processes have not been preserved. However, Egyptologists are looking for and finding answers to these questions - remaining within the framework of science, without attracting aliens from Alpha Centauri. There is a special literature on this topic - alas, the pyramidiots in their mass are unaware of its existence.

What to add? Pyramids are the greatest monument to human labor. 20 years of joint efforts of thousands of Egyptians is really hard to imagine. Can you imagine the construction of the Great Chinese wall- its length is more than 10 thousand kilometers? And imagine the work of nameless stonemasons who carved a 70-meter statue of Buddha in Leshan (China, VIII century AD) in the course of 90 years.

Maybe we just don't know what an organized team of people is capable of with good positive (and negative) motivation?

2. Man is a product of alien genetic engineering

I have traveled a lot around the country and I can responsibly say that every taxi driver at the airport knows that a person was brought to our Earth by aliens. The "alien" hypothesis is so popular that it invariably appears in various Internet polls on the topic "How did man arise" along with the "evolutionary" and "religious" versions, and even got into some textbooks. Well, let's say thank you TV!

In 2016, the continuation of the famous "X-Files" was released on the screens - so we should expect another surge of interest in the topic.

So, we are convinced that a person did not arise in the process of natural evolution, but is the result of experiments on some kind of “preparation” - a monkey or a pithecanthropus, in whose DNA alien genes were planted. The well-known hunter for "ancient astronauts" Erich von Däniken directly states that the "autograph" of aliens is hidden in our genome.

Deniken argues that creatures that combined parts of different animals - sphinxes, people with animal heads and other ancient Egyptian mythical characters - are actually mutants, victims of genetic experiments.

But the idea of ​​“man-GMO” is most fully substantiated by another adept of paleocontact, who gave us stories about the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, Zecharia Sitchin. This author uses arguments that are usually used by "classical" creationists. See how different humans are from apes, Sitchin says. If ordinary evolution took place, then where is the transitional link? Why did man appear so quickly, so unexpectedly? We are the only species on the planet that has intelligence. Who gave us such a gift? According to Sitchin and his followers, the answer lies in the ancient texts - you just need to know how to read them!

In Sumerian mythology, the gods create a person from a mixture of clay and the blood of one of the gods. Sitchin is a master of interpretation. He boldly states that the word "clay" in the ancient text can be read as "egg". What is an egg? Well, of course, the female egg! Here is the description of the genetic experiment: the "blood" (sperm) of the deity fertilized the egg of a great ape.

But reading between the lines is not enough for Sitchin: he spotted genes of extraterrestrial origin among the results of the first human genome sequencing, published in Science and Nature in 2001. And to this day, on various “ufological” sites, one can find the statement that geneticists have found in human DNA “223 genes that are not found anywhere else on this planet”, and, therefore, we got from aliens ...

Alas, Sitchin either did not understand the results of geneticists, or cheated (most likely both). Geneticists have reported genes that are specific to vertebrates, not just humans. Because many of these genes are widely present in bacteria but absent in invertebrates, the scientists hypothesized that the genes were transferred to vertebrates through horizontal transfer from bacteria. But the alien version is much prettier!

True, then we should have been talking about the extraterrestrial origin of all fish, amphibians and reptiles.

So, what is behind the soul of the supporters of "alien GMOs"? Poor knowledge of anthropology, misunderstood data from geneticists and dubious interpretations of ancient texts. With this approach, one can see references to aliens - spherical xenomorphs - in the fairy tale about the bun ...

3. Very ancient giants found

The power of the media is amazing! Questions about the "ancient giants" are regularly asked to me by educated people - including even a biologist (although this happened only once). Giants, cyclops, people of huge growth are the heroes of numerous epics and legends. These creatures found a place in the "mythology" of the XXI century. And these are not only articles on the Internet with colorful pictures. "Popular science" programs about the ancient giants were shown on quite respectable television channels. And in 2014, the news spread around the yellowish news feeds: allegedly, according to the ruling of the US Supreme Court, the Smithsonian Institution must publish classified documents about thousands of giant skeletons destroyed by "official scientists". "Competent sources" reported: the publication is scheduled for 2015. 2015 has passed, and we still haven’t waited for the publication ...

But do the supporters of the "ancient giants" have real evidence? There are, and what!

First, spectacular photographs of skeletons of enormous size and perfect preservation. Ant-men swarm nearby, so the scale of the find immediately becomes apparent.

Secondly, eyewitness accounts - for example, peasants who once found huge bones right in their garden. True, then these bones usually disappeared somewhere, but “I remember how it is now, the skull was like that.” Often the reason for the disappearance of giant bones is also called - the intrigues of "official scientists" who selected priceless finds and disappeared in an unknown direction.

Thirdly, quotations from chronicles, diaries of medieval travelers who described encounters with giants on exotic island, in Patagonia, in the snowy Himalayas or somewhere else at the end of the world ...

Beautiful? Very. However:

- It is easy to see that the photographs of "huge skeletons" (as a rule, the same ones, from article to article, from film to film) are a banal photomontage.

