The largest pyramids in China. Giant white pyramid in china

There are many objects in the world cultural heritage, whose origin and purpose remains a mystery to this day. The most famous pyramids of three countries - Egypt, Mexico and China. But there is a certain difference between them in the knowledge gained, because if access to the first two tombs is open for researchers, then some Chinese pyramids can only be accessed with a special permit, and they are protected by law.

Secrets of the Chinese pyramids

The Chinese pyramids are superior to the Egyptian and Mexican ones both in number and in height. Passage to some of them is officially open, but getting to them is very problematic due to the presence of closed military and strategic zones on the way to the facilities. However, such secrecy alarms more than one generation of scientists. It is likely that the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom themselves were able to get to the bottom of the truth and do not want to betray the secret knowledge of the public.

Chinese pyramids: photo

Despite the colossal height Chinese pyramids, it is unrealistic to see them from space. Why are they so carefully hidden from the eyes of scientists from Europe? What secret does this hold? ancient heritage ancestors?

The Chinese themselves have legends, according to which the pyramids are evidence of the contact of ancient people with extraterrestrial races. According to legend, these structures were built by people who descended from heaven on dragons made of iron and breathing fire. And the ancient emperors, who ruled before our era, claimed that they themselves were the descendants of these very guests from the distant Cosmos.

Great Chinese Pyramid

For some time, the pyramids were available to the inhabitants without special permission. So, a nomad discovered several buildings near the city of Sichuan. The sides of the pyramids have a regular geometric shape, and the absence of peaks unites them with structures in Mexico.

Chinese pyramids: why are they hidden?

Why do the Chinese guard ancient buildings so carefully? They probably unraveled the nature of the origin of the pyramids. Indeed, even in some Chinese legends, a description of aliens who had blond hair and blue eyes is indicated. According to legend, the pyramids are evidence of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence in past eras.

Immediately after the war, American pilots, who inadvertently stumbled upon ancient buildings in, took several high-quality aerial photographs of ancient structures. According to the conclusions of Pentagon researchers, the height of the great pyramid is more than 300 m, which is 2 times more than that of the Cheops pyramid known in Egypt.

An interesting fact is that most of these buildings are located in places that are most adapted to agricultural work. The government of the Celestial Empire for quite a long time hid the very fact that the most important historical artifacts were located on the territory of the country. Only at the beginning of the 21st century did China officially confirm the existence of more than 410 pyramids in the country!

white chinese pyramid

Mysteries hidden by the main, 300-meter white pyramid shake the minds of scientists who were lucky enough to visit the place. Yes, known historical fact that more than 800.000 workers. But about 600,000 died under rather strange circumstances. A dead end in the study is the fact that the bones different people scattered over a decent distance, which is more like an explosion that could cause a disaster.

white chinese pyramid

What is the true purpose of the Chinese pyramids? Scientists build a variety of assumptions. The theory of planetary communication, the transmitter of which was the Earth, sounds fantastic. With the help of similar conical structures located on Mars, as well as in Egypt, it is possible to amplify sound and light signals. The mystery of these ancient structures has yet to be unraveled.

Chinese pyramids: video

", we could not help but pay attention to the mysterious pyramids of China, which, although they are of great interest to many researchers, have not yet been studied. It is assumed that the reason for this may be both the unwillingness of the Chinese authorities to allow researchers there, and one-sided, biased view of many scientists and archaeologists on the artifacts of the distant past. Well, as it is written in the AllatRa book: such scientific horizons where the existing supports on which the whole chain of human reasoning rests will become unusable.

We offer to plunge into the information that is currently available on the Internet. Perhaps, by gathering together the facts, we will be able to put together another interesting picture.

Let's start with some well-known information about history of the discovery of the Chinese pyramids, the full validity of which can hardly be verified. But still…

In 1945, one of the giant pyramids was seen by American military pilot James Gaussman when he was flying over the Kin-Lin-Xiang mountains near the city of Xi'an in Central China. He was amazed by its size and the fact that it was made of white shiny material (we do not comment on this information, everything can be, as they say). According to Internet sources, Gaussman took a photo of this structure that surprised him, but later this picture disappeared from the archives.

- In the 1960s, the Chinese pyramids also came to the attention of New Zealand aviator Bruce Cathie. In the same period, the diaries of two Australian merchants Schroeder and Meman, who visited Shensi in the early twentieth century, were found. According to other sources, it was Bruce Kati who in 1963 tracked down the diary and article of Fred Mayer Schroeder, written in 1912. Schroeder was a merchant originally from Australia, but lived in China and drove caravans from the Great Chinese wall inland. The diaries of Schroeder, who was interested in esotericism, mention the Chinese pyramids, about which he was told by a spiritual guru from Mongolia named Bogdykhan. He said that there are seven large pyramids in China and they are located near the ancient capital Xian Fu (modern Xian). As Schroder wrote in his diary afterwards: “We approached them from the East and saw that there were three giants in the northern group, and the rest of the pyramids successively decreased in size to the smallest in the south. They extended six or eight miles across the plain, towering over the cultivated land and villages. They were under the noses of people and remained completely unknown to the Western world."

A few more facts from Schroder's diary suggest the following: the large pyramid was about 300 meters high (which is almost twice the height of the Cheops pyramid), and at the base about 500 meters (again, about twice the size of the Cheops pyramid); Schroder also mentioned that the four sides of the pyramid are oriented strictly to the cardinal points and the sides of the pyramids had their own color, respectively, with the cardinal points - black, green-blue, red and white. Some sources claim that the different colors of the sides of the pyramid draws an analogy with the knowledge and traditions of the Maya Indians about the cardinal points. According to them, the sky has four sides and four corners, where each corner has its own color. The northern corner is black, the eastern corner is red, the southern corner is blue and the western corner is white. Also, the pyramid had a flat top, which was covered with yellow earth. Surely, we will not answer the question of how reliable the data on the different colors of the sides of the pyramid from Schroeder's diary are, but I think it is appropriate and informative in this case to cite an excerpt from the AllatRa book, where there is just a mention of knowledge about the Four Essences in the energy structure of a person and their color characteristics according to the cardinal points in China:

“Rigden: Quite right. There are also references to the four Essences with the center - the Soul in Asia, in particular, in ancient Chinese mythology. Such a collective concept as "Wu Di" denotes five mythological characters, each of which, in turn, has his assistants. This term was used by the ancient Chinese as the designation of "abstract spirits of the five elements." "Wu Di" is mentioned in the old book "Zhou Li" ("Zhou Book of Rites"). Various ancient authors-philosophers deciphered the concept of "Wu Di" in their own way: some wrote that these were "five deities", some - "five emperors", some - "five great ones". In any case, this concept was equated with the symbol of the five directions (four cardinal points and the center).

