Atlantis city. Atlantis is the land of great minds and no less great wonders. Remains of former luxury

This story about an unusually ancient mysterious civilization Atlantis was made possible thanks to thirty years of painstaking work carried out by a researcher from Australia, Shirley Andrews, for which many thanks to her. She devoted her whole life to the study and search for Atlantis. She did a titanic job and studied in detail all the available information about Atlantis, starting with Plato and the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Maya, the works of the famous mystic-medium Edgar Cayce, and ending with the research of modern scientists. In search of traces of Atlantis, she traveled across a vast territory and personally examined thousands of kilometers - from the jungles of Central America to the Azores. In our country in 1998, Shirley Andrews' book "Atlantis. In the footsteps of a lost civilization. Today this is the only work that gives the most comprehensive scientific answers to questions about the mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans. According to its author, in his book, using rigorous scientific methods, as well as intuitive insights of individual mystics, questions Everyday life Atlanteans, their religions, sciences and arts. In addition, the book contains some information about what knowledge representatives of the ancient world left to their descendants.

About my intentions and goals of this wonderful encyclopedic book Shirley Andrews (1915-2001) writes the following:

“Over the years I have read every book I could get my hands on about Atlantis. I looked for an answer to my question from the ancient sages and scientists, from modern researchers, American Indians, turned to the works of Edgar Cayce and other well-known mystics. I was extremely surprised that the material received by the mystics is very much in common with more traditional sources - even if there might not be a direct connection between them at all. I soon became convinced that in the era before about 12,000 BC. e. on Earth in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean... the civilization of Atlantis really lived and flourished!

Much of what I learned about Atlantis is very important for today's life. After all, our distant Atlantean ancestors knew how to live in harmony with nature, without destroying it. They learned to lead a life that we truly admire today - and the desire to return to this state again, when a person was fully aware of the forces hidden in himself, comprehended the greatness and power of the Universe and maintained true relations with it.

What sources did S. Andrews use? First of all, these are the famous mystic - the clairvoyant E. Casey, about whom we will speak in more detail below, as well as the mystics W. Scott-Elliot and R. Sterner. Indirect information about the people of Atlantis for S. Andrews was some ancient legends of England and Ireland that once thousands of representatives of the country, which, as these people claimed, sank in the Atlantic Ocean, came to these parts. Initial information for the author of “Atlantis. In the Footsteps of a Lost Civilization, the legends of the American Indians about this lost land appeared, which they carefully passed on from century to century, from one generation to another.

It should be noted that our knowledge of Atlantis was significantly supplemented by many scientists. For example, Lewis Spence (1874–1955), a Scottish specialist in mythology and ancient history, who brought together the stories about the Atlanteans, cited by the widest range of authors: from Herodotus, a Greek historian and traveler of the 5th century BC. e. and Pepi I of Egypt (2800 BC) to later British treasure hunters such as Cuchulain Fioni, Leger Mac Criatian Labred and Mannannan Osin. As for the times closer to us, S. Andrews learned about the legendary Atlantis from the books of Edgarton Sykes, David Zink, Ignatius Donelly, Nikolai Zhirov and many others. All of these authors gave S. Andrews information about the life of the Atlanteans. In addition, she uses some prehistoric items that have survived to this day.

Firstly, it is shamanism - a variety, according to S. Andrews, of spiritualism, which dominated for 40 thousand years and is still practiced (in more or less the same form as in ancient times) in various parts of the world.

Secondly, these are amazing works of ancient art, created about 30 thousand years ago on the walls and ceilings of caves in France and Spain. This beautiful rock painting prompts researchers to a number of conclusions, which to a large extent help to understand the lifestyle of the prehistoric artists who created them.

Some important details that are directly related to Atlantis were kept in those amazing libraries that existed in cities long before the rise of Christianity. Western world and were available to any reader or researcher of the time. One of these libraries was located in the notorious Carthage on the coast of North Africa. As you know, the Carthaginians from time immemorial were considered excellent navigators, and their book depositories abounded with maps and descriptions of those places on the Earth where they themselves or their Phoenician ancestors sailed. In 146 BC. e., when the Romans destroyed the Carthaginian library, some leaders of the North African tribes managed to save some of these priceless books. They cherished them like the apple of their eye, and, thanks to the penetration of the Moors into Spain from the 8th to the 15th century, Western Europe got acquainted with fragments of this ancient knowledge.

Another similar library was located in the north of Egypt in the city of Alexandria. This huge library, according to E. Casey, was founded ... by the Atlanteans in 10300 BC. e. Twice in 391 and 642 the library burned down due to "invasion" by ignorant fanatics. More than one million precious scrolls of ancient manuscripts are believed to have perished.

In the turmoil and confusion of these disturbing events locals mingled with crowds of marauders and "on the sly" carried books out of the flames. And yet, for several months in a row, the water in the Alexandrian baths was heated, burning library books and papyri in the fire. And during the period of appearance in some Spanish areas all the same Moors, some of the ancient manuscripts that were once saved by the ancestors of the Egyptians came to Europe. In 1217, the Scot Michael Scott (1175-1232) visited Spain, who knew Arabic and took up the translation of African manuscripts, where, among others, it was about Atlantis. Undoubtedly, they were not missed by S. Andrews and found their place in her book.

And, finally, another source of information about the Atlanteans for S. Andrews was the ancient nautical charts preserved in North Africa and dry areas of the Middle East. In the 13th and 15th centuries, when the inhabitants of those times had already become accustomed to the idea that the Earth extended beyond strait of Gibraltar, copies of these detailed and accurate maps: they depict Northern Europe with its lakes and ice, as well as with unknown islands in the Atlantic Ocean. In other words, the northern European lands are shown as they were around 10,000 BC. when the glacier melted.

Summing up the above, we can conclude precisely in the words of S. Andrews: “In their detailed descriptions Atlantis, I relied on reliable data gleaned from many different studies, including those acquired through intuitive communication by mystics.

To imagine how S. Andrews relates to the history of the existence and development of Atlantis, that is, how she perceives the picture of the life of our distant ancestors and how, in particular, she relates to the problem of the appearance of aliens from outer space on Earth, you need, for example, to familiarize yourself with the table which is given in her book and which is given below.


(all dates are approximate)

65 million years ago - Extinction of dinosaurs.

450,000 BC e. - The appearance on Earth of aliens from outside.

100,000 BC e. - The emergence of modern man - homo sapiens

55,000 BC e. - Cro-Magnons.

52,000-50,722 BC e. -52,000-50,000 years BC e. - Unification of the five major peoples, the development of sciences and crafts among the Atlanteans.

50,000 BC e. - Pole shift. Atlantis loses part of the land and turns into a group of five islands.

35,000 BC e. - The appearance of rock art in caves in southwestern Europe and South America.

28,000 - 18,000 BC e. - Atlantis is changing the climate again due to the change in the magnetic axis of the Earth, the ice age begins. Part of the land shifts and turns into a group of small islands, stretching in a chain from it to the mainland of North America.

16,000 BC e. - The peak of the ice age.

12,000 BC e. - War of the Bird-Snake.

10,000 BC e. - The final destruction of Atlantis. The magnetic axis of the Earth is shifting again, the glaciers are beginning to recede.

6000 BC e. - Disaster in Bimini.

3800 BC e. - The emergence of a highly developed civilization in Sumer.

So, what kind of people lived in Atlantis in the period from 100,000 to 10,000 BC? e., who managed to survive in terrible disaster that destroyed their civilization? What do we know about our ancestors and how do we imagine their life?.. To answer these questions, let us turn to a summary of some sections of the book by S. Andrews.


The Atlanteans were very similar to us: no less intelligent than we are, they also laughed, smiled, loved, got angry, got angry and made serious decisions. They knew how to calculate, evaluate, dream, reflect on the past, present and future. Strong in body and spirit, they strove to lead a balanced and harmonious life.

When they managed to cope with everyday worries in a shorter time than expected, they devoted the rest of the day not to work that would bring them extra earthly benefits, but to mutual communication, love and joy, to comprehend their purpose on Earth and their place in the Universe. These people were tall and slender, and their outer beauty reflected their inner strength and beauty.

Their race was distinguished by greater longevity in comparison with the pre-existing ones. For example, the Cro-Magnons, considered representatives of the Atlanteans, lived up to 60 years in the difficult climatic conditions of Western Europe, while the Neanderthals who preceded their culture died, on average, not even reaching the age of 45.

A life devoted to love for other people and for beauty inevitably led to the development of various hobbies. Remarkable examples of painting and sculpture, which the Atlanteans and their descendants left on the European mainland, testify to their extraordinary artistic talents, fertile cultural environment and high standard of living.

The unusually highly developed spiritual and intuitive abilities of the Atlanteans made their existence very different from ours. All of them were very receptive and able to transmit thoughts over a distance. They managed to achieve complete mutual understanding even without the help of words. They were able to convey messages and figurative concepts over long distances, without interrupting communication and in separation. The ability to control their brain, most likely, allowed them to communicate on an equal footing with aliens from outer space.

Let's make a small digression here... The question of possible contacts of the Atlanteans with aliens is rather complicated and ambiguous. But we must note that this, in fact, is the point of view of the author of the book we are considering, S. Andrews. Many scientists note the sudden appearance of high knowledge among ancient people, which, it would seem, could not have been the result of their practical activities. There is reason to believe that all this knowledge was obtained in antiquity from communication with representatives of other inhabited worlds. The opinion of the author of the book on this will be discussed later.

Thanks to their extremely developed abilities for perception (far superior to ours), the Atlanteans easily comprehended mathematics and philosophy, as well as the secrets of the unknown. Along with the knowledge received from space advisers, this allowed the Atlanteans to achieve tremendous success in various scientific areas, reaching an advanced level, including in aeronautics, which seems incredible to us.

The photo above shows how big the Atlanteans were compared to us, who once landed in Central America and set up these great statues. The Atlanteans were characterized by such qualities as ingenuity, self-control and resilience, that is, properties developed by people who survived natural disasters - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods, which, according to S. Andrews, gradually “absorbed” their country.

