Top 10 weirdest photos in the world. Goseck circle in Germany. The most mysterious people in the world

But we hope that one day, thanks to research and science, they will be able to unravel.

But there is Great chance that many questions remain unanswered.

Here are some photos that may be confusing.

The most mysterious photos

1The woman in the brown coat during the Kennedy assassination

A woman in a brown coat or Lady Granny", as the FBI later called her, was very close to President John F. Kennedy when he was assassinated in Dallas.

According to witnesses, this woman filmed the entire murder process. She was at a very important vantage point and could answer the question of what exactly happened that day.

However, the FBI was never able to track down the woman or identify the mysterious observer.

None of the photographs from the scene of the murder captured her face, and the video she filmed has not been located, despite requests from law enforcement.

2. The death of the Dyatlov group

In 1959, nine Soviet tourists mysteriously died in Ural mountains. The photo you see was taken by the rescue team. According to the lifeguards, the tourists cut the tent and ran out barefoot into the snow trying to run away from something.

Six tourists died from hypothermia, two from fractures of the sternum, and one from a severe head injury. In addition, one tourist was missing the language. Another strange fact was high radioactivity of clothing Dyatlov group.

3 Phoenix Lights

The Phoenix Lights are a series of bright, still lights seen by thousands of people over the city of Phoenix, Arizona, USA, and the city of Sonora, Mexico, on March 13, 1997.

The US Air Force explained that the lights were flares dropped during the exercise. However, experts have denied this. Moreover, they reappeared over Phoenix in 2007 and 2008. An explanation for this phenomenon has never been found.

4 Solway Firth Astronaut

Englishman Jim Templeton(Jim Templeton) took this photo of his daughter on a walk in 1964. When he took the photo, he did not notice anything strange in the swampy area where the two of them were.

However, when he developed the photographs, he noticed that there was something behind his daughter in the photograph, like an astronaut. But no one was around at the time Templeton took the photo, and Kodak confirmed that the photo had not been altered.

5 Mysterious Thumb

In this photograph of four children, the boy in black has a thumb on the right side of his ear that does not belong to any of the children.

6. Satellite "Black Knight"

According to some assumptions, there is an ancient dark object called the Black Knight satellite, which is located in Earth orbit for the last 13,000 years.

No one knows how he got there, and his purpose. This photo was taken by the US Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station in 1998.

In these photos of the gaping hole that was created when the plane crashed into south tower World shopping center On September 11, 2001, a woman can be seen standing on the edge of the hole, waving for help.

The woman was identified as Edna Cintron, but no one has been able to explain how she was able to survive after the plane crashed into the building.

strange photos

8 The Falcon Lake Incident

May 20, 1967 Stefan Michalak(Stefan Michalak) was in the forest near Falcon Lake in Manitoba, Canada, when he saw two cigar-shaped UFOs. When the door of one of the objects opened, Michalak heard voices and tried to speak to the creatures inside. But as he approached the door, he could make out nothing but a "maze of lights."

Suddenly the door aircraft closed and the object rose, blasting hot air at the man through the grille, which caused his clothes to catch fire.

At the hospital, the doctors were extremely surprised lattice pattern of burns on the chest victim, which can be seen in the photo.

9. Time Traveler

This photo was taken in 1941 after the reopening of the South Forks Bridge in Canada. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing unusual in the photo.

But if you look closely, you can see that one the man in the photo is dressed quite modern, he wears fashionable dark glasses, and he has a modern camera in his hands.

For comparison, in the circled circle on the left, we see a man with a camera typical of that time.

10. Madonna with Saint Giovannino

This is one of the most famous unexplained images of all time. While attention is focused on Mary in the painting, something strange can be seen hovering over her left shoulder.

The object is very similar to a UFO, and below you can see a man with a dog, who are looking up at a flying saucer.

11 Skunk Monkey

In 2000, an unidentified woman took two photographs of what was believed to be a skunk monkey and mailed them to the Florida Sheriff's Department. In the letter, she wrote that she photographed the monster in her yard, coming three times at night for apples she had left on the back porch. Bigfoot hunters have named the creature the "skunk monkey" because of its resemblance and unpleasant odor.

12. A mobile phone in a Chaplin film

In the DVD tracks of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus, people could watch a short film and photos of the film's premiere in 1928, where one can see a woman who appears to be talking on a cell phone.