- In some cases, even the author of such pseudo-documents is known. Thus, the popular photo of "excavations of a huge skeleton" received a prize in 2002 at the photo collage competition "Archaeological anomalies - 2". Then the illustration got into the yellow newspapers, which accompanied the photo with a story about "sensational finds in India." As a result, the author of the collage, a Canadian artist with the nickname IronKite, was forced to tell National Geographic magazine in detail about how he prepared this hoax.

- The tales of a peasant, even a mustachioed colorful old man, as well as the memories of sailors 500 years ago - alas, are not proof. Otherwise, we will have to believe in the existence of "gates to hell" in the Pacific Ocean, whales masquerading as islands to which ships moor, and other fables that are full of "true" stories of medieval travelers. The honest eyes of an eyewitness cannot replace the main thing - the finds themselves - giant human bones or teeth. Words in words, but show us at least something tangible and, most importantly, well-documented! Alas, in this place adherents of "alternative science" for some reason become very shy: there are finds, but they cannot be presented.

Is a giant even possible from the point of view of science? It follows from the laws of physics that a person who has grown to several meters would not be able to move normally. His legs would break, crushed by the weight of his own body. Take a look at real giant animals - elephants or at least gorillas, at the shape of their bodies, at the thickness of their limbs. A primate that grew to the size of an elephant, and even walked upright, would have completely inhuman proportions.

So let the giants stay where they belong - in fairy tales and science fiction films.

4. Russia is the cradle of mankind. All descended from Russians

In moments of crisis, when there are no special reasons for pride around us, it remains to look for something to be “proud” of in the past. Patriotically minded citizens raise the merits of their great-grandfathers and the exploits of the past centuries to the flag. They are on the move historical myths. The subject of special pride is the “national ancestral home”. It is THIS country that should be the place where the state, writing, mathematics, medicine, language first arose - and where man was born in general. Probably, claims to "primogeniture" at least once were made by representatives of any state that has more or less national ambitions. Be it the UK, Korea, China, Georgia, Armenia, Israel… and, of course, Russia. Patriotism in itself is not bad.

But when history is seasoned with patriotism, for some reason historical science tends to end.

Isn't it nice to know that the people to which you belong are the oldest on the planet, and the human race did not originate anywhere, but within the Moscow Ring Road or, at least, on the territory of the Russian Federation? With a strong desire, this can always be proved - if you use a certain approach to proofs. It is enough that at least some kind of archeology exists on the territory of the country - preferably, of course, older. Now this monument must be proclaimed the oldest in the world, and its creators the direct ancestors of the current population. For Russia, the approach works great. We have enough antiquities. Suffice it to mention such Stone Age sites as Kostenki (Voronezh region, more than 40 thousand years old) and Sungir ( Vladimir region, 30 thousand years).

On the Internet, it is easy to find a classic reconstruction of a Sungir man, accompanied by a pretentious signature like: "Slav, 30 thousand years ago." Kostenki in publications on nationalist websites is famously called an “Old Russian settlement”. Comes to curiosities. Pseudo-scientist Andrey Tyunyaev took from an archaeological article a plan for excavations on the territory of a sump of a sugar factory (Byki village, Kursk region). On this plan, the borders of the sedimentation basin were marked with a contour, and the sites of the Stone Age sites were marked with dots. Without batting an eye, Tyunyaev passed off the scheme of the sump for the plan of an ancient Russian settlement of the Paleolithic era ...

But jokes aside! Of course, our country has much to be proud of. However, take it easy: ancient people modern type - whatever one may say - found in Africa. These are, for example, the famous finds at the Omo (195 thousand years) and Kherto (160 thousand years) localities. Yes, and the status of the most ancient sapiens of Eurasia was “stole” from us by the Israeli Manot (more than 52 thousand years. Oh, these Israelis).

But it's not even about that. Let's cool down the patriotic fervor a little more - we are looking for scientific truth, and we are not flattering our pride, right?

Let's imagine that somewhere in the wasteland a Stone Age site is found. Does this mean that a teenager living in a high-rise building a few kilometers from the parking lot is a direct descendant of the Cro-Magnons who hunted here in time immemorial? A teenager, of course, would like to think so ... But his parents remember how only 20 years ago they flew here for one and a half thousand kilometers to earn money. In ancient times, there were no airplanes, but since the Paleolithic, the population in this area, most likely, has changed many times. Back in the 19th century, archaeologists understood that migrations and wars sooner or later affect almost any inhabited part of the land, and genes are mixed in any way. In recent decades, this idea has been repeatedly confirmed by paleogenetic data.

Strictly speaking, we cannot even determine the race of the people of the Upper Paleolithic - what can we say about their "nationality"? Any anthropologist will tell you that this concept is generally inapplicable to such a distant era.

So, looking for some kind of Russian ancestor in ancient times is a disastrous business. Each nation has many ancestors, and if one of them is found, it will most likely be the ancestor of many more nations.

5. Our Earth is 6 thousand years old

The word "Young Earth" sounds proudly - it looks like the heroes of the "Young Guards". However, if there is anything heroic about "young earth creationism" it is heroic ignorance of the facts.

