How to help fight depression. Ways to beat depression and bad mood. How to help a suffering person

Depression is a dangerous condition for anyone. It sucks energy out of a person even in those areas that seemed inaccessible: passion and relationships, leaving behind a real wasteland of indifference. This condition is dangerous, and, undoubtedly, the help of a specialist is often required. But, contrary to popular belief, depression can and should be fought on your own.

Depression can hit everyone sooner or later. True, depression comes to some people all the time, and to others it looks extremely rarely, but this does not make a person's condition less dangerous.

Detecting depression

To cope with depression, it must be recognized at the very beginning of its appearance. Only in this case there is a chance to cope with it on your own without the help of medicines and specialists.

Signs of depression:

  1. Loss of working capacity. A person has a breakdown. He is so strong that there is no way to do the usual things. Even household chores like cooking seem incredibly difficult.
  2. Loss of interest in life. A person should be interested in something, this is the norm. The state of depression causes apathy - a loss of interest in everything. Even familiar situations, such as choosing clothes for a walk, playing with your beloved pet, needlework or hobbies, seem boring and uninteresting.
  3. Loss of appetite. Man is so constituted that he has a cult of food. Of course, you can meet people who have a completely indifferent attitude to food, but this is more likely the exception than the rule. In a depressed state, a person becomes completely unimportant what exactly he eats, since he generally loses the desire to eat.
  4. Sleep problems. Sleep disorders can be of a different nature:
  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • restless sleep;
  • nightmares;
  • complete lack of sleep.
  1. Avoiding contact with people. When a person is depressed, other people tire him out. He unconsciously tries to avoid communication: he closes himself in a room, does not answer calls, referring to employment or a broken phone, avoids communication with colleagues, strives for loneliness.

So, we immediately note that we will talk about the initial stage of depression. Only in this case a person can control his condition and correct it. To get out of a depressed state, you need to take a few steps:

Step 1: Get enough sleep

Despite sleep difficulties, this problem needs to be addressed, even through the use of sedatives for sleep disorders. Your sleep doesn't have to be limited to an alarm clock or important morning chores. Relatives or household members should not disturb your sleep.

You should just sleep. It does not matter what time you get up, it is important that you wake up with independence and with a sense of good rest.

Step 2. Sports and physical activity

Despite being completely passive, force yourself to engage in physical activity. It can be a long run or agricultural work. The main thing is that sport or work should make you extremely tired. A tired muscular system will release a large number toxins from the body. And most of it will come out later.

Physical fatigue relieves negative thoughts and puts only the need for rest in the foreground. For an organism in a state of depression, it is very important to redirect the center of concentration from a mental state to a physical one. The so-called principle of self-preservation works.

Physical activity should be long, considerable and effective. From sports activities, psychiatrists recommend running with accelerations, cycling, swimming, exercises with heavy projectiles. Aerobic exercises, especially accompanied by rhythmic music, give a good effect.

In the implementation of this paragraph, the main thing is the presence of great fatigue.

Step 3. Change of activity

Often depression is caused by routine monotonous work. Often, to combat depression, it is enough to change the field of activity. Even small and short-lived changes can often work wonders.

Of course, it would be better to completely change the field of activity, or at least your immediate responsibilities. If this is not possible, then make it a rule for yourself not to do work at home. After a hard day and on weekends, completely change the situation: go hiking or skiing, go on a visit or to the country, organize a meeting with friends, take care of a postponed business, such as a game of tennis or horseback riding. The new environment plays a big role in the prevention of depression.

Step 4. Mental unloading

Often depression is caused by deep emotional experiences. The thoughts of a person occupy his time so much that they literally do not give rest. Remember an important psychological rule: thoughts must find an outlet in the form of words in order for them to leave the head. In other words, you need to speak up.

The best way to get rid of negative thoughts is to talk about your problems to someone you can trust. This could be a family member, a close friend, or a psychotherapist. It is important that the trust is complete. Tell us about the most secret experiences, any thoughts, even the most dangerous and depressing ones.

If a frank conversation cannot be due to a lack of trust or your special proud status that does not allow you to open your soul, then start a diary. Learn to describe your condition in it to the smallest detail.

If the cause of depression is a specific person, write him a conditional letter, expressing everything you would like in it, without any delicacy and censorship. After writing, re-read several times and get rid of it - tearing it into small pieces, you can also burn it on fire.