Two groups of people of different physical types lived in Atlantis. The first of them, the Cro-Magnons, were characterized by elongated narrow skulls, which contained a brain with a volume significantly exceeding that of a modern (on average) human brain. They had small even teeth, rather long noses, high cheekbones and protruding chins. The men were tall - much more than two meters, and the women were more miniature. The structure of the body was so similar to ours that if a Cro-Magnon had to walk through the streets of our cities in modern clothes, he would not stand out from the crowd in any way - except perhaps for his beauty.

Another race of Atlanteans, who lived in the eastern mountainous regions of Atlantis, was significantly different from the Cro-Magnon: they were dark-skinned, squat and very strong people. Their main occupation was mining. They were famous for their excellent sense of humor, which not least helped them survive in the harsh mountainous regions. These mighty people were excellent fighters and valuable help for the army of Atlantis!


Understanding how high the moral value of the family is and how important it is to share earthly time with another being, people of different sexes in Atlantis sought to choose a companion for life. Marriage was called "union". Two lovers who wanted to unite forever went to the local priest, who, using his spiritual abilities, penetrated the essence of their souls and determined the compatibility of the couple. Having approved the marriage, the priest blessed the lovers and gave them a pair of bracelets, which the spouses were supposed to wear on their left forearms. The spouses were equal, however, it was believed that the husband should take care of his wife when she was carrying children.

Same-sex relationships were also widespread in Atlantis. The Atlanteans believed in reincarnation and that in their next life they would be reborn in the body of the opposite sex. Gays and lesbians preferred not to connect with a person of this sex during their next life. They were truly revered for their loyalty, as they sought to remain true to the former part of themselves.

Apparently, due to the fact that too many men fought in a foreign land, Atlantis was allowed (especially in the sunset hour of the existence of civilization) to take two wives. Harmony usually reigned in such families, since children were taught to love not only their mother, but also their father's second wife, who in turn tried to take care of them in the same way as her children.

If the Atlanteans turned out to be unhappy in marriage, then they believed that it was not at all necessary to suffer all your life because of a mistake made in your youth. In this case, both of them went to the priest, who tried to reconcile them so that they continued to live with each other. However, if nothing worked out of this, then the religious leader took away the marriage bracelets from them, and both were freed from marriage bonds.

When spouses who had children parted, and neither side wanted to take care of their offspring, older strangers, whose own children had already grown up, took responsibility for their upbringing.

In the heyday of Atlantis, under the influence of the Emperor-Adepts, the people achieved the most pure and true understanding of the Divine idea. According to Plato, the religion of the inhabitants of Atlantis was simple and pure; The Atlanteans worshiped the Sun. The only offerings were flowers and fruits. The cult of the Sun was a divine symbol of that essence of the Cosmos, which, being inexpressible, penetrates everything. The solar disk was the only emblem worthy of depicting the head of the Deity. This golden disk was usually placed in such a way that the first ray of the Sun illuminated it during the spring or summer solstice, symbolizing the greatness of such a moment.

N.K. Roerich. Atlant. 1921


The inhabitants of Atlantis belong to the Fourth Root Race of mankind, and their origin comes from the descendants of the Lemurians. In The Secret Doctrine H.P. Blavatsky is given information about the multiplicity and diversity of the Atlanteans. They represented several "humanities" and an almost innumerable number of races and nationalities. There were brown, red, yellow, white and black Atlanteans, giants and dwarfs.

Approximately one million years ago, the Third Sub-Race of the Atlanteans arose. It was called "Toltec". The growth of the Atlanteans of that time was 2 - 2.5 meters. Over time, it has changed, approaching the modern look. Such an atlas is shown above in the picture by N.K. Roerich with the same name. The descendants of the Toltecs are now pure-blooded representatives of the Peruvians and Aztecs, as well as the red-skinned Indians of North and South America.

Due to the warm climate that prevailed in most parts of the country, the Atlanteans usually wore simple and comfortable clothes. The outfits of women and men, most often linen, were similar. As a rule, a spacious dress or shirt with long or short trousers served as a garment for them. People wore sandals, but sometimes they went barefoot. The Atlanteans preferred to wear long hair, as they believed that they retained physical and spiritual strength.

During the last stage of their civilization, when the Atlanteans began to attach more and more importance to material wealth, appearance also acquired special importance in their eyes. Men, women and children began to diligently decorate themselves with various necklaces, wrists, brooches and belts made of pearls, silver, gold and multi-colored precious stones.

The vestments of the priests in Atlantis emphasized their position and level of spiritual experience. The main color of their clothes, as well as belts, earrings, pendants, rings, wrists or headbands, indicated who the person wearing them was: a healer, student or mentor.

Newcomers who had just entered the path of the priesthood wore pale green robes. Then, having reached a higher degree of initiation, they dressed in blue, and in the end they were allowed to dress in white clothes: this was the prerogative of the highest rank.

Let us try to imagine the inhabitants of Atlantis. Dressed in a well-ventilated white dress or trousers with an elegant purple trim, in addition, decorated with embroidery. Our feet are protected by soft sandals woven from palm leaves. Both men and women wear long hair fastened with ivory barrettes, adorned with radiant rock crystal.

When the Atlanteans moved to the colder regions of southwestern Europe, they needed more solid clothing. They wore well-tailored shirts with collars and buttoned sleeves, skirts, jackets, long dresses with belts, and pants with pockets. Socks, shoes and fur boots warmed their feet. Women wore cotton scarves or caps on their heads, while men wore warmed hats.


As the Atlanteans began to pay more and more attention to material wealth, they began to arrange sanctuaries in exquisitely decorated places, as well as in temples. For such structures, places were chosen where energy came from both the Earth and the Universe. The Atlanteans understood that a person is influenced by invisible forces emanating from all natural spheres.

Majestic temples everywhere adorned the landscape of Atlantis. Although the Atlanteans preferred simplicity and modesty in the construction of their private homes, they tried to build their favorite temples with great splendor, because they knew that future generations would have to admire these buildings.

Masters laid out the inner walls and ceilings of the sanctuaries with mosaic paintings of gold and silver or inlaid them with precious stones. Men, women and children gathered to tend the magnificent gardens that brought life to streams and pools.

A large place in the social life of the Atlanteans was occupied by religious holidays, rituals of honoring the gods and rites associated with birth and death. The terrible gods of volcanoes rumbled very often, so a lot of time was devoted to their propitiation. On certain days, all the inhabitants came to the appointed place, holding dishes with fresh fruits and vegetables, and then took them to the mountain peaks or placed them in niches carved into the rocks.

One of the favorites in Atlantis was the celebration of the New Year, which fell on the time of the spring equinox and lasted seven days. New Year's celebrations began at sunrise in the spacious gardens surrounding the capital's temple of Poseidon. With the appearance of the first rays of light, the assembled crowd turned to the east, and a large choir began to sing a melodious song. This ceremony ended with the fact that all those present knelt down, bowed their heads in mute admiration before the power of the Sun - this source of all life and strength. After the morning celebration, people indulged in friendly communication, games, disputes and talked on religious, philosophical or scientific topics.

At noon, everyone turned to face the temple, where the priests swung a crystal on a high tower, which caught the sun's rays and sent a powerful stream of light in all directions. The crowd focused on the majestic power source and gave thanks for its presence. In the evening, at sunset, people turned towards the west and, to the accompaniment of stringed instruments, performed to their beloved heavenly body farewell song. On the last evening after the sunset rite, the temple choir sang another song corresponding to this event, and the priest delivered a speech about the power of the Sun, and the meanings of his words were perceived more sharply due to the gathering twilight.

In addition to the New Year holidays, the life of the Atlanteans was decorated with local celebrations of spring crops, rituals dedicated to Hephaestus - Vulcan (the god of fire, the personification of volcanoes), religious ceremonies on the day of the summer solstice, celebrations on the night of the full moon and other similar events.

In Atlantis, there were many ways to enjoy your free time. For example, a favorite, albeit dangerous pastime, was a walk in the mountains, which could always meet daredevils either with the stench of poisonous gases erupting from the bowels, or with flows of liquid lava emanating from cracks. Moreover, along the southwestern coast of Atlantis there was a pink sandy strip, which coral reefs protected from a powerful onslaught. ocean waves. Atlanteans loved to bask on these beaches under the shade of palm trees or swim in quiet backwaters.

In the pre-sunset years, the civilization of the Atlanteans was carried away by other amusements. Crowds gathered all over the country to stare at the bloody battles with the bulls or at the horse races. In the last years of the existence of Atlantis, many of its inhabitants became more addicted to gluttony, wine and communication. Memories of those turbulent days have not been erased without a trace from the collective human memory. The descendants of the Atlanteans, who lived in the West Indies millennia later, claimed that Atlantis was a land where they feasted, danced and sang, and Welsh legends say that, to some special music, the Atlanteans could dance in the air, like leaves in the wind.


Atlanteans could communicate with animals and birds in a telepathic way, which they sometimes resorted to transmitting thoughts to each other. Deer, lions, goats, pigs and other animals roamed free, and countless flocks of songbirds fluttered among the houses and sat trustingly on the shoulders of people. Animals helped their human counterparts in every possible way and protected them from dangers.

Cats, dogs, and snakes were favorites, as these animals are sensitive to earth wobbles and the increasing electromagnetic activity that has occurred, foreshadowing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The priests involved in various sacraments, who knew how to find mutual understanding with animals like no one else, kept lions and other large cats in the temples. Almost every family had a domestic cat, as it was believed that the hidden abilities of this beast protect the owners from the hostile forces of the inhabitants of the other world. It is also believed that the Chow Chow was the oldest dog breed, as a result of skillful breeding of which strong animals with heavy bones and very sharp claws appeared. Sheep served as a help to the economy of the Atlanteans, although they were kept a little away from the dwelling. Pillows were stuffed with their wool, spun and woven. And the manure of these animals served as an excellent fertilizer for gardens and orchards.