These symbols were so important in the ritual tradition of ancient China that their images were almost everywhere: on emblems, on banners, in art, and in architecture (including on grave bas-reliefs). Moreover, they were located in a special order associated with a particular ritual. For example, banners, each of which was marked with one of the symbols of the "five directions", were carried by the troops in a certain order during the march. Ahead, as a symbol of the Front Essence, they carried a banner with the image of Zhu-niao (“red bird”) - a symbol of the south, which the Chinese considered an honorable side of the world. Behind, as a symbol of the Back Essence, they carried a banner with the image of Xuan-wu (a turtle entwined with a snake) - a symbol of the north. On the left, as a symbol of the Left essence, they carried a banner with the image of Qing-long ("green dragon") - a symbol of the east. On the right, as a symbol of the Right Essence, they carried a banner with the image of Bai-hu (“white tiger”) - a symbol of the West. But knowing person it is enough to look at the characteristics of these collective concepts in order to understand what is really being discussed, given the peculiarities of the worldview of a given people” (p. 263).

“I was taken aback by this majestic spectacle,” wrote Schroder. “We traveled around the pyramids in search of an entrance, but found nothing.” When Schroder asked the guru about the age of the pyramids, he said that they were much more than five thousand years old. When asked by Schroder why he thinks so, Bogdykhan replied: “In our oldest books, written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are mentioned as ancient, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they were descended from the Sons of Heaven, who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons."

Bruce Kati became so interested in this topic that he collected all the information available at that time and made sketches of 16 pyramids that are located near the city of Xi'an.

In 1974, China reported the discovery of a terracotta army in the necropolis of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, which is located two kilometers from the pyramid.

In 1966, for the first time, an archaeological expedition was allowed to the pyramids. But, the archaeologists did not have time to do their work, according to sources, as the country experienced a "cultural revolution" under the leadership of Mao Zedong. At the same time, the library in the province of Shensi, which Buddhist monks had collected for several thousand years, was also destroyed. Together with her, the researchers say, perhaps the only written evidence that mentions the builders of these pyramids perished.

In 1994, Hartwig Hausdorff (in some sources he is a German explorer and traveler, in others he is the head of one of travel companies) visited the Valley of the Pyramids together with researchers Julia Zimmerman, Peter Krass and took photographs of six pyramids, described them (three pyramids in the Xi'an airport area and three in the Mao Lin town area). In 1996, they continued their research, as a result, in one of the districts near the city of Shenxi province, they counted about 30 pyramids, which are located separately and in groups of three or more. Most of the pyramids of the valley are about 60 m-70 m high. One of them, according to Hausdorff, is very similar to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan (Mexico).

This begs the question: who and why exactly these researchers were allowed to take photos in places closed to tourists, and why Hausdorff did not subsequently publish any of these photos. Other sources claim that they were unable to find the huge white pyramid that Gausman allegedly photographed. Later, Hausdorff published the book The White Pyramid. There is little specifics in the book, but it was the first book about the pyramids. Hausdorff believed that their origin was extraterrestrial, focusing on the work of Blavatsky, who wrote about the pyramids located at the four corners of the world, having accurate mathematical calculations and astronomical landmarks. In general, since the publication of Hausdorff's book, stories about the White Pyramid have become overgrown with rumors, both in the press and on the Internet. Probably because for enough long term not many people visited the valley of the Chinese pyramids. It is known that in the center of Shaanxi province, 120 km from the city of Xi'an, there is the White Pyramid. Its coordinates are 34 degrees north latitude and 108 degrees east longitude.

In 2000, the Chinese authorities nevertheless publicized information about the existence of the pyramids. Some of them are open access, such as the Maoling Mound, the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the Qian-ling mausoleum and the pyramid of Yasen Park.

For the rest of the pyramids, including the Great White Pyramid, the Chinese authorities have not opened access for an unknown reason.

Also, the Russian traveler Maxim Yakovenko tried to find out more about the pyramids. He visited the US Library of Congress and there he discovered the story of the American pilot Gausman, who took the photo. They say that in China there is still no official detailed map of the valley of the pyramids. And for his research, Yakovenko used images from space. He wrote that official science refers the pyramids to the imperial tombs of the Qin Dynasty 221-207. BC, Western Han 206 BC - 07 AD Eastern Han 25-220 AD AD, Jin 265-419 AD and the Tang Dynasty 618-907. AD and tries to take them to the tombs of the emperors and their confidants of the listed dynasties. If we take, for example, the pyramid and the most famous today "tomb" of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, who left behind the great Terracotta Army 60 km. from Xian, then by and large, apart from the descriptions of the historian and poet Sima Qian (whose exact years of life are still debatable), who described the tomb of the emperor itself, there are no more sources that would say that the pyramids are precisely the tomb. Here is a quote from Yakovenko on this subject: “The most interesting thing is that the historian Sima Qian lived a century after the death of Qin Shi Huangdi and wrote a biography of the emperor based on unknown sources. Maybe Sima Qian wrote based on some source from the time of Qin Shi Huangdi? Thus, there is no written evidence that the huge pyramidal structure was the tomb of Qin Shi Huang-di 2200 years ago. Research around the pyramid has been going on for more than 40 years, thousands of figurines, gold and silver items have been found, but not a single evidence of the emperor's tomb. Excavations are prohibited on the pyramid itself.”

