Where are the Galapagos Islands located? In the photo - one of the lava tunnels. penguins from the equator

Basic moments

sleeping iguana Galapagos Islands - a paradise archipelago in pacific ocean

The total area of ​​the islands is 8010 km², the population of the Colon archipelago (this is the second name of the Galapagos) is a little more than 25 thousand people. The fame of the region was brought, first of all, by the richness of the local biosphere landscape. Nature itself took care to turn the territory of the Galapagos Islands, located far from civilization, into a real oasis comparable to paradise on Earth. Despite the proximity of the equator, there is no sweltering heat here, and all thanks to the surrounding cold current. The average annual temperature in the Galapagos varies between 23-24 degrees, although it can be hotter. One can only dream of such conditions in which it is easy and comfortable to relax!

And the possibilities for recreation in the Galapagos Islands are very diverse. In the morning and in the afternoon, tourists prefer to sunbathe under the gentle rays of the local sun. With the onset of the evening, there is an influx of them in cafes, restaurants and other places of entertainment. The rest of the time, guests of the Galapagos get acquainted with natural attractions, of which there are a lot: these are bays, beautiful bays, majestic rocks, capes, formidable volcanoes and, of course, rich flora and fauna. The latter is especially impressive: for a few days or even a couple of weeks, depending on the length of the vacation, each tourist unwittingly becomes a botanist, a zoologist, and an ornithologist. Travelers study the local nature and animals with interest, observe their growth and development in their natural environment.

A fur seal swims through a school of fish off Santa Cruz Island

An excursion into the history of the archipelago

Map of the Galapagos Islands

If not for the tectonic activity on the Pacific floor, which took place about 8 million years ago, then no islands, most likely, would not have arisen here. Nevertheless, they were formed, and after some time they were inhabited by ancient people. However, direct evidence of this has not been preserved, scientists judge this only by indirect data.

The first European to set foot on their blessed land was a priest of Spanish origin, Thomas de Berlanga. This happened in March 1535, and quite by accident. He went by sea from Panama to Peru, but accidentally deviated from the course and "wandered" to this seemingly godforsaken archipelago. The involuntary discoverer and his companions saw giant tortoises here, the name of which in Spanish in the plural sounded like “galapagos” (translated as “elephant turtles”). So the discovered islands got a name, and they were listed on the then map of the world.

Image of giant Galapagos or elephant tortoises (galapagos) Charles Darwin - English naturalist and traveler, founder of evolutionary doctrine

The Spaniards successfully colonized the Galapagos Islands, but for a long time they did not consider them suitable for full-fledged living. For almost the entire period of foreign domination, pirates took refuge here, making attacks on ships sailing nearby. On February 12, 1832, the archipelago changed sovereign: it was annexed by Ecuador. Three years later, an expedition landed here, which included the future author of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin. Together with Robert Fitzroy and other young naturalists, he explored the islands in depth.

In 1936, the government declared the Galapagos a national park and took them under its protection. During World War II, Baltra Island hosted an American air base that patrolled the ocean to detect enemy submarines and protected the Panama Canal. After 1945, the United States handed over the property of the site to the government of Ecuador, which placed its own military base.

Port of Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island, 1945 Thor Heyerdahl - Norwegian archaeologist, traveler and writer

In 1953, the famous archaeologist and writer Thor Heyerdahl arrived in the Galapagos Islands, searching for the legacy of the Incas, and a decade later, traces of the activities of this Indian people were nevertheless discovered. On February 18, 1973, the leadership of the republic announced the creation of a province of the same name in the Galapagos Islands with its capital in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, while most densely populated city region is Puerto Ayora. In 1978, UNESCO listed the Colon archipelago world heritage, and in 1985 it was declared a World Biosphere Reserve. In 1986, the water area surrounding the islands was given the status of a marine protected area. Its area is 70 thousand square meters. km, and in this indicator it is second only to the Australian Great Barrier Reef.

The Galapagos National Park was founded in 1959.

The Ecuadorian state pays great attention to the preservation of the natural attractions of the Galapagos Islands. Area created national park covers 97.5% of the territory. Founded in 1959 in Brussels (Belgium), the International Darwin Foundation, for its part, also guarantees the preservation unique system Galapagosov and in every possible way supports the scientific research conducted here. For this purpose, in 1964, a special research station was established on one of the islands - Santa Cruz. First of all, the researchers began to fight for the "purity" of the local flora and fauna. They did a great job of removing the so-called "non-native" (imported) animals and plants from here, while at the same time strengthening the protection of indigenous species.

Panorama of the Galapagos

Fauna of the Galapagos Islands

Getting acquainted with the fauna of the Galapagos Islands, one involuntarily wonders how so many species of animals, and the most diverse ones, could gather in one place. Of course, it is impossible to present everyone in one article, so we will talk about the most famous, which have become real favorites of tourists.

If you make a kind of rating of the most popular of them, the first lines in it will be occupied by the already mentioned giant elephant tortoise, which gave the archipelago its name, the Galapagos penguin, the blue-footed booby, the magnificent frigate, the Galapagos flightless cormorant, earthen or Darwin finches, fur seal, Galapagos sea lion . The named animals belonging to endemic species are found on the islands at almost every turn. Without exaggeration, they are unique, because nowhere else on Earth can you see them.

Dolphins off Isabella Island Penguins in the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos penguins, in which the genes of their Antarctic counterparts clearly speak, behave interestingly, as they are constantly looking for cooler places. These are the islands in the western part of the Galapagos, where the water temperature is somewhat lower due to the predominance of cold ocean currents. However, penguins have adapted well and can be found here in different places, but for some reason they breed only on the islands of Fernandina and Isabella and on no others. The named territories, moreover, are the only ones where flightless cormorants nest. They are called so for a reason: due to the weak development of the wings, these birds are not able to fly, but, without losing their balance, they jump well from rock to rock.

Galapagos albatross Nazi booby

Galapagos albatrosses have also chosen a nesting place for themselves, namely the island of Hispaniola: this rarest species can only be observed here and nowhere else in the world. If your vacation falls between April and December, and you visit this part of the archipelago, you can watch exotic birds live. Ground finches, on the contrary, are very common, but they are rightfully called the most legendary. Charles Darwin, when working in the Galapagos Islands, carefully examined representatives of all types of these small birds, suggesting that they have a common ancestor. To such a discovery, very important at that time, the father of evolutionary theory was prompted by the different shape of their beak. The scientist came to the conclusion that such differences were formed as a result of the struggle for survival.