Step 5. Small pleasures

Give yourself pleasure. Think about what makes you happy and do what pleases you. For women, shopping or visiting a beauty salon has a great effect. A new haircut, a change in hair color, a beautiful manicure - all this raises in your own eyes and above the depressive state.

Autumn is associated with depression for many people, autumn depression is one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. Earlier we talked about why . Today we will analyze in detail the very concept depression and how to deal with it!

Typically, most people meditation therapy for depression considered less effective than synthetic drugs, or the help of a psychologist, but this opinion is erroneous. Why? You will learn about this by reading this article carefully.

Actually there is. In severe cases, an integrated approach is needed, which involves drug therapy, psychological assistance, and meditation.

Having learned effective IAM meditation techniques to combat depression, You can get rid of a depressive state in the early stages of the disorder and significantly improve your well-being during severe attacks, using complex treatment along with meditation.

What is depression?

Depression is actually a disorder. accompanied by depression. Usually, when depressed, a person experiences sadness, sadness, and negative emotions. Unfortunately, such a state of mind worsens the quality of life and prevents a person from performing daily activities.

Depression usually affects teenagers and young adults in their 20s and 30s. However, in fact, even children are not immune from this condition, so parents should always pay Special attention their mood and well-being.

people over middle age less likely to suffer from this disease, but in any case, it is better to insure yourself and learn how to help yourself and your loved ones during a crisis. Remember the motto of the IAM school? “Help yourself and you will help thousands!”

Most people for some reason associate depression with a manifestation of weakness and helplessness. Note that this condition is not always the result of childhood trauma, mental disorders, or a lack of love in one's life.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons for the development of depression. It can be the death of a loved one, an emotional break with a loved one, problems at work, a serious illness, and even hormonal changes in the body.

Unfortunately, data from numerous studies show that one in six people is depressed.

Symptoms of depression

Typical symptoms of depression are constant feelings of tiredness and sleepiness, sadness, irritation and excessive nervousness.

When depressed, people lose the ability to experience positive emotions, in particular happiness and pleasure, some even stop working taste buds.

Patients with depression find it difficult to make decisions on their own, they often suffer from sleep disorders, and sometimes they even have suicidal thoughts. In addition, depression kills interest in the usual activities and hobbies.

Relationship between physiological disorders and depression

Believe it or not, physiological disorders are actually closely related to depression:

  • For example, disorders in the thyroid gland can negatively affect the level of hormones in the body. If this problem is not treated in time, it can lead to the development of depression.
  • Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's syndrome, dementia, and sleep apnea can also trigger depression.
  • One of the main causes of depression are such serious diseases internal organs like tuberculosis, pneumonia and hepatitis.
  • Very often, a depressive state occurs as a result of prolonged excessive nervousness, alcohol abuse and schizophrenia.

Depression or something more?

Unfortunately, if depression is not treated in time, this condition can become chronic and lead to serious complications.

At first, a person experiences sadness and oppression, eyes filled with tears daily without good reason. Moreover, a person avoids direct contact with the interlocutor and often refuses to carry on a conversation.

  • protracted depression may last for several years. Patients lose their sense of humor and cease to enjoy life. Instead, they become silent, skeptical, and pessimistic.
  • Women often worry about PMS. As the name implies, the symptoms of this condition appear only during critical days. This condition can occur as early as adolescence, and usually disappears only during the onset of menopause.

How to deal with depression?

For the treatment of depression vitamin supplements, psychotherapy and special medications are often used.

Usually, a depressive state does not require hospitalization, except in difficult cases when a person suffers from rapid weight loss, disruption of the cardiovascular system, and obsessive suicidal thoughts.

With mild depression, you can improve your well-being with the help of psychotherapy. This type of treatment can be used as individual approach and group lessons. Believe me, such therapy will help relieve stress and better adapt to life's difficulties.

If depression worsens, in addition to psychological techniques, it is necessary to add new generation antidepressants and heterocyclic drugs. If needed, your doctor may also prescribe selective serotonin and monoamine oxidase reuptake inhibitors.

If the change in seasons is the cause of depression, phototherapy is used to treat it.

How to overcome depression naturally?

Fortunately, there are special effective meditation techniques to fight depression, subject to regular use of which you can quickly get out of a depressive state.

And here are the testimonials of our students who coped with depression,
with the help of the meditations of the IAM school.

