Weird Artifacts. Artifacts of antiquity, inexplicable by modern science. Corrugated spheres from South Africa

Mankind has always been interested in eternal questions about how many years our civilization has existed, are we alone in the Universe, and what was there before people appeared on Earth? Has anyone thought about how the age of important finds found in archaeological expeditions is determined?

Conventions in dating

There are several methods for determining the dating of historical artifacts that have come down to us, but none of them is accurate. And the radiocarbon method, which is considered the most reliable, has been found to determine the age only for the last two thousand years.

Therefore, many experts argue that the dating known to us is more than conditional, and the scientists of the world have found themselves in a real impasse due to the inability to accurately establish a clear chronology of human development. It is not excluded that the historical facts known to all will have to be considered anew, rewriting many chapters of civilization, which seem to be unshakable truths.

Ignoring evidence that destroys the theory of human evolution

Modern scientists set the boundaries of human evolution in the last few millennia, and before that, according to authoritative researchers, it lasted an indefinite amount of time.

Surprisingly, science ignores the fixed archaeological artifacts, which do not fit into the history of the development of life on Earth, helping to take a skeptical look at the established theory of chronology.

Let's talk about the amazing finds found in various parts of our planet, causing shock not only for the layman, but also for well-known researchers who do not want to take them into account as not fitting into the established framework.

Man-made products embedded in rocks

Some of the most famous finds are man-made objects that were walled up in a stone monolith, which is several million years old. For example, strange artifacts found in limestone and coal quarries at the end of the 19th century.

Then in the American press there was a small note about the found gold chain, literally soldered into the rock. According to the most modest assumptions of scientists, the age of the block exceeded 250 million years. And in a scientific journal, an article about a very strange find went almost unnoticed - two halves of a vessel like a modern vase, decorated with flowers, were discovered after an explosion in a quarry. Geologists, who carefully studied the rock in which the mysterious object was located, found that it was about 600 million years old.

Such unusual artifacts, unfortunately, are hushed up by scientists, because they threaten the theory of the origin of a person who could not live at that time. Discovered objects that violate generally accepted truths about evolution are much easier to ignore than to try to explain them from a scientific point of view.

Chandar plate

Unique artifacts appear quite often, but they are not always known to a wide range of the population. One of the latest sensations that surprised all scientists was a huge stone slab found in Bashkiria, called Chandarskaya, on the surface of which a map of the area was relief-drawn. It has no image modern roads, but instead of them, incomprehensible sites were carved, later recognized as airfields.

The age of the monolith weighing one ton was so striking that the find was announced as a gift from aliens who wanted to inhabit our planet. In any case, scientists have not received a clear explanation of how the relief outlines of the map of the region appeared on a block whose age is determined at 50 million years.

Denial of a highly developed pracivilization

Skeptics argued furiously with the scientists who defended the version of aliens, explaining all the strange finds with a single hypothesis - the existence of a highly developed civilization that died as a result of some kind of catastrophe, but left a real reminder of itself to the descendants. True, modern science strongly denies such assumptions, breaking the boundaries of the alleged human evolution, declaring such artifacts as fakes or referring to their manufacture by extraterrestrial civilizations.

On this occasion, the physicist and researcher V. Shemshuk even rightly spoke out, entering into a confrontation with modern science: “Many finds - historical artifacts confirming the existence of ancient civilizations, are declared hoaxes or relate to the activities of extraterrestrial beings.”

Strange underground passages

Archaeologists from all over the world have accumulated enough material that does not fit well with the concept of the development of life on Earth. Expeditions are known in Ecuador and Peru, who discovered an ancient labyrinth many kilometers deep underground.

Archaeological research has been recognized as a real sensation, but access to the anomalous territory is currently prohibited. local authorities who do not want to share the most intimate with the whole world.

Secrets of the labyrinth, laid by highly developed technologies

The leaders of the group believe that they encountered a real one that has not been solved to this day. Having passed a huge network, scientists discovered a huge hall in which there were statues of animals made of real gold, including dinosaurs. In a huge cave resembling a library, ancient manuscripts were kept with the thinnest sheets of metal, on which unknown letters were engraved. In the center of the far room sat a strange figure with a helmet pulled over his eyes, and an unusual capsule with holes in it, resembling a telephone dial, hung around his neck.

It should be noted that there is no reliable evidence, except for the descriptions of archaeologists, and the expedition leaders refused to give the exact location of the labyrinth, worrying about its safety.

Unknown origin of the underground labyrinth

After such unusual confessions about the existence of an amazing underground world, other groups traveled to the area, but only Polish scientists managed to find it and get inside the strange labyrinth. Several boxes with exhibits were taken out, but in the spacious underground halls no golden sculptures and books written in a language unknown to science were found.

However, the main result of all underground research was the confirmation of the existence of a multi-kilometer labyrinth, laid with the help of high technologies, which could not have been applied several millennia ago. It is inexplicable, but true: no one can shed light on the origin of the underground passages, access to which is now closed.

The official "countdown" of the development of civilization is questionable

Few people know about the existence of "forbidden" archeology, the founder of which is M. Kremo. An American anthropologist and researcher has officially stated that, based on the data he has, civilization originated much earlier than official science says.

He mentions geologists during excavations in the Urals, which do not fit into the standard concepts of evolution. Unexplained artifacts were found at a depth of about 12 meters in soil layers, the age of which is set to range from 20 to 100 thousand years. Miniature strange spirals no larger than three millimeters were found in untouched soil layers, which was immediately recorded by the geological authorities in order to avoid further talk about falsification of objects.

Amazing composition of spirals

Ancient artifacts surprised with their composition: the spirals were made of copper, tungsten and molybdenum. The latter is used today to harden steel products, and its melting point is about 2600 degrees.

A logical question arises as to how our ancestors were able to process the smallest details made at mass production, because they did not have the appropriate special equipment. Many scientists are inclined to believe that even today, with the use of high technologies, it is unrealistic to put the production of millimeter spirals on stream.

At the first glance at small details, an association arises with nanoparticles used in micro-equipment, and some of the developments of our scientists of this kind have not even been completed. It turns out that archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the history of the development of mankind are made at a production facility whose technical level is an order of magnitude higher than the modern one.

Was there a supercivilization?

The discoveries were made by many researchers who admitted that tungsten cannot take a spiral shape on its own, and we are talking about molecular technologies that could not be used by our ancestors.

There is only one answer - the excavations of archaeologists once again stirred up talk that there was a super-civilization before us, possessing powerful knowledge and high technologies.

Newspapers do not write about these findings, and few people know about the research of scientists. However, "forbidden" archeology has plenty of evidence confirming that in prehistoric times superhumans (or aliens) lived on our planet, and the age of mankind is ten times older than it is considered today.

Elongated skulls

World science is afraid of sensations that will cast doubt on the immutable truths about the stages of evolution, trying to hush up inexplicable artifacts. However, some of them, such as elongated skulls, are becoming known.