A pair of birds - large frigates

The elephant turtles living here are so ancient that they are often called the same age as the universe. The sizes of these reptiles are huge, reaching a length of one and a half meters. A good-natured toothless grin and a funny head with wrinkled skin hiding in a shell every now and then give the impression of a very old age - as if these animals had moved here from the prehistoric era. Evidence has been preserved that a very long time ago another 15 subspecies were found on the Galapagos Islands, which differed in many respects from each other: both in size, and in the shape of the shell, and in the distribution area. Accident or not, four of them died out almost simultaneously with the arrival of the first people on the archipelago. If earlier the total number of giant tortoises was 250 thousand individuals, today there are about 15 thousand of them left. These animals are long-lived, living on average up to a hundred years. It can be assumed that many of them "met" Darwin himself. Want to see them up close? Then you need to Isabella Island (Albemarle), where they basically settled. Or, as an option, you can visit the surroundings of the Alcedo volcano and the highlands of Santa Cruz Island.

marine iguana monitor lizard

Another symbol of the Colon archipelago is marine iguanas. To see them, you do not need to go to any specific islands. These lizards are found almost everywhere in the local water area. It is estimated that there are about 300 thousand individuals. They spend the lion's share of the time in the water, then go ashore and bask in the sun with pleasure. Their favorite pastime is... blowing their nose. Not like people, of course, but they have no other way than through the nostrils to remove excess sea salt from the body, so do not be surprised at the white foam on their faces.

Diving enthusiasts in the Galapagos Islands are guaranteed their unforgettable encounters and experiences. Diving with or without scuba gear is a great way to get to know fur seals, which are also found almost everywhere in the local waters. There are places in the Galapagos where you can't avoid getting to know them. In this regard, the seal grotto on the island of Santiago is especially noteworthy, where you can get quite close to these amazing creatures.

In addition to iguanas, green turtles and unique colorful fish can also compete with you in scuba diving (more than 300 species live in the local waters of the latter). Encounters with reef, darktip reef and gray Galapagos sharks, and even, if you are very lucky, the mysterious whale sharks, are especially amazing.

It is no less interesting to observe the daily behavior of the inhabitants of the local fauna. Want to see how green sea turtles lay their eggs? Come in January. Do you want to swim with penguins? Welcome to Bartolome Island, but not earlier than May and not later than September. Dreaming of seeing adorable newborn sea lion cubs? Don't miss August. Well, in December you can look at the cubs of the giant Galapagos tortoises: they hatch from eggs just during this period.

Video: The underwater world of the Galapagos Islands

Environmental Safety

Rookery of fur seals on about. Hispaniola, Galapagos Islands

The Government of Ecuador and international environmental organizations traditionally urge tourists to take care of the unique biological resources of the Galapagos Islands. Under special protection are such animals as the elephant tortoise, green turtle, holothurians, sea lion, Galapagos conolophos, as well as birds: Galapagos cormorant, tree finch, Galapagos buzzard. However, environmental threats do exist, and they are mostly associated with historical circumstances.

Pink flamingos in the Galapagos

So, animals and plants are unsafe, accidentally or deliberately brought to the archipelago at different times. This is especially true for cattle. Reproducing rapidly, it oppresses the local fauna, literally devastating its habitat. There are very few “own” predators on the Galapagos Islands, so local animals are often defenseless against “aliens” and often become their victims. For example, cats love to hunt finches. Of the plants, avocados, guava, blackberries, cinchona, fragrant dope, pyramidal ocher, castor beans, elephant grass and various types of citrus fruits pose a threat. Having spread widely, these plants literally “pushed out” representatives of the local flora, in particular, on the islands of Isabella, San Cristobal, Floreana and Santa Cruz.

Sea turning into the sky Sea lion surrounded by crabs

“Emigrants” among local animals appeared, for example, with the light hand of pirates: Thor Heyerdahl found evidence of this. In one of the old documents published by him, it is said that the viceroy of Peru, having learned that sea robbers eat goats here, ordered to set the last evil dogs on them. One of the fathers of Ecuador's independence and the founder of his fleet, José de Villamil, personally gave the order to raise goats, donkeys and other domestic animals in the Galapagos, so that the future colonizers of the islands would have something to eat. The appearance of poultry here and its rapid reproduction has created a new headache for scientists, who rightly believe that their diseases can be transmitted to wild relatives with the risk of entire epidemics.

Rocks about. Isabel

The Galapagos archipelago is also inhabited by pigs and horses, cats and dogs, mice and rats, donkeys, cockroaches, ants. Domestic predators often devastate the nests of wild birds and attack them themselves, catch iguanas and turtles. The nests of the latter are often destroyed by pigs, which, moreover, constantly dig the ground in search of roots and insects, causing enormous damage to the unique vegetation. It is the pigs that are believed to have ousted the iguanas from the island of Santiago, and in fact, relatively recently, in the time of Darwin, they still lived there. Black rats have also become a real scourge of the Galapagos Islands. They attack small turtles as soon as they leave their nests, and as a result, for example, on the island of Pinzon, these reptiles have ceased to breed. Rodents also exterminated their local counterparts - endemic rats.

Galapagos penguins

The priceless riches of the waters of the Colon archipelago are threatened by illegal fishing. Of particular concern to Ecuadorian and international organizations causes fishing for native sharks and unauthorized harvesting of sea cucumbers. A significant increase in the local population, coupled with the development of the tourism industry, has also become a cause for concern. The eyes of the world community on the problems of the Galapagos Islands were also attracted by the accident of the Jessica tanker, which caused a wide resonance, as a result of which a significant amount of oil spilled into the territorial waters.

Islands and attractions

One of the Los Gemelos craters on about. Santa Cruz

The most populated of the thirteen main islands of the archipelago is Santa Cruz. He is the second largest after Isabella. Here is the main port of the Galapagos - the city of Puerto Ayora. The main road leads to it, on both sides of which there are two craters, called the Twins (Los Gemelos). According to one version, they appeared as a result of several volcanic eruptions, according to another, these huge voids formed by solidified lava. And next to the village spread beautiful beach Tortuga Bay. After soaking up the sun here, you can go to get acquainted with the lava caves and unique center breeding elephant tortoises.

Kicker Rock 2 km from about. San Cristobal

Santa Cruz Island is a real find for lovers aquatic species sports. Diving, snorkelling, yachting - extreme tourists will definitely find something to their liking here. By renting a yacht, you can go to other islands Galapagos archipelago. Others even rent a small plane, flying to remote places and staying for a day or two, or even a week. Let's say, to the northwest, where Dragon Hill is located, which got its name from the iguanas, which were then transported to another place to save them from the dominance of dogs. Fifteen years ago, several individuals were returned here, and over the past years, the population of these animals has fully recovered, and this place itself has been made accessible to tourists.

Darwin stone arch Charles Darwin Research Center

The main attraction of Santa Cruz is considered to be the Charles Darwin Research Center, awarded in 2002 with the International Space Prize. He has international status, and founded with the aim of maintaining the biosphere of the archipelago, which is called the "laboratory of evolution", and its protection. Not only scientists work here, but also university professors, students and volunteers from all over the world. The center, which has branches on the islands of San Cristobal and Isabella, has developed a special program for feeding elephant tortoises and maintaining their natural habitat. These giants are kept directly on the territory of the scientific station, where their reproduction is carefully controlled. As soon as they become adults, they are released into the wild.