Among the special favorites in Atlantis were dolphins. The Atlanteans arranged ponds near the houses for these creatures and treated them as equals. Having learned to recognize their fast speech, they were filled with respect for the mental abilities of these “animals” (the author of the book put the last word in quotation marks for a reason, since it is known that the volume of the brain of dolphins exceeds that of a human!). The dolphins that lived off the coast of Atlantis served as an excellent source of information about the sea for its inhabitants, we can only dream of this.

Horses were also used in Atlantis. They worked on arable land, transported people and participated in the races, which were held on a huge running field in the capital of the country - the City of the Golden Gate. The descendants of the Atlanteans, having settled after the death of Atlantis on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, that is, on the American and European continents, retained the ability to communicate with wild animals for a long time.


Making voyages to foreign lands, the Atlanteans communicated everywhere with other peoples, and gradually their dialect became the COMMON LANGUAGE of culture and trade. The former dialects became obsolete, while the Atlantean lexicon turned into a basic lexicon, from which many languages ​​of the world subsequently originated. The existence of a single language is spoken of in the Bible: it was the time of the construction Tower of Babel when "the whole earth had one language and one dialect."

At first, the Atlanteans did not have a written language. Their spiritual existence was in perfect harmony with the natural world, and the continuity of such relations did not need written support. The Atlanteans believed that writing breeds forgetfulness. In other words, to write down a thought would mean not to enrich it, but, on the contrary, to impoverish it.

Little by little, to denote abstract feelings or certain events, as well as other concepts that required several words, Atlantis began to use various symbols - spirals, swastikas, zigzags, which the Atlanteans used when communicating with strangers.

Moreover, with the help of pointed stones, hammers and bone chisels, prehistoric Atlantean sailors in many places painstakingly carved distinct petroglyphs on rocks and boulders.

Repeating signs along ancient riverbeds, carved before 10,000 B.C. e., can be found today in Africa, on canary islands, around Gulf of Mexico, as well as in many other areas where rivers once flowed into the Atlantic Ocean.

Gradually, in Atlantis, LETTERS proper began to develop from pictographic symbols, more or less similar to the designations familiar to us. The oldest icons were based on the sounds of living beings. Many references to prehistoric writing have come down to us. And the Phoenicians, traveling around the neighboring countries of Atlantis, "picked up" fragments of these ancient signs and symbols developed in Atlantis, and then made up a phonetic (sound) alphabet from them.


As everywhere and always, in Atlantis, children began to learn about the world around them from their parents. Considerable attention was paid to oral stories. The inhabitants of the island (or islands) from generation to generation passed on stories about Poseidon, Kleito and Atlanta, which they heard from their great-grandfathers, or stories about earthquakes, floods, solar and lunar eclipses, about the fight against wild animals - in a word, about all that that fell to the lot of the people of Atlantis in the past.

The children exercised their memory by memorizing many songs that the Atlanteans used to perform at various ceremonies. Children talked to flowers, made friends with birds and animals, sensed hidden life in stones and rocks, and explored other hidden and complex manifestations of the earthly world.

However, all civilizations "grow up", and by 14,000 BC. e. in Atlantis the importance of science increased. In this regard, for the general welfare, an orderly education was recognized as necessary. Children went to classes in temples, where they learned reading, writing, astronomy and mathematics. A favorite method of teaching in the temples was telepathy - the transmission of thoughts at a distance. For records in temple schools, a flexible writing material like parchment was used, which was folded into scrolls and fastened with a clay ring.

On the day of their twelfth birthday, each child was allowed to talk alone with the high priest of the local temple, who encouraged the young creature to choose an occupation for himself. After such a conversation, teenagers most often entered various kinds of "vocational schools", where they learned farming, fishing and other useful skills. Some of them attended scientific institutions, where the usual school curriculum was replenished with the study of the medicinal properties of plants and herbs, as well as the development of spiritual abilities, such as healing.

In the capital of Atlantis, the City of the Golden Gate, text-align:justify t, there was a magnificent university, where access was open to all who were prepared - regardless of religion or race. The university consisted of two colleges (or faculties): the College of Sciences and the Privy College of Inkal. Education at the College of Sciences was highly specialized, that is, its students immediately chose the subject of their studies (medical art, mineralogy, mathematics, geology or other scientific branch).

The Inkal Collegium dealt with occult phenomena. Here they studied astrology, practiced predicting the future, reading thoughts and interpreting dreams, transmitting thoughts to a distance and materializing the thoughts of individuals. Healers who studied at this faculty acquired very different skills than those who studied the medical arts at another faculty, that is, at the College of Sciences. Various methods of recognizing and curing both bodily and mental ailments turned to the benefit of all Atlanteans.


The favorable climate allowed the Atlanteans to do without the grueling daily struggle for food and shelter, and therefore they had “free time” for art and music. So that the fellow tribesmen could admire the works of talented artists, they were exhibited in temples, which today are buried under deposits of volcanic lava, under the thickness of ocean waters.

However, some examples of the art of that distant time were still lucky enough to survive to this day in the lands adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean. In the south-west of Europe, a number of graceful statues of Atlanteans, unique rock art, as well as lovely jewelry carved from bone and precious stones have been discovered. All these products testify to the long period of existence of a certain artistic tradition in Atlantis. The found samples of painting, sculpture and jewelry are by no means the first timid attempts of artisans, but masterpieces of skilled and experienced craftsmen.

Today we are deprived of the opportunity to admire the paintings that the Atlantean settlers created in the open air and in the light of warm sunlight, but the wonderful paintings made by them in the period from 30,000 to 10,000 BC. e., preserved in some caves in France and Spain. Near the cave entrances, the walls are decorated with hunting scenes, gatherings of people, as well as detailed images of various seasons. However, the most magnificent paintings are hidden in almost inaccessible cave passages.

Creating their masterpieces there, ancient artists suffocated from lack of ventilation, strained their eyes due to poor lighting. And despite such seemingly unbearable working conditions, the bodies of animals depicted by them show amazing freedom, lightness, liveliness and also naturalistic credibility, which rarely anyone can achieve today.

One of the strongest motives that prompted ancient artists to work for hours on end in the dank darkness of deep European caves was SHAMANISM. Far from the noise and fun, birds, animals and people painted with bright colors seemed to come to life in the quivering and unsteady light of the trembling flame of oil lamps. It was easier for priests or shamans to make contact with the other world of spirits here in the caves.

Evidence of the existence of exhausting rites of initiation (initiation) and the hallucinatory visions captured in pictorial images that the artists visited in these sacred places when they managed to “go beyond” their own bodies - all this suggests that occultism once dominated Atlantis. At the same time, intuitive shamanistic abilities allowed these artists to create unsurpassed examples of painting.

The images of artists who migrated from Atlantis to South America are for the most part not as expressive as the works of those who sailed from Atlantis to the east. But still, both the plots themselves and the paintings of artists in Peru, Chile and Brazil are very reminiscent of European counterparts.

Atlantes depicted on the walls of caves in Europe and near the Amazon River in South America, that is, on both sides of the ocean, "the cycles of the seasons." Such a cycle was a circle divided at right angles into four parts, and each segment denoted some one season. And although there were only two seasons in the Amazon region, and not four, as it was in Atlantis and Western Europe, the Atlanteans continued to draw this cycle of four in particular, as before at home. In other words, the penchant of ancient South American artists for occult creations was evident.

Another material used by craftsmen in Atlantis was quartz, a fairly common volcanic rock in Atlantis. In 1927, in the ruins of Maya buildings in Lubaantum, an expedition of the famous archaeologist Frederick A. Mitchell-Hedges discovered a life-size skull carved from crystalline quartz. The skull was found by a young American who helped Ann Mitchell-Hedges' father work.

Here is how one of the Bulgarian magazines describes this item: “The skull is made of colorless transparent rock crystal and consists of two parts. The lower jaw is mobile. The skull weighs 5.19 kilograms, and in size it fully corresponds to a normal human skull. It is striking that masterfully made lenses and prisms are placed in the cavity of the skull and at the bottom of the eye sockets, which make it possible to transmit images of objects. When a light beam is directed into the cranial cavity, the eye sockets begin to sparkle brightly, and when the beam is directed to the center of the nasal cavity, the skull glows completely. The structure of the find indicates that it is a female skull. With the help of a thin thread threaded through tiny holes, you can make the lower jaw move ... "

According to F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, the perfection of the crystal skull and the Maya's lack of raw materials for its manufacture (the skull was created from giant crystal rock crystal, which is not found in Central America) can be explained by the fact that the skull came to the Maya ... from Atlantis. Found other man-made quartz skulls, of less fine workmanship, are exhibited in two places: in the British Museum of Man and in the Anthropological Museum in Paris.

Since the radiocarbon method is not applicable to quartz, the age of these skulls cannot be established. However, after a thorough examination of the Central American skull, scientists from the Hewlett-Packard laboratory in California concluded that it was made by people who belonged to a civilization that had knowledge of crystallography no less (if not more) than modern civilization.

Scientists examining the quartz skull under powerful microscopes found no scratches that would indicate that it had been carved with metal tools. Perhaps, in its manufacture, a certain mixture was used that dissolves the rock. Some of the researchers came to the conclusion that, even with such advanced technology as we have today, it is almost impossible to reproduce this unique skull. According to their calculations, its creation, that is, turning it from a single piece of quartz rock, would require at least ... three hundred (?!) years of continuous labor of one person.

The quartz skull has some strange properties. Sometimes people who are sensitive to such things see a peculiar aura around him, others catch a sweetish-sour smell near him. At times, it may seem that the skull seems to make sounds like the ringing of a bell or a barely audible choir of human voices. In his presence, realistic visions appear to many people, and he has a beneficial effect on those who are endowed with the gift of healing and divination. The crystal also promotes meditation: it serves not only as an amplifier of radio waves, but also perceives them, influencing the energy emitted by thought waves. Skulls and other similar objects, carefully carved from quartz crystals, helped the Atlanteans and their descendants to achieve increased susceptibility and sensitivity when contemplating their own place in the universe.


occupied an important place in the life of the Atlanteans, as it helped to maintain their health and peace of mind. They sang, played harps, lutes, guitars, flutes and trumpets, cymbals, tambourines and drums, and musical vibrations had a spiritual and physical effect on their mind and body.