A few more simple tips for dealing with depression:

  • Participate in events that interest you and bring you pleasure. With the help of such activities, you will be able to replenish the reserves of both physical and mental energy. In addition, you can cheer yourself up and get rid of negative thoughts.
  • Leave negative thoughts. Try to raise your own self-esteem, because the ability to accept yourself with all the shortcomings and the willingness to correct mistakes directly depends on self-love.
  • When it comes to psychological techniques for dealing with depression, it is worth remembering the exercises for developing self-confidence and the ability to defend your principles. If a person knows how to accept any emotional state, even a negative experience, this indicates great worldly wisdom and high emotional intelligence. Remember that acknowledging a problem is the first step towards solving it.
  • incredibly motivate a person and give him the strength to move on in life. If you want to overcome depression, you should set a goal for yourself and work towards its realization every day.
  • Ability to let go of problems and relax is very important for clearing the brain of unnecessary thoughts.
  • We recommend that you regularly practice the Nervous System meditation. to combat depression and restore the body.
  • All this and much more you can get at the IAM school!
    Come study with us! Start from level 0, where you will receive comprehensive help and support!

Now you know exactly what depression is and that it is not difficult to fight it!
We are waiting for you among our students!
Be healthy and happy!

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It is not for nothing that depression is considered one of the main troubles of our century: for scientific and technological progress, the acceleration of the pace of life and the availability of information flows, we are forced to pay with constant stress and weakening of the body's defenses. As a result, conditions characterized by increased anxiety, lack of interest in life, spiritual and physical discomfort are widespread.

However, pharmacology does not stand still, and today there are a number of drugs that help get rid of the symptoms of depression. It may seem that the problem is solved, but many drugs have very unpleasant side effects: they are addictive, sleep disturbances, lethargy, etc. In addition, drug-treated depression tends to return. That is why experienced doctors advise using non-drug methods of dealing with it in the initial stages of depression. There are many such ways. We will talk about the most common of them in this article.

The essence of the method is that the patient, under the guidance of a specialist, learns to identify and analyze their own negative thoughts and emotions, to understand the causes of their occurrence. It helps to reduce anxiety, find real ways solutions to life's problems. If depression is mild, 10-20 consultations will usually resolve it completely. In the future, the patient can practice the method on their own, using the acquired skills.


Regular sports activities activate the body's defense system, contribute to the normalization of appetite and sleep, and increase self-esteem. In addition, moderate exercise produces serotonin, which is a natural remedy for depression. Particularly beneficial effect on the psyche hiking on fresh air, outdoor games, skiing and swimming.


Relaxing massage stimulates the brain to secrete a special hormone - oxytocin. It causes a feeling of calm and security, helps to endure stressful situations more easily.

Active massage, on the contrary, invigorates, tones the body. At the same time, it enters the blood a large number of endorphin - the "hormone of joy" that improves mood.

In the treatment of depression different types massages can alternate, sessions are often combined with procedures such as stone therapy, aromatherapy.


These traditional systems Relaxation is one of the most powerful means of combating depression. It is believed that yoga classes help to concentrate, calm down and develop an optimistic outlook on life. In addition, scientists have found that by practicing some yoga postures, you can reduce the concentration of the “stress hormone” (cortisol) in the blood.


Impact on biologically active points of the body with the help of massage or acupuncture relieves pain, soothes and relaxes. In the treatment of depression, the effectiveness of this method approaches 80%. IN Lately more and more often used modern way irritation of active points - using a laser. In terms of its effect on the body, it is similar to acupuncture, but much less traumatic for the patient.


Many plants have a calming and relaxing effect - their infusions and decoctions are used as antidepressants. St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, hops, wild rose, licorice, hawthorn are considered the most effective.

Such treatment has a number of contraindications, the main of which is the possibility of an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is desirable that herbal remedies are prescribed by a doctor.


With the onset of autumn, the number of people prone to bouts of depression increases. Patients complain of lethargy, drowsiness, feelings of melancholy and hopelessness. The reason is the lack sunlight necessary for the production of melatonin by the body. Deficiency of this hormone leads to a bad mood and loss of motivation for vigorous activity.

These conditions are successfully treated with light therapy. Several sessions of exposure to bright light are similar in effect to taking a course of antidepressant: they normalize sleep patterns and return the joy of life, without giving any side effects. The method has practically no contraindications and can be used to treat any type of depression (including seasonal).