On July 2, 2007, Chinese archaeologists summed up their five-year study of the Qin Shi Huang mound, for the study of which they used sensory techniques (radar and remote data collection devices). It was found that inside a huge hill there is a structure in the form of a huge (about 30 meters) nine-sided pyramid. What this pyramid is made of, scientists do not indicate. Excavations of unique structures have not officially begun, although the scientists of Archeology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences claim that the pyramid is unique and does not look like other open tombs of Chinese emperors. Some of the researchers made the assumption that this pyramid is a corridor through which the soul of Qin Huangdi went to heaven after death.

Territorial boundaries of the location of the pyramids.

Pyramids surround the city of Xian from all sides, moreover, they are even within the city. In the northern outskirts of the neighboring city of Xi'an, Sanyang, there is a huge valley of pyramids. Stretching from east to west for 50 km, the valley resembles the Milky Way. It is about her that the world is best known, thanks to Hausdorff.

As the researchers write, northwest of Xi'an and Sanyang there is another valley of pyramids more interesting, ancient, tall and completely unknown to the world. It is there that the legendary White Pyramid is located. Another area of ​​unexplored pyramids is located 70 km northeast of Xi'an.

“A common characteristic of all pyramids is the material from which they are built - loess. In the indicated valleys, the soil is sedimentary, homogeneous, loamy-sandy sandy loam rock, otherwise referred to as loess. Loess is approximately 30% clay, as well as limestone particles, this is a fairly durable material; in appearance it strongly resembles clay rock, which is why it is often called clay. All pyramids are divided into strictly oriented to the four cardinal points, and into pyramids with a slight deviation to the northwest towards Greenland. Why some are oriented this way and others differently is a big question, the answer to which has yet to be found.” (M. Yakovenko)

As they say, the answer has long been found. It is enough to turn to the study (Uvarov, 2008), which shows that 10.5 thousand years BC. The North Pole was located exactly near Greenland. Therefore, all pyramids with this northern orientation were built in the Upper Paleolithic, and not later.

This is the classification of the pyramids we found on the Internet.

By type of foundation:

Most of the pyramids are square at their base, but there are rectangular ones that resemble more cone-shaped artificial pyramidal hills, but since their parallel sides are equal, we will refer them to a special type of pyramids. There are also pyramids that stand on large, but not high (up to 3 meters) square mounds, platforms that are hard to see on satellite images, but are clearly visible on the ground.

By type of finial:

A pyramid with a truncated top is the most common form. For structures reaching a height of 40-50 meters, the upper platform is of impressive size 50x50 meters. All of them resemble Mexican pyramids, and if we turn to geometry, they represent a geometric figure - a prism. There are also pyramids with a relatively sharp peak, similar to the Egyptian ones, but they are few and most of them do not reach a height of 40 meters. But there is also a third type of peaks - sunken, forming a spherical depression of ideal outlines, which excludes the version of clay subsidence and failure. In the valleys of the pyramids around Xian and Sanyang, as far as is known, there is only one such pyramid, 17-20 meters high.

By number of steps:

Chinese pyramids are also divided into stepped and non-stepped. Stepped, in turn, are divided into multi-stage and single-stage. The steps of the pyramid represent terraces reaching a height of 1 - 2 meters. For what purpose they were erected is unknown, especially in those cases when the steps reach the middle of the pyramid, then they are absent and appear only at the very top. Pyramids with terraces and platforms at the top strongly resemble the Mexican Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon in Mexico.

Pyramid-antipode. 40 km. from Xian there is a very unusual pyramid resembling a quarry. However, being directly on the ground with satellite images, it becomes clear that this is a mirror image of the pyramid. One gets the impression that the pyramid was turned over, dug into the ground, and then pulled out. It turns out that the "mirror reflection" is the antipode of the pyramid.

Mixed pyramids. Almost all small pyramids up to 10 meters in height belong to the mixed type. Among them there are cone-shaped structures with steps on only one or both sides. Since the number of small pyramids can be in the hundreds, their study is a matter for future research.

There is another type of pyramid, but it does not fit into any of the presented classifications, since it characterizes only one White Pyramid.

HUANG DI. Ancient legends about the builders of the pyramids.

According to the legends and ancient traditions of China, which have come down to our times, the construction of the pyramids took place in those times when the emperors ruled, who descended from the Sons of Heaven, who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons.

One of the Sons of Heaven is the legendary and several of his assistants. He is greatly revered in China and is considered the founder of the Chinese nation. He ruled, according to official information, in 2692 - 2592. BC.

Here are some interesting, in our opinion, facts about Huang Di, which we do not undertake to comment on yet:

  • According to Wikipedia, the name Huang Di is usually translated as the Yellow Emperor. But the hieroglyph Di can mean not only the word Emperor, but also the words "spirit" or "deity". Part of the name "Juan" also carries deep symbolism. Traditionally, the yellow color is associated with the characteristic yellowish tint of the waters of the Yellow River.
  • According to legend, Huang Di came to Earth with Xu-Ayu-Yuan stars, in other sources - stars Regulus (constellation Leo). The Yellow Emperor traveled across the universe on a fiery dragon. Moreover, "... in one day, the Chen-Huang Dragon covers a myriad of miles, a person who sits on it reaches the age of two thousand years."

Dragon figurine in the Xi'an Museum.