Director George Clark stated that this is proof of the existence of time travelers. Some have suggested that the woman used an eustachian tube, but this does not explain why she is talking on the apparatus.

13. UFO at the bottom Baltic Sea

In 2012, a Swedish research team discovered a mysterious 18-meter disc at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. This object, apparently created by intelligent beings, looked like a spaceship from Star Wars.

Modern archeology is rather cool about many finds. The scientific community can understand: well, how to trust information about another artifact that allegedly connects people with aliens? Fortunately, there are special technologies that can distinguish the original from the fake. Nevertheless, a number of archaeological finds, dubious from the point of view of logic, easily pass any checks, including radiocarbon analysis - and this confuses scientists. Here are 10 of the most mysterious artifacts past, each of which has already managed to acquire a whole heap of conjectures.

The Piri Reis map is one of the most significant world maps ever found. Ottoman admiral Piri Reis created the map in 1513 - and it appears that parts of it may have been used by Christopher Columbus himself. The map was discovered in 1929 and became an international sensation.

Padilla stone head

This gigantic stone head, which was found by Dr. Oscar Padilla in 1950, has been almost forgotten by history. The researcher believed that the head belongs ancient culture Olmecs, who flourished in 1400 and 400 BC. Unfortunately, Padilla managed to bring only a photograph of the find: having returned to the place with new expedition, the archaeologist discovered only the ruined remains of the artifact.

Baghdad Battery

Batteries found during excavations near Baghdad consist of three parts - a ceramic pot, a metal tube and a metal rod. Scientists believe that the pot was filled with some kind of electrolyte solution capable of generating electricity between the metal inserts.

Giant stone balls of Costa Rica

In the 1930s, United Fruit Company workers discovered hundreds stone spheres on one of the new banana plantations in Costa Rica. The balls ranged in size from huge to tiny, and were eventually recognized as stone sculptures from dead culture Diquis.

Inca plane

The Inca civilization is often associated with some alien cultures - they say, the Indians themselves would never have been able to achieve such a level of development. Some confirmation of this dubious theory can, if desired, be found in the discovered artifacts. For example, these planes. In 1997, a couple of German designers created models of similar aircraft - and they flew.

Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos disc was discovered in 1908 by the Italian archaeologist Pernier. The scientist found a clay disc in Crete and dated it to 1700 BC. The Phaistos disc is filled with strange symbols that add up to 61 words. Generally speaking, most of The scientific community does not recognize Pernier's discovery as real, but no one can provide evidence of a fake either.

Lizard people Al Ubaid

Were the first people on Earth reptiles? In the early 1900s, these lizard figurines were discovered in Iraq - the area was considered the place of residence of the ancient Sumerians. The figurines depict lizards as gods, and one of the sculptures depicts a lizard breastfeeding a human baby.

Kensington Runestone

In 1898, a Swedish immigrant discovered an ancient tablet in Minnesota - a man was simply cutting down trees on his property. Experts have dated the artifact to 1362. It is believed that at that time there was not a single European in North America.

Mayan artifacts

The Mexican government published, relatively recently, information about a shocking find in one of the pyramids. Images discovered by scientists show flying saucers, aliens and contact of priests with extraterrestrial intelligence. Naturally, all this can only be a gigantic hoax, however, the initial dating of the drawings suggests otherwise.

Enigmalith Williams

The find of amateur archaeologist John Williams still excites the international science community. In 1998, Williams discovered a strange rock that had an electrical outlet built into it, similar to modern designs. The easiest way would be to recognize the artifact as false - only radiocarbon analysis shows that the enigmalite is more than a thousand years old.

Over the almost 200-year history of photography, several unique shots that still no one can explain

The father photographed the child and did not notice anything unusual, but when he showed the negatives, he saw ....

1. Martian spheres (September 13, 2012)

In 2004, the Opportunity rover discovered curious microscopic spherical formations on the Martian soil. However, an even more curious picture was taken by Opportunity at the end of 2012, which clearly shows much large quantity much larger areas.

These hematite spheres could mean that there was water on the Red Planet in the past.

2. Sea monster filmed off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that the French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated discussions among zoologists.

3. Black Knight (December 11, 1998)

First shot unknown object, called the "Black Knight", was made in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. Clearly visible in polar orbit undefined object, which could not be either a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the United States. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object taken by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these shots was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to examine the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

4. Grandma (November 22, 1963)

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. During the analysis of photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown cloak and headscarf. She appears in many pictures and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI was looking for this woman for a long time, but could not identify her.