Depression is persistent mental disorder, in which a person loses interest in life, avoids communication with others and feels constant fatigue. Some confuse depression with emotional lability (frequent mood swings). True depression refers to severe disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, which are difficult to correct and require treatment, sometimes in a neurological hospital. Prolonged depression is dangerous with serious personality disorders, social apathy, and even suicidal intentions, so it is necessary to deal with pathology when early symptoms appear.

It is not always possible to cope with depression on your own. In about 35% of cases, patients manage to do without the help of doctors and the use of potent drugs, but the majority of patients need specialized therapy and constant medical supervision. To successfully overcome depression, you must first understand its cause. To do this, it is best to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist - anonymous appointments are held in private clinics, so you can not be afraid that the patient will be sent for compulsory treatment, or the facts from his personal life will become known to someone.

After identifying the cause, it is necessary to determine the type of disorder - this determines which methods to use to combat the pathological condition, and how long the treatment can last. In total, there are five types of depressive disorder, each of which has its own characteristics.

Type of depressionWhat is characterized?
EndogenousA fairly common type of depressive disorder that occurs as a result of mental, neurological and other disorders in the body. This type in most cases requires medical correction in a hospital, since without specialized treatment the pathology will progress, and the patient can become dangerous to himself and others
ClinicalAn extremely severe disorder requiring mandatory hospitalization and the use of potent drugs medicines(tranquilizers, nootropics, etc.).
ReactiveIt develops mainly after a strong emotional shock, psychological trauma and other conditions that contribute to the violation of the psycho-emotional state. It can be the death of a loved one, violence, divorce, moving to a new place, a serious conflict with others.
maskedA very dangerous type of depressive mental disorder that occurs without any signs and symptoms characteristic of this pathology. The patient may complain of frequent headaches, loss of strength, decreased performance, mood swings, insomnia. Some report a violation of appetite (refusing to eat or overeating for no reason), sweating, fear and increased anxiety

Important! If masked depression is not detected in a timely manner, a person may develop suicidal tendencies and intentions. Especially often such violations are detected in adolescents aged 12-16 years, so parents need to be especially careful and respond to any changes in behavior that are not typical for a particular child.

How to cope with depression without drugs: 5 effective ways

An independent fight against depression will be effective only at the initial stage, therefore, it is necessary to use the methods listed below as early as possible, without waiting for the progression of the pathology and the transition of the disease to a more severe form.

Method 1: vitamin therapy

As trite as it may seem, multivitamin complexes are suitable for improving mood and combating signs of incipient depression. Several essential vitamins (ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, riboflavin, tocopherol, etc.) are responsible for chemical reactions in the brain, so their deficiency can exacerbate existing problems and lead to apathy and chronic fatigue. The easiest way to replenish the supply of necessary elements is to take multivitamin or vitamin-mineral complexes. They are developed taking into account the daily requirement of an adult in the main macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins.

It is better to take such drugs as prescribed by a doctor, despite the fact that they are sold without a prescription. The fact is that an overdose of certain substances can be as dangerous as their deficiency, so before using some complexes, it is necessary to take a blood and urine test. For example, taking medications containing potassium, magnesium, or sodium can lead to excessive accumulation of these minerals in the body and acute intoxication. Iodine is also contraindicated in violation of the thyroid gland, therefore, in hypo- or hyperthyroidism, complexes with its content are contraindicated.

Of the most popular and effective multivitamin and vitamin-mineral preparations, the following complexes can be distinguished:

  • "Pikovit";
  • "Multi-Tabs";
  • "Alphabet";
  • "Vitrum";
  • "Bio-max";
  • "Complivit";
  • "Elevit".

Important! It is very important that the products that make up the daily diet also contain natural mineral salts and vitamins. Doctors advise people prone to depressive disorders to eat 2-3 fruits or vegetables of yellow and red color (tomatoes, oranges, pumpkin, melon, bell pepper) daily. These foods have been proven to elevate mood, reduce the need to overeat, and promote the production of brain-boosting chemicals.

Video - Food against depression

Method 2: ultraviolet rays

Approximately one third of patients treated for depression in a neuropsychiatric dispensary were diagnosed with an acute lack of vitamin D, which is difficult to compensate for with medication. The lack of sunlight can lead to a deterioration in mood, psychosis, neurasthenia and other pathologies of the central nervous system that contribute to the development of depression. According to the results of a survey of such patients, it turned out that people aged 20-45 are on the street less than 1 hour a day, going out only to get to work and back.