In addition, the Atlanteans knew that harmonious musical tones promote the growth of plants and have a good effect on the well-being of domestic animals.

The Atlanteans, who settled in Europe and America, also attached importance to pleasant musical sounds in their lives. This, in particular, is evidenced by the fact that many whistles, pipes, drums and other stringed instruments were found among their personal property.

The sweet sounds of the flute, the monotonous and deaf drum roll, the calm string picking of harp-like instruments helped to tune in to meditation even during the temple service. In addition, healers used music along with medical and psychological methods of treating illness. So, for example, drum beats and singing songs allowed one to plunge into a state of deep trance, in which bleeding stopped, the body regained strength and physical and mental ailments were cured. The Atlanteans sang special songs to sick children, and their steadfast belief in the healing power of music helped bring recovery closer.


The last civilization in Atlantis flourished for 20,000 years - much longer than our civilization has so far experienced. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and even the Arabs inherited bits of scientific knowledge accumulated in Atlantis and then preserved in the oldest libraries of the Western world, as well as in the esoteric teachings of the castes of priests of various countries or their religious figures. This knowledge testifies to the remarkable scientific and technical talents of the Atlanteans and their advisers who came from heaven.

Subsequently, for example, in the Renaissance, inquisitive and hungry for a wide variety of wisdom, humanist scientists, having thoroughly studied and rethought this fragmentary heritage of antiquity, laid the foundations of our scientific thinking. Today, we are rediscovering and mastering - albeit only in part - the scientific experience of our distant ancestors and predecessors.

The ancient Atlanteans received energy in several ways, the main of which were, for example, the following:

Reception of vital energy released by "living matter";

The use of the energy of "sound levitation", manifested by the use of sound pulsations and tensions of mental effort, used to move heavy objects of the festival in space. The cult of the Sun also existed in ancient Ireland and throughout Scandinavia, where it acquired special importance also in view of the fact that long days of darkness and light alternately reign in those parts ...

The Atlanteans (probably not without the practical help of space aliens) used the energy of the Sun in flying machines. In a later period aircrafts, similar to "airplanes", were controlled by powerful beams from special stations, which in turn were powered by solar energy.

Another aircraft of the Atlanteans, in appearance resembling a "low flat sled", could carry heavy loads over long distances, flying at a height of ten meters above the ground in a straight line. This machine was controlled from the ground with the help of a special crystal.

The rays from such a crystal also sent energy to small "airplanes" - to one or two riders flying just one meter above the ground. Another type of Atlantean airships was called "Valix". These ships differed in length, varying from 7–8 to 90–100 meters.

They looked like hollow needles with points at both ends and were made of sheets of shiny, lightweight metal that glowed in the dark. These "passenger liners" had rows of windows in the floor and sides - like loopholes, as well as light holes in the ceiling. Books, musical instruments, potted plants, comfortable chairs and even beds helped to brighten up the flight time. A special system was built into these aircraft, which in stormy weather allowed the "liners" to avoid accidental collisions with mountain peaks. Flying over the earth in such planes, the Atlanteans often threw down seeds - as dedicatory offerings to the setting sun. This is a laconic description of the “aeronautical fleet” of the Atlanteans, who, in principle, could fly and explore both near and far space ...


While the Atlanteans maintained a close relationship with the natural environment, they were famous for their excellent physical and mental health. The regular performance of religious rites among the standing stones in the temples allowed them to join the boundless harmony of the Universe. The inhabitants of Atlantis believed that the powers endowed with these sacred stones enhance fertility, perform miraculous healings, prolong life and cure mental ailments.

Conscious of the power of the mind over the body, the spirit over the flesh, healers in Atlantis developed unique ways to recognize disease. In addition, the Atlanteans used many methods for the practical treatment of physical ailments.

First of all, they turned to nature for help. The great variety of plants that grew in the prehistoric era in Atlantis and its colonies provided healers with many opportunities to treat various diseases and ailments, as well as to improve healing itself. Among these remedies were antiseptics, narcotics, quinine against malaria, hallucinogens, herbs to stimulate the heart, etc. Medicinal plants were also used in the treatment of fevers, dysentery and most other disorders of the human body.

Atlantean healers and, in particular, priests knew how to use energy from higher sources to treat various ailments. At the same time, healers often practiced in pyramids (at a distance of one third from the top of its height), where it was easier to accumulate energy captured from space.

For the treatment of some other diseases, the Atlanteans successfully used color and sound, as well as metals - copper, gold and silver. Also applied gems: sapphires, rubies, emeralds and topazes.

The Atlanteans understood that, like the human body, every substance (and sometimes phenomenon) has its own characteristic vibrations caused by the movement of internal tiny atomic particles. People by instinct determined which of these materials suited them best, and wore jewelry made from it, which gave them strength and contributed to their receptivity.

In Atlantis, crystals were widely used to treat many diseases. The color change in the large "healing" crystals helped experienced doctors to determine in which part of the body the pain originated. Medical manipulations with the use of "healing" crystals, which focused beneficial energy on the patient's body, were very common, as they helped to "pour" new forces into the human body and extended its lifespan.

Naturally, at times in Atlantis there was a need for surgical intervention. However, it was not associated with unpleasant sensations, since the "therapeutic hypnosis" used by healers served as an excellent pain reliever - so reliable that the patient did not feel pain either during the operation or after it.

Since the ancient Sumerians, in particular, in the treatment of patients with various methods, space aliens helped, then, most likely, they also helped the Atlanteans...

So, using the materials of the book “Atlantis. In the footsteps of a vanished civilization”, we quite fully and thoroughly got acquainted with some aspects of the multifaceted life of the Atlanteans, as well as with some of the conditions of their life. We also want to end this essay with the words of Francis Bacon, quoted in the book by Shirley Andrews:

“... I believe that someday most of this information will be confirmed - for the benefit of our own civilization. So, opening your mental eyes wider, fixing your eyes on distant Atlantis and - ... read not in order to contradict and refute, and not in order to believe a word, - but in order to weigh what you read and reflect ... »

But where Atlantis was "found", it did not correspond to Plato's descriptions. And in the place indicated by the philosopher (that is, behind the Pillars of Hercules), this mysterious land still can't find it...

Among scientists there are two approaches to the term "Atlantis". As mentioned above, in the first Atlantis was called Atlantis by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. But the predecessors of Plato also knew about it, although they called this country by other names. Ancient authors understood Atlantis as a certain state that was at the same stage of development with Greece, fought with it and died in a grandiose catastrophe during one of the wars.

However, in the occult sciences there is an idea of ​​Atlantis as a kind of proto-civilization that preceded ours and died as a result of a series of catastrophes. This is also evidenced by the myths and legends of the peoples of various countries living on different continents. But many of them have an idea of ​​some kind of people that preceded modern humanity and died as a result of some powerful cataclysm.

"Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer," the great Aristotle once said. This is how this problem was posed: where, when and how did the state of the Atlanteans exist? Someone recognizes the existence of Atlantis without any doubt, someone rejects it without any doubt, based on the formula: "This cannot be, because this can never be." But most researchers consider the existence of Atlantis quite probable, but requiring proof. The Greek philosopher Krantor says that in 3010 BC. I saw a column in Egypt, on which the whole history of the island that disappeared in the depths of the sea was engraved.

What did Plato know about Atlantis? In his dialogues, he reports that Atlantis disappeared in the course of one day and one tragic night - "in one terrible day."

Starting to describe Atlantis, Plato warns that both the name of the island itself and all the other names in his story are not corrupted, but translated into Greek. The Egyptians, who first wrote the history of Atlantis, translated the Atlantean names in their own way. Solon, who informed Plato of information about this island, did not see the need to preserve the Egyptian names and translated them into Greek.

Russian symbolist poet V.Ya. Bryusov in his essay "Atlantis" notes that "Plato describes Atlantis already in the state it reached after several millennia of cultural life, when the island already had many separate kingdoms, many rich cities and a huge population numbering in the millions." And the history of the island itself began with the division of the earth between the three brother gods: Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Poseidon, by lot, got the island of Atlantis and, in addition, he became the ruler of the seas. When Poseidon received Atlantis, only three people lived on the island - "one of the husbands, at the very beginning, was born by the Earth, named Evnor with his wife Livkippa and the beautiful daughter Kleito." Poseidon fell in love with Kleito, she became his wife and gave birth to five pairs of twins - the first ten kings of Atlantis.

Poseidon was the first to fortify the island in order to make it inaccessible to enemies. Around a low hill, gradually turning into a plain, three water and two earth rings were dug around the circumference, one after the other. In the very center of the hill (acropolis), on a hill, Poseidon built a small temple for Kleito and himself, surrounding it with a wall of pure gold.

A palace was built on the acropolis, which was expanded and decorated by each king, and the new one was sure to surpass its predecessor. "So it was impossible to see this building without being amazed at the size and beauty of the work."

The kings - the children of Poseidon, of course, could not do without bathing, and for this reason they built numerous baths on the acropolis. "For swimming there were reservoirs, open, and, for winter, closed; there were special ones - for the royal family and for private individuals; still others - separately for women, and also for horses and pack animals; each of them was located and decorated according to The water that came out of these reservoirs was directed to irrigate the forest of Poseidon, where the fertility of the soil produced trees of amazing height and beauty.

The largest and most majestic building of the acropolis was a temple dedicated to one god Poseidon. It was truly gigantic in size: 185 meters long, 96 meters wide and a "corresponding" height. From the outside, a large temple was entirely lined with silver, except for the "ends" made of pure gold. Inside the temple there were many statues made of gold. The largest of them depicted the god Poseidon, who, standing on a chariot, controlled six winged horses. The statue of Poseidon was so tall that it almost touched the ceiling with its head, which was trimmed with ivory and all decorated with gold, silver and orichalcum. The walls, pillars and floors inside the temple were entirely lined with orichalcum. Everything literally sparkled and "lit up", as soon as the sunbeam penetrated into the sanctuary.