Supporters of the "young Earth" insist on a literal interpretation of the process of creation of the world, described in the Bible. At the same time, they importantly call their ideology "scientific creationism." Indeed, the "young earthers" have a set of scientific evidence of their innocence. However, the backbone of this set has not changed for 100 years, and the starting point is not scientific data, but unquestionable religious dogmas.

So while Young Earthers love to talk about science, "scientific" here can only be used in quotation marks.

A lot of interesting things follow from the statements about the "young Universe". There was no evolution. Transitional forms are fakes. People lived simultaneously with dinosaurs, trilobites, animal-toothed reptiles and other fossil creatures. All dating methods that indicate the ancient age of the Earth and the Universe give erroneous results. The existing geological column, the distribution of fossils in the geological layers is explained by the result of the Flood - a global catastrophe that completely transformed the face of our planet.

It would seem that in the 21st century one can only sympathize with these poor fellows. However, the Young Earths are not going to give up. They have their own conferences, institutes, museum workers, and in Russia even the creationist “Orthodox Textbook of Biology” has been published, though it has not received the stamp of the ministry.

The approach of the "young earthers" is typical of "oppositional science": these figures look for white spots, problem areas in paleontology, geology, astronomy, physics, which they interpret in their favor.

However, if we accept for a moment that the world was created, according to Scripture, in six days 6,000 years ago, we are faced with a much larger pile of unsolvable scientific problems.

“How can we see the light of distant galaxies that are millions or billions of light years away from us?” After all, it turns out that when this light was emitted, the Universe should not have existed yet?

- One or another dating method can give an error. But how to explain that the coordinated ancient age of the same object is given by two different methods at once? Are both results wrong? This can be compared to the probability that two randomly chosen clocks show the same wrong time.

For example, samples from the layer of volcanic ash below which the famous Australopithecus Lucy skeleton was found were sent to two experts. The former determined the age by the potassium-argon method, the latter by the fission track method.

Dating by both methods gave approximately 2.6 million years. Coincidence?

- Why do the remains of extinct animals lie in the geological layers not at random, but in a certain sequence? Creationists have an answer ready: they say, this is a consequence of the antediluvian "zoning": large reptiles lived in the lowlands - dinosaurs, and mammals - on the hills; and so they sank, each at his own height. However, this trick does not explain why marine animals are distributed in a similar way - plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs lie in layers with other Mesozoic pangolins, and whales are higher, along with Cenozoic mammals. The successive replacement of some organisms by others in sediments is also preserved within individual groups of animals - be it birds or flying pangolins, amphibians, sea ​​urchins. This is also true for spores and plant pollen. By the way, since spores and pollen are abundant in sedimentary rocks, they are often used to date geological rocks. Pollen penetrates everywhere, is capable of being carried by the wind over great distances, and hardly "ran away from the flood with different speed". Why do spores and pollen of plants from different eras regularly replace each other in geological layers?

However, any argument is easily broken with the help of two short phrases: "It was the Creator's will" and "The conspiracy of scientists." The idea of ​​a world created by a prankster creator, with dinosaur bones lying in the ground and light flying from distant galaxies, is witty in its own way. And evil Darwinists, gluing “transitional forms” from the bones of people and monkeys in the basement, it’s good to scare children.

However, both the first and second statements cannot be refuted, and therefore, this is definitely not science.


Do you find the list of popular misconceptions ridiculous? Well, how can you believe in this nonsense! Friends, and I thought so just a few years ago. But I had to face reality. Travel outside your metropolis. Go to the people. Turn on the TV. Pseudo-historical mythology is closer than you think. She is waiting for you in the Facebook feed. On the evening TV show. In a book with a bright cover. In the tales of tourist guides. In a conversation overheard in a gym locker room.

In the comments to the articles of the science department of Gazeta.Ru…

Pyramids, where are you? Ay! Your way out!

To date, 35 pyramid complexes have been discovered in Egypt. Most of them are small and are the tombs of the pharaohs. There are 3 great pyramids on the Giza plateau, which still continue to delight the imagination of people. The question remains, who had a hand in these greatest creations?

Official version

According to the records of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, Pharaoh Cheops ordered the slaves to build the most the greatest pyramid in the world. The construction was carried out for about 20 years, it took about 10 more years to clear the surrounding area for the delivery of stone blocks. The height of the built pyramid is 147 meters. Slaves lifted blocks of stone with the help of special lifts, which are somewhat reminiscent of existing cranes. Others believe that people used the pulling power of oxen, an artificial ramp and rolling logs.


It is worth noting that the ancient Egyptians had copper and stone tools at their disposal. There was no talk of any iron. How could they process such blocks without leaving gaps between the blocks? Our modern builders have not yet reached such heights, look at how modern brick and block houses are being built. Scientists have found that in 20 years the Egyptians managed to lay out about 2.5 million blocks, the weight of one reached 2.5 tons, clearly along the magnetic earth lines. It turns out that one such block was laid for 5 minutes for 20 years. Is it real? Or are we not being told something? We are not suggesting a version of extraterrestrial assistance, but simply stating obvious facts. Another version, maybe these pyramids were built not in 20 years, but for a longer period?