To compensate for the deficiency of ultraviolet radiation and overcome the initial symptoms of a depressive disorder, you can use the advice of doctors.

  1. Long and regular walks are an excellent remedy for combating headaches, fatigue and psycho-emotional manifestations that characterize any form of depression. It is advisable to walk in any weather for at least 2-3 hours a day. If you don’t have the strength to walk, you can just sit on a bench at the entrance.
  2. It is necessary to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, if necessary, arranging additional rest for a duration of 1-2 hours during the day. To improve well-being, maximum activity during daylight hours is important, so you should get up no later than 8 am.
  3. Residents northern regions with a short daylight hours, you can replenish the supply of ultraviolet radiation with the help of a solarium. Sunbathing should be no more than 1-2 times a week for 3-5 minutes - this is enough to provide the required amount of vitamin D and fight depression.

Important! People with tumors and formations of unknown etiology (including benign tumors) tan in a solarium, as well as long stay in the sun, contraindicated.

Method 3: increase physical activity

During movement, serotonin is intensively produced in the body, which is also called the "hormone of happiness" and the "hormone of joy." If there are no contraindications, you can go in for dancing or swimming - these are the most effective sports for eliminating signs of depression, which positively affect not only the functioning of the brain and nervous system, but also the state of the whole organism. Of the more relaxed activities, you can advise yoga, Pilates, callanetics - all these types of fitness are gymnastic stretching exercises various groups muscles, performed at a calm pace and while maintaining a natural respiratory rhythm, therefore they are suitable for people of any age and different complexion.

If there are restrictions for playing sports (diseases of the spine, arthritis, injuries of the musculoskeletal system), it is necessary to make a choice in favor of walking slow walks. They are no less useful for the body, while they do not create an additional shock load on the joints and do not disturb the heart rhythm, which makes them a universal type. physical activity with virtually no contraindications.

Fact! A half-hour walk at a comfortable pace improves mood for 4-6 hours and allows you to fight the initial stage of depression without the use of sedatives.

Method 4: A little sweet never hurts

Sweets are the fastest and most enjoyable way to cheer yourself up and regain interest in life, but you should not abuse this method. As a “sweet medicine”, it is best to choose healthy foods that, in addition to sugar and dyes, also contain useful substances, such as vitamins. These desserts include:

  • dried, dried and dried fruits aged in syrup (melon, kumquat, kiwi, lemon);
  • jam from cedar cones, walnuts, rose petals;
  • pieces of fruit in dark chocolate glaze;
  • cranberries, cherries and lingonberries in powdered sugar;
  • pastille made from natural fruit or berry puree;
  • sugared ginger.

An excellent dessert are nuts in honey. They help to overcome apathy, saturate the body with useful substances, increase tone, improve mood and strengthen the immune system. Of course, you should not abuse such sweets, but 2-3 times a week you can afford a cup of herbal tea with high-quality sweets.

Method 5: drinks with a sedative effect

If a person is in a state of chronic stress (for example, has problems in the work team or lives in adverse social and living conditions), he needs to take drugs with a sedative and sedative effect. It is best for these purposes to choose drinks from medicinal herbs and plants. by the most famous plant with a calming effect is chamomile. It can be brewed and consumed like regular tea (a teaspoon of dried flowers in a glass of boiling water). If you drink a cup of this tea with a spoonful of honey before going to bed, you can cope with insomnia and improve the quality of sleep.

Sedative drinks are a great remedy for depression

  • peppermint;
  • rhizomes of valerian officinalis;
  • fennel seeds;
  • Melissa.

All components must be mixed in equal proportions, after which pour 250 ml of boiling water over one spoonful of the collection, cover with a lid and insist for 10 minutes. You can drink this tea as an independent drink or as an addition to sweet desserts.

With increased anxiety, fears at night, you can drink a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of natural honey dissolved in it. You should not expect a quick effect from this method, but with regular use, you can reduce the manifestations of depression in 1-2 months.

Video - How to cope with depression

How to deal with postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression was singled out as a separate type of depressive disorders only a couple of decades ago - before it was not perceived as a disease at all and women were not prescribed any treatment, believing that all symptoms would disappear after the normalization of hormonal levels (approximately by the end of lactation). Now all experts agree that depression after childbirth is one of the most severe forms of this pathology, which must be dealt with at a very early stage.