  • The legend tells about the Sons of Heaven - wise and kind creatures that appeared on the territory of the “Celestial Empire” long before the formation of states in the Yellow River valley. Huang Di and his "team", consisting of five companions and one companion, descended from heaven to earth in a chariot (it turns out that there were seven Sons of Heaven). The arrival of the entire "Huang Di team" was accompanied by "the radiance of the great lightning that encircled the star Tsei in the constellation of the Dipper" (Ursa Major).
  • Huang Di's activities were aimed at helping people. He brought knowledge from various fields - astronomy, mathematics, construction, medicine. For example, his assistants made accurate astronomical maps - maps of observations of the movement of celestial bodies, a map of the constellations, compiled the first calendar. They also taught people to make boats, harnesses, wells, musical instruments, erect fortifications. They observed the sky with the help of 12 Huangdi mirrors (plates), which were used to track the Moon, and these mirrors were cast on the Lake of Mirrors and polished there. Tales and legends note that “... when the rays of the sun fell on the mirror, all the images and signs of it reverse side stood out distinctly in the shadow cast by the mirror.
  • Huang Di had a wonderful tripod 4 meters high, where it was difficult for the curious to look. "Hundreds of spirits, monsters and animals filled it inside", the tripod "gurgled", "depicted a dragon flying in the clouds", spewed flames from its tail and was "a likeness of the Great One", that is, the Tao engine of the Universe. "Dragon - tripod" was focused on the star from which the emperor flew in, from time to time he took Huang Di and his entire team somewhere. This apparatus "knew the past and the present", it determined favorable and unfavorable signs, it could "rest and go", "become light and heavy". The device appeared "from the country where the sun is born, in one day it covered a myriad of miles, and a person who sat on it reached the age of two thousand years." The speed of the "dragon" influenced the course of Time.
  • Juan Di is also credited with writings, among which there are several fundamental medical treatise. The most famous are the Huang Di Neijing and the Yinfujing verse composition, which is especially revered in Taoism.
  • Tales, legends and chronicles tell that the Son of Heaven was surrounded by monsters and monsters who were submissive to him.
  • Huang Di took the "pill of immortality" and flew to his star. According to another version: When Huang Di realized that he was not destined to rule forever and it was time to go to heaven, he threw a big feast. In the midst of the fun, a huge dragon with golden scales flew in. Huang Di realized that it was a messenger from the Heavenly Palace calling him to return to heaven along with the deities, of which there were more than seventy. They climbed into the clouds and sat on the back of the dragon. Rulers of petty kingdoms and simple people wanted to follow them. Pushing and crushing each other, they clung to the dragon's mustache. But there were so many people that the mustache could not stand it, broke off and everyone, clutching at each other in despair, fell to the ground. So Huang Di went on his great Way - Tao, to heaven. Very interesting legend, is not it? Especially if we assume that Juan Di is a Bodhisattva, there are 72 dimensions in the universe, and getting into spiritual world it is impossible if you have not given up your ego and everything that binds you to this material world.
  • All emperors from ancient times held celebrations and made sacrifices in honor of Heaven and the Sons of Heaven on the day of the winter solstice. And on the day of the summer solstice, festive ceremonies were held in the Temple of the Earth.
  • Huangdi supposedly arrived from the constellation Leo and after a hundred years of reign he departed back... However, according to ancient records, "The gods once promised to return...".

We are interested in the fact that The AllatRa book contains information about Huang Di, again in the context of knowledge about the pyramidal energy structure of a person and his Essences. And this just once again confirms the fact that the popularity of the pyramidal structure of ancient structures around the world is far from accidental. Not to mention the true purpose of these majestic buildings.

From AllatRa about Huang Di:

Anastasia: Indeed, the one who established these traditions obviously knew more about the invisible world... Yes, and some familiar concepts... You said that the concept of "Wu Di" was equated with the symbol of the five cardinal directions, the five deities. And the fifth lord, the center of these four cardinal points, four deities, is not by any chance Huang-di (“yellow sovereign”)?

Rigden: Absolutely right, Huang-di or the spirit named Han-shu-nu (“swallowing the rod”). The embodiment of his spirit is the qilin unicorn - the symbol of the center.

Anastasia: In fact, this is a prototype for the designation of the Soul - the center in the invisible structure of a person and an indication of its connection with the Front Essence (the symbol of which was the unicorn).

Rigden: Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of these characters. Huangdi means not only "yellow lord", but also "brilliant (emitting light) sovereign." This symbol of the center was considered in fact the supreme heavenly deity. He was portrayed as four-eyed, four-faced. This tradition came from the ancient Chinese shamans, who during sacred rituals put on a corresponding four-eyed mask. Why was the four-eyed symbol depicted? Firstly, it is connected with the conventional designation of the four Essences. And secondly, because when performing certain meditative techniques, a person receives the so-called all-encompassing vision of the visible and invisible world: the simultaneous vision of everything that happens around, and sometimes in other dimensions. Such opportunities are not available to ordinary human vision in the familiar three-dimensional world. But as soon as a person changes the state of consciousness, the barriers for his inner vision are erased.

And a small, interesting, in our opinion, excerpt from AllatRa about the medical works of Huang Di:

Rigden: There was a case... The Chinese tradition associates the beginning of healing and medicine as a science with the name of Huangdi. And this medical treatise “Huang Di Nei Jing” itself is translated as “The Book of Huang Di on the Internal”. Everything external, physical, is born from the internal. By the way, according to the legends, an associate of Huang-di named Cang-jie (according to other versions of Fu-xi) invented hieroglyphic writing, that is, sacred writing in signs. By the way, this cultural hero was also depicted on ancient bas-reliefs with four eyes as a symbol of special insight. According to legend, he was able to make signs because he penetrated the deep meaning of the tracks of birds and animals. (pp. 264-266) .

Modern researchers about the Chinese pyramids:

  • The Chinese archaeologist Wang Xiling is confident in the astronomical purpose of the pyramids and that they are an example of the amazing knowledge of the ancients in geometry and in general in mathematics. Archaeologists have discovered several pyramids near the Wei Ho River north of Qi'an. One of them is said to stand exactly in the center of Ancient China. The deviation is only a few meters.
  • Concerning the pyramids in Yasen Park. As already mentioned, there are 16 pyramids in the valley and many more small pyramids. So here are two of them great pyramids, which have a height of 35-37 and 30 meters. These pyramids, together with another small pyramid, form a curious group: lined up in height, they resemble the three famous Egyptian pyramids, only oriented in a different direction. In fact, the pyramids are about 4.5 times smaller than the Egyptian ones. In the two illustrations below, these two groups of pyramids from different worlds can be compared.