Esoteric version of the pyramids of Egypt

A truly mystical version shrouded in mystery. According to legend, giant pyramids were built by the Atlanteans. Esotericists claim that the Atlanteans lived on the deceased mainland of Atlantis and hung an artificial satellite in the sky, which had the shape of a pyramid. Therefore, structures of this kind were needed on earth in order to: control the weather, transform the energy of space, fly, change the gravitational field of the planet. What happened, and why do we know nothing about it? According to some experts in the field of esotericism, people began to take more energy out of their greed, and the planet could not cope with such a volume. As a result, the layers of the earth shifted, and Atlantis went under water. This version is confirmed. Ancient writings were discovered in Egypt, where it was said that the great pyramids were built under the auspices of the Gods in "primordial times." This was before the emergence of the Egyptian state. Then the pharaohs made cosmetic repairs and made their own adjustments, appropriating the greatest creations on Earth.

The theory of a highly developed civilization

According to the geographical hypothesis, the territory of Ancient Egypt was inhabited by people who came here from other parts of the planet. They possessed high technologies that are unknown to us and built these gigantic structures. After that, they disappeared, where and why, no one can answer this question. Such a theory really has the right to life. Then, on the territory of Egypt, the Egyptians appeared, who appropriated the buildings of the "ancient" to themselves. Ufologists claim that the pyramids of Egypt were built by aliens, but there is no confirmation of this theory. The question of the authorship of the pyramids remains open.

IN different corners our planet is scattered stunning consciousness of a simple layman monuments of bygone civilizations: pyramids and others megalithic structures. There are literally hundreds of megaliths and pyramids of various sizes and styles on Earth (See William Saylor's article "The Gods of Architects") - in Europe (photo 1, photo 2 - Bosnia), Africa, the Middle and Far East, V South-East Asia(photo 3, photo 4 - China) and on the islands Pacific Ocean, in the North and South America(photo 5 - Mexico), and even on the seabed (photo 6, photo 7, photo 8), and in Antarctica (photo 9, photo 10).

The official version about the authors and methods of construction of such structures does not stand up to the slightest criticism and crumbles to dust upon impartial consideration of the accumulated facts. Despite this, modern "scientists" diligently support the inventions of their predecessors. Why support? Some of them do not know the true history of civilization and are sincerely mistaken, some are afraid of losing their regalia and authority, and some order by falsifying history.

Among the majority of adherents alternative history trying to deal with the issues raised in the title of this article, there is also no unity, but there is only a desire to take those who are interested true history people away from reality. But in order to substantiate their half-true theories, they have to show people a small part of genuine facts. This is what we will use.

Let's take a closer look at the most famous megaliths: pyramids and other structures of ancient Egypt. Before focusing your eyes on the megaliths one countries, we note that megaliths in different parts of the world have very similar"handwriting" of construction technology. The relationship of highly developed civilizations on different continents can be judged by the use of polygonal masonry from blocks of complex shape (of course, simpler, rectangular blocks were also used).

Compare for yourself, photo 11 and photo 12 were taken in Sacsayhuaman (Peru), photo 13 in Cusco (Peru), photo 14 in Abydos (Egypt), photo 15, photo 16 Temple of Apollo in Delphi (Greece). The close connection of different cultures can be concluded if you look at the stylized head of a man carved from a monolith at the foot of the Inca pyramid (photo 17), and a similar head near the pyramid on ocean floor(photo 18 and photo 19)! The same continuity in stylized stone figures is observed among the Maya Indians (photo 20).

How were megaliths built?

The question of how the megaliths were built will be answered by the traces left by the tools on the processed stone blocks and the blocks themselves, their shape, structure and chemical composition.

tool marks. Lots of traces. Moreover, such traces that cannot be left by a copper tool. Traces on the blocks have been preserved for more than 10…12 thousand years and have not been erased under the influence of precipitation, winds and temperature changes, and this suggests that the blocks were either made of very hard stone or high-quality concrete (which will be discussed below). On the site "Laboratories of alternative history" there are plenty of high-quality photographs, looking at which you can draw interesting conclusions not only about how they built, but also about who built the ancient, monumental objects.

Look at photo 38, this is a trace from a drill with a cutting edge of 1.5-2 mm! Can a copper drill leave such a mark? No, he can not! It is generally impossible to drill a stone with a copper drill! And it’s completely impractical to make tubular drills from copper or bronze ... Photo 39 shows a cut made with a circular saw (not copper, of course). Such processing of stone is possible only with tools made of hard-alloy steels, the presence of which among builders testifies to the absurdity of the ideas of modern scientists about the low level of development of earthly civilization in the past and its very limited technical capabilities.