Wailing Wall on Isabella Island

On the island of Santiago, in its northwestern part, there is the famous black beach of Puerto Egas, which received this color of sand due to volcanic activity, namely the subsidence of tufa. In this place, sea lions, chameleons, lizards and other animals feel at ease. Connoisseurs of antiquity will surely like the ruins of the shops of salt mining companies that existed in the past. Here you can go snorkeling or walk along the rock formations and tunnels surrounding the beach.

Pinnacle rock on about. Bartolome

The Galapagos Islands also have their own Wailing Wall. It is located on Isabella Island. Briefly, the story is as follows: in 1946-1959 there was a penal colony here. Prisoners were forced to cut cheap blocks of volcanic rock, carry them a considerable distance and build a wall out of them. The work was truly hard labor, and even under the scorching sun. It is not surprising that not all those who served time here endured such torment and died. The entire scale of the work can be imagined looking at this wall: it stretches for more than 100 meters in length, and 8 meters in height. After some time, the prison was closed and razed to the ground, and they decided to leave the gigantic and sad building as evidence of the inhuman treatment of prisoners.

Pelican in the Galapagos Volcano Wolfe

On Isabella, you can also observe the highest volcano of the Galapagos Islands - Wolf, whose height is 1707 meters above sea level. The crater of another volcano, Sierra Negra, is the second largest in the world in diameter (10 km). Another local volcano, Chico, showed its formidable temper in 2005. After its eruption, lava rivers and tunnels remained. Walking through them, it is difficult to get rid of the impression that you are somewhere on the moon: it is so unlike the landscape we are used to. From the top of Chico, there are wonderful views of the northern tip of Albemarle.

A small turtle walks on the black sand in Urbina Bay

In the western part of the island, not far from the Alcedo volcano, there is Urbina Bay, which was formed in 1954 by strong tides. The beach is interesting for its black sand, as well as literally colorful vegetation. coastline covered with shellfish, dried corals. Diving enthusiasts are waiting for "competition" with sea lions and turtles. Fans of passive recreation will also not be bored: they will be able to view the inhabitants sea ​​depths straight from the shore. It is no less exciting to watch the red Galapagos flamingos, who have chosen salt Lake Balthazar. The main thing is not to scare them, because they do not like strangers and can simply leave.

Genovesa Island

The best place on the island of Hispaniola is considered to be Cape Suarez. Here you can watch the colored iguanas, imposingly, not at all afraid of people basking in the sun. And also for birds, for example, wavy albatrosses, the colony of which is considered the largest in the world. In the northeastern part is Gardner Bay, whose delightful white beaches leave no one indifferent. Sea turtles, sea lions crawl out onto the long coast and here they create entire colonies, curious mockingbirds run back and forth. In this place you can go scuba diving or snorkeling, and even race with sea lions.

Albatrosses at Cape Suarez

The most active volcano of the Galapagos is located on the island of Fernandina - La Combre, whose height is 1476 meters. It wakes up very often, once every few years, and such a frequency of eruptions leads to the collapse of the crater. One of the most powerful took place in the summer of 2005, when steam and ash "shot" over 7 kilometers high. The eruption of 2009 brought the greatest damage: natural landscape in this part of the Galapagos Islands was on the verge of extinction, but, fortunately, the ecosystem quickly recovered.

Red sand beach on Rabida

Main attractions small island Rabida, located south of the island San Salvador - beaches with dark red sand, which tourists love very much. Such an extraordinary color of the beaches is given by volcanic soil in combination with iron oxide contained in it. It is on Rabid that unique bakuta trees grow. There are red flamingos and pelicans on the island, and there is a large colony of sea lions on the west coast. Rabida Island is also considered the geological center of the entire Galapagos archipelago.

Floreana Island, Galapagos

If you are fond of diving, then you should definitely visit the rocks "Devil's Crown", which are located near the island of Floreana. More precisely, these are not even rocks, but a stone semicircle formed by a submerged volcano, protruding to the surface of the water. Here, as if by order, the most unusual marine inhabitants have gathered, and everyone can feel like a real Captain Nemo. Divers also dive outside the crater, swimming alongside sharks, rays and other marine predators. However, first of all, you need to be afraid not of them, but of strong undercurrents, which are not uncommon here.

Bartolome Island, the youngest of the Galapagos Islands

National cuisine

Ceviche is a traditional Ecuadorian dish.

The most popular treat in the Galapagos Islands is ceviche. First of all, seafood lovers will like it. It is prepared as follows: fish and other seafood are marinated in lime juice, after which they are seasoned with hot chili peppers. Vegetables are served as a side dish to the popular fish dish.

In the Galapagos Islands, you can order rolls directly to your room

Fans of first courses will surely like rich meat soups. What gives them piquancy is that the broths are cooked from a variety of parts of the carcasses. For one of these soups, it is called caldo de pata, they use ... veal hooves, which are pre-fried.

Pumpkin soup with popcorn

Do you have anything against guinea pigs? No, they will not keep you company during the meal, but ... they will act as the main ingredient for one of their most delicious dishes. It is prepared very simply: the guinea pig is also fried. This food is so delicious that only convinced vegetarians can refuse it. For them, the very nature of the Galapagos Islands has prepared huge selection exotic vegetables and fruits, the taste of which cannot be expressed in words - you should definitely try them. Tourists especially like the striped cucumber called pepinos. It has a very pronounced and spicy taste.

Bar in Puerto Ayora

Great addition to local culinary delights serve as a glass of excellent beer, which has been produced here for a long time and very high quality. The foamy drink in the Galapagos has many delicious snacks that you can try in local bars and restaurants. In general, the cuisine of the Galapagos Islands is based on classic Latin American recipes. Usually, when cooking, hot spices are mixed in various proportions, not to mention the use of components that, at first glance, seem incompatible, but the dishes of them are obtained - you will lick your fingers!

Note to tourists

Above motor boats fly by Galapagos frigates

To visit Ecuador and, accordingly, the Galapagos Islands, a visa for citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan will not be required if the period of stay does not exceed 90 days.

Mosaic depicting the Galapagos tortoise

The best conditions for tourists are created in the city of Puerto Ayora. The island of Santa Cruz as a whole can boast of many hotels. Single rooms with modest furnishings will cost $ 15, for suites you will have to pay from $ 100 to $ 130 per night. Connoisseurs of luxury holidays allow themselves to rent a whole private mansion, which has a swimming pool and even a marina. Such a pleasure per day will cost from $ 350 and more.