Plato also tells a lot of wonderful things about the capital of the Atlanteans, and then proceeds to describe the whole country. "The island of Atlantis was very elevated above sea level, and the coast rose in an inaccessible cliff. Around the capital, a plain stretched, surrounded by mountains that reached the sea." Everyone said about this plain that it is the most beautiful on earth and very fertile. It was densely dotted with flourishing villages, separated by lakes, rivers, meadows, where many wild domestic animals grazed.

Much came to the Atlanteans from outside, in view of the vastness of their power; but the island itself produced almost everything necessary for life. "Firstly, all metals are hard and fusible, suitable for processing, including the one that we now know only by name: orichalcum ... its deposits were found in many places on the island; after gold, it was the most precious of metals.

The island delivered all the necessary materials for crafts. A large number of domestic animals and wild animals lived on the island, among other things, many elephants ... The island provided abundant food for all kinds of animals, both living in swamps, lakes and rivers or on mountains and in plains, and these (elephants), although they are huge and voracious.

Produced and delivered to the island all the flavors now grown in different countries, roots, herbs, juice flowing from fruits and flowers. There was also a fruit that gives wine (grapes), and one that serves as food (cereals), along with those that we also eat, calling common word- vegetables; there were also fruits that simultaneously gave drink, food and incense (coconuts?) ... Such were the divine and amazing riches, such, in innumerable quantities, this island produced.

On a happy island, each of the ten brothers-kings had absolute power in his kingdom, but the general rule of the state of Atlantis was decided by the kings by the Council, to which they gathered after 5-6 years, alternating even and odd numbers. The supreme power always remained with the direct heir of Atlantis, but even the main king could not sentence any of his relatives to death without the consent of the majority of kings. "As long as the Atlanteans followed the principles of virtue during their reign and as long as the "divine principle" dominated in them, they succeeded in everything. But when the "human disposition" triumphed - the base beginning, when they lost all decency and unbridled greed began to boil in them, when people began to present a "shameful sight", then the God of the Gods - Zeus, seeing the depravity of the Atlanteans, once so virtuous, decided to punish them. "He gathered all the gods in the heavenly sanctuary and addressed them with these words ...".

This is where Plato's dialogue "Critias" abruptly ends. And the story of Atlantis and its search for two thousand years begins. The priests lamented the spiritual wisdom of Atlantis, which defiled itself. Philosophers talked about the divine rulers of this island, poets sang about the fabulous perfection of its structure. However, some researchers believe that Plato needed dialogues about Atlantis in order to express his thoughts about the ideal structure of the state.

But the story of Atlantis, as noted by Valery Bryusov, "is not something exceptional in Plato's writings. He also has other descriptions of fantastic countries, denounced in the form of myths. But none of these stories is furnished, like the description of Atlantis, with references to sources Plato, as if anticipating future doubts and objections, takes care to indicate the origin of his information with the greatest accuracy that only ancient authors knew.

At the beginning of the 20th century, three expeditions were equipped and sent in search of Atlantis, one of which (the second) was led by Pavel Schliemann, the grandson of the famous discoverer of Troy, Heinrich Schliemann. "According to Pavel Schliemann, his famous grandfather left a sealed envelope so that it would be opened by one of the family members who would give a solemn promise to devote his whole life to research, indications of which he would find in this envelope. Pavel Schliemann took such an oath, opened the envelope Heinrich Schliemann reported that he undertook research on the remains of Atlantis, the existence of which he has no doubts and which he considers the cradle of our entire civilization. large, inside which were smaller clay vessels, small figurines of a special metal, money from the same metal, and objects "made from fossil bones. "On some of these objects and on a bronze vessel was written "Phoenician hieroglyphs": " From the king of Atlantis Chronos. "But many researchers, Russian and foreign, this story is distrustful.

The search for Atlantis was and is being conducted everywhere - all over the globe. The Soviet hydrogeographer Ya. Ya. Gakkel presented his "Atlantis" as a narrow strip that stretches along the underwater Lomonosov Ridge and connects the Canadian Arctic Archipelago with the New Siberian Islands. Active member Geographic Society, member of the Scientific Council on Cybernetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Kondratov devoted many works to the links between the history of mankind and the history of the oceans. He wrote many books about the legendary Platonic Atlantis and numerous "Atlantis" - the so-called hypothetical lands, now submerged.

Foreign researchers Renata and Yaroslav Malina in their works on natural disasters and aliens from outer space write that the Atlantean navigators explored the Earth ... They say that "they traveled through the air and under water, photographed objects at a great distance, used X-rays, fixed images and sounds on video tapes, used a laser from a crystal, invented a terrible weapon using cosmic rays, and also used the energy of antimatter.However, the use of the dark forces of nature by ambitious priests for selfish purposes and more frequent earthquakes led to the disintegration of the mainland into many islands, which later also disappeared into the sea "And ten thousand years before our era, an underground explosion destroyed the island of Poseidonis. But the radiation emitted by a large crystal lying in the place of the death of Atlantis leads to the sudden disappearance of ships and aircraft in the famous Bermuda Triangle."

As can be seen from the foregoing, the geography of the search for Atlantis is very wide and varied.

We all heard about Atlantis, the legendary island that went under water in one day. Who was the first to know about it? Did Atlantis really exist? What else do we not know about her? The story of Atlantis came to us in the retelling of the Greek philosopher Plato. Or rather, from two of his works, Timaeus and Critias. It is believed that these books were written in 360 BC. e.

In them, Plato wrote that the Greek sage Solon became aware of this story when he served as a priest in Egypt. Upon his return, Solon told it to his relative Dropid. Then Dropid gave it to his son Critias, who told her grandson, also Critias, the latter shared it with Socrates and his entourage.

This list should not be taken as historical or scientific fact, but as a true retelling of Plato. Whether we believe in the legend is a personal choice for everyone. Science does not yet give accurate data about Atlantis, but the lost cities have been found and will be found. One day it may become a legendary island.

many books and documentaries was created on the subject of the possible location of Atlantis. A quick Google search will reveal that some point to Santorini as Atlantis in the past; others believe that the waters of Bimini hide the way to the lost city. If we take the text of Plato as a basis, he will tell us where the city was once submerged under water.

The text says that Atlantis "came out of the Atlantic Ocean." It goes on to say that "there was an island in front of the Pillars of Hercules." Today, these pillars should be located on the site of the Strait of Gibraltar, where Spain and Africa are separated by a narrow strip of sea. While these are certainly not GPS coordinates, the island's location narrows down.

In 2011, University of Hartford archaeologist Richard Freund and his team discovered "memorial cities," or cities built in the image of Atlantis. A number of cities have been found buried in the bolts of the Donana National Park, north of Cadiz, Spain.

It turned out that Cadiz is right in front of the pillars. This made Freund think that the real Atlantis was buried in the mud swamps of the Atlantic. Its results coincide with the text of the plot that “the sea in these parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is fine mud on the way; and this happened because of the subsidence of the island.

Cadiz is also considered one of the oldest cities still in Western Europe. It is believed to have been built by the Phoenicians around 700 BC. e., but some records claim that the city was already in 1100 BC. e. Greek myths say that this city is even bigger.

Why is it important? Because a long time ago this city was called Hades. This fits because the text speaks of an Atlantean prince who was called Gadeir by the prehistoric citizens of Hades. He owned the far eastern part of Atlantis.

This part of the island was supposed to look at modern Cadiz. Therefore, the story goes that Cadiz, or Hades, was named after the prince. Of course, Plato wrote all this at least 340 years after the discovery of the city, so he could take liberties in naming the Atlantean princes.

Atlantis is named after a demigod

Most people believe that Atlantis got its name from the Atlantic Ocean, but in reality it was exactly the opposite. Legend has it that Poseidon, the Greek god of the seas, had five twins by an Atlantean mortal woman named Clito.

God gave each of his 10 sons a different part of the island to rule over. Gadeir was the second in seniority. And although a city in Spain was named after him, it was his older brother Atlas who got the honor of naming the city after himself. As the firstborn, Atlas got whole island, and even the surrounding ocean was named after him. His children were also to rule Atlantis forever.

Half the story is missing

We know that Plato wrote at least two books about Atlantis. Today we have the complete Timaeus, but we do not have the complete Critias.

Critias breaks off by saying that Zeus, the head of the Greek gods, “gathered all the gods into their most holy habitation, which, being placed in the center of the world, contemplates all created things. And when he gathered them together, he said the following. That's all.

It is not known whether Plato deliberately left the book unfinished, or whether the completed version was long lost. Not only do we miss the end of Critias, but we also believe that Plato wrote or at least planned to write a third book about Atlantis - Hermocrates.

There are several facts in support of this theory. A line in the Critias reads: "Critias, we will grant your request and provide, if necessary, to Hermocrates the same thing that you and Timaeus." Therefore, the third part of the story must be dedicated to Hermocrates.

Also, the titles of the three books may contain a hidden message, especially when looking at the order in which Plato wrote or should have written them. Timaeus comes from the Greek "thio", which means "to honor". Critias comes from the Greek "krim", which means "judgment". Hermocrates comes from "Hermes", the messenger of the Greek gods. Timaeus reveres prehistoric Athens for their heroism. Critias, presumably, ends with the judgment of Zeus over Atlantis. But what message could Hermocrates convey?

The answer may lie in what we know about Hermocrates himself. He was a true military leader who helped lead the successful defense of Syracuse against Athens during the Peloponnesian War. Sounds like the story of Atlantis. In this story, the Athenian state from prehistoric times repels the attack of the superior forces of Atlantis.

Perhaps Hermocrates' message was about why the Athenian attack on Syracuse failed and how Syracuse was able to fight off the conquest. Unless someone finds a copy of this book, we may never know. complete history Atlantis.

Atlantis must have been at least 11,500 years old

Solon was considered the wisest of all the Greek sages. The texts say that the story of Atlantis was retold to Solon in Egypt when he wanted to "pull out" the most ancient stories from the priests.

To do this, Solon decided to tell the priests about the most ancient Greek stories he could remember. He spoke to them about the great flood and the first man. After listening to Solon, one priest replied: “Oh, Solon, Solon ... There are no old people among you ... You are all young in consciousness; there is no old opinion among you carried over by tradition.”