The characteristics of the equipment used in the construction of megaliths amaze specialists even today. In Aswan, a quarry has been preserved, in which gray granite was mined. It contained an uncut block weighing about 1200 tons(photo 40)! If you pay attention to side effects effects from block cutting, it immediately becomes apparent high level of technical capabilities quarry developers. When making a block, the surface of the quarry wall (not a block!!!) is very even (photo 41), the corner of the quarry is processed with a radius of curvature that is constant in height (photo 42), and the height of the quarry wall is about 5-6 meters ...

No one would specially align the walls of the quarry, this is absolutely not necessary! In addition, the bottom of the quarry is pierced by numerous pits (photo 43, photo 44) of unknown purpose. Perhaps these are holes for installing equipment, or just a machine crashed into granite more than the required depth by mistake of a person serving it ... Such side effects from working in a quarry could only appear when using high-tech machines, which easily coped with hard gray granite.

The sequence of operations during the construction of the pyramids also indicates the great technical capabilities of the builders of megaliths. On one of the faces of the pyramid of Menkaur, traces of face alignment have been preserved after laying blocks photo 45, photo 46. Alignment large areas surfaces is a technical challenge. If the pyramid were built using primitive manual technologies, then the sequence of operations would be reversed: first, the production of blocks in a finished form, and only then their laying.

Conclusion: megaliths were built using machinery for processing level stone, least, modern civilization.

Block shape. Quite a few blocks have a complex geometric shape, which requires a clear movement of the processing tool in three planes (photo 47, photo 48). With manual processing achieve such a result impossible, these are clearly the "fruits" of a highly developed civilization that had at its disposal sophisticated machinery!

Very often, ancient builders used huge blocks (of the order of a thousand tons or more). The question is why? What do you think, for semi-wild people, as our ancestors are portrayed, it was easier to build from blocks of what size: from large ones, weighing tens and hundreds of tons, or small ones, weighing tens and hundreds of kilograms? Obviously, relatively light blocks are much easier to make and move. Even at the current level of development of our civilization, small bricks are often used.

So For what in history textbooks, the myth is diligently supported that megaliths were built by primitive people who, like ants, stuck around the blocks and turned them with levers, pulled with ropes? Apparently, in order for us to continue to believe that quite recently our ancestors climbed down from the trees, crawled out of the dugouts ... And so that we would never make the obvious conclusion that only that civilization for which the manufacture and movement of such blocks is NOT difficult.

Structure and chemical composition of blocks. During the construction of megaliths, blocks were used, both from natural stone and from concrete. The use of concrete is supported by many facts.

On the upper blocks, which have not been eroded by sandstorms, the imprints of the mat left during the casting of the blocks are clearly visible (photo 53). The mat was used as a spacer between the formwork and the cast block. In addition to visible prints on the blocks, there were also stuck in surface layer hair blocks. These facts unequivocally testify to the manufacture of concrete blocks. In addition, on the faults of the blocks, their layered structure is clearly visible, which arose as a result of filling the blocks in parts (photo 54). The chemical analysis of the blocks showed that the ratio of chemical elements in the blocks does not correspond to their natural content in natural stone, which indicates their artificial origin.

The volume of concrete used to build megaliths is millions of tons, and such concrete was made from ground natural stone (and grinding stones is much more difficult than grinding grain). This indicates that in the manufacture of such concrete, a special car equipment, and not primitive manual technologies, with the help of which it is fundamentally impossible to do this.

Conclusion: megaliths were built using concrete mixing machinery and lifting equipment to move large blocks of stone. The level of development of the technology used was not less modern, and some of its characteristics are significantly outnumbered modern counterparts.

When were megaliths built?

Megaliths were built for a variety of purposes on almost all continents and in a very wide time range, numbering tens of millennia. According to the Russian scientist Nikolai Levashov, one of the main purposes of the pyramids built after the planetary catastrophe that occurred as a result of the fall of fragments of the second moon of Fatta to the Earth and entailed a shift of the poles 13 thousand years ago, is to stabilize the Earth's axis of rotation. Various large objects have fallen to Earth before, such as fragments of the third moon Leli, destroyed about 113,000 years ago, large asteroids, so there were enough problems with the movement of continental plates before. They were solved as best they could at that time in the development of civilization. It is worth noting that today we can not solve such issues in any way!

Egyptian pyramids were built clearly during the period of history, when in this area there were heavy rains, which is indicated by the gutters for the drain (Photo 55, Photo 56, Photo 57) and traces of erosion on the Sphinx from flowing rainwater (Photo 58, Photo 59). This is at least 8-10 thousand years ago. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas indicate a period of 12-13 thousand years ago, that is, after the migration of the Ants to the territory of Ancient Egypt:

“... The Gods of the Race will save the righteous people and the Heavenly Force will transfer them to the east, to the lands of people with the skin of the color of Darkness ... and the Beardless people, with the skin of the color of the flame of the Holy Fire, will be transferred by the Great Force to the boundless lands at sunset of the Yarila-Sun lying .. .