The brown pelican came to the Santa Cruz bar

The only tourist street in Puerto Ayora stretches along the coast and bears the name of ... guess who. Well, of course, Charles Darwin. It is here that hotels, entertainment venues and souvenir shops are concentrated. Travelers are pleasantly surprised by the presence of many shops selling gold and other jewelry, and art salons. The product here is excellent, however, at exorbitant prices. Of the souvenirs, the most popular ones are T-shirts with images of representatives of the local fauna and cute caps with the inscription “Galapagos”.

Graffiti at the end of Darwin Street Hotel Casa Blanca on San Cristobal Island

When visiting the Galapagos Islands - by the way, it is paid ($ 100 in cash is paid immediately upon arrival) - you should not forget that the territory is a protected national park, and the only one in the whole country. And this means that every tourist should adhere to certain rules of conduct. Independent movement around the islands is undesirable, tourists must be accompanied by a guide. There are paved trails for moving around the area. Specially equipped platforms are used as observation points. Talking loudly, making noise or kindling fires is strictly prohibited.

Vegetables and fruits in the Galapagos are recommended to be thoroughly washed Iguana Crossing Hotel on Isabella Island

The voltage in the local power supply is only 110 volts, so take care of adapters and adapters for household electrical appliances in advance. In some hotels they can be provided upon request, but it is impossible to guess which ones in advance, so it is better to take them with you in advance. Also stock up on your own medicines, if, according to the available indications, they need to be taken regularly: most likely, it will not work to replenish your personal first-aid kit during your stay here.

Drinking tap water or cooking with it is not recommended. For these purposes, bottled water is used, which can be bought at any grocery store. Fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed before eating, so as not to get any intestinal infection.

Going on vacation to the Galapagos Islands, it would be useful to focus on the seasons local climate. The hottest months are from December to May. It is also considered quite humid, given the occasional tropical downpours. The hottest and wettest months are March and April. The driest and coolest season with its inherent strong winds is set from June to November.

Sunset on Santa Cruz Island

How to get there

Galapagos - insular territory, therefore, except by plane, it is cheaper to get here by nothing else. Direct flights to the archipelago from mainland Ecuador are carried out only from the city of Guayaquil. Three airlines send their aircraft to the islands: AeroGal, LAN and Tame.

You will spend 1 hour 50 minutes on the plane. The cost of tickets depends on when they were purchased and whether the tourist got on a promotional special offer. On average, a round-trip flight will cost 350-450 dollars.

There are two airports operating on the Galapagos Islands: on the island of San Cristobal - San Kristobal, on Baltra - Seymour Airport.

Direct flights from Russian Federation to the Republic of Ecuador are not carried out. You will have to get either through one of European capitals(for example, through Madrid), or through the United States if you have an American visa in your passport.

Ship sailing to the Galapagos Islands

It is no wonder that the Galapagos Islands are so interesting to explore, because there are many unique species of flora and fauna, some of which are on the verge of extinction. The archipelago belongs to the territory of Ecuador and is its separate province. Today, all the islands and the rocks surrounding them have been turned into a national park, where crowds of tourists come every year.

Where did the name Galapagos Islands come from?

The Galapagos are a type of turtle that lives on the islands, which is why the archipelago was nicknamed after them. These clusters of landmasses are also simply referred to as the Galapagos, the Turtle Islands, or the Colón archipelago. Also, earlier this territory was called the Enchanted Isles, since it was difficult to land on land. Numerous currents made navigation difficult, so not everyone managed to get to the coast.

The first approximate map of these places was made by a pirate, which is why all the names of the islands were given in honor of pirates or people who helped them. Later they were renamed, but some residents continue to use the old options. Even the map shows names from different eras.

Geographic features

The archipelago consists of 19 islands, 13 of them are of volcanic origin. It also includes 107 rocks protruding above the surface of the water and reclaimed land areas. Looking at the map, you can understand where the islands are located. The largest of them, Isabela, is also the youngest. There is active volcanoes, therefore, the island is still subject to changes due to emissions and eruptions, the last occurred in 2005.

Despite the fact that the Galapagos is an equatorial archipelago, the climate here is not at all sultry. The reason lies in the cold current washing the coast. From this, the water temperature can drop below 20 degrees. The average annual indicator falls in the range of 23-24 degrees. It is worth mentioning that there is a big problem with water in the Galapagos Islands, since there are almost no sources here. fresh water.

Exploring the islands and their inhabitants

Since the discovery of the islands in March 1535, no one was particularly interested in the wildlife of this area, until Charles Darwin and his expedition began to explore the Colon archipelago. Prior to this, the islands were a haven for pirates, although they were considered a colony of Spain. Later, the question arose of who owns the tropical islands, and in 1832 Galapagos officially became part of Ecuador, and Puerto Baquerizo Moreno was appointed the provincial capital.

Darwin spent many years on the islands, studying the variety of finches. It was here that he developed the foundations of future evolutionary theory. The fauna on the Turtle Islands is so rich and unlike the fauna in other parts of the world that it could be studied for decades, but after Darwin no one did this, although the Galapagos was recognized as a unique place.

During WWII, the United States set up a military base here, after the end of hostilities, the islands were turned into a haven for convicts. Only in 1936, the archipelago was given the status of a National Park, after which they began to pay more attention to protection. natural resources. True, some species were already on the verge of extinction by that time, which is described in detail in a documentary about the islands.

Due to the specific climatic conditions and the formation of the islands, there are a lot of birds, mammals, fish, as well as plants that are not found anywhere else. The largest animal living in this territory is the Galapagos sea lion, but giant tortoises, boobies, sea lizards, flamingos, penguins are of greater interest.

Tourist centers

When planning a trip, tourists want to know how to get to an amazing place. You can choose two popular ways: during the cruise or by plane. There are two airports in the Colon archipelago, but most often land in Baltra. This is a small island north of Santa Cruz, where the official military bases of Ecuador are now located. From here it is easy to get to most of the islands popular with tourists.

Photos from the Galapagos Islands are impressive, because there are amazingly beautiful beaches here. You can spend the whole day in the blue lagoon, enjoying the tropical sun without the sweltering heat. Many people prefer to go diving, as the seabed is replete with colors due to the volcanic lava that has solidified in the coastal zone.

In addition, some species of animals will happily swirl in the whirlpool with scuba divers, as here they are already familiar with people. But sharks live near the islands, so you should inquire in advance whether diving is allowed in the chosen place.

What country would not be proud of such amazing place like the Galapagos, given that it is included in the World Heritage List. Landscapes are more like pictures, as they surprise with an abundance of colors from each side. Truth to keep natural beauty and their inhabitants, you have to put in a lot of effort, which is what the research center does.

are an archipelago consisting of five large islands located very close to the equator and 972 kilometers west of the continental territory of Ecuador, in the Pacific Ocean. They are considered true miracle of nature peace. The main islands of the archipelago

Isabella, Fernandina, San Cristobal, San Salvador and Santa Cruz.In addition to the five large islands, there are also 8 other smaller islands and about forty islets and small rocks.Capital of the province of Puerto Baguerizo Moreno small town located on San Cristobal Island.However, the largest city of the archipelago is Puerto Ayora, which is located on the island of Santa Cruz.The total area of ​​the island is about 8,000 square kilometers.