In Antarctica, archaeologists have discovered human remains that have become a real surprise in the scientific world. On a continent that was considered uninhabited until modern era, have found strange elongated skulls that turn views of human history. Most likely, they belonged to a mysterious group of people who differed in physical parameters from ordinary members of the race.

Previously, the same skulls were found in Egypt and Peru, which confirms the version of contact between civilizations.

Shigir idol

At the end of the 19th century, an amazing archaeological monument was discovered near Yekaterinburg, made, according to scientists, in the Mesolithic era. as it was called by scientists, has no analogues in the whole world. The oldest wooden sculpture is well preserved due to the fact that it was in a peat bog, which protected it from decay.

Ancient artifacts of Guatemala

They found a giant head of a man with delicate features and eyes directed to the sky. The appearance of the monument, similar to a white man, was strikingly different from the representatives of the pre-Hispanic civilization.

It is believed that the head also had a body, but nothing can be known for sure, since the statue was used during the revolution as a target for shooting, and all features have been destroyed. The statue is not a fake, but questions about who created it and why remain unanswered for a long time.

A disc that can only be seen under a microscope

In Colombia, a disk made of durable material was discovered, the surface of which shocked all researchers. All the stages of the birth and birth of a person into the world were marked on it. It is inexplicable, but true: the images of the processes are drawn with pinpoint accuracy, they can only be seen under a microscope. The “genetic” disk is at least six thousand years old, and it is not clear how such a relief was applied without appropriate instruments.

The strange-looking human heads are different from the usual images, and researchers are wondering what species these people belong to. Archaeological artifacts that do not fit into history raise many questions. It is already clear that our ancestors, the authors of this disk, possessed perfect knowledge, which is evidenced by the application of microscopic drawings.

An aircraft with an unusual wing shape

Colombia is rich in amazing archaeological finds, and one of them, the most famous, was an airplane made of real gold. Its age is about a thousand years. Surprisingly, the shape of the wing of a strange object does not occur naturally in birds. It is not known where our ancestors took the special structure of the aircraft, which seemed very unusual to contemporaries.

Interesting artifacts kept in Colombian museums interested American designers who created the famous supersonic aircraft with the same delta wing as the find.

Ica province stones

Drawings on boulders found in the province of Peru contradict the theory of the origin of mankind. Their age could not be determined, but the first mention of them is known as early as the 15th century.

The volcanic rock, processed to smoothness, is covered with drawings in which people come into contact with dinosaurs, which, according to modern science, is simply impossible.

Shot through the skull of a Neanderthal

Stores archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the history of the development of modern mankind. And one of these incomprehensible objects is the skull. ancient man with a hole from the weapon.

But who could have possessed a gun with gunpowder more than 35 thousand years ago, which was invented much later?

The version of M. Kremo, who spoke about the "forbidden" archeology

All of this kind does not fit into Darwin's coherent theory of evolution. The same one in his book provides convincing evidence that destroys modern ideas about the age of mankind. For more than eight years, the researcher has been discovering unique artifacts, having made his stunning conclusions.

In his opinion, all the finds indicate that the first civilizations originated about six million years ago and lived on Earth beings similar to people. However, scientists hush up all artifacts that contradict the official version.

It is argued that man appeared a hundred thousand years ago, and not earlier. “Only when I am presented with convincing data on how the DNA structure of monkeys changed so that humans eventually appeared, I will believe Darwin. But so far not a single scientist has done this, ”said the American archaeologist.

There is enough evidence in the world confirming the existence of highly developed civilizations before the advent of modern man. So far, these artifacts are carefully hidden, but I want to believe that soon the “forbidden” knowledge will be revealed to everyone and true story humanity will no longer be a secret.

Behind last hundred years, many artifacts have been discovered that cause at least bewilderment. In other words, these are those objects that, by their existence, do not fit into any of the accepted general theories of the origin of human life on Earth and the entire earthly history as a whole.

Based on biblical sources, you can find out that God created man in his own image just a few thousand years ago. According to orthodox science, the age of a person (say erectus - erectus man) can be dated no deeper than 2 million years, and the beginning of the formation of the ancient civilization only tens of thousands of years.

But could it be that the Bible and science are wrong, and the age of civilizations is much deeper in the centuries than it seems? There are many archaeological finds that indicate that the development of life on the blue planet may not be as we know it. Here are some artifacts ready to break the usual pattern of opinions.

1. Spheres of the sphere.

Over the past years, miners in South Africa have raised strange spheres made of metal from the bowels of the earth. The origin of objects several centimeters in diameter is completely unknown. And what is curious, one of the balls has an engraving of three grooves parallel to each other, encircling the entire ball.

The amazing artefact balls can be classified into two varieties: some are made of metal interspersed with white, others are hollowed out inside and filled with a spongy white composition.

How it was cast and what purpose is unclear. But what irritates some scientists even more is the date of origin - 2.8 billion years! Erectus, for example, learned how to fry food only 1.8 million years ago. It is difficult to imagine who could make spheres during the Precambrian period (rock layers speak about this). - unless, of course, this is the terrible weapon of the mythical aliens who destroyed the dinosaurs.

By the way, criticism about these areas is also curious. Some believe that it is clearly made by an intelligent being. But others claim natural origin these unwanted artifacts. By the way, it is precisely such finds that are also called " forbidden archeology"- such items do not fit into the framework of the outlined theories about the origin of man.

2. Incredible stone balls of Costa Rica.

As you can see more than once, our ancestors liked spherical shapes. So, pushing through the impenetrable thickets of Costa Rica in 1930, which was justified by the development of the territory, they unexpectedly stumbled upon the ideal roundness of the balls.

The sizes of spherically flat objects vary, from giant ones weighing 16 tons, to small ones, the size of a tennis ball. Dozens of stone balls of Costa Rica lay as if the giants with children had arranged a bowling game here.

The balls turned from a single piece of stone are certainly made by a reasonable, able to think creature, which was in the not so distant past, but the mystery of the unknown is present - who, why, and with what help is unknown. How did the masters of antiquity manage to achieve the perfect circle without the name of a bunch of necessary gadgets?

3. Incredible fossils.

Archeology, paleontology, very important sciences that reveal to us the secret of the life of the planet in the past. However, sometimes the bowels of the earth give out something amazing. Fossils - as each of us knows, this formation occurred thousands and millions of years ago, and it is pointless to object to this, but it is also difficult to believe in the finds stuck in them.

Here, for example, is a fossilized human palm print found in limestone, whose age

is about 110 million years old. The question is, who could imprint his imprint on the Walk of Fame, when there was no human yet? Here is another case from the same category of forbidden archeology: an "abnormal" find of a fossilized human hand was discovered in Bogota (Colombia).

The rock formation, which “fixed” the remains for centuries, dates back to 100-130 million years - an unthinkable date, since then a person could not yet live. This is really an artifact from the category of "forbidden archeology."