7 (71). People with skin of the color of Darkness will revere the descendants of the Heavenly Clan as Gods... and will learn many sciences from them. People from the Great Race will build new Cities and Temples, and teach people with skin of the color of Darkness to grow cereals and vegetables... The Four Kinds of the Great Race(Four Clans of the Great Race - it is now scientifically proven that the first four dynasties of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were White) replacing each other, they will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests... and build Trirans-Tombs, in the form of Man-made, tetrahedral Mountains...»

For the manufacture of a carbide tubular drill, it is necessary to have a developed technique for processing such materials and an energy level, at least of our civilization, to provide energy for this technique, that is, to use energy much greater than the muscle strength of a person or animals ... and so on.

Such technical devices have not survived to our time or are carefully hidden, but interesting images remain. On one of the vessels of the Mayan Indians, a curious image of representatives of an ancient civilization with circular saws has been preserved (photo 64), and in the temple of Seti I in Abydos there is an image of a helicopter, a tank and aircraft (photo 65). In Edfu (Egypt) there is a temple that is famous for the "texts of the builders of Edfu", a significant part of which is devoted to describing "the times when the gods ruled Egypt." Some of the images on the walls of the temple resemble objects of various technical purposes: from electric batteries to "flying saucers" and nuclear bombs (photo 66). In the temple of Dendera, also located in Egypt, there are many images of devices, interpreted as electric photo 67, photo 68, photo 69, photo 70.

Thus, we have come to the unequivocal conclusion that in ancient times, there was a highly developed civilization on Earth, the level of development of which in some aspects significantly exceeded the level of development of the current civilization.

It remains to answer the last question, which people created this highly developed civilization on Earth?

To answer this question, it is necessary to look into the depths of centuries through the eyes of people who lived in those distant times, to compare the legends and traditions of various peoples about a particular event, and then we will get a more complete and correct view of historical reality than the view imposed modern "scientists".

If the ancient traditions and legends of peoples, seemingly unrelated, tell about some historical events in the smallest details, and if these details coincide, then the event preserved for centuries is part of the true History.

There is an ancient Egyptian legend, according to which Ancient Egypt was created by nine White Gods (See Cheslav Vanger's article "White Pharaohs"), four of them came from the north, and five from the west from the earth, which plunged into the depths of the Great Waters. The Egyptians called the most important of them Ra, he came with his Brother Gods from northern land. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas also tell about how White people appeared in Ancient Egypt and about their relationship with the local population:

“...People with skin of the color of darkness will revere the descendants of the Heavenly Clan as Gods and will learn many sciences from them. People from the Great Race will build new Cities and Temples, and teach people with skin of the color of darkness to grow cereals and vegetables. Four Clans from the Heavenly Clan, replacing each other, will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests and build Trirans-Tombs in the form of Man-Made Mountains, tetrahedral ... "

The presence of the white race in China is also confirmed by archaeological finds - mummies of people of the white race, Tocharians (Photo 71 reconstruction of one of the famous Tocharian mummies (Photo 72), known as the "beauty Lulan"). The estimated age of the mummies is 3500 years. The first mummy of a white man in the Takla Makan desert in China was discovered by accident in 1977, after the sand came down, the corpse of a woman was opened, whose body was badly damaged, presumably during military operations. Excavation around her corpse later uncovered 16 mummies, so perfectly preserved by the desert that traces of tears were found on the face of the mummified baby. The bodies found were dressed in Celtic-style woolen fabrics, leather shoes and jewelry. In one grave, excavators found a saddle cover and a pair of pants with drawings of people. A face with blue eyes was painted on one leg.

The civilization that the Tokharians built consists of big cities, temples, centers of study and art - they were also the builders of the Great Silk Road - the route for trade between the West and China. The Silk Road was originally thought to have been built by the Chinese, but the discovery of the remains of the original inhabitants of this region now shows that these are the remains of a great lost White civilization.

In the early 1990s, over a thousand Tokharian corpses were found in the region, but by 1998 Chinese government banned further archaeological expeditions to the area, quite likely for fear of exposing Chinese legends. The excavations of the Tokharians prove the fact, unpleasant for the Chinese, that they were not the discoverers of iron, saddles, they were not the first to domesticate horses, but representatives of the White race...

When were megaliths built?

Megaliths were built for a variety of purposes on almost all continents and in a very wide time range, numbering tens of millennia. According to the Russian scientist Nikolai Levashov, one of the main purposes of the pyramids built after the planetary catastrophe that occurred as a result of the fall of fragments of the second moon of Fatta to the Earth and entailed a shift of the poles 13 thousand years ago, is to stabilize the Earth's axis of rotation. Various large objects have fallen to Earth before, such as fragments of the third moon Leli, destroyed about 113,000 years ago, large asteroids, so there were enough problems with the movement of continental plates before. They were solved as best they could at that time in the development of civilization. It is worth noting that today we can not solve such issues in any way!