Galapagos archipelago is one of the provinces of Ecuador and its population is about 40,000 people.The Galapagos Islands became famous thanks to the famous scientist Charles Darwin, who visited the islands in the 19th century during a trip that inspired him to create the theory of evolution and natural selection.

They impress with the diversity of the animal world, as well as the beauty of the fauna of the islands. All this arose and exists without the presence of a person, so all living creatures are practically not afraid of a person.The isolation of islands that are far from the continental coast of Ecuador is the main reason for this unique process of evolution.

The inability of large predators to develop on the islands has allowed many animal species to thrive on these islands. That's why Galapagos are home to a large number of endemic and unique animals such as sea lions, native penguins, Galapagos tortoises, Galapagos green turtles, dolphins, Vampire finch, marine iguanas, lava lizards, whales, sharks, etc. There is also a large variety of seabirds such as frigatebirds, flamingos and albatrosses. Galapagos plants also surprises with its diversity, a wide variety of endemic trees, tree ferns, other types of shrubs and flowers grow on the islands. The archipelago has some rare species of cotton, tomatoes, peppers, guava and orchids. underwater life in the Galapagos Islands is also very beautiful. The surrounding waters are home to many species of fish, animals and aquatic plants, so the Galapagos Islands are considered one of.

An important factor in the development of creatures inhabiting is the climate.The Galapagos archipelago has an unusually dry climate for the tropics.There are only two seasons and sea temperatures range from 16ºC (61ºF) to 28ºC (82ºF).This temperature is ideal for endemic animal species.

Galapagos Islands. Flamingo

Fortunately, due to the remoteness of the islands from the continent and active sea communications, the wildlife here is practically not affected and remains the same as Charles Darwin once found it.

Tourists arrive in the Galapagos Islands mainly by plane. The Galapagos is probably the only place on Earth where you can make dive underwater together with a penguin or swim among the sea lions. The Galapagos Islands are one of the planet's most precious treasures and one of the last refuges wildlife in the world.

These wonderful islands were formed about 5 million years ago, as a result of volcanic eruptions. There are still active volcanoes on several islands of the Galapagos archipelago, the most active on the islands of Fernandina and Isabella. Volcanic activity resulting from the interaction between three tectonic plates, the Pacific Plate, the Nazca Plate, and the Cocos Plate. Due to this constant geological activity, the volcanoes in the Galapagos Islands are among the most active volcanoes in the world.

It is believed that the first people who arrived on the islands were the Indians from the Chimu tribe, and then the Incas who ruled Peru and all South America up to the beginning of the 16th century. Europeans discovered the islands in 1535 by accident, when Fray Thomas de Berlanga, Bishop of Panama, was on his way to Peru. Once in complete calm, they were carried away by the current to these islands, where they could not find fresh water and replenish their supplies. Moisture was extracted from prickly pear cacti. The islands were not named at that time, but actually “golopago” is a type of horse saddle, and since the shells of some turtle species are very similar to them, the name of the islands came from here. Prior to this, the archipelago was known as witch islands for some reason, maybe because they are damn beautiful.

Nevertheless, the first map of the islands is considered to be a map compiled by Abraham Ortelius in 1570. On this map the islands appeared with the name "Insulae de los Galopegos". Between the 16th and 18th centuries, the Galapagos were mainly used by pirates as a base for their fishing. In the 19th century, sailors arrived on the islands in search of whales. This barbaric exploitation of the archipelago has brought fur seals and sperm whales to the brink of extinction.

The first scientific studies on the islands were made in 1835 by Charles Darwin, who arrived on the islands aboard the ship "Beagle".This work was used by Darwin as proof of his theory of evolution, which was published in his famous work On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.Darwin noticed that the anatomy of the "mockingbird" differed between different islands, and the same happened with turtles (there are fourteen various kinds turtles in the archipelago).When Darwin returned to England, he analyzed these differences and noticed that they were related to various adaptation processes, which are one of the main pillars in the theory of evolution.

In 1892, the Galapagos were officially named "Archipelago de Colon" in honor of Christopher Columbus.In 1934, Ecuador created the first law to protect the Galapagos Islands.During World War II, the Ecuadorian government allowed the US to establish a naval base in Baltra, one of the Galapagos Islands.The islands have been declared national reserve in 1959, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species, in the same year a fund was created to ensure the preservation of the ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands and underwater world Around them.

In 1978, the islands were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and in 2001, the water area around the archipelago was declared a marine reserve.However, despite all the measures to preserve the uniqueness of nature in the Galapagos Islands, there are still many threats to the ecosystem of the archipelago, such as the introduction of alien species of plants and animals. Such as cats, wild goats, cattle, and plants such as avocados, citrus fruits and they have become a threat to the survival of native plant species.

One of the main dangers in the Galapagos Islands are black rats, which mainly feed on eggs in the nests of Galapagos tortoises, one of the most representative species and one of the rarest. Cattle are an even bigger problem because goats, cows and donkeys eat the island's vegetation, which is the main food of many native animal species. The same problem occurs at sea, as alien fish species have been introduced into the sea around the islands, threatening the existence of endemic fish species. Illegal fishing, as well as the growing number of tourists who visit the Galapagos every year, also pose a certain danger. Because of these threats, according to the decision of UNESCO in 2007, the islands were included in the list of World Heritage Sites that are threatened with extinction. Great efforts must be made to ensure that this wonderful and unique ecosystem, one of seven wonders of nature would not be lost forever.

What connects the great Charles Darwin with the group lost islands in the Pacific? Why are the Galapagos Islands so famous, what is special about them? The point is the unique flora and fauna, which are endemics - a local, isolated ecosystem, where different types evolved without mixing with others. Darwin's stay on these islands was the impetus for his development of the evolutionary theory of the origin of species - natural selection, which became a great discovery. Let's see where the Galapagos Islands are located on the world map.

Location and climate of the Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands on the map are located in the Pacific Ocean, in the northwest of South America, and territorially belong to the Republic of Ecuador. They are separated from the mainland by 972 km. The volcanic archipelago consists of 19 islands, it is the main attraction of Ecuador and the largest and most important world reserve. The first of them were formed about 10 million years ago as a result of the movement tectonic plates. Proximity to the equator and the local cold Humbald Current provided the archipelago with a comfortable two-season period with a stable air temperature of +23°C: from December to May - a warm and humid season, from June to November - a cool and dry one.