Then the priest told that Athens, hometown Solon, were much older than he thought. The records of the Egyptians in Sais (where they were) said that Sais was founded 8000 years before. And it was also recorded that Athens was founded 1000 years before Sais and that the Athenians of that time were at war with the Atlanteans.

Solon lived from about 630 BC. e. until 560 BC. e. If this story is correct, the fall of Atlantis happened around 9500 BC. e. And so, Atlantis must be as old as Gobekli Tepe, which appeared 10,000 years ago. e. and is considered the oldest temple in the world.

History is starting to take shape. But for now, everything is cloudy.

The story is true...according to Plato

We said that this list cannot be considered a historical summary. In the text, however, Critias claims that his story is true. "Listen to the story, which, though strange, is certainly true and confirmed by Solon." It is very important for Plato to distinguish fact from history. Plato frankly says that some myths are symbolic in nature. However, in his book, he claims that Atlantis was real and not mythical. If Atlantis were a fantasy of Plato, why would he claim that the story of Atlantis is true, but not say that the Greek myth was created to represent something else?

Atlantis was an empire

Most of us probably imagine a lush green Island surrounded by deep blue ocean waters when thinking of Atlantis. Although the story takes place on an island, most of us probably assume that Atlantis was limited to this island. But Plato says that Atlantis was an empire that was ruled from this island.

"In this island of Atlantis there was a great and beautiful empire, which ruled over the whole island and several others, as well as over parts of the continent, and, in addition, the people of Atlantis conquered Libya to the pillars of Hercules, to Egypt, and Europe to Tyrrhenia."

Tirrenia is another name for Etruria, now known as central Italy. This means that Atlantis would have extended to present-day Tuscany in Europe and to Egypt in Africa. We would like to know how the Athenians defeated such a large empire? Maybe Plato himself did not know, so he decided not to finish the ending.

Ancient Mediterraneans might have known about the Americas

While it may well be that Plato created Atlantis for the sake of philosophy, there is one part of this story that would be difficult to fabricate. In a story, an Egyptian priest says to Solon: “This island opened the way to other islands, and from them you could go to the opposite continent, which surrounded a real ocean. The adjacent land can be called a truly endless continent.

What kind of continent was on the other side of the Atlantic, so large that it seemed as if it surrounded an entire ocean? Could this mean that the ancient Greeks and perhaps the ancient Egyptians knew about the Americas and even visited them?

In 1970, the famous navigator Thor Heyerdahl set sail with a crew of six in a reed ship called the Ra II. They sailed from Safi to Morocco, across the Atlantic, to Barbados in 57 days.

This voyage proved that reed boats could survive ocean travel and that ancient people could actually cross the Atlantic in them. This feat was once considered impossible.

But this does not prove that the Egyptians or the Greeks made their way to the Americas. Heyerdahl proved only that this is possible.

In ancient Athens, women were allowed to serve

The issue of women in the armed forces is often raised in developed countries. Should we allow women to serve in combat formations? Should women sign a service contract?

2500 years ago, the Greeks would have laughed at our questions. Actually, Plato's student Aristotle once said: "Silence is the glory of a woman."

And what would the Spartans do if a woman tried to join their ranks? They wouldn't like it. This is Sparta!

But in Athens in 9500 B.C. e. everything was different. According to Plato, “military service was common for men and women; men and women, in full armor and under the auspices of the goddess Athena, could practice the same martial arts practices, without any gender differences.”

Perhaps Plato simply dreamed of an ideal state, or maybe not. Perhaps the Athenians 9500 BC. e. did everything possible to contain the enemy.

Plato wanted to keep people away from the ocean

If the Greeks really knew what lies beyond mediterranean sea would they want other people to know too? Maybe not. Perhaps that is why Plato wrote that no one should sail into the Atlantic Ocean.

“But then there were great earthquakes and floods; and in one day and one night of misfortune all the men capable of fighting went underground, and the island of Atlantis in the same way went into the abyss of the sea. According to Plato, as a result of this, impenetrable mud deposits appeared near the Strait of Gibraltar.

This may have stopped the curious from crossing the strait. Plato insisted that it was impossible to swim in the Atlantic during his lifetime, "for in those days the Atlantic was navigable."

Was Plato really trying to keep people from leaving for the Atlantic? Did he really think that shallow water was blocking ocean travel? Or was the Atlantic too muddy for boats to pass at that time? If it was too shallow for the boats, why not just walk?

Mankind has been and will be destroyed many times

The Egyptian priest told Solon that none of his stories were "truly ancient" compared to his own. According to the priest, the reason that Solon lacked "truly ancient" knowledge is that humanity was destroyed again and again.

“There have been and will again be destruction of mankind for various reasons; the greatest of them brought manifestations of fire and water, the lesser - innumerable other causes.

If the only people who survive cataclysms are mountain dwellers unaware of their distant past, it is easy to see how the entire history of civilization is lost over time. The priest believed that Egypt experienced these cataclysms, while others did not, because in Egypt it hardly rained at all. Instead, there were annual floods due to the flooding of the Nile, which rose enough to feed the crops, but not destroy their world. Somewhere too wet, somewhere too dry. And in Egypt, everything is as it should be (but in fact it is very, very dry there).

Modern researchers have not yet been able to fully reveal all the hidden secrets of the existence of Atlantis. However, thanks to the many studies carried out in this area, there are still a number of assumptions and hypotheses regarding the existence of the described ancient civilization.

Official science, of course, does not recognize the existence of this mysterious - perhaps really only mythical - civilization in the past.

The achievements of the Atlantean civilization are impressive.

There is an opinion among scientists that the Atlanteans have reached a very high level of progress in all spheres of life. They could plan their life in completely different ways. For example, it was not alien to the people who once inhabited this sunken continent, telepathic communication with family and friends. They also liked to have long conversations about their role in the Universe.

According to the Theosophists, the Atlanteans were the fourth race on earth. They appeared after the death of the Lemurian civilization, having absorbed some of its achievements, and existed before the appearance of the fifth, Aryan race. The Atlanteans were much more god-like than the Lemurians. Beautiful, smart and ambitious.

They worshiped the sun and developed their technology rapidly, just as we do today.

Description of Atlantis by Plato

In the year 421 BC, Plato spoke in his writings about the vanished civilization of the Atlanteans.

According to him, it was a large island, located in the middle of the ocean, beyond Gibraltar. In the center of the city there was a hill with temples and the palace of the kings. upper city was protected by two mounds of earth and three water ring channels. outer ring connected by a 500-meter canal to the sea. Ships sailed along the canal.

Copper and silver were mined in Atlantis. Sailing ships delivered ceramic dishes, spices, and rare ores.

The temple of Poseidon, the lord of the seas, was built of gold, silver, orchilak (an alloy of copper and zinc). His second temple was protected by a golden wall. There were also statues of Poseidon and his daughters.

After forty years, after the death of the philosopher, the Athenian resident Krantor went to Egypt to find Atlantis. In the temple of Neith, he found hieroglyphs with texts about the events that had taken place.

Scientific and technological progress in Atlantis

Due to their high level of mental and mental development, the inhabitants of Atlantis managed to establish contact with extraterrestrial beings. Some researchers give information that the Atlanteans were able to create ultra-fast and practical aircraft. Their very deep knowledge in the field of physics, mathematics and mechanics made it possible to produce equipment of the highest quality with unusual properties. And it was these devices that easily helped them travel through space!

The progress in technology was so stunning that today mankind has not yet been able to develop analogues to those flying devices, even taking into account the fact that science is constantly striding by leaps and bounds forward in all spheres of life without exception.

All this suggests that the inhabitants of Atlantis were outstanding people, possessed of great intellect and knowledge. At the same time, the Atlanteans willingly shared the acquired skills and experience with the younger generation. Therefore, progress in technical development was gradually improved and reached unprecedented heights.

The first pyramids were built just on the territory of Atlantis. This unusual phenomenon still causes bewilderment among researchers, due to what improvised means and equipment it was possible to build such unusual structures!

Also economically, their country was prosperous. The work of any person in it was paid at its true worth. According to legend, Atlantis was an ideal country, there were no beggars and rich people who boasted of their wealth.

In this regard, the social situation in this country was always stable, no one was worried about food.

The appearance and morality of the Atlanteans

Due to the fact that the body of the Atlantean had remarkable physical strength compared to modern man, they significantly more work could perform than our contemporaries.

The body of the Atlanteans was staggering in size. According to the evidence, it reached 6 meters in height. Their shoulders were very wide, the torso was elongated. There were 6 fingers on the hands, and 7 on the feet!

The facial features of people who once lived on Atlantis are also unusual. Their lips were very wide, their nose had a slightly flattened shape, while they also had huge expressive eyes.

According to their physiological data, the average life span of an average Atlantean was about 1000 years. At the same time, each of them tried to look beautiful in the eyes of others. Often, a variety of jewelry made of silver or gold, as well as precious stones, were used as decorations.

The Atlanteans were highly moral people. Therefore, they were alien to bad habits and an immoral way of everyday life. In any situation, they tried to act honestly with others, no one tried to deceive and set anyone up. In family relationships, marriage once in a lifetime was the norm. And the relationship itself was built solely on mutual trust, support and love for each other.

The political system in Atlantis was built in a democratic field. In many ways, it is similar to the one that prevails in the modern successful states of Europe with freedom of speech and the right to choose. The ruler of the Atlanteans was chosen by voting. At the same time, he ruled for a very long period - from 200 to 400 years! But whoever rules Atlantis, each of its leaders has always sought to create such a social environment within the state, thanks to which any person could always feel protected and cared for.

Causes of the death of Atlantis

One of the assumptions why Atlantis disappeared is based on the fact that the kings and the population of this continent began to abuse knowledge, with the help of which they carried out their aggressive intentions.

For example, the pyramids they built created portals to other worlds. All this contributed to the fact that the energy coming from the parallel reality could be negative and at a certain moment could adversely affect the entire continent, completely destroying it in an instant.

In their daily lives, magic has increasingly been used exclusively with malicious intent.