The Egyptian pyramids were clearly built at a time in history when there were heavy rains in the area, as indicated by the gutters for the drain (Photo 55, Photo 56, Photo 57) and traces of erosion on the Sphinx from flowing rainwater (Photo 58, Photo 59). This is at least 8-10 thousand years ago. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas indicate a period of 12-13 thousand years ago, that is, after the migration of the Ants to the territory of Ancient Egypt:

“... The Gods of the Race will save the righteous people and the Heavenly Force will transfer them to the east, to the lands of people with the skin of the color of Darkness ... and the Beardless people, with the skin of the color of the flame of the Holy Fire, will be transferred by the Great Force to the boundless lands at sunset of the Yarila-Sun lying .. .

7 (71). People with skin of the color of Darkness will revere the descendants of the Heavenly Clan as Gods... and will learn many sciences from them. People from the Great Race will build new Cities and Temples, and teach people with skin of the color of Darkness to grow cereals and vegetables... The Four Kinds of the Great Race(Four Clans of the Great Race - it is now scientifically proven that the first four dynasties of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were White) replacing each other, they will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests... and build Trirans-Tombs, in the form of Man-made, tetrahedral Mountains...»

Second name of Egypt- Land of the Pyramids. It was in ancient Egypt that the first pyramids were built. They are located on the Giza plateau. Not all pyramids have survived, but only the pyramids of Cheops, Mykerin and Khafre.

  • How did 70-ton blocks rise to a height of 40 meters?
  • Why do the inner tunnels of the pyramid have such straight walls?
  • Why can't a person be the author of the creation of these structures?

And in ancient times, and in our days, legends are made up about the Egyptian pyramids. It is no coincidence that these unusual buildings are considered the most mysterious and unique on the planet. It is probably difficult to find another place on Earth where the breath of history is so tangible.

Crowds of tourists gather around the Egyptian pyramids at any time of the year and day, who want to see this wonder of the world with their own eyes. Many note that this place seems to be filled with some kind of powerful energy.

Video about the pyramids (Kondrashov Alexander Alexandrovich):

Facts about the pyramid of Cheops

The largest of the Egyptian pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops. IN this moment the height of the pyramid is 138.75 m. Previously, its height was 146.6 m. According to scientists, there was a large piece of granite at the top - the pyramidion, which fell during an earthquake. Now, the top of the pyramid has a square platform.

The length of the sides at the base is 230 meters. total area is five hectares. The volume of the pyramid is 2.35 million cubic meters. You will need to walk about a kilometer to look at this wonder of the world from all sides.

The pyramid is built of 2,300,000 limestone blocks arranged in 210 rows. The average weight of one block is 2.5 tons. The height of the blocks is from 0.5 to 1.5 m. The total weight of the structure is approximately 6,300,000 tons.

For many years, the pyramid was the tallest building on the planet. The record was broken only in 1880.

What and where do we know about the Egyptian pyramids

According to historians, the Egyptian pyramids were built in 2500 BC. pharaohs Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure.

Such conclusions were made by scientists on the basis of the book "History" by the Greek thinker Herodotus. It is in this book that it is indicated who built the pyramids. The point of view of Herodotus is considered to be the only correct one in our time.

Meanwhile, the question arises, can the Greek scientist be trusted? This is a very controversial issue because:

  • Herodotus wrote his book in the 5th century BC, that is, 2000 years after the pyramids were built.
  • Scientists' opinions about who built the pyramids, are based on information collected by him during his travels, and in fact, are a retelling of legends and myths.

It should not be overlooked that many documents compiled by the ancient Egyptians have survived to this day, which contain detailed descriptions of that time. But here's the strange thing, they do not have a word about who built the pyramids, and when it happened.

There are no inscriptions and drawings in the pyramid either. Not a single papyrus found rock art, where Cheops was named as the creator of such grand building. It is puzzling why there is no mention of such an incredible structure and its builder in the culture of Ancient Egypt.

There are serious inconsistencies in the text written by Herodotus. In particular, the scientist makes mistakes in the chronology of Egypt, confusing the dates of the reign of the pharaohs. The amount spent on the construction of the pyramid - 1600 talents of silver, also looks strange, it is much lower than the cost of building such a gigantic structure. According to the documents found later, it can be seen that Cheops ruled not for 50 years, but for 24 years. And after the death of the pharaoh, power passed to his brother Dedefre, and not Khafre. Epistle ruled later, and was the son of the pharaoh, not his brother.

What can we say about the indication of the labor force, which worked for 20 years and raised multi-ton blocks to a height of 147 meters with wooden mechanisms ... After all, we are talking about 2.5 million blocks weighing about 2.5 tons each. If you count, it turns out that every day, around the clock, 346 blocks were raised to the building, that is, one block in 5 minutes ...

Another detail is doubtful: from the tools of labor, the Egyptians had only stone and copper. How could such tools work incredibly hard granite stones?

The information described by Herodotus is based on the information he received from the Egyptian priests. At the same time, according to the text of the book, the scientist himself repeatedly expresses doubts about one or another of their stories. So, for example, according to the information provided by the priests, Cheops did not have enough funds to build the pyramid. Because of this, he forced his daughter into prostitution in order to get these funds. At the end of the story, Herodotus ironically remarks - “How much exactly was earned, the priests, however, did not say”, thereby hinting at the absurdity of such a story.