Summer in the Galapagos marks an air and water temperature of + 20 ° C, while it blows quite strong winds. The cold current also cools the air temperature, but saturates coastal waters with nutrient organisms that attract penguins, birds and schools of fish. The coast becomes densely populated, which attracts tourists, and albatrosses flock to the island of Hispaniola.

Warm tropical downpours are frequent during the winter months. Moisture, evaporating from the ground, creates a curtain of fog, but at an air and water temperature of + 25 ° C, humidity does not cause discomfort. Autumn is the time for divers, as the underwater world becomes more diverse and beautiful. In winter, beautiful blue-footed boobies come here to nest. Spring in the Galapagos is wonderful - numerous endemics bloom (plants that can only be found here), and the sacrament of laying eggs by Galapagos tortoises takes place on the beaches.

Discovery and history of the Galapagos

The archipelago consists of 13 main inhabited islands, 6 small and a scattering of small rocks and ledges above the surface of the water. The Galapagos Islands were discovered in the spring of 1535 by the Spaniard Thomas de Berlanga, who became the first European to set foot on volcanic earth one of the islands. His ship accidentally veered off course, following from Panama to Peru, and stumbled upon an unfamiliar archipelago. Before the astonished eyes of the travelers stood in all its glory the primitive world inhabited by giant tortoises. By the way, this is where the name came from - galapagos (Spanish), that is, “elephant turtle”.

Historical milestones

Spanish conquistadors settled on the islands, but used them as a haven for pirates who attacked passing ships, until in 1832 "power changed." The archipelago passed into the possession of Ecuador. After 3 years, the expedition of Charles Darwin landed on it with an associate, naturalist Robert Fitzroy. Thus began the era of exploration of a unique ecosystem.

The archipelago was declared a national reserve, but during the Second World War, an American air base was located on Baltra Island, which defended the Panama Canal and monitored enemy submarines in the region. Of the famous explorers, Thor Heyerdahl also visited the Galapagos, who was looking for traces of the Inca civilization there and found the same.

History of the archipelago in dates:

  • In 1959, the International Fund for them was created in Brussels. Darwin, who in every possible way contributes to the study and preservation of a unique ecosystem;
  • in 1964 - a research station was built on the island of Santa Cruz, which has carried out and is currently doing a great job of removing "non-native" flora and fauna in order to preserve the purity of endemic species;
  • in 1973 - the government of Ecuador founded a province on the islands;
  • in 1978 - UNESCO added the archipelago to the World Heritage List;
  • in 1985 it became a biosphere reserve;
  • in 1986 - coastal waters acquired the status of a protected area. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bocean coastal waters is 70 thousand km², it is the second largest after.

Description of the islands and attractions

The first navigation chart of the archipelago was drawn up in 1684 by the pirate Ambrose Cowley. He gave the names of the islands by the names of his acquaintances filibusters and the English nobles who patronized them. You can visit 13 islands out of 19, but only three of them have infrastructure and are built up with hotels and bungalows - Santa Cruz, Isabela and San Cristobal. The majority (90%!), On the contrary, have retained their original integrity and have been given over to animals, reptiles and birds.

The archipelago is located almost on the equator, and the area is very restless: the junction of three tectonic plates regularly generates eruptions of numerous volcanoes. But the rarest representatives of the animal and flora. White, black and red virgin beaches are beautiful, birds of paradise sing in the relic forests, dolphins, fur seals, turtles and even penguins frolic in the clear turquoise water of the lagoons. It's always summer in the Galapagos.

Isabela is the largest island

An area of ​​4640 m², named after Queen Isabella, who sponsored the expeditions of Christopher Columbus. The island is shaped like a seahorse and is riddled with six volcanoes that make up its surface. The highest is Wolf (1707 m), last eruption recorded in 1982. Its crater contains quite big lake with the islands. Isabela's other volcano, Sierra Negra, is also remarkable; its crater is the second largest in the world (10 km). The third in the ranking, Chico, erupted powerfully in 2005, and today its surroundings resemble a lunar landscape - tunnels, rivers and lava growths. The island has a salt lake Balthazar, it was chosen by flocks of red flamingos, and there is locality- Puerto Villamil.

Isabela Island is interesting for its history, and its main attraction is the Wailing Wall. In the post-war years, a correctional colony functioned on it. For educational purposes, prisoners were obliged to cut blocks from volcanic rock and carry them far from the place of extraction to where they erected a high wall. Hard labor under the scorching sun literally mowed down the ranks of the poor fellows, few survived in such conditions. In memory of them, a rather ridiculous wall 100 meters long and 8 meters high remained. In subsequent years, the prison building was razed to the ground, and the wall remained as a reminder of the atrocities of the overseers.

At the western tip of Isabela there is a bay and a beach, interesting with black sand. Coastal waters are literally teeming with inhabitants; turtles and sea lions are happy to keep divers company. Galapagos penguins, cormorants, iguanas, pelicans, gannets also live on the island. The slopes of volcanoes are inhabited by finches that can use tools - cactus needles, buzzards, land turtles, Flamingo And Galapagos Pigeon. But the most remarkable thing here is a scattering of small charming lagoons, where birds of paradise sing, and coastal waters are furrowed by hammerhead fish, ray fish, as well as sharks and killer whales.

Santa Cruz is the most populated

Another name is Indefatigable. This is the largest island in the form of an almost even circle (square 985 km²), the center of the Galapagos civilization with the port city of Puerto Ayora, in which 12 thousand people live. There are many entertainments prepared for tourists on Santa Cruz:

  • the beautiful beach of Torguga Bay;
  • diving and acquaintance with marine life;
  • boat trips between the islands and on a glass bottom boat;
  • flying on an airplane or paragliding;
  • watching giant tortoises.

On Santa Cruz is, as mentioned above, the research center. Charles Darwin, awarded the International Space Prize in 2002. The best naturalists, scientists, biologists, as well as students and volunteers work here. And in the bay called "Black Turtle", in the thickets of the mangrove forest, the ancient giants are engaged in procreation. Finches live among the thorns of the prickly pear cactus - the main attraction of the local flora.

Fernandina - the dormant volcano

This westernmost island is essentially a periodically waking up volcano called La Cumbre (642 km²). The last two eruptions were in 2005 and 2009, the second turned out to be unusually powerful: red-hot lava and ash shot into the sky to a 7-kilometer height. The name of the island came from King Ferdinand II of Aragon, who was also the patron of Columbus. In the center of the island there is a caldera (hollow) with a diameter of 6.5 km, formed as a result of the collapse of the crater. At its bottom, a lake periodically appears, and then disappears without a trace. Tourists are not allowed in the vicinity of the caldera because of the danger of collapses.

Actually, there is almost nothing to see on it, except for the mangroves on the coast, protruding into the ocean, and the largest population of marine iguanas in the town of Punta Espinosa. The rest of the landscape is a gray, hardened lava mass. Urbina Bay has a coral reef with rich underwater life, while Elizabeth Bay is home to penguins. They share it with pelicans who hide their fish in caves.