In most cases, signs of a depressive disorder and a woman who has given birth appear at the beginning of the second week after childbirth. For some, this period may begin 2-4 months after the birth of a child, and some mothers face a similar problem even in the hospital.

There are many factors that contribute to the development of postpartum depression. Here are some of them:

  • difficult pregnancy and difficult childbirth;
  • problems with lactation (improper attachment, lack of milk);
  • difficult psychological situation in the family, tense relations with her husband;
  • lack of assistance in the first month after childbirth from relatives and friends (especially in situations where a woman is physically unable to take full care of the baby);
  • fear of doing something wrong when dealing with a child;
  • big weight gain, etc.

Overcoming postpartum depression on your own is almost impossible. It is very important to enlist the support of a man whom a woman fully trusts and can tell about everything that worries or scares her, and who will not ridicule her or consider such problems to be stupid. Together they should identify the cause of the depressed state and try to solve it. If Bad mood caused by lactation difficulties, a lactation specialist should be consulted. In about 5-7% of cases, women experience psychological discomfort during feeding - in this case, it is advisable to resolve the issue of transferring the child to formula feeding.

To restore strength, mom needs to spend more time in the fresh air, eat well, do what she loves at least once a week, trusting the baby to dad or other relatives at this time. In the first months, part of the household chores should be distributed among the rest of the family.

If no measures help to overcome the depressed state, and the woman feels that she is falling into depression, it is urgent to seek medical help, because with progressive forms it is almost impossible to cope with the problem on her own.

Video - Postpartum depression

In the old days, the state of black melancholy, blues and apathy, in which a person completely lost the ability to enjoy life, the desire to develop and dream, play with children and communicate with loved ones, was called melancholia. Currently, a more modern concept is used in psychiatry - depression, which is derived from the Latin deprimo - suppression, crush. According to statistics, the growth rate of this pathology is simply threatening. Let's take a closer look at how to deal with depression, including with the help of folk remedies.

Not only the patient himself suffers from depression, but also his immediate environment, because the painful condition radically changes the habits and behavior, as well as the basic physiological characteristics of a person. In addition to the classical form of depression, there are several of its varieties: atypical, postnatal, transient and dysthymia.

Causes of depression

The disease can be formed under the influence of internal and external factors. Reactive depression occurs as a result of a person’s internal experiences caused by serious stress, for example, the death of a loved one, loss of material values, divorce, etc. In these circumstances, a person is oppressed by a sense of loss and a feeling of complete helplessness.

Endogenous depression develops with complete external well-being, and it is caused by malfunctions in the body.

Internal causes of depression:

  • hormonal disorders, in particular, a decrease in the production of neurotransmitters, primarily serotonin, disruptions in the synthesis of norepinephrine, dopamine;
  • hormonal changes in the body during certain life periods (after childbirth, menopause, puberty);
  • the systematic use of drugs, one of the side effects of which is depression;
  • diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems (neurasthenia, hypothyroidism);
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals (hypovitaminosis), the lack of B vitamins especially affects the state of the nervous system;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • anemia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • lack of sunlight (seasonal depression);
  • lack of sufficient oxygen supply;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction;
  • abuse of sedatives and sleeping pills.

Depression - symptoms

To qualify for a diagnosis of depression, the following symptoms must be present for at least two weeks:

  • loss of interest in the environment and life orientations;
  • constantly lowered emotional background, pessimism, complete concentration of thoughts on negative events and feelings;
  • loss of working capacity;
  • weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • increased irritability;
  • low self-esteem, bouts of self-flagellation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss or, conversely, uncontrolled weight gain;
  • unmotivated fear and panic attacks;
  • decrease in cognitive functions of the brain (inability to concentrate);
  • lethargy;
  • excessive fatigue and loss of energy.

Possible Complications of Depression

When ignoring the growing symptoms, the general state of the patient's health worsens, there is an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, the quality of life is significantly reduced. With a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis for the treatment of a depressive state is favorable. The most difficult thing is to acknowledge the presence of the disease and take the first step towards recovery.

Never use synthetic antidepressants and sleeping pills without the appointment of a specialist, as uncontrolled intake can only aggravate the pathology, causing serious mental disorders.

How to deal with depression?

It is traditionally believed that in most cases a person is not able to overcome depression on his own. The help of a psychotherapist consists in making a diagnosis and helping to get out of a pathological state by taking antidepressants, which can be conditionally divided into stimulating and sedative effects.