Yasen Park (China). Pyramids in the picture from space:

Pyramids of Giza (Egypt) as seen from space:

As Maxim Yakovenko writes: “For comparison, consider satellite images of the three pyramids of Giza and the three Yasen Park in Xi'an. We see a proportional decrease in the size of the pyramids from the largest pyramid of Cheops to the small Menkaur in the Giza Valley and a similar situation in Yasen Park. In two cases, the pyramids are schematically located in the same way, oriented to the cardinal points, the ratio of distances between the pyramids of Egypt and Yasen Park is also striking in its similarity. This allows us to conclude that the builders of the pyramids had a common knowledge.

American researcher Vance Tied was also interested in Chinese pyramids. "The main thing that interested me," writes Vance Tied, "is geographical coordinates Chinese pyramids. Xi'an is located at 34 degrees north latitude. The layout of the Chinese pyramids is very similar to the Egyptian one. This suggests that the same ancient builders who belonged to the same civilization had a hand in their construction. I vaguely guessed that each of the pyramids performed a special function and that there was some geometric correspondence between pairs of pyramids from different parts of the world. If the Egyptian complex is at 30 degrees north latitude, then the Chinese complex is at 34 degrees. I think that someday they will calculate many different ratios between the coordinates of the Giza and Shaanxi plains."

But the engineer-architect Helmut Furnrieder made the discovery that some pyramids in China were built on the principle of the "golden section". For example, a white pyramid - if you divide its height of 300 m by the length of its base 485 m, then we get 0.618.

Basically, a pyramid is a tetrahedron. In China, as mentioned above, an antipodal pyramid was found, that is, a recess in the form of a pyramid. So, we came across on the Internet the assumption that it is possible, in their original structure, that the pyramids are not a tetrahedron, but an octahedron. We have no idea at this time if it matters. But perhaps someday this fact will become clear.


Regarding the age of the pyramids, there is also constant controversy among researchers. Indeed, as in Egypt, the version that the pyramids are the tombs of emperors is practically not confirmed by anything. Many pyramids can, of course, be attributed to those that were built during the reign of dynasties. And others, according to researchers, were built much earlier. Analyzing satellite images of groups of pyramids located east of Xi'an, a researcher of ancient civilizations, writer Graham Hancock, already familiar to us from the article "Orion-Dragon Pendulum", made the assumption that the location of these pyramids coincides with the position of the stars of the constellation Gemini on the day of the vernal equinox in 10,500 BC It is worth noting that we did not find more detailed, detailed information from Graham Hancock regarding the Chinese pyramids.


  • The pyramids of China became known outside of China only in the 20th century. Why the country's authorities do not allow scientists to study remains a mystery. The same pyramids, in which the researchers were admitted, did not give any objective evidence that the pyramids were precisely the tombs of emperors. Therefore, in essence, the version that the pyramids were created precisely by order of the Chinese emperors for burial has no evidence. But, as in other completely diversified artifacts and monumental structures, most of the "scientists" prefer to adhere to the traditional opinion, forming a custom ideology for the people, and an attempt to form a different "dissident" opinion is considered a violation of all norms and rules, and is immediately criticized lest it spread further and sow doubts in the minds of the people.
  • Again, it is suggestive that most of China's pyramids strictly oriented to the cardinal points(including and to the ancient north pole the Upper Paleolithic) have fairly strict proportions, based on what can be understood from images from space. It is also quite difficult to imagine, even having a wild imagination, how these very huge structures were erected from those distant times only with the help of simple tools and the hands of workers.
  • It would probably be completely understandable if the pyramids, for example, were located at one point on the globe, but the presence of pyramids around the world proves the fact that they were all built for a reason, but truly had some importance not only for the civilizations of that time, but also, perhaps, for us, today's descendants of the ancients. For modern scientists, everything happens according to a completely different principle, according to the phrase from the fable “I didn’t even notice the elephant.” That is, instead of more deeply studying the truly unique data left from ancient civilizations, they are sure that they deliberately protect them from prying eyes. But only a blind man will not see the obvious connection between the popularity of these particular geometric structures around the world.
  • Based on the articles posted on our website earlier, such iconic buildings were often a reflection of the sky on Earth and had great importance to convey information about upcoming events to the people of the future. From Graham Hancock's humble mention on the internet, perhaps the pyramids of China could have had the same meaning. If, nevertheless, these assumptions are true, and Chinese pyramids display the sky 10,500 years ago on the day of the equinox constellation Gemini when there was a global catastrophe, then this is another proof that shows us " pendulum Orion - Dragon"? So, the coming global catastrophe is inevitable?
  • And again we see that almost every ancient civilization the past are present some people from heaven who come at the dawn of civilization, to help people gain knowledge about spiritual life and earthly life. What is most important the information described in the AllatRa book is indeed confirmed. Acquires a new one for modern man, really deep and at the same time completely understandable meaning. Is not it?

Yes, dear friends, one more fact becomes clear - most interesting discoveries, regarding not only the pyramids, but also other megalithic and monumental structures of the planet, occur at the level of researchers, journalists and simply lovers of antiquities, taking the role of sensations “unconfirmed” by official science. Official science continues to wander in its "paid mirage", taking its own hypotheses as absolute truth and forcing other people to believe in it. But, as we see, in the light of the brought Primordial Knowledge, new views on old secrets appear more and more, as well as people who are looking for and, most importantly, feel the truth. So, everything is really in our hands.

Prepared by: Eva Kim (Russia)

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Mysterious structures that are located in different parts of the world - the pyramids attract the attention of both scientists and ordinary people interested in history and cosmology. Pyramids in China were first described by the European salesman Schroder only at the beginning of the 20th century, in contrast to similar structures in Egypt and Central America, which have been known all over the world for a long time. Chinese pyramids are concentrated in the area of ​​the cities of Xi'an and Sanyang. The most famous is the chain of pyramids in the valley north of Sanyang, stretching for fifty kilometers and resembling the Milky Way. Pyramids in China, according to their architecture, are divided into stepped, consisting of two or more terraces, and not stepped. The stepped ones are in many ways reminiscent of the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon in Mexico.