Baltra - iguana island

During the Second World War, there was an air force base of the US Army, and now there is an international airport connecting the archipelago with the mainland. Flights are operated daily by TAME. The island is home to iguanas. For the sake of the experiment, in the 1930s, biologists moved 70 individuals to the nearby island of Simor Norte, but the iguanas that remained on Baltra died unexpectedly during the war. In the postwar years at the Center. Darwin restored the population and new generations repopulated Baltra.

Bartolome - Pirate's Hideout

A tiny but charming island (only 1.2 km²) is shaped like a horseshoe. From the highest point to the west stretched a section of lava that holds a source of fresh water, which is almost non-existent in the entire archipelago. Filibusters lived in the Pirates' Cave and robbed passing ships. There is a stunning Pinnacle Rock, from the top of which offers wonderful views of the coffee-colored beach. Penguins, sea lions and turtles live at its base. killer whales swim on underwater tunnel connecting the sea and two bays.

Interesting sights of other islands can be seen in the table:

Island What to love and do
Santa Maria Admire the Devil's Crown. These are the edges of the crater of the volcano sticking out of the water, resembling the teeth of the crown. See the ancient barrels found in Post Office Bay, they played the role of mailboxes in ancient times.
Swim with reef sharks in Shark Bay (Punto Cormoran)
Hispaniola Admire the most numerous colony of wavy albatrosses, which can only be seen on the rocks of Hispaniola and nowhere else in the world. Interact with colorful iguanas at Cape Suarez. Bask on white sand Gardner Bay, which resembles soft and fine flour, and see sea lions up close
San Cristobal Walk around the capital of the Puerto Baquerizo Moreno archipelago. There is also a second airport here. Watch frigatebirds from Fregatber Hill, and watch beautiful boobies from Pitt's Point. Visit almost the only freshwater lake in the El Junco archipelago and take pictures of its inhabitants. On the way to the abandoned sugar factory, see 6 zones of Galapagos flora - from desert vegetation to pampas
Sana Fe Walk among the huge pear cacti up to 10 meters high. See unique goats that, in the absence of fresh water, have evolved and drink salt water
Santiago (San Salvador) In James Bay, see fur seals, as well as lions, iguanas, reef sharks and Galapagos black and yellow corals
Rabida Lie down on the dark red sand of the beach. Its color is due to its high iron oxide content and volcanic origin. Wander among unique bakout trees
Genovesa See vast colonies of various birds
Plaza Enjoy the richness of flora and fauna

Threat to Galapagos Species

However, no matter how isolated the archipelago is for alien representatives of flora and fauna, the Galapagos have one enemy - man. It was he who violated the purity of endemics and endangered many of the rarest species, and some of them completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Newly arriving "conquerors" in previous centuries released domestic animals to the islands, which rampaged on protected lands. Cats ruined egg layings, pigs dug the soil, damaging the root system of plants, and goats finished them off from above, eating leaves. Defenseless animals and plants turned out to be defenseless against barbarism. But in the last century, scientists sounded the alarm and carried out a massive cleansing of nature from strangers.

Animal world Galapagos

The seclusion of the Galapagos Islands has influenced the diversity and purity of species that have been preserved here, including the work of scientists. Many inhabitants are found only in the archipelago: about 60 species of birds, many fish and marine life.

"The land of fearless animals" - so it is appropriate to call the Galapagos. On any island, everywhere you can stumble upon a colored iguana sleeping on a stone, or flirting frigatebirds, or swimming penguins, as well as sluggish turtles. Animals are friendly and trusting, because they have no enemies, because there are no predators. The world of the archipelago is amazing, where those who, it would seem, do not belong here at all - penguins and seals live.

Humbaldt penguins

In order for the Galapagos penguins to survive in an unusual climate - too warm and dry, they evolved: local ones are very small in size, only 50 cm tall. The plumage is less dense than that of the Arctic counterparts, and there is less subcutaneous fat. To reduce body temperature, the Galapagos penguin can breathe frequently with its mouth open, just like a dog.

They lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and during the day, in the very heat, sit out in the water. Mostly penguins have chosen western islands, there, due to cold currents, the temperature in the sea is lower, and they breed on Isabela and Fernandina.

Swimming among the penguins in the Galapagos:

Land elephant turtles

Galapagos tortoises are so ancient that they are jokingly called the same age as the universe. These are the largest turtles on the planet, the weight of other individuals reaches six centners, and the length is up to two meters. Giants are long-lived, most trample the earth for more than a century, but there have been cases when caught turtles lived for at least 170 years.

These vertebrate giants inhabit 7 islands of the archipelago, and on islands with different climates they appearance differs. So, in those places where there is higher humidity on the hills, the shell of turtles is dome-shaped, the neck is short, and the animal itself is large. On flat islands with a dry climate, the shell has taken the form of a saddle, the neck is long, and the size of the turtle is smaller. This example makes clear Darwin's theory of the evolution of species.

According to Darwin, the evolution of all living things is based on three basic facts: more offspring are born than can survive; representatives of different species have different traits to adapt to the conditions offered; these traits are heritable. Thus, competition within species is formed and only the strongest can survive, passing on strong genes to offspring. This is how the principle of natural selection works.

Elephant tortoises almost died out in the 20th century because they were massively exterminated for their meat and shell. Of the 250 thousand of these reptiles, only 3,000 remained in the 70s. But scientists were closely engaged in the resurrection of the population and developed a program for growing relic armored ones on special farms. The bred individuals are then released to freedom. In the XXI century, the number of Galapagos tortoises is 19 thousand, and this species is designated as vulnerable.

marine iguana

A unique animal that lives only on these islands. The only marine lizard on the planet that, due to a lack of terrestrial food, has evolved and now feeds on algae. Iguanas crawl into the water in those places where it has warmed up enough, and plunge mainly in shallow water. It is amazing that they can hold their breath for an hour, at which time the oxygen stored before diving enters only the vital organs. Coming out of the water, the lizard hurries to warm up in the sun as soon as possible, clinging to hot stones, otherwise it may die from hypothermia. Its powerful claws form a strong grip even with smooth stone.

land iguana

A beautiful creature shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. It feeds on juicy prickly pear fruits and fruits. An iguana can sit under a cactus for hours and wait for the fruit to fall off. Eats it along with thorns. The reptile pulls out needles stuck in its mouth with its paw or by rotating its tongue, and with its paw it can also remove thorns from its body. Not all iguanas are iguanas, and many gray land iguanas can be found on the islands. These are hybrids - the offspring of marine and terrestrial iguanas. Aquatic representatives of the species often attack land females and mate with them. Well, it has been established whether hybrids are capable of procreation.