Fake find in the pyramid

What Herodotus wrote was repeatedly tried to find confirmation. In 1837, the whole world learned about an amazing discovery - the English explorer Howard Wise blew up the passage above the royal room in the middle of the pyramid, as a result, new rooms were found. In one of them, the name of Cheops was written on the wall in red paint. It would seem that the author, who was engaged in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, was found.

But when the scientist presented his discovery to the scientific community, his colleagues expressed their disagreement, because the name of the pharaoh was misspelled. At that time Egyptology was new science, and errors in spelling of names came across in serious studies. Such errors were contained in the writings of Wise. All this indicated that the scientist himself wrote the name on the wall in order to gain popularity and pay off debts.

So no evidence of what Herodotus stated in his work has ever been found.

Who actually built the pyramids and why?

The answer to the question of who built the pyramids is not so simple. But it is obvious that the strength and abilities of the Egyptians in those ancient times would simply not have been enough to build such incredible structures.

There is an alternative, generally accepted theory that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens. The version that the pyramids were built by aliens is quite convincing and popular, it looks very, very reasonable. Of course, those who do not believe in the existence of alien civilizations will not take into account such a theory.

Read about aliens and aliens.

The Egyptian pyramids, built by aliens, according to the supporters of this point of view, were a spaceport where their spaceships landed to land, including to refuel.

At the top of the pyramid of Cheops is now a flat area. According to scientists, there was a triangular pyramidion stone, but perhaps it was not there at all. It is hard to imagine that he just disappeared, because his weight was about a hundred tons.

Why don't aliens now use the pyramids for their intended purpose? Experts agree that although extraterrestrial beings continue to visit our planet, they no longer need the pyramids. in mind technical progress they now have other ships that do not need such a spaceport. Thus, Egyptian pyramids- it's a kind of obsolete alien space equipment.

Signs have been preserved in the pyramids indicating the placement of special alien equipment there. So, in the Great Gallery on the walls there are 28 recesses. One gets the impression that they housed something, perhaps some mechanisms and devices, with the help of which, in particular, energy was generated for the functioning of the ships.

Where did all these devices go? Most likely, they were destroyed by the aliens themselves. After the invention of more advanced vehicles, the old technology was no longer needed.

In the middle of the pyramid, in the king's room, there is a large box made of granite. Perhaps it was stored alien fuel. There is also an opinion that various chemical processes took place in this room, it is no coincidence that this room is finished with granite, not limestone, because granite is much harder and more reliable. The room is completely airtight, except for two tunnels, which scientists believe are ventilation shafts. But is it?

The tunnels have inlets 20 x 20 cm, they are located on the walls at a distance of 1 m from the floor. Is it a coincidence that the upper part of the granite box is at the same height. Another oddity is that the walls of the tunnels are made of large stone slabs, which suggests that it was not water that flowed through them, but something else. It can be concluded that fuel was supplied upward through the tunnels for refueling ships.

At the bottom of the pyramid there is a room with an uneven bottom. This is strange, because all the other rooms are perfectly aligned. Perhaps it had a warehouse, so they did not bring it to perfect condition. The room has a tunnel leading up. Most likely, an elevator was moving along the tunnel, transporting substances from the warehouse.

Yes, and aliens moved inside the pyramids with the help of special elevators, like capsules through numerous tunnels. After all, it is not for nothing that all these tunnels have such exact dimensions.

How did the aliens build the pyramids? It can be assumed that they moved the stone blocks not manually, but through the air with the help of special beams that were generated by alien ships.

Why information about aliens is hidden

There are two main reasons why information about an alien civilization is so carefully hidden.

The first reason is to prevent panic among the population. It is known that the US government created a special project "Blue Book". According to official information, he was supposed to study alien phenomena. In fact, he developed a variety of ways to hide from the inhabitants of the planet the fact of the existence of aliens.

Another reason is that world powers are trying to outdo each other in the field of alien technology research. By studying high-tech equipment, one can gain the ability to apply extraterrestrial knowledge to the production of unsurpassed types of weapons.

Despite such secrecy, an increasing number of the inhabitants of the planet believe that we are not alone in this universe.

The version about the construction of the pyramids by a highly developed civilization

This theory also does not apply to the officially recognized one, but boils down to the fact that the pyramids were built by people.

Supporters of this theory believe that once on Earth there was already a civilization with a high level of consciousness and technology.

According to one theory, such a civilization was the Atlanteans (the inhabitants of Atlantis), who built the pyramids or assisted the inhabitants of Egypt in this.

According to another version, the ancient inhabitants of Egypt managed to find and apply the technologies of civilizations that existed in the past for the construction of pyramids. Again, historians do not know anything about the existence of such civilizations.

Another theory is that the ancient Egyptians themselves were at an extremely high stage of development.


Summing up, we can come to the following conclusion: the one who built the pyramids of Egypt, clearly had a high level of development in the field of technology. Only an extraterrestrial civilization or, as we usually call them, Aliens, could have such a level of knowledge.