5. The mobile phone in a Charlie Chaplin film (January 6, 1928)

On the DVD of the Collector's Edition of Charlie Chaplin's Circus, a short film about the 1928 premiere was added as a bonus. In one of the frames, a woman is seen holding something very reminiscent of mobile phone. Belfast-based film director George Clark said he considered the footage to be proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

6. Hessdalen Valley Lights (September 20, 2007)

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists broke up in Norway science camp for studying mysterious phenomenon, dubbed "The Lights of Hessdalen".

On a clear night, Bjorn Hauge took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object must be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo"Fires of Hessdalen". Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

Our huge world, is thoroughly permeated with various secrets and mysteries. There will not be a person on Earth who has never encountered or heard about such things for which scientists have no explanation. Below is a list of 10 intriguing and mysterious phenomena.

Corrugated Spheres

IN South Africa, miners, according to the incident of the last few years, found mysterious spheres made of metal. Their origin remains unknown today, the size of the spheres is about 2.5 cm in diameter.

On one of the specimens, three even, parallel depressions were found. These spheres can be divided into two types: the 1st type consists of a bluish hard metal with white spots; the 2nd type of spheres are curved and filled with spongy white matter spheres. These spheres were found inside a rock, which, according to scientists, is about 2.8 billion years old. Who and why they were created remains a mystery.

The Dropa Stones

In 1938, an archaeological expedition led by Dr. Shi Pu Tei to the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula, China, made an amazing discovery, an amazing discovery in caves that were most likely once inhabited by ancient people. On the floor of the cave, hundreds of stone discs were found.

After their measurement, their diameter was about 23 cm, circles were cut in the center of each circle, and the stones were engraved with spiral recesses, in appearance they resembled a stone plate for a phonograph, only 10 thousand - 12 thousand years old. The spiral grooves, in fact, turned out to be not simple cutouts, but they consisted of tiny hieroglyphs that tell incredible story about spaceships from a distant world that made emergency landing in the mountains. The ships were driven by people who called themselves Dropa, and the remains of which were found in the cave.

The Ica Stones

In the early 1930s, Dr. Javier Cabrera found hundreds of amazing stone burials in ancient Inca tombs. Cabrera, collected more than 1100 unique stones, estimated by scientists to be between 500 and 1500 years old, in our time they are known as the IKI Stones.
The stones have engravings, many of which have images of a sexual nature (for this culture, this was common), some stones are engraved with images that show methods such as operations on open heart or a brain transplant.

But the most amazing images on the stones were those that clearly depicted different dinosaur dinosaurs - brontosaurs, triceratops, stegosaurus and pterosaurs.

Critics and skeptics believe that the IKI Stones are a hoax, but their authenticity has not been refuted, but at the same time it has not been proven.

Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica

When in the 1930s, workers were clearing the area for banana plantations by clearing the dense jungles of Costa Rica, they discovered strange objects: Dozens of stone balls, many of which were perfectly spherical. Their size varies greatly, ranging from small, the size of a tennis ball, to 250 cm in diameter and weighing up to 16 tons.

Most likely, these balls were created by man, but the question remains who exactly they were made and why, especially since it is very difficult to achieve such accuracy of a spherical shape with such a rough material, and for ancient people with their primitive tools, it was almost impossible .

The Antikythera Mechanism

In 1900, not far from small island Antikythera, near its shore, an amazing find was made by divers who raised it from a sunken ship. Divers, from the wreck of the ship, were raised, a large number of marble and bronze statues, which were most likely the cargo of the ship. Among the finds was a strange mechanism, made up of a large number of gears and wheels. The texts on it indicate that this device was invented in 80g. BC e .. Many scientists have suggested that most likely it was a simple astronomical instrument, the Astrolabe.

After studying the mechanism, it turned out that it was a much more complex device that contained a complex system of differential gear mechanism. A device of such complexity was first invented only in 1575! It is still unknown who designed this amazing tool 2,000 years ago and how and for what reason this technology was lost.

Fossils That Shouldn't Be

Fossils, as we know from school, are found in rocks that were formed many thousands of years ago. But there are some fossils that just don't fit the geological and historical yardstick. For example, a fossilized imprint of a human hand was found in limestone 110 million years old. Also, in the Canadian Arctic, a fossil was found, with a human finger, whose age dates back to 100 - 110 million years ago. A fossil similar to a human footprint was found in Utah, in shale deposits, its age is estimated from 300 million to 600 million years.