This is an amazing bird. During the mating season, males inflate a huge bright red bag hanging from the larynx to attract females. The name is derived from the tendency to accompany ships - frigates - in the hope of a treat. Birds cannot land on water, because once wet they cannot fly, so they always hover over the sea. Before starting to attract a female, the male builds a cozy nest.

blue-footed boobies

Pretty beautiful and unusual bird large sizes- females reach a height of 80 cm. Its appearance justifies the name, since the legs with swimming membranes are blue. The brightness of the color is crucial when a female chooses a male for mating. Gannet laying is done every 8 months, 2-3 eggs each. Parents take turns sitting on the nest for 40 days, and the hatched chicks remain in it for more than three months.

Gannets feed on sea fish, they are excellent divers - the bird dives into the water from a height and goes vertically down to a depth of up to 25 m. It is interesting that the process of capturing fish occurs only on the way back to the surface, when surfacing. Gannets are prone to courage, the bird is not afraid of anyone, even a person, and fiercely protects the nest. The gannet is not endemic to the Galapagos, the islands are just the preferences of these birds, and you can see them in Mexico, in the Gulf of California, and on the islands.

Gabby courting a girlfriend:

Darwin's finches

At first glance, an ordinary little bird. But its importance in evolution is invaluable. On the example of finches, the great scientist derived his theory of natural selection. In short: the subspecies Darwin's finch is endemic to the Galapagos, millions of years ago, its ancestors were brought to the archipelago by a fair wind. Initially, one species of finches lived on all the islands, but under the influence of the external environment, it was forced to evolve. Different islands have their own climate and vegetation, so birds everywhere differ in the shape of their beak. In some it is thick and wide, in others it is narrow and sharp, that is, the beaks have changed in the conditions of different food production.

In 1858, Darwin's monumental work On the Origin of Species was published, which the church anathematized. From the point of view of religion, the Creator created the world, respectively, he also created 13 different finches for 13 Galapagos Islands.

The Galapagos Islands are home to many other representatives of the animal world:

  • the green sea turtle is a beautiful reptile famous for always returning to its birthplace thousands of miles away to lay its eggs;
  • sea ​​lions and seals - both species belong to the genus of eared seals;
  • Galapagos cormorant is a land bird that has lost the ability to fly. It feeds on fish no further than 100 m from the shore, and enters the water, rotating with its whole body, as if drilling into it;
  • buzzard - a falcon about 55 cm long, is the only predator of the archipelago. It feeds on lizards and small iguanas;
  • white (mask) booby - has a clear rim around the beak and black edging of the wings. It always lays two eggs, but only one chick survives, the strongest, and the weaker ones are pushed out of the nest by the parents (natural selection in action!).

The Galapagos is a unique place, and scientists are putting a lot of effort into keeping the populations in a "pure" form. The archipelago is difficult, expensive and time consuming to get to, but it's worth the effort to be able to see the incredible animals and birds up close. They lived long before humans appeared on the planet as a species.

The Galapagos Islands (Islas Galápagos) or the Colón Archipelago (Archipiélago de Colón) are located in the Pacific Ocean. They are of volcanic origin and consist of 19 islands. Their total area is 8010 km 2, and the population is about 25 thousand people. The Galapagos Islands is a province of the same name in the South American country of Ecuador, separated from the mainland by 972 kilometers of ocean.

Colon's climate is divided into dry and wet seasons. From June to November the weather is cool and windy. In other months, considered high season relatively hot and rainy. Despite the proximity to the equator, the Galapagos climate is comfortable due to the coastal cool ocean current.

Located far from civilization, the archipelago is distinguished by picturesque landscapes, an amazing variety of wildlife, and excellent conditions for recreation. warm water and excellent sandy beaches can be combined with walks around the protected islands, which are a natural zoo and a botanical garden. The Galapagos Islands are very attractive for lovers of nature, animals, birds, diving and surfing. A significant part of the fauna is endemic.

The history of the discovery of the islands

The Galapagos Islands appeared on the world map in the 16th century. The first European to enter the archipelago in 1535 was the Spanish priest and traveler Thomas de Berlanga. Heading from Panama to Peru, he and his companions lost their course. On the islands they were met by giant tortoises, which the Spaniards called galapagos ("elephant turtles").

For the next three centuries, the Colon archipelago actually served as the residence of pirates. In 1832 it was annexed by Ecuador. After 3 years, a scientific expedition led by Charles Darwin arrived on the islands. Reserved islands located far from civilization with rich fauna were great place for research by the future author of the theory of the origin of species.

Since 1936, the archipelago has received the status of a national park of Ecuador. In 1978, Colon was included in the UNESCO list, and in 1985 it became a biosphere reserve of world importance.

List of all Galapagos Islands

The most famous islands, arranged in descending order of area:

Isabella Island

On Isabela Island (named after the Queen of Castile) is the highest Wolf volcano on Colon - 1707 m. The diameter of the crater of another volcano, Sierra Negra, is the second largest in the world. After the 2005 eruption of Volcan Chico, the lava that spilled out gave the local landscape an ethereal look. Not far from Alcedo volcano is Urbina Bay with black sandy beach. Isabela also has its own Wailing Wall (El muro de las Lagrimas). In the middle of the XX century. it was built in very difficult conditions by the prisoners of the correctional colony located here.

There are practically no hiking trails on this island. Only 2,500 inhabitants live in a small settlement of the island, mainly engaged in fishing. Tourism here is based only on visiting yachts of dignitaries and cozy picturesque corners of the island. These include a reef near which white sharks live and a turtle breeding center.

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz Island is the most populated and developed in terms of tourism. Here is the main Galapagos port of Puerto Ayora. On the way to it, the craters Los Gemelos (“Twins”) are located on both sides. Between them you can see unusual vegetation and rare species of birds. Flora is represented by giant prickly pear cactus and mangroves.

Near the port is the Tortuga Bay beach, the giant tortoise center and the national park. On the territory of the island, tourists can go diving, swimming, birdwatching from a yacht. The island can also be explored on horseback or bicycle. For lovers of unexpected leisure activities, kayaking is provided.

You can stay in hotels. Moreover, the pricing policy here is varied, ranging from the cheapest economy class rooms to expensive presidential suites. From the port of Ayora, you can rent a boat and start traveling around the rest of the islands of the archipelago.

Darwin's largest research center is located on Santa Cruz Island. His work is aimed at preserving the nature of the Galapagos. The center employs not only eminent scientists, but also students, teachers, in general, all those who are not indifferent to environmental situation on the islands and in the world. Now one of the most important issues regarding the importation of pets into the archipelago is being resolved here.

San Salvador Island

On the island of San Salvador there is another famous beach- Puerto Egas. It was formed from volcanic tuff. It is believed that black sand has healing properties in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. San Salvador has the only permanent source of fresh water on Colon - a lake