4. Metal objects before the Bronze Age.

A piece of pipe 65 million years old is kept in a private collection. According to all theories, man is a young creature on earth, and, in theory, could not process metal. But then who made the flattened metal pipes they dug up in France?

And in 1912, shop workers saw a metal pot fall out of broken coal. But they also found nails in sandstone from the Mesozoic era.

However, there are many other anomalies of this kind, which it is not clear how to deal with, since they clearly fall out of the general idea of ​​human development.

5. Disks of the Dropa tribe, ordinary stones or an alien artifact.

The history of the Drop disks is very, very mysterious (also known as Dzopa, who calls Dropas), their origin is unknown, and often the very existence is denied for some reason despite the facts.

Each disk, 30 cm in diameter, has two grooves radiating towards the edges in the form of a double helix.

Hieroglyphs are applied inside the grooves, as a kind of marking carrying the source of encoded information. According to various sources, at least 716 stone discs were found, about 12,000 years old.

The discovery of Dropa stone disks occurred in 1938 and belongs to a research expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei in Bayan-Kara-Ula, a place lying between Tibet and China. It is believed that the disks belonged to an incredibly ancient and grandiosely developed civilization.

From conversations with local residents, it is known that earlier stone disks belonged to the ancestors of the Dropa tribe - which were aliens from distant star worlds! According to legend, the discs contain unique recordings that could be played back if there was a “phonograph” - the discs are unusually similar to small vinyl records.

According to the legends of the tribe, about 10 - 12 thousand years ago, an alien ship made in these places emergency landing, - (the event successfully echoes the Flood). So, the ancestors of the present Dropa tribe arrived on this ship. And the stone discs are all that survived from those people.

Briefly speaking about this find, the following can be noted; disks were found in rocky caves-burials, in which the remains of small skeletons lay, whose growth during life did not exceed 130 centimeters. big heads, fragile thinned bones - all those signs that are formed from a long stay in weightlessness.

6. Ica stones.

From the beginning of the 1930s, the father of Dr. Javier Cabrera, studying the burials of the Incas, found stones with engravings on the sides in the tombs (now there are over 50 thousand stones and boulders). Dr. Cabrera, continued his father's hobby and by cataloging andesite artifacts, he collected a huge collection of amazing objects of distant antiquity. The age of the finds is estimated to be between 500 and 1500 years old, and later they became known as the “Ica stones”.

Quite amusing and curious stones, it must be said, were found near the Peruvian town of Iki, small, weighing 15-20 grams, large, half a ton in weight - on some there are paintings of erotica, the sides of others are decorated with idols. On the third, the absolutely impossible is depicted at all - a clearly traced battle between a man and dinosaurs. It is completely incomprehensible how the ancients found out about brontosaurs and stegosaurs in order to draw animals that died out hundreds of millions of years ago so clearly.

It's scary to even think about how it relates to other images - these are heart operations, as well as the practice of transplantology. Agree, such finds are shocking, and of course contradict the modern chronology of events, or rather, such pictures completely destroy the entire chronological chain of earth history. This can be explained by one, listen to the opinion of Professor of Medicine Cabrera, who says that a powerful and developed culture once lived on Earth.

Doctor's pebbles, and over a decade the collection has grown to 11 thousand copies, have not received recognition, and are considered a modern fake, but this does not apply to all copies, some actually came from ancient times. And yet, the paintings on them do not fit into the framework of the current theories about the age and development of civilizations on Earth, which means that they also fly into the "forbidden archeology" basket.

By the way, Dr. Cabrera is a descendant of Don Jeronimo Luis de Cabrera and Toledo, the Spanish conquistador and founder of the city of Ica in 1563. It was M.D. Cabrera who made the artefacts widely known.

7. Millennial Ford spark plug.

Of course, the internal combustion engine is not a new device. Although when in the California mountains in 1961, Wallace Lane, Maxey and Mike Mikesell stumbled upon an unusual stone, they did not think that the artifact lying inside was about 500,000 years old. At first it was an ordinary beautiful stone, for sale in a store.

This was later, something made of porcelain was found inside, in the center of which was a tube of light metal. It is not clear with the help of what technology this could have been done about half a million years ago. But the experts saw one more thing - some strange formation in the form of a knot.

As further work with the artifact, including X-ray examination, revealed, a small spring is located at the end of the found riddle. Those who have studied this find say that it is very similar to a spark plug! - and this is a little thing which counted half a million years.

However, the investigation conducted by Pierre Stromberg and Paul Heinrich, with the help of American spark plug collectors, can be traced back to the 1920s. Allegedly very similar ones were used in Ford Model T and Model A engines, made of stainless metal. So, in principle, this artifact can be considered critical in terms of age and origin. Although it is surprising how she managed to petrify in such a short time of 40 years?

8 Antikythera Mechanism

This artifact, which caused bewilderment, was recovered by divers from the shipwreck of a ship in 1901 off the coast of Antikythera, a place lies to the north-west of Crete. Divers, mining bronze figurines, and looking for a different cargo of the ship, found an unknown mechanism covered with moldy corrosion with a bunch of gears - which was called Antikythera.

As it was possible to determine, an ancient device with many gears and wheels was made from 100 to 200 years before the birth of Christ. At first, experts decided that this was some kind of astrolabe instrument. But as the x-ray study showed, the mechanism turned out to be more complicated than it was thought - the device contained a system of differential gears.

But as history shows, at that time such solutions did not exist, they appeared only 1400 years later! So it remains a mystery who calculated this mechanism, who could make such a thin instrument about 2,000 years ago. However, it can be assumed that once it was quite a common technology for manufacturing complex devices, it was just forgotten about it once, and then rediscovered.

9. An ancient battery from Baghdad.

Visible in the photograph amazing artifact quite ancient - this is a battery 2 years old

000 years! This curious artifact was found on the ruins of a Parthian village - it is believed that the battery dates back to 226 - 248 BC. Why a battery was needed there and what was connected to it is unknown, but a tall vessel made of clay had a copper cylinder and a rod of oxidized iron inside.

As the experts who studied the find concluded, in order to obtain an electric current, it was necessary to fill a vessel with an acidic or alkaline liquid - and here, please, electricity is ready. By the way, there is nothing surprising in this battery; according to experts, it was most likely used for galvanic work with gold. Maybe it was so, as experts say, but then how could this knowledge be lost for a long 1800 years?

10. Ancient plane or toy?

Yes, looking through the artifacts from the “forbidden archeology” section, one never ceases to wonder how developed the civilizations of antiquity were - for example, the Sumerians owned the world 6,000 years ago - and where, and most importantly how, these technologies important for the development of life were forgotten.

See artifacts from the ancient Egyptian civilization and Central America, they strangely resemble the planes familiar to us. It is possible that only a wooden toy was found in an Egyptian tomb in 1898, but it painfully resembles an airplane with wings and a fuselage. In addition, according to experts, the object has a good aerodynamic shape, and is likely to be able to stay in the air and fly.