Stimulant drugs are aimed at treating lethargic and dreary depression. Sedatives are prescribed for symptoms of anxious depression. Good results are achieved by combining drug therapy with meditation, acupuncture, light, color, art and music therapy.

diet for depression

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to adjust the diet, enriching it with vitamins, amino acids, trace elements. A number of foods have natural antidepressant properties.

First of all, they include food rich in an essential amino acid - tryptophan, which helps to increase the production of serotonin in the brain. The highest concentration of tryptophan is present in mushrooms, oats, bananas, soybeans, nuts, seeds, dried dates, dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, whole milk), dietary meat, chocolate, freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Be sure to enrich the diet with foods containing B vitamins: bee pollen, bran, yeast, including beer, whole grain bread, legumes, potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, green vegetables, citrus fruits, eggs, liver and other offal, meat, fish, cheese, tofu, kefir, buckwheat, corn, spinach, seafood.

It is advisable to include food rich in iron and vitamin C in the menu. Honey, especially buckwheat and sunflower, dried apricots, rose hips and sea buckthorn, decoction of oat grains, prunes, raisins, grapes should be eaten daily. We should not forget about foods rich in magnesium, on which the work of the heart and central nervous system directly depends. Supplement your diet with cauliflower, nuts, peas, lentils, peaches, avocados, cereals, coriander, basil, sage.

An important point in the treatment of a depressive state there is compliance with the water regime (2 liters of spring water per day). Scientists have proven that dehydration causes an excessive consumption of the amino acid tryptophan, which is fraught with a decrease in the production of “happiness hormones” in the brain.

How to deal with depression on your own folk remedies?

Good results in the treatment of depression can be achieved by combining traditional therapies with folk remedies:

Valerian root . The infusion helps with increased excitability, convulsions, insomnia. crushed dry valerian root(2 tsp) pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 2 hours, filter and take 15-20 ml three times a day.

Collection of herbs. Herbal tea helps to relax and optimize mood. mix hop cones, inflorescences chamomile, valerian root and whole dried lemon balm bushes in a ratio of 2:1:1:1 and grind the plants in a coffee grinder. Two tablespoons of the collection are brewed in a thermos with 0.4 liters of boiling water. Strained tea is consumed during the day in small portions, and before going to bed they drink a glass of infusion.

Oats. Oat straw infusion saturates the body with B vitamins and other nutrients for the nervous system. Three tablespoons of straw pour 0.4 liters of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, filter. Take 50 ml 4 times a day.

St. John's wort. healers traditional medicine appoint a decoction of St. John's wort as a proven antidepressant agent. A dessert spoon of dry raw materials is poured into a glass hot water and simmer in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Strained broth is taken 3 times a day before a meal, ½ cup.

Mint. A proven remedy for relieving attacks of irritability, normalizing sleep, improving general condition. tablespoon dried or fresh mint leaves boil over low heat for about 10 minutes and take ¾ cup in the morning after waking up and before going to bed. To enhance the healing properties of the drink, natural honey is added to it.

Soothing baths with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Mix in equal proportions rosemary herb, wormwood and linden blossom. 700 gr collection pour 4 l cold water in an enamel saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil, and boil for 5 minutes. The filtered broth is poured into a warm bath. The procedure is carried out before going to bed 2-3 times a week for a quarter of an hour. Such baths help to relax and relieve anxiety symptoms, and also contribute to a quality night's rest.

Sea salt. Baths with sea salt (3-4 times a week) have proven themselves well for depression. You can also apply saline wipes in the morning (a tablespoon of sea or table salt per 1 liter of warm water).

Aromatherapy. A number of essential oils have mild antidepressant properties, in particular, orange, lavender, frankincense, rosemary, clary sage. It is advisable to wear an aroma medallion with the addition of 1 drop of one or a mixture of oils, aromatization of rooms, especially before bedtime, baths (3-4 drops of any of the proposed oils or their combination per 20 g of the base base, which is used as bath foam, cream, honey, salt), enrichment cosmetics(2 drops per 10 ml base).

An important role in the treatment of depression is played by daily long walks (at least an hour), especially in the forest zone, park, square. Sports, dancing, yoga, Pilates increase the body's ability to produce "happiness hormones", so you should choose the most acceptable and harmonious type of physical activity for yourself.

Healing from depression is a long and hard way, but the combination of methods of conservative and traditional medicine will help to overcome it as quickly and painlessly as possible. Be healthy!