As expected, scientists aware of this find refuse to take it seriously, although in this particular case there is an amazing and unusual detail that makes it very difficult to write off this find as a freak of nature or a fake. The front part of the sandal, under the weight that once fell on it many millions of years ago, was crushed by a small trilobite - a mollusk, which had already died out 280 million years ago. The dent left by him is clearly visible.

metal objects

65 million years ago, there were no people on Earth yet, not to mention those who could work with metal. So how can science explain metal pipes dug out of 65 million-year-old chalk in France? In 1885, while developing a coal deposit, a metal cube was found, which was most likely created by a reasonable person. In 1912, employees at a power plant split a piece of coal from which an iron pot fell! A nail was also found embedded in a block of sandstone from the Mesozoic Era. There are a huge number of such, but they are all silent so as not to run counter to the current, accepted theory of human origin.

Ark of the Covenant

The Ark is considered the greatest of all hidden treasures, and its discovery will confirm the indisputable truth that the Old Testament is an irrefutable fact. Its squeak remains the goal of any modern archaeologist and adventurer. Its purpose was to serve as a container for the ten commandments on stone tablets sent by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. According to the book of Exodus, the Ark was made of shittim wood and covered with gold inside and out. The ark is mutilated with two cherubim, also made of gold. It is believed that the ark has supernatural abilities, for example, death will overtake a person who tries to destroy it. There are several assumptions about the place where the Ark is buried, and in order to find it, you need to be a brave or even reckless person!

angel hair

Angel hair is a rare phenomenon that has so far defied explanation. They consist of a silk thread that rains down on the ground, but when it touches it, they disappear before your eyes. This is a worldwide phenomenon that occurs regularly in North America, New Zealand, Australia and Western Europe. There is no evidence of what causes this phenomenon, or even what the angel's hair is made of. It is assumed that it came from Spiders or a silk-spinning insect, there is also a version that they are left by UFOs, since they often appeared during UFO sightings.

Piri Reis Map

Piri Reis map is the most famous map V modern world, created in the 16th century in Ottoman Turkey by the cartographer - Admiral Piri Reis. Map showing part western coasts Europe and North Africa with almost absolute precision, and the coast of Brazil is also easily recognizable. Various Atlantic Islands including Azores And Canary Islands depicted as mythical island Antillia. The map is remarkable in that it describes southern mainland, although at that time, people did not yet know about the existence of another continent, Antarctica.

Over the nearly 200-year history of photography, several unique shots have been taken that no one can explain to this day. (Next 10 mysterious stories)

In 2004, the Opportunity rover discovered curious microscopic spherical formations on the Martian soil. However, an even more curious picture was taken by Opportunity at the end of 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of much larger spheres.

These hematite spheres could mean that there was water on the Red Planet in the past.

Sea monster filmed off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that the French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated discussions among zoologists.

The first photograph of an unknown object, called the "Black Knight", was taken in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not be either a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the USA. Since then, this object has been seen repeatedly - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object taken by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these shots was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to examine the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. During the analysis of photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown cloak and headscarf. She appears in many pictures and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI was looking for this woman for a long time, but could not identify her.

On the DVD of the Collector's Edition of Charlie Chaplin's Circus, a short film about the 1928 premiere was added as a bonus. One of the shots shows a woman holding what looks like a mobile phone in her hand. Belfast-based film director George Clark said he considered the footage to be proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of educators, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the Hessdalen Fires.

On a clear night, Björn Hauge made this using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object must be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the Hessdalen Lights. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

This photo was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. Some unarmed man for half an hour single-handedly held back a column of tanks. Personality and further fate This person has remained a mystery. But this photo was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to the authorities.

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth, where he decided to photograph his five-year-old daughter with Kodak. The Templetons claimed that there was no one else in these marshy places except them. And when the pictures were developed, one of them showed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl. The analysis showed that the photo was not subjected to any changes.

This is a group photo of the Goddard squadron that fought in the First World War. It contains one intriguing detail: at the very top, behind one of the officers, you can see the face in which the members of the squadron recognized their former mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this picture was taken. And on the day when the squadron was photographed, Jackson's funeral took place.

What you see above is the Apollo 17 photograph of the surface of the Moon, numbered AS17-136-20680, which was listed as "exposed" in the photo catalog. She clearly suffered from excessive light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that, in fact, it depicted structures resembling pyramids.