Too much knowledge creates a temptation to use it for selfish interests. And no matter how morally pure the inhabitants of Atlantis were at first, in the end, negative tendencies began to grow in their society over time. The predatory attitude towards nature, the growth of social inequality, the abuse of power by the small elite that ruled the Atlanteans ultimately led to tragic consequences associated with the incitement of a long-term war. And it was she who became the main reason that one day the entire continent was swallowed up by the waters of the ocean.

Some scientists also assert with certainty that the death of Atlantis occurred approximately 10-15 thousand years ago. And this large-scale event provoked a huge meteorite that fell on our planet. The fall of a meteorite could change the earth's axis, which caused a tsunami of an unprecedented scale.

What did Helena Blavatsky say about the causes of the death of Atlantis

According to Helena Blavatsky, the fall of Atlantis happened because the Atlanteans played God. It turns out that from high morality the Atlanteans rolled down to indulgence of passions.

The technology of the Atlanteans, which surpassed their spiritual qualities, allowed them to create chimeras - a cross between man and animals, to use them as sex slaves and physical workers. The Atlanteans were masters of genetic modification and cloning technology at a high level. This is similar to what people are doing now, in the 21st century.

Being telepathically warned that the continent would sink, many of the inhabitants of Atlantis fled, having managed to board ships before the final sinking of the mainland in 9564 BC. by a series of earthquakes.

The American mystic Edgar Cayce, who looked into the so-called astral akashic records in a trance state, claimed that many of the souls who once lived in Atlantis now live as representatives of modern Western civilization in order to fulfill their destiny.

The search for a lost civilization

Over the past two thousand years, there have been multiple speculations about the location of Atlantis. Interpreters of the works of Plato pointed to the modern islands of the Atlantic. Some argue that Atlantis was located in present-day Brazil and even in Siberia.

Modern archaeologists consider the thinker's story about the Atlanteans a fiction. Circular networks of canals, hydraulic structures in those days were still beyond the strength of mankind. Researchers of Plato's philosophy and literature believe that he wanted to call for the creation of an ideal state. As for the period of disappearance, Plato names information that this happened eleven and a half thousand years ago. But during this period, man was only emerging from the Paleolithic, the Stone Age. Those people were not yet sufficiently developed mind. Perhaps these data of Plato about the time of the death of Atlantis are incorrectly interpreted.

There is one assumption why the figure of the death of Atlantis by Plato appears 9 thousand years ago. The fact is that in Egyptian reckoning "nine thousand" was depicted by nine lotus flowers, and "nine hundred" - by nine knots of rope. Outwardly, in writing, they were similar, and therefore there was confusion.

Modern research

In one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine, all European newspapers were full of headlines "The Russians found an island." Photographs were presented in which vertical ridges, similar to walls, peeked out of the sand. Search operations unfolded exactly where Plato indicated - behind the Pillars of Hercules, above the underwater volcano Ampere. It was reliably established that it stood out from the water, was an island.

In 1982, another Russian ship, having sank under water, discovered the ruins of the city: walls, squares, rooms. These findings were refuted by another expedition, which found nothing. In addition to frozen volcanic rocks.

There are suggestions that the disaster occurred due to a sudden shift in the African tectonic plate. Its collision with the European caused the eruption of Santorin - and the western islands sank.

Of course, it is now impossible to say with accuracy what exactly happened once to Atlantis and what contributed to its death. And many of the hypotheses set forth by the researchers can only come close to the truth.

Whether Atlantis was simply a figment of the imagination of Plato and other thinkers, or a reality reflected in ancient legends, miraculously preserved to this day, remains a mystery ...

Perhaps our civilization is moving towards the same finale, when we will become for our distant descendants the same mythical event that Atlantis is for us. And our continents will also unsuccessfully search for days of deep oceans.

The "fatal" mistake of Plato (Critias or Solon) is revealed, which led to confusion with the location of Atlantis.

Atlantis has not disappeared, it exists and lies in the depths of the sea. A lot has been said about Atlantis, thousands of research materials have been written. Historians, archaeologists, searchers have proposed fifty versions of a possible location around the world (in Scandinavia, in the Baltic Sea, in Greenland, North and South America, in Africa, the Black, Aegean, Caspian Sea, in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and so on), but the exact location is not named. Why such confusion?

Starting to figure it out, you discover one pattern that all assumptions are initially tied to some kind of similarity, a find of antiquity, a single description, under which (which) the materials were subsequently “fitted”. As a result, nothing worked. There is a similarity, but Atlantis cannot be found.

We'll go the other way

Let's look for Atlantis in a different way, which in this case (judging by famous sentences) has never been used before. First, let's take the method of elimination, where Atlantis could not be. As the circle narrows, we will use all the "benchmarks" that were proposed by the ancient Greek scientist, the sage (428-347 BC) Plato (Aristocles) in his works - Timaeus and Critias. In these documents, the only and rather detailed description of Atlantis, its inhabitants and historical events related to the life of the legendary island is given.

“Aristotle taught me to satisfy my mind only with what reasoning convinces me, and not just the authority of teachers. Such is the power of truth: you are trying to refute it, but your attacks themselves elevate it and give it great value, ”said the Italian philosopher, physicist, mathematician Galileo Galilei in the 16th century.

Below is a map of the world, as it was presented in Greece during the time of Plato, Herodotus (IV - V century BC).

Mediterranean Sea

So, let's start "cutting the ends." Atlantis could not be in any far corner of the world, and even it was not in the Atlantic Ocean. You will ask why? Because the war (according to the history of the story) between Athens and Atlantis could not be anywhere except in the Mediterranean Sea on this “patch of civilization” due to the limited development of mankind. The world is big - but the developed one is small. Close neighbors fight among themselves more often and constantly than distant ones. Athens simply could not, with her army and navy, reach the limits of Atlantis if she were somewhere far away. Water and vast distances were an insurmountable obstacle.

“This barrier was insurmountable for people, because ships and shipping did not yet exist,” Plato narrates in his work Critias.

In ancient Greek mythology, which arose many thousands of years later than the time of the death of Atlantis, the only (!) hero Hercules (according to Homer in the XII century BC) performed a feat, traveling to the farthest western point of the world - to the edge of the Mediterranean Sea.

“When the Atlas Mountains arose on the path of Hercules, he did not climb them, but made his way through, thus paving the Strait of Gibraltar and connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic. This point also served as a border for navigators in the ancient era, therefore, in a figurative sense, “Hercules (Hercules) pillars” is the end of the world, the limit of the world. And the expression to reach the pillars of Hercules "means" to reach the limit.

See picture The Strait of Gibraltar today is the place reached by the historical hero Hercules.

In the foreground is the Rock of Gibraltar on the edge of mainland Europe, and in the background on the coast of Africa is Mount Jebel Musa in Morocco.

What western limit of the earth reached Hercules (“end of the world”) was unattainable by other mortals. Thus, Atlantis was closer to the center of the ancient civilization - it was in the Mediterranean Sea. But where exactly?

Pillars of Hercules (according to Plato's story, behind which lay the island of Atlantis) in the Mediterranean Sea at that time there were seven pairs (Gibraltar, Dardanelles, Bosphorus, Kerch Strait, Nile Mouth, etc.). The pillars were located at the entrances to the straits, and all had the same name - Heracles (later Latin name - Hercules). The pillars served as landmarks and beacons for ancient sailors.

“First of all, let us briefly recall that, according to legend, nine thousand years ago there was a war between those peoples who lived on the other side of the Pillars of Hercules, and all those who lived on this side: we will have to tell about this war ... How we have already mentioned, it was once an island larger than Libya and Asia (not all of them geographical area, but rather areas inhabited in antiquity), but now it has failed, due to earthquakes and has turned into impenetrable silt, blocking the way for sailors who would try to sail from us to the open sea, and making navigation unthinkable. (Plato, Critias).

This information about Atlantis, which dates back to the 6th century BC. came from the Egyptian priest Timaeus from the city of Sais, located on the coast of Africa, in the western delta of the Nile. The current name of this village is Sa el-Hagar (see below the picture of the Nile River Delta).

When Timaeus said that the barrier from the remains of the sunken Atlantis blocked the way "from us to the open sea", then speaking about us (about himself and about Egypt), this clearly testified to the location of Atlantis. That is, it lies in the direction of travel from the Egyptian mouth of the Nile to the wide waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

In ancient times, the Pillars of Hercules were also called the entrance to the main navigable (western) mouth of the Nile, nicknamed the mouth of Heracles, that is, Hercules, where the city of Heracleum was located and there was a temple in honor of Hercules. Over time, the silt and floating material from the sunken Atlantis was blown across the sea, and the island itself went even deeper into the abyss.

“Since in nine thousand years there have been many great floods (namely, so many years have passed from those times to Plato), the earth did not accumulate in the form of any significant shoal, as in other places, but was washed away by waves and then disappeared into the abyss.” (Plato, Critias).


Next, we exclude other, impossible locations. Atlantis could not be in the Mediterranean north of the island Crete. Today in that area there are countless small islands scattered over the water area, which does not correspond to the story of flooding (!), and by this very fact excludes the entire territory. But even this is not the main thing. There would not have been enough space for Atlantis (according to the description of its size) in the sea north of Crete.

Expedition of a famous explorer sea ​​depths French scientist-oceanographer in the area north of Crete on the periphery of the islands of Thira (Strongel), Thera discovered the remains of an ancient sunken city, but from the above it follows that it belongs to a different civilization rather than Atlantis.

In the archipelago of the islands of the Aegean Sea, earthquakes, catastrophes associated with volcanic activity, which led to local subsidence of the earth, are known, and according to new evidence, they occur in our time. For example, a recently sunken medieval fortress in the Aegean Sea near the city of Marmaris in a bay on the coast of Turkey.

Between Cyprus, Crete and Africa

Narrowing the search circle, we come to the conclusion that only one thing remains - Atlantis could only be in one place opposite the mouth of the Nile - between the islands of Crete, Cyprus and north coast Africa. She is there today at a depth and lies, having fallen into a deep basin of the sea.