And if the issue with the Egyptian "Saqqara bird" is quite controversial and criticized, then a small artifact from America made of gold about 1000 years ago can easily be mistaken for a desktop model of an airplane - or, for example, a space shuttle. The object is so carefully and carefully worked out that there is even a pilot's seat on an ancient plane.

A trinket of an ancient civilization, or a model of a real aircraft from ancient times, how can one comment on such finds? - Knowledgeable people speak simply; intelligent beings lived on Earth much earlier than we think about it. Ufologists offer a version with an extraterrestrial civilization that allegedly came to Earth and gave people many technical knowledge. Did our ancestors really possess the greatest secrets and knowledge, which, under the influence of a mysterious factor, were forgotten / erased from the memory of mankind?

The world is full of strange and mysterious artifacts. Some are almost certainly hoaxes, while others involve real stories. In our review of 10 real-life artifacts, the origin of which scientists cannot explain even today.

1. Sumerian king list

During excavations in Iraq on the territory of ancient Sumer was found manuscript, which lists all the kings of this state. The researchers initially thought that this was an ordinary historical document, but then it turned out that many of the kings are mythological characters. Some rulers who should have been included in the list were missing from it. Others were credited with incredibly long reigns or mythical events associated with them, such as the Sumerian version of the Great Flood and the exploits of Gilgamesh.

2. Codex Gigas (or "Devil's Bible")

The most famous is the ancient manuscript "Code Gigas", better known as " devil's bible". Only 2 people can lift this book, made of 160 skins. Legend has it that the Codex Gigas was written by a monk who, after being sentenced to death, according to which the monk was to be walled up alive, made a deal with the devil. With the help The devil monk wrote the book in one night (moreover, the devil wrote a self-portrait. Strangely enough, the handwriting in the book is surprisingly clear and the same, as if it was really written within a short period of time. However, scientists believe that such a work would take from 5 years (if written without interruption) to 30. The manuscript contains seemingly incompatible texts: the complete Latin Vulgate Bible, the Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius ​​Josephus, the collection of medical works of Hippocrates and Theophilus, the Chronicles of Bohemia by Cosmas of Prague, "Etymological Encyclopedia" by Isidore of Seville, exorcism rites, magic formulas and an illustration of the heavenly city.

3. Easter Island writing

Almost everyone knows about famous statues Easter Island, but there are other artifacts associated with this place, the riddle of which has not been solved so far. 24 wooden carved tablets were found that contain a system of symbols. These symbols are called rongorongo", and they are considered an ancient proto-writing form. To date, they have not been able to decipher.

Typically, archaeologists argue that religion, the building of temples, and the development of complex rituals are a by-product of human settlement. This belief was shaken by a discovery in the Urfa plain in southeastern Turkey. Göbekli Tepe temple. Its ruins may be the oldest organized place worship from known to man. The ruins of Göbekli Tepe date back to 9500 BC, meaning the temple was built 5000 years before Stonehenge.

In regions that were once in the sphere of influence of the Roman Empire - from Wales to mediterranean sea- find small strange objects that are named " dodecahedrons". They are hollow stone or bronze objects, 4-12 centimeters in diameter with 12 flat pentagonal faces and holes of various sizes on each side. Small handles protrude from each corner. Twenty-seven theories have been put forward as to what it is, but none of which could not be proven.

Around 6,000 have been found in rivers and swamps throughout Ireland. mysterious artifacts, which became known as Fulachtai Fia. In the UK, where they are also found, they are called " Burnt mounds". Fulacht fiadh - a mound of soil and stone in the shape of a horseshoe, in the center of which a trough filled with water is dug. Fulachtai Fia, as a rule, are found singly, but sometimes in groups of 2-6. At the same time, there is always a source of water nearby. Why they were built remains a mystery.

7. Big Zayatsky Labyrinth, Russia

Bolshoy Zayatsky Island, which is part of the Solovetsky archipelago in northern Russia, hides another mystery. Back in 3000 BC. not only villages and places of worship were built here, but also irrigation systems. But the most mysterious objects on the island - spiral labyrinths, the largest of which has a diameter of 24 meters. The structures are built from two rows of boulders overgrown with vegetation. What they were used for is unknown.

8. Witch bottles, Europe and the USA

In 2014, archaeologists excavating the site of an ancient battle in Nottinghamshire made a strange discovery: they found a 15-centimeter " witch bottle". Similar vessels were used in Europe and America for black witchcraft in the 1600s - 1700s. They were usually made of ceramic or glass. In total, about 200 such objects were found, and they often contained the remains of needles, nails, nails , hair, and even urine.Witch bottles are believed to have been used to protect the wearer from evil spells and the harmful effects of witches.

9 Ubaid Lizard Figurines, Iraq

Strange things are found in Iraq Ubaid figurines. They depict lizard-like and snake-like people in various poses. All figurines have abnormally elongated heads and almond-shaped eyes. Many of these figurines are found in human burials and are therefore believed to mark some form of status.

10 Rat King

Several museums around the world contain strange once-living exhibits of a legendary beast from the Middle Ages called " rat king". The rat king is formed when several rats intertwine or grow together with their tails. As a result, a kind of "nest" of rats appears, the muzzles of which are directed outward, and in the center a knot of tails. The largest of these artifacts contains 32 rats. Today, such mummified objects are found, but not a single living such anomaly has been found.

Scientists sometimes work on solving many global problems of mankind for decades. We have collected - from medicine to space. Perhaps these solutions will become the technologies of the future.

Archaeologist Damian Waters and his team have discovered three elongated skulls in the Paille region of Antarctica, reports. The discovery came as a complete surprise to the world of archeology, as skulls are the first human remains.

Questions without answers . Three elongated skulls found in Antarctica.

Archaeologist Damian Waters and his team have discovered three elongated skulls in the Paille region of Antarctica, reports. The discovery came as a complete surprise to the world of archeology, as the skulls are the first human remains discovered in Antarctica, and it was believed that the continent had never been visited by humans prior to the modern era.

“We just can't believe it! We didn't just find human remains in Antarctica, we found elongated skulls! I have to pinch myself every time I wake up, I just can't believe it! This will force us to reconsider our view of the history of mankind as a whole!” M. Waters explains excitedly

As is known, earlier elongated skulls were found in Peru and Egypt.
But this discovery is absolutely incredible. It shows that there was contact thousands of years ago between civilizations in Africa, South America and Antarctica.

Giant footprint discovered in South Africa

It is located near the town of Mpalusi, close to the border of Swaziland. It is estimated that the time when this imprint was left is at least 200 million years. Geologists were surprised by this giant imprint legs about 120 cm long. This may be one of the best evidence that giants have existed on Earth since time immemorial. The fact that the track is now in the vertical plane is not surprising - this is due to the shift of tectonic plates. Several similar formations are found in India and Australia.

Stone plate from Nepal

The Loladoff Plate is a stone dish that is over 12,000 years old. This artifact was found in Nepal. Images and clear lines carved into the surface of this flat stone have led many researchers to the idea of ​​its extraterrestrial origin. After all, ancient people could not process stone so skillfully? In addition, the "plate" depicts a creature that is very reminiscent of an alien in his well-known image

Figurines from Ecuador

Figurines very reminiscent of astronauts found in Ecuador, their age is over 2000 years.

lizard people

Al-Ubeyd - an archaeological site in Iraq - a real gold mine for archaeologists and historians. A large number of objects of the El Obeid culture were found here, which existed in southern Mesopotamia between 5900 and 4000 BC.

Some of the artifacts found are especially strange. For example, some figurines depict figures of creatures with heads similar to lizards. There were suggestions that these figurines are images of aliens who flew to Earth at that time. The true nature of the figurines remains a mystery.

Jade discs: a puzzle for archaeologists

In ancient China, around 5000 BC, large jade stone discs were placed in the graves of the local nobility. Their purpose, as well as the method of manufacture, still remains a mystery to scientists, because jade is a very durable stone.

Sabu Disc: unsolved mystery Egyptian civilization.

The mystical ancient artifact, supposedly part of an unknown mechanism, was found by Egyptologist Walter Bryan in 1936 during an inspection of the tomb of Mastaba Sabu, who lived around 3100 - 3000 BC. The burial is located near the village of Saqqara.

The artifact is a regular round thin-walled stone plate made of meta-aleurite (metasilt in Western terminology), with three thin edges bent to the center and a small cylindrical sleeve in the middle. In places where the petals of the edge are bent towards the center, the circumference of the disk continues with a thin rim of circular cross section about a centimeter in diameter. The diameter is about 70cm, the shape of the circle is not perfect. This plate raises a number of questions, both about the incomprehensible purpose of such an object, and about the method by which it was made, since it has no analogues.

It is quite possible that Saba's disk had some important role five thousand years ago. However, at the moment, scientists cannot accurately determine its purpose and complex structure. The question remains open.

Petersburg archaeologists found fossilized metal gear cylinders, which turned out to be parts of the mechanism. Their age is 400 million years.

This is not the first time that ancient artifacts have been found in this region.
This find is encrusted in stone, which is quite understandable, since there are numerous volcanoes on the peninsula. Spectral analysis showed that the mechanism was made of metal parts, and all parts were dated 400 million years old!

The creations of human hands, immured in rocks, whose age is estimated at millions of years, were ignored until recently. After all, the finds violated the generally accepted fact of human evolution and even the formation of life on Earth. What artifacts are found in rocks, in which, according to the existing theory of the origin and development of man, there should be absolutely nothing?

600 million year old vase and 300 million year old bolt

A message about an extremely unusual find was published in a scientific journal in 1852. It was about a mysterious vessel about 12 cm high, two halves of which were discovered after an explosion in one of the quarries. This vase, with clear images of flowers, was located inside a rock that is 600 million years old.

In the Kaluga region, a fragment of a stone was found, on the chip of which a bolt about 1 cm long was discovered, it was not clear how it got into the rock. The find was examined in the laboratories of leading Russian institutions, museums, and just famous experts. The assessment is unequivocal: the bolt got into the rock in the process of its solidification, it happened 300 - 320 million years ago.

Hammer from Texas

In 1934, an ancient hammer was discovered in Texas. Its length was 15 cm, diameter - 3 cm. During storage in the ground, the hammer handle turned into coal - still - the age of the rock in which it was discovered was estimated at 140 million years. Another very interesting fact is that the hammer is made of almost pure iron (97%) - even modern people cannot produce this.

And the next item can be admired by anyone - just by going to India. Near the Qutub Minar tower in Delhi rises iron column 7.5 meters high.

The diameter of its base is 41.6 cm, it is slightly narrower towards the top - the upper diameter is about 30 cm. This column weighs 6.8 tons. Who, when and where (it was not made in Delhi) created it remains a mystery to this day.

But the most interesting thing is the composition of the column. It is 99.72% iron and only 0.28% is impurities. There is almost no corrosion on the black-blue surface of the megalith (only barely noticeable specks).
The strange thing is that the production of pure iron is very difficult and is not done in large volumes. And iron of such purity, even with modern equipment, is simply not realistic to produce.

Stone head from Guatemala

Half a century ago, deep in the jungles of Guatemala, searchers found a gigantic monument - stone head a man of great size. The face depicted on the statue had beautiful features, he had thin lips and a large nose, his gaze was directed to the sky. The searchers were very surprised by their find: the face had the obvious features of a white man, and was sharply different from any representatives of the pre-Hispanic civilizations of South America. The find quickly attracted attention, but it was also quickly forgotten, and information about the statue disappeared from the pages of history.

Researchers believe that the facial features of the statue depicted a representative of an ancient civilization that was much more advanced than locals before the arrival of the Spaniards. Some have also suggested that the head of the statue also had a torso. Unfortunately, we will probably never know for sure: the head was used as a training target for revolutionary troops and its features were destroyed almost without a trace.

However, the giant stone statue did exist and there is no reason to believe the photo is a fake. So where did she come from? Who created it? And for what?

Shigir idol

In 1890, on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, northwest of Yekaterinburg, an idol was found in the Shigir peat bog, which later acquired the name of the large Shigir idol.

The Shigir idol is a completely unique archaeological site. It has no analogues, not only in the Urals, but also in the world! The Shigir idol is the oldest wooden sculpture on our planet, made in the eighth millennium BC - in the Mesolithic era, according to a carbon analysis made in 1997. This archaeological miracle has been preserved thanks to two factors. Firstly, the idol is made of durable larch. Secondly, the idol was found in a peat bog and peat, as a natural preservative, protected it from decomposition. Its height after reconstruction is 5.3 meters.

Stone atoms of antiquity?

There are five unusual carved stone balls in the collection of the Ashmolean Museum of Scotland. Archaeologists find it difficult to explain the purpose of these objects. They are made of various materials - sandstone and granite.

The age of the stones is dated approximately between 3000 and 2000 BC. In total, about 400 such artifacts were found in Scotland, but five of them, stored in the museum, are the most unusual. As you can see in the photo, strange symmetrical patterns are applied to the surface of the stones.

Most of the stones have the same diameter of 70 mm, with the exception of a few larger ones, which measure up to 114 mm in diameter. The number of bulges on the stones ranges from 4 to 33, with spiral patterns on the surface of some bulges.

The five stones of the Ashmolean Museum were formerly in the collection of Sir John Evans, who believed that they could have been used as projectiles for throwing weapons of antiquity. However, this explanation does not seem to be correct, since all the stones do not contain any damage, which would invariably happen if they were used during military skirmishes. And the very shape of the stones, the complexity of their manufacture suggest that it is pointless to use so much effort to make throwing devices.

Other versions suggest the use of these artifacts as cargo for fishing nets. Or as ritual objects, giving their owner the right to vote during various ceremonies. But all these versions do not explain why it was necessary to make stones of such a complex shape.

There is another possible explanation. Perhaps these stones are a schematic representation of the nuclei of atoms? Such an image of atoms is widely used in modern world. Is it possible that the one who made these artifacts had a deep knowledge of chemistry and could depict various atomic structures?

At the very least, the method of making these artifacts leaves no doubt that the master was well versed in geometry, having a good understanding of complex polyhedra. However, it is generally accepted that during the Neolithic people did not have such knowledge. Or is it not?

"Genetic Disk"

This disk contains several images of those processes that in ordinary life can only be seen under a microscope.

This disc, which is 6,000 years old, was found in the jungles of Colombia. The disk has a diameter of 27 centimeters and is made of lidite or radiolarite material, which is not inferior in hardness to granite. However, it is layered and difficult to process. Nevertheless, the entire process of the birth of a human being is depicted with pinpoint precision along the circumference of the disk - on both sides - from the device of the reproductive organs of a man and a woman, the moment of conception, intrauterine development of the fetus through all its stages - to the birth of a baby. Scientists have seen many of these processes with their own eyes relatively recently, with the help of appropriate instruments. And here authors of a disk possessed this knowledge in perfection.

On the disk, images of a man, a woman and a child are visible, the strange thing here is how the human head is depicted. If this is not a stylistic image, then what species do these people belong to?

By the way, in the same Colombia there is a little-known "Valley of statues" or Archaeological park San Agustin with hundreds of stone statues depicting some unreal creatures. In my opinion, they are similar to the images on the "genetic disk":

Elias Sotomayor's Mysterious Finds: Ancient Globe and Others

Large treasure ancient artifacts managed to discover the expedition led by Elias Sotomayor in 1984. In the Ecuadorian mountain range of La Mana, in a tunnel at a depth of more than ninety meters, 300 stone products were found.

The exact age of the finds this moment it is not possible to determine. However, it is already known that they do not belong to any of the known cultures of this region. The symbols and signs carved on the stone clearly belong to Sanskrit, but not to its later version, but rather to its earlier one. A number of scholars have identified this language as proto-Sanskrit.

Before the discovery of Sotomayor, Sanskrit was never associated with the American continent, rather, it was attributed to the cultures of Europe, Asia and northern Africa.

Among the finds was a pyramid with an eye and a stone cobra. The stone pyramid most of all resembles in its shape the pyramid in Giza. Thirteen rows of masonry are carved on the pyramid. In its upper part, the image of the "all-seeing eye" is applied. Thus, the pyramid found in La Mana is an exact image of the Masonic sign, known to most of mankind thanks to the US one dollar bill.

Unusual Items

Another striking find of the expedition of Sotomayor is the image of a king cobra made with great skill from stone. And it's not even the high level of art of ancient artisans. Everything is much more mysterious, because the king cobra is not found in America. Its habitat is wet rainforests India.

However, the quality of its image leaves no doubt that the artist personally saw this snake. Thus, either the object with the image of a snake applied to it, or its author, must have moved from Asia to America across the ocean to ancient times when, it is believed, no means existed for this.

Perhaps Sotomayor's third stunning find will be able to suggest the answer. In the tunnel of La Mana, one of the oldest globes on Earth, also made of stone, was discovered. On a far from ideal ball, for the manufacture of which, perhaps, the master simply spared no effort, but a rounded boulder, images of continents familiar from school times are applied.

But if many outlines of the continents differ little from modern ones, then from the coast South-East Asia towards America, the planet looks very different. Huge masses of land are depicted where now only the boundless sea splashes.

The Caribbean islands and the Florida peninsula are absent altogether. Just below the equator in the Pacific Ocean is located giant island, approximately equal in size to modern Madagascar. Modern Japan is part of a gigantic continent that extends to the shores of America and extends far to the south. It remains to be added that the find at La Mana appears to be the oldest map of the world.

No less interesting are other findings of Sotomayor. In particular, a "service" of thirteen bowls was discovered. Twelve of them have a perfectly equal volume, and the thirteenth is much larger. If you fill 12 small bowls with liquid to the brim, and then drain them into a large one, then it will be filled exactly to the brim. All bowls are made of jade. The purity of their processing suggests that the ancients had a stone processing technology similar to a modern lathe.

So far, Sotomayor's findings raise more questions than they answer. But they once again confirm the thesis that our information about the history of the Earth and mankind is still very far from perfect.

Artifacts of Tertaria

50 years ago, in 1961, in the town of Tartaria (Romania), archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa discovered three unbaked clay tablets dated to the middle of the 6th millennium BC. The Tartarian tablets are the earliest written evidence, being at least a millennium older than the Sumerian writings in Mesopotamia.

The discovery remained practically unknown even after similar tablets were found in other areas of the Balkans: in Bulgaria (Karanovo, Grachanitsa), Greece (the shores of Lake Orestiada), Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova.

Thus, over the past decades, a number of arguments have emerged in support of the hypothesis that pictographic writing appeared in southeastern Europe long before the Sumerian writing system in Mesopotamia.

What is impossible to talk about, what should be silent about?

Forbidden archeology - relics of past eras that do not fit into the worldview modern people, but not because we - the people of the 21st century - will not be able to comprehend them, but in order not to change the history that has already been rewritten once, which took away the greatness from our ancestors.

However, sometimes strange finds are also silent because historians simply do not know how to explain the found artifact, for example, a microchip fused into a stone that is several hundred million years old. And instead of making such a significant fact of the find a sensation, and the relic itself - to the public, and make every effort to clarify the fate of the artifact, they are silent about the found object, and accounting archaeologists are not recommended to further study the “incomprehensible” object.

It is the material objects that archaeologists find that “put a spoke in the wheels” of the dogmas of historians, because no one has seriously considered intangible objects for a long time, classifying ancient history as mythology, and presenting mythology as a literary genre recommended for reading by lovers of fables. In the absence of ancient books that have been destroyed at all times as sources of “dangerous knowledge”, when nothing can be confirmed or refuted for certain based on ancient manuscripts, any fact can be manipulated. And only thanks to artifacts it becomes clear that the Earth has a different history of the development of intelligent life than the one we are taught.

(Unfortunately,due to low quality and lack of photos on the networkthere is no way to post a picture for each artifact, therefore, we recommend that you delve into this topic on your own)

Dorchester riddle of history - the oldest vessel from Mount Meeting House (USA, Massachusetts)

In 1852, in the town of Dorchester, during the production of demolition work, a bell-shaped vessel made of metal alloy was removed from the rock of Mount Meeting House along with fragments of stone. Presumably, by the color of the vessel, it was determined that it was made of an alloy of silver with other chemical elements. Beautiful intricate inlay and engraving in the form of a wreath, a vine and a pattern of a bouquet consisting of six inflorescences was made of pure silver, and was the finest work of a skilled craftsman.

The Dorchester vessel was located in sandstone at a depth of no more than 5 meters from the surface in the Roxbury rock, the origin of which geologists attribute to the Precambrian era (cryptozoic) - the period in which the Earth lived about 600,000,000 years ago.

An artifact that does not fit into history - an "old" bolt

This find fell into the hands of researchers by chance - an expedition with speaking name Kosmopoisk was looking for fragments of a meteorite in the fields of the Kaluga region, but found a completely local, earthly object - a stone from which a part of a part that had long frozen in it, which looked like a bolt (coil), protruded.

With the most careful study of the find by serious scientists from a number of leading research institutes in the country, it was reliably found out only that the stone into which the bolt was poured has an age of origin of more than 300,000,000 years ago. The obvious fact was also voiced - the bolt had been in the body of the stone for a long time, perhaps when the substance of the cobblestone was soft. This means that at the time when, according to the official version of history, the first reptiles appeared on Earth, such a technical thing as a bolt got into the ground, which became the basis of the stone.

A relic that refutes the theory of the origin of man on Earth

The human skull, devoid of superciliary ridges, has become a mysterious Siberian find. Archaeologists place its origin at 250,000,000 years old. The absence of brow ridges indicates that this is a humanoid skull, it has nothing to do with ancient primates. But according to official history, only the genus Homo, from which modern man descended further, appeared on Earth 2,500,000 years ago.

And this is not an isolated case of finding an unusual skull. Skulls of various shapes, large, with an elongated or rounded occiput, are continually found during excavations, undermining the theory of human origin and evolution with their appearance.

Other important finds are connected with this part of the human skeleton. Images of craniotomy operations, which researchers find in ancient manuscripts or carved on stones, indicate that the brain of ancient man was not small, like that of a primate. It turns out that knowledge about complex surgical manipulations with the human body arose at a time when, according to the official chronology, there was no Homo sapiens on Earth.

Footprints and shoes from the Mesozoic era - an interesting imprint of the past

Not far from the city of Carlson (USA, Nevada), during archaeological excavations, footprints were found - clear prints of the soles of well-made shoes. At first, archaeologists were surprised by the fact that shoe prints are several times larger than the size of a modern human foot. But after they carefully examined the site of this find, the size of the footprint was not important compared to its age. It turned out that time left an imperishable imprint of a boot from the Carboniferous period of the planet's development. It was in this archaeological layer of the Earth that traces were found.

Of the same ancient origin, about 250,000,000 years ago, were footprints found in California. A whole chain of prints was found there, left one after the other, with a step of about two meters, a foot, the size of which is about 50 centimeters. If we compare the proportions of a person with a reference point for a similar leg size, it turns out that a person 4 meters tall from the ground was walking there.

Similar footprints 50 centimeters long were also found on the territory of our country, in the Crimea. There, traces were left on the rocky rocks of the mountains.

Amazing Historical Finds in Mines Around the World

The finds that ordinary miners make while doing their daily work of mining amaze archaeologists - they are jealous that they did not find such relics.

As it turned out, coal is not only a fuel, but also a material on which and in which ancient traces are perfectly preserved. Among those found on pieces of coal of various sizes: an inscription in an incomprehensible language, a footprint of shoes with clearly visible stitches of a seam connecting parts of a thing, and even bronze coins that fell into the coal seam long before the era when, according to official history, a person learned to process metal and mint money from it. But these finds are insignificant in size compared to the one that was discovered in a mine in Oklahoma (USA): where the miners found a whole wall made up of cubes with a face of 30 centimeters, with perfectly drawn edges of the figure.

The fossil beds in which all of the above artifacts were found are classified as deposits, the age of which is from 5 to 250 million years.

3D map of the Earth from a Cretaceous cartographer

The Southern Urals, a storehouse of artifacts, gave the world an amazing find: a three-dimensional map of the area 70 million years old. The map has been perfectly preserved due to the fact that it was made on dolomite stone, combined with elements of glass and ceramics. Six whole huge and heavy dolomite slabs, covered with signs, were found by the researchers of the expedition led by Alexander Chuvyrov near Mount Chandur, but there is historical evidence that there were hundreds of them.

Everything about this find is amazing. First of all, a material that is not found in such a compound on our planet. A homogeneous dolomite slab, which is not found anywhere else today, was covered with a layer of glass fused to the stone by an unknown chemical method. On diopside glass, which allegedly began to be produced towards the end of the last century, the relief of the planet was skillfully depicted, which was characteristic of the Earth in the Cretaceous period, that is, about 120 million years ago. But, to the amazement of archaeologists, in addition to valleys, mountains and rivers, an interconnected chain of canals and dams was drawn on the map, that is, a hydraulic system of several tens of thousands of kilometers.

But even stranger is the fact that the slabs are sized so that it is most convenient to use them for people who are at least three meters tall. However, this fact was not so sensational for the find as the correlation of the size of the plates with astronomical values: for example, if you lay out this map from the plates along the equator, you will need exactly 365 fragments. And some signs of the map, which were able to decipher, indicate that their compilers are familiar with physical information about our planet, that is, they know, for example, its axis of inclination and the angle of rotation.

Encyclopedia of Knowledge on Dr. Cabrera's Oval Stones

Dr. Cabrera, a citizen of Peru, became famous throughout the world for having collected a huge amount, approximately 12,000, of stones with drawings of ancient people. However, unlike the well-known primitive rock art, these images were, in a way, an encyclopedia of knowledge. Stones of different sizes depicted people and scenes from their lives, animals, maps and much more in such branches of knowledge as ethnography, biology, geography. Along with hunting scenes for various types of dinosaurs, there were paintings that clearly depict the process of a surgical operation to transplant human organs.

The place of discovery was the suburb of the small settlement of Ika, after which the stones got their name. Ica stones have been studied for a long time, but are still among the mysteries of archeology, because they cannot be entered into the history of the origin of mankind.

What distinguishes the find from other surviving images of antiquity is that the man on the stones of Dr. Cabrera is depicted with a very large head. If now the head to the body of a person correlates as 1/7 part, then in the drawings from Ica, it is 1/3 or 1/4. Scientists suggest that these were not our ancestors, but a civilization similar to our human civilization - a civilization of intelligent humanoid beings.

Unsupportable and impracticable megaliths of antiquity

Ancient structures made of huge, perfectly processed stone blocks are found everywhere on our planet. Megaliths were assembled from parts weighing several tons each. In some masonry plates, the connection is such that even a thin knife blade cannot be inserted between them. A number of structures are geographically located in places where the material from which they are assembled is not nearby.

It turns out that the ancient builders knew several secrets at once, which in the present can be associated with magical knowledge. For example, in order to give a stone block such an ideal shape, you need to be able to soften the rock and sculpt the required figure from it, and in order to then move the finished multi-ton block into masonry, you need to be able to change the gravity of the part of the future structure, moving the “brick” to where the builder needs it.

Some buildings of antiquity are so grandiose for modern times that even in our present there are no such cranes or other devices that could raise parts of the building to the height necessary from the ground in order to place a heavy block in masonry. For example, in Puri, in India, there is a local temple, the roof of which is made of a stone block weighing 20 tons. Other structures are so monumental that it is impossible to imagine how many material and labor resources they can be implemented in modern times.

Note that with their majesty, some structures are amazing not only for their size, but also for the fact that they are built in relation to certain laws of nature, for example, they are oriented to the movement of the Moon and the Sun, like the Pyramids, or are designed to observe many celestial bodies, like Stonehenge . Other stone buildings, for example, the labyrinth on the Solovetsky Islands, are structures whose purpose remains a mystery.

Calligraphic "notches" on boulders and drawings of unknown purpose, as well as "magic" stones

Like megaliths, stones on which ancient writings or images with an incomprehensible purpose have been preserved can be found everywhere. A variety of elements served as a material for such messages from the past, such as trapped lava and marble, which were subjected to original preparatory processing before becoming the basis for applying signs and drawings.

For example, huge stones are found on the territory of Russia, which depict hieroglyphs that cannot be deciphered, or clearly recognizable figures of animals that still exist on earth, or images of God's creatures that no longer inhabit the planet. Finds are not uncommon in the form of perfectly polished slabs, on which lines are inscribed, the content of which is still incomprehensible.

And a completely extraordinary fact against the background of these recorded information is the information that in one of the Indian villages, in the town of Shivapur, near the local temple, there are two stones that can rise in the air under certain circumstances. Despite the fact that the boulders weigh 55 and 41 kilograms, if 11 people touch the largest of them with their fingers, and 9 people touch the other, and all together these people utter a certain phrase in the same key, the stones will rise to a height of two meters from the ground and several seconds hanging in the air.

The era in which metallurgy began to spread on earth, when people began to make tools and weapons for hunting from iron, has boundaries roughly established by scientists from 1200 BC to 340 AD. e. and is called the Iron Age. Knowing this, it is difficult not to be surprised by all the finds described below: iron, gold, titanium, tungsten, etc., in a word, metal.

Metal in ancient galvanic cells

A find that can be called the oldest electric battery. Ceramic vases were found in Iraq, in which there were copper cylinders, and in them - iron rods. From the alloy of tin and lead, on the edges of the copper cylinders, scientists determined that this device is nothing more than a galvanic cell.

After conducting an experiment, pouring a solution of copper sulfate into a vessel, the researchers received an electric current. The age of the find is approximately 4,000 years ago, and it does not allow galvanic cells to be included in the official theory of how mankind mastered the use of iron cells.

Stainless 16th century iron "Pillar of Indra"

And even if the finds are not so old, but have an age of origin of about 16 centuries, for example, like the "Pillar of Indra", there are many mysteries in their appearance and existence on our planet. The mentioned pillar is one of the mysterious sights of India. The structure of pure iron has been standing near Delhi in Shimaikhalori for 1600 years and does not rust.

Would you say that there is no secret if a metal pole is 99.5% iron? Of course, but imagine that not a single metallurgical enterprise of our time can now cast a 7.5 meter pole with a cross section of 48 centimeters and a percentage of iron content of 99.5 without applying special efforts and means. Why was it that the ancient people who lived in those places in 376-415 were able to do this?

They also, in a way incomprehensible to today's experts, put inscriptions on the pillar that tell us that the "Pillar of Indra" was erected during the reign of Chandragupta, on the occasion of the victory over the Asian peoples. This ancient memorial is still a Mecca for people who believe in miraculous healings, as well as a place for constant scientific observations and discussions that do not give a single answer to the question about the essence of the pillar.

Chain of precious metal in a piece of coal three hundred million years old

Some of the archaeological mysteries that have been found pose questions to humanity not about how this or that unusual thing was created. This interest fades into the background before the mystery of how the object got to where it was found now. If a person used iron mainly for domestic purposes, then gold has a special history. This metal has been used to make jewelry since antiquity. But the question is - from what antiquity?

So, for example, in 1891, while collecting coal in her barn, in the town of Morisonville, Illinois, a lady named Kelp put too much fuel in a bucket. To use coal in business, she decided to split it. From the impact, a piece of coal split in half and a golden chain sagged between its two halves, the ends going into each of the formed parts. A piece of jewelry weighing 12 grams in a piece of coal that was formed in this area 300,000,000 years ago? Try to find a logical explanation for this artifact.

Unique metal alloys that are not found on the planet in a similar form

But sometimes scientists have no less questions than some man-made metal artifacts, but ordinary-looking stones. In fact, they are not stones at all, but a rare alloy of metals. For example, one such stone was found near Chernigov in the 19th century. Modern scientists have studied it and found that it is an alloy of tungsten and titanium. At one time, it was planned to use it in the technology of creating the so-called "invisible aircraft", but the idea was abandoned because the composition of these elements did not have sufficient plasticity. But, when it was still thought to be used, tungsten and titanium were artificially combined into a similar alloy, because in this form it is not found anywhere on earth, and the technology for its production is incredibly energy-consuming. Here is such an unusual Chernihiv metal "pebble".

However, why only Chernigov, when ingots of alloys are found here and there, which, when checked, turn out to be a combination of elements that are not found in nature in such a composition, but at the same time an alloy known to people, for example, according to aircraft manufacturing technologies.

Mysterious "Salzburg" hexagon made of pure iron

How do historians deal with the above "challenges" of archeology? Do you think they are trying to write the finds into the chronicles of human life on earth? At best, pundits shrug their shoulders, at worst - for unknown reasons, "evidence" that exposes scientific dogmas about the past of earthlings is lost. Well, or the history of a mysterious archaeological find can be reduced to the fact that objects that inexplicably found themselves on our planet are assigned the status of "meteorites".

So, for example, it was with the "Salzburg papallepiped". This is a metal hexagon with two convex and four concave faces. The lines of the object are such that it is impossible to even imagine that the object is miraculous. However, the hexagon, which consisted of pure iron, was “written off” as meteorites, although it was found in Salzburg in 1885 in a piece of brown tertiary coal. And we do not even try to shed light on the history of its appearance.

All of the above cases, as well as many other documented facts, speak only about one thing: at a time when, according to official history, a person only came to the idea of ​​using stone tools, and in some cases did not exist at all as a species, on earth, who - he has already cast high-strength metal, forged iron, used alloys to create electric batteries, etc. and so on. Impressive? Undoubtedly! The only pity is that it is impossible to find a reasonable explanation for the mysterious archaeological finds.

The material was prepared by Svetlana Voronova based on the book by Isakov A.Ya. and other sources

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