White pyramid in China

The Great White Pyramid in China is the tallest of the pyramids located in the country. The height of the Great White Pyramid in China is approximately 300 m, which is 2 times the height of the pyramid of Cheops. Only in the 90s of the last century, the Austrian researcher Hausdorf, with the permission of the Chinese authorities, visited ancient building for the purpose of studying. The pyramid, built of densely pressed clay, was lined in ancient times with tightly fitted blocks of white stone. Currently, due to the destructive impact natural factors and the vital activity of people, only the western part of the structure has been quite tolerably preserved. Apparently, steps were previously carved on the faces, along which they climbed to the top. Now the steps have collapsed and practically do not stand out against the general background.

The White Pyramid houses the tomb of Emperor Gaozong, who was buried here on his own orders in the 7th century AD. Thus, the Chinese monarch, knowing about the antiquity of the building, wished to join the history of the Celestial Empire. The coordinates of the White Pyramid in China are 34 degrees north latitude and 108 degrees east longitude. However, the largest Chinese pyramids are located in the specified geographical location.

Pyramid-antipode Not far from Xi'an is a pyramid-on the contrary, which is a mirror image of the structure. It seems that at first a huge pyramid was dug into the ground, then it was pulled out, and a giant footprint remained. There is currently no explanation for this mystery.

Secrets of the Chinese pyramids

Like other similar structures, the ancient pyramids of China keep many secrets. built cyclopean structures around the 10th century BC. According to information gleaned from the deciphering of ancient scrolls dating back to the 5th millennium BC, the pyramids are the fruit of the project of the Sons of Heaven, who descended to Earth on “fire-breathing dragons”. According to the archaeologist Wong Shiping, all the pyramids are located according to precisely adjusted astronomical aspects, which indicates a high development of mathematics and geometry among the creators of the structures.

An analysis of the features of the pyramids located on different continents raises no doubt that they were built by representatives of the same race (civilization?!) In addition, it is assumed that similar structures are located on Mars. There is an opinion that rather high buildings located in different places Earth served as beacons for alien spacecraft. The most daring assumptions suggest that thanks to the pyramids, resonating like a kind of antenna, cosmic contact was made with objects located millions of kilometers from the Earth, and possibly with other spatial dimensions.

Currently, there are almost 400 ancient pyramids in China. Unfortunately, access to some objects is closed, but the territories of individual pyramid complexes are open to tourists.

To visit the pyramids in China, you will need to issue and open.

December 8th, 2013

White pyramids, pointed and flat, were erected in China, the Middle Empire, long before Egyptian pyramids tombs. Only a small part of the Chinese pyramids has been explored. Many were discovered only in the 20th century.

It was 1945. The end of the Second World War was approaching in distant Asia. A US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft inspected the area of ​​the Qinling Range southwest of the city of Xi'an. Suddenly, the pilot noticed something incomprehensible under the wing: in the middle of an alpine valley, a huge pyramid towered.

Can't be! Are there pyramids not only in Egypt and Latin America?

The photo of the “white pyramid” of 1947.

The report written by the pilot after landing is still perceived as a sensation: “I flew around the mountain and reached a flat valley. Directly below me lay a giant white
a pyramid shrouded in an almost unreal, bright glow. It seemed to me that it was made of metal or stone of a very special breed. I have flown over the silvery white colossus several times. The most remarkable thing about it is the top: a large piece of metal that resembles a precious stone.

According to American experts, the pyramid rushed into the sky to a height of 300 m, the length of its base side was 490 m. For comparison: the height of the Cheops pyramid initially reached “only” 146.94 m, and the length of the base side was 230.38 m. that the most monumental pyramid in the world is in China!

There are more pyramids in China than in Egypt. Only between major cities Xi'an and Xianyang have several hundred of them. Only gradually the world learns about the countless archaeological treasures of the Middle Kingdom. Even in China itself, few people know about the existence of the pyramids, since they are located in forbidden military zones or hard-to-reach places.

In 1991, many pyramids were discovered near the city of Xi'an during the search for a site for a new airfield. These tombs rise 40 m above the surrounding fields. Like many of the pyramids of Central America, they do not end in a sharp peak, but in a flat area. The pyramids in the Xianyang region even reach a height of 50 m. Often they are located in groups of 4-5 structures. Since no excavations have been made so far, one can only guess that large cavities lurk in their depths. This is indicated by, say, cut down terraces. Some pyramids were erected during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD).

They became the tombs for the founder of the dynasty, Emperor Liu Bang, and eleven subsequent Han rulers. Two pyramids were built during the Zhou Dynasty (1027-256/249 BC). Even older is the pyramid of Emperor Shao-Hao, a descendant of the legendary Huang-di (“Yellow Emperor”), who ruled the Middle Empire around 2600 BC. e. Near the city of Qufu (Shandong Province), in the middle of a vast park, a pyramidal stone structure 18 m high and 28 m wide with a flat top sparkles. This symbolic tomb is crowned with a small temple-tower, inside which Emperor Shao-Hao sits like a pharaoh, who, like the Egyptian rulers, considered himself the son of the gods.

Archaeologist Professor Wang Shipin found out that one of the pyramids discovered 30 km from the city of Xi'an, in a forbidden military zone, is located at the geometric center of all parts of the world. It turns out that unknown builders had deep knowledge about the spherical shape of the Earth and the distribution of land masses. Professor Wang also shares the view that the pyramids are oriented by the stars. If so, then their location is consistent with the ancient teachings of feng shui, sacred geomancy. Perhaps the pyramids of Egypt, stone monuments Northern Europe and Greece are built according to the same principles. If these relationships are confirmed, great discoveries await us regarding the knowledge of ancient peoples.

Was there an exchange of ideas and values ​​between ancient cultures? Qufu, the name of the capital of the Shao-Hao empire, is consonant with one of the variants of the name of Pharaoh Cheops - Khufu. It is also possible that already 2000 years ago the Great Silk Road, 6500 km long, connected the Han with the Roman Empire, which bought silk in exchange for gold and glass. In any case, such contacts do not seem at all improbable. But the final proof of this fact is the task of future research.

As we have already said, for the first time about the Chinese pyramids in the West it became widely known back in 1947, when they were accidentally discovered by American pilots flying over the area. Several pictures were taken, they were placed in newspapers, then a similar photograph appeared in 1957 in Life magazine ...

And then about gigantic structures, which are more appropriate to be somewhere in Egypt or Central America, scientists have tried to forget. But, of course, not everyone has forgotten. There is a category of eccentrics whom you don’t feed with bread, but let them unearth some unknown secret of history. They are absolutely convinced that in our past everything was far from what they write about it in textbooks.

And these beliefs are built not on someone's idle conjectures or their own limitless fantasy, but on numerous artifacts of antiquity, stubbornly refusing to fit into the generally accepted concept of the historical development of mankind. It is to this category of people that the German researcher Hartwig Hausdorff, who persistently searches for traces of ancient legendary civilizations such as Atlantis or Mu, publishes evidence of aliens visiting the Earth, and other similar “doubtful” things, belongs to this category of people. You can treat the activities of people like Hausdorf as you like, but it was he who in 1994 managed to penetrate into the closed area of ​​​​Shaanxi province and make a photo report about the pyramids there, which to this day have not been studied at all by historians. It is clear that these structures are absolutely not characteristic of known periods in the history of Chinese culture, stretching for millennia. The age of the pyramids is unknown, and locals, of course, nothing intelligible about this can not be reported.

True, Hausdorff managed to find the diaries of two Australian traders who climbed into Shaanxi in 1912. They then happened to meet an old Buddhist monk, who said that these pyramids are mentioned in extremely ancient records kept in his monastery. The records are about 5 thousand years old, but even there the pyramids are called “very old, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they come from the sons of heaven who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons” ...

WITH clones of some pyramids are planted with small coniferous trees. There is an opinion that for many years the Chinese have been disguising these structures as natural hills, planting them with fast-growing shrubs and trees. Oddly enough, Chinese archaeologists do not open these pyramids and do not conduct any research.

For some reason, the Chinese government categorically forbade researchers from other countries to touch these places. U.S. writer George Hunt Williamson, through his connections with the U.S. Air Force, obtained a photocopy topographic map city ​​of Xi'an. The map was made on the basis of photographs received from satellites. And not far from the city of Xi'an, the location of sixteen pyramids was indicated. New Zealand aviator Bruce Kagi in 1963 tracked down Schroder's diaries and an article written in 1912. Fred Mayer Schroder was an Australian merchant who led caravans from the Great Wall of China inland. Once he was driving along the Mongolian-Chinese border with the Mongolian spiritual guru Bogdykhan, and he said: “We will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the ancient capital of China Xian Fu (on modern map this is Xi'an).

“After several days of exhausting driving, we suddenly noticed something towering on the horizon. At first glance, it looked like a mountain, but as we got closer, we saw that it was a structure with four correctly beveled edges and a flat top.”

Schroder felt a respectful surprise at the most majestic creation of human hands that he had seen in his life. It shocked him to think that the people who had the knowledge to plan and build such a structure now completely disappeared from the face of the earth.

“We approached them from the east,” writes Schroder, and saw that there were three giants in the northern group, and the rest of the pyramids were successively reduced in size to the smallest in the south. They extended six or eight miles across the plain, rising above the cultivated land and villages. They were under the noses of people and remained completely unknown to the Western world. The large pyramid was about a thousand feet in height (about three hundred meters, i.e. almost twice as high as the pyramid of Cheops) and almost one and a half thousand feet at the base of 500 meters, that is, twice as large the Pyramid of Cheops). The four sides of the Chinese pyramid were strictly oriented to the points of the compass. Each face of the pyramid was a different color: black meant north, green-blue east, red south and white west. The flat top of the pyramid was covered with yellow earth.

Once on the faces of the pyramid there were steps leading to the top, but now they were littered with fragments of stones crumbling from above. Below you could see steps made of rough-hewn wild stone(each stone is about three feet square).

The pyramid itself, like most of the buildings in China, was adobe. Huge gutters the size of mountain canyons. They, too, were covered with stones. Trees and shrubs grew on the slopes, smoothing out the outlines of the pyramid and giving it a resemblance to natural object. This majestic sight took my breath away.

We traveled around the pyramids looking for an entrance, but found nothing." When Schroder asked Bogdykhan about the age of the pyramids, he said that they were over five thousand years old. When asked why he thinks so, Bogdykhan replied: “In our oldest books, written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are mentioned as ancient.”

Schroder was one of the very few Europeans who were lucky enough to see the Shanxi pyramid complex, and it is hoped that the Chinese authorities will lift the veil of secrecy in the future and allow outsiders to enter here.

“The main thing that interested me,” writes the American researcher Vance Tied, was the geographical coordinates of the Chinese pyramids. Xi'an is located at 34 degrees north latitude. The layout of the Chinese pyramids is very similar to the Egyptian one. This suggests that the same ancient builders who belonged to the same civilization had a hand in their construction. I vaguely guessed that each of the pyramids performed a special function and that there was some geometric correspondence between pairs of pyramids from different parts of the world.

If the Egyptian complex is at 30 degrees north latitude, then the Chinese complex is at 34 degrees. I think that many different ratios between the coordinates of the Giza and Shanxi plains will be calculated someday, Williamson indicated in a letter to Thied that the pyramid at Shanxi, indicated by number four on the map, was in all likelihood the same structure that was photographed in 1947. “According to my preliminary calculations,” V. Tjed writes further, “there could be a connection between her and great pyramid Cheops, because both are based on the number 16944. The computer pointed to the pyramid number 6 as the most interesting in the group.

Have you heard about the Chinese pyramids, dear readers? If yes, then you already know that there are more of them than Egyptian and Mexican combined. They are just as ancient and, most likely, at one time performed the same functions, the secret of which has not yet been disclosed.

At the same time, the height of the Great White Pyramid in China is 300 meters, that is, it is twice as high as the pyramid of Cheops. But tourists are not allowed to visit her and her other “sisters”. Why are the Chinese hiding these unique monuments from the world? ancient culture? Maybe they have penetrated some of the secrets of their destiny, have learned to use and do not want to share their discoveries with the rest of the world?

Discovery of the American pilot

In the spring of 1945, US Air Force pilot James Kaufman made a reconnaissance flight over Chinese territory. In the area of ​​​​the Qinling Range, southwest of the city of Xi'an, a motor went haywire. The pilot was forced to descend lower in order to find a place for emergency landing. Flying over a high mountain valley, he suddenly discovered something incomprehensible.

This is how he put it in his report: “I flew around the mountain and reached a flat valley. Directly below me lay a gigantic white pyramid, shrouded in an almost unreal, luminous glow.

It seemed to me that it was made of metal or stone of a very special breed. I have flown over the silvery white colossus several times. The most remarkable thing about it is the top: a large piece of metal that resembles a precious stone.

Since the reconnaissance aircraft was equipped with the most advanced photographic equipment for that time, Kaufman managed to take fairly high-quality pictures of this unusual object. Pentagon experts, having studied the photographs, came to the conclusion that the height of the pyramid is 300 meters, and the length of the side of its base is 490 meters.

For comparison: the height of the pyramid of Cheops initially reached "only" 146.60 meters, and the length of the side of the base was 230.33 meters. It turns out that the largest pyramid in the world is in China!

Kaufman's report and photographs were classified "Top Secret" hidden in the Pentagon archives.

Two years later, former US Air Force Colonel Maurice Sheehan, who at that time headed the Far East branch of Trans World Airlines, flew over the mysterious pyramid. This was published in The New York Times on March 28, 1947. But scientists took it with a fair amount of skepticism. And for many years this discovery was forgotten.

Journey of an Australian Trader

Only in 1963 did the New Zealand aviator Bruce Kagi manage to find the diaries and article of the Australian merchant Fred Mayer Schroder, written in 1912. He led caravans from the Great Wall of China into the interior of the country.

Once Schroder was driving with his companion - a local monk - across the Sichuan plain near the ancient Chinese capital, the present city of Xi'an.

He described what he saw in his diary: “After several days of tiring driving, we suddenly noticed something towering on the horizon. At first glance, it looked like a mountain, but as we got closer, we saw that it was a structure with properly bevelled edges and a flat top.”

Then several more pyramids appeared: “We approached them from the east and saw that there were three giants in the northern group, and the rest of the pyramids successively decreased in size to the smallest in the south. They extended six or eight miles across the plain, rising above the cultivated land and villages. They were under the noses of people and remained completely unknown to the Western world.”

The merchant noticed that the sides of all the pyramids are strictly oriented to the cardinal points. Unlike the Egyptian ones, the Chinese pyramids are adobe, lined with stone slabs. Most of them have flat tops, and steps were once made on their faces leading to the top (which makes the Chinese pyramids related to the Mexican ones), but they are littered with fragments of stone facing crumbling from above. Trees and shrubs have grown on the slopes over the centuries. This smoothes the geometric outlines of the pyramid and makes it look like a natural object.

Schroder asked his companion about the age of the pyramids. The Guru replied: “In our oldest books, written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are mentioned as ancient, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they were descended from the sons of heaven, who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons.” One of these emperors, named Huangdi, is said in written sources to have arrived from the constellation Leo and after 100 years of reign he flew back.

Object not found

The Valley of the Pyramids is closed to the public because it is located in an area where secret military installations are located. And yet, in 1994, the Austrian Hartwig Hausdorff managed to obtain permission to explore this mysterious area and even filmed an 18-minute film on a video camera.

In the province of Shaanxi, in the region of Xian, on an area of ​​2000 square kilometers, he discovered more than 100 pyramids. Satellite photography can quadruple this figure.

But none of the researchers could find the Great White Pyramid. Thus, the Russian traveler from Vladivostok Maxim Yakovenko, who visited the Valley of the Pyramids in 2008, following Schroder and Hausdorff, identifies it with Mount Lianshan, in the tomb on the slope of which Emperor Gaozu (618-626) is buried.

Indeed, this mountain is a huge pyramid with four sides and a flat top, its height is about 300 meters. But each face has its own color: the northern one is black, the eastern one is blue-green, the southern one is red, only the western one is white.

The flat top is covered with yellow earth. And the pilot James Kaufman saw a structure of silver-white color. The only thing that matches is the height. But in Shaanxi province there are three such giant pyramids. The Great White Pyramid is not visible on satellite images either. Perhaps because in Lately Was she very well camouflaged?

Did Russians live here?

Why do the Chinese keep their pyramids a secret? First of all, because in this area there is a cosmodrome for launching satellites, a range for launching ballistic missiles and other secret military facilities. Moreover, satellite images show that the ultra-modern space complex and a large ancient pyramid connected by two straight lines. Perhaps the Chinese have learned to use some of the energy properties of the pyramids.

According to another version, the Chinese do not have confidence that these structures were built by them and belong to Chinese culture. According to legend, hieroglyphs, land reclamation, and other technologies were presented to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire by a tribe of Dinlins who arrived from the north - blue-eyed and fair-haired people. They also built the pyramids.

In the ancient burial grounds, the remains of people of the white race and a rather curious sign were found - a circle of red ocher, inside which two fish swam towards each other. This is an ancient Slavic symbol, which in China was transformed into yang and yin.

Transmitter Ground

The American researcher Vance Tied points to the undoubted connection of the Chinese pyramids with the Egyptian, Central American and ... Martian ones.

In his opinion, each group of pyramids “has all the harmonic relationships that allow it to resonate in unison with all existing fields (light, magnetic, and others). It is now known that if we build electronic stations in different parts of the globe, geometrically corresponding to each other in phase, we can maintain a connection between two points across the globe.

Perhaps these ancient structures were erected for the same purpose... The contact could not be limited to the Earth. Under certain conditions, contact between different dimensions or through millions of miles of outer space was possible. Earth used as a transmitter.

In a word, there are many hypotheses, but the pyramids still keep their secrets.

Mikhail YURIEV