The failure of an almost oval water area with influx from the coast, horizontal wrinkling (from sliding) of sedimentary rocks to the center of the "funnel" is clearly visible from the Internet survey of the seabed from space. The bottom in this place resembles a pit, sprinkled with soft sedimentary rock on top, there is no solid "crust of the continental mantle" under it. Only visible on the body of the Earth is a hollow inside that is not overgrown with firmament.

The Egyptian priest Timaeus, in his story about the location of the silt from the flooded Atlantis, gives a link to the Pillars of Hercules (it was logical for him to say - closest to him), located at the mouth of the western Nile.

In another case (later already in Greece), when Plato described the power of Atlantis, we are already talking about other pillars, as mentioned above, there were seven of them in the Mediterranean at that time. When Plato expounded the text of the work (according to the retelling of Solon and Critias), the Egyptian priest Timaeus (the primary source of the story) had not been there for 200 years by that time, and there was no one to clarify the information about which pillars they were talking about. Therefore, the subsequent confusion arose with the location of Atlantis.

“After all, according to our records, your state (Athens) put an end to the insolence of countless military forces that set off to conquer all of Europe and Asia, and kept their way from the Atlantic Sea. […] On this island, called Atlantis, there arose a kingdom amazing in size and power, whose power extended to the whole island, to many other islands and to part of the mainland, and moreover, on this side of the strait they took possession of Libya (northern Africa ) as far as Egypt and Europe as far as Tirrenia ( West Coast Italy). (Plato, Timaeus).

The sea that washed the island of Atlantis (between Crete, Cyprus and Egypt) was called the Atlantic in ancient times, it was located in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as modern seas: Aegean, Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Ionian.

Subsequently, due to an error in tying Atlantis not to the Nile, but to the Pillars of Gibraltar, the name "Atlantic" Sea automatically spread to the ocean beyond the strait. The once inland Atlantic Sea, due to the inaccuracy of the interpretation of the story of Timaeus and the description (Plato, Critias or Solon), became the Atlantic Ocean. As the Russian proverb says: “We got lost in three pines” (more precisely, in seven pairs of pillars). When Atlantis went into the abyss of the sea, the Atlantic Sea disappeared with it.

Timaeus, narrating the history of Atlantis, noted that the victory of Athens brought freedom from slavery to all other peoples (including the Egyptians), who had not yet been enslaved by the Atlanteans - "on this side of the Pillars of Hercules", speaking about himself - about Egypt.

“It was then, Solon, that your state showed the whole world a brilliant proof of its valor and strength: all, surpassing all in fortitude and experience in military affairs, it first stood at the head of the Hellenes, but because of the betrayal of the allies, it turned out to be left to itself, met alone with extreme dangers and yet defeated the conquerors and erected victorious trophies. Those who were not yet enslaved, it saved from the threat of slavery; all the rest, no matter how much we lived on this side of the Pillars of Heracles, it generously made free. But later, when the time came for unprecedented earthquakes and floods, in one terrible day, all your military strength was swallowed up by the cracked earth; likewise, Atlantis disappeared, plunging into the abyss. After that, the sea in those places has become unnavigable and inaccessible to this day due to the shallowing caused by the huge amount of silt that the settled island left behind. (Plato, Timaeus).

Description of the island

You can even more clarify the place of Atlantis from the description of the island itself.

“Poseidon, having received the island of Atlantis as his inheritance ..., approximately in this place: from the sea to the middle of the island, a plain stretched, according to legend, more beautiful than all other plains and very fertile.” (Plato, Timaeus).

“This whole region lay very high and steeply cut off to the sea, but the whole plain that surrounded the city (capital) and itself surrounded by mountains that stretched to the sea, was a flat expanse, three thousand stadia long (580 km.), And in the direction from the sea to the middle - two thousand (390 km.). All this part of the island was turned to the south wind, and from the north it was closed by mountains. These mountains are praised by legend because they surpassed all the present ones in their multitude, size and beauty. The plain ... was an oblong quadrangle, mostly rectilinear. (Plato, Critias).

So, following the description - approximately to the middle of the island of Atlantis stretched a rectangular plain measuring 580 by 390 kilometers, open to the south and closed from the north by large and high mountains. Fitting these dimensions into a geographical map north of the mouth of the Nile, we get that the southern part of Atlantis could completely adjoin Africa (near the Libyan cities of Tobruk, Derna and Egyptian cities on the coast west of Alexandria), and its northern mountainous part could be (but not a fact) - the island of Crete (in the west), and Cyprus (in the east).

In favor of the fact that Atlantis in earlier times (than its mention in the ancient Egyptian papyri), namely tens of thousands of years ago, was connected with Africa - says the story of the animal world of the island.

“Even elephants were found on the island in great numbers, for there was enough food not only for all other living creatures that inhabit the swamps, lakes and rivers, mountains or plains, but also for this beast, of all the animals, the largest and voracious.” (Plato, Critias).

It should also be taken into account that with the end of the ice age, with the beginning of the melting of the northern glaciers, the level of the world's oceans rose by 100-150 meters and, probably, the part of the land that once connected Atlantis and the mainland was gradually flooded. Elephants and the inhabitants of the island of Atlantis (named after their king Atlanta), who came here earlier from the depths of Africa, remained on a large island surrounded by the sea.

Atlanteans were ordinary people modern look, and not four-meter giants, otherwise the Hellenes from Athens would not have been able to defeat them. The insular, isolated position of the inhabitants prompted civilization to a separate active, ahead of external warring barbarians, development (fortunately, everything needed was on the island).

On Atlantis (in its capital, similar to the hill of an extinct volcano), hot springs of mineral water flowed from the ground. This indicates a high seismic activity of the territory located on the "thin" mantle of the earth's crust... "a spring of cold and a spring of hot water, which gave water in abundance, and, moreover, amazing both in taste and in healing power." (Plato, Critias).

Immersion under water

I will not now assume what caused the internal "hiccups" of the Earth, as a result of which Atlantis sank into the basin of the Mediterranean Sea in a day, and then even deeper. But it should be noted that exactly in that place along the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea there is a fault boundary between the African and European continental tectonic plates.

The depth of the sea there is very large - about 3000-4000 meters. It is possible that a powerful impact of a giant meteorite in North America in Mexico, which, according to the US National Academy of Sciences, occurred 13 thousand years ago (at about the same time) and caused an inertial wave and plate movement in the Mediterranean.

Just like continental plates, crawling on top of each other, breaking edges, uplift mountains - the same process, but in reverse side when diverging, it forms subsidence and deep depressions. The African plate slightly moved away from the European one, and this was quite enough to lower Atlantis into the abyss of the sea.

The fact that Africa in the history of the Earth has already moved away from Europe and Asia is clearly evidenced by the huge intercontinental fault that runs through the Mediterranean Sea. The fault is clearly visible on the geographical map along the lines (seas) of the split in the earth's crust, which go in the directions - the Dead Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Persian and Oman.

See the picture below, how the continent of Africa moves away from Asia, forming the above seas and bays at the break points.

Crete - Atlantis

It is possible that the current island of Crete was earlier that very northern, high mountainous part of Atlantis, which did not fall into the abyss of the sea, but, having broken away, stayed on the "European continental cornice". On the other hand, if you look at Crete on a geographical map, then it does not stand on the very cliff of the mantle of the European mainland, but about 100 kilometers from the basin of the Mediterranean (Atlantic) Sea. This means that the catastrophic rupture of Atlantis by the current coastline Crete was not.

But here we must also take into account the fact that since then the sea level has risen by 100-150 meters (or more) due to the melting of glaciers. It is possible that Crete and Cyprus, as independent units, were part of the archipelago of the island Atlantis.

Historians and archaeologists write: “Excavations in Crete show that even four or five millennia after the alleged death of Atlantis, the inhabitants of this Mediterranean island sought to settle away from the coast. (Memory of ancestors?). Unknown fear drove them to the mountains. The first centers of agriculture and culture are also located at some distance from the sea”…

The former proximity of the location of Atlantis to Africa and to the mouth of the Nile is indirectly evidenced by the extensive Kattara depression in North Africa in the Libyan Desert, 50 km from the Mediterranean coast, west of the Egyptian city of Alexandria. The Qattara depression is minus 133 meters below sea level.

See the picture above - the huge Qattara depression near the Mediterranean coast in Egypt.

There is also another lowland on the tectonic fault line - this is the Dead Sea (minus 395 meters) in Israel. They testify to a once-completed territorial catastrophe, common to all, associated with the subsidence of large tracts of land from the divergence in different directions of the European and African continental plates.

What gives the establishment of the exact location of Atlantis

The depression of the Mediterranean at the site of the former Atlantis is too deep. At first, the silt that rose and then settled to the bottom and subsequent sedimentary deposits somewhat covered Atlantis. The golden capital with its countless treasures in the temple of Poseidon turned out to be at great depths.

The search for the capital of Atlantis in the southern part of the Mediterranean Sea in the "triangle" between the islands of Crete, Cyprus, the mouth of the Nile will bring a useful result to the "treasury" of the world history of mankind, but this requires research by deep-sea vehicles.

There are guidelines for the attentive reader to search for the capital... There are two Mir underwater stations in Russia that could survey and study the bottom.

For example, Italian explorers-oceanographers in the summer of 2015 on the shelf of the island of Pantelleria, located approximately in the middle between Sicily and Africa, at a depth of 40 meters at the bottom of the sea found a giant man-made column 12 meters long, weighing 15 tons, broken in half. Traces of drilling holes are visible on the column. Its age is estimated at about 10 thousand years (comparable to the era of the Atlanteans). Divers also found the remains of a pier - a ridge of stones half a meter in size, laid out in a straight line, protecting the entrance to the ancient ship harbor.
These findings suggest that the search for the capital of Atlantis is not hopeless.

It is also encouraging that the confusion with the "Pillars of Hercules" has been successfully resolved and the location of Atlantis has finally been established.

Already today, for the sake of historical truth, the Mediterranean basin, at the bottom of which lies the legendary island in memory of Atlantis and its inhabitants, can and should be returned to its ancient name - the Atlantic Sea. This will be the first important world event in the search and discovery of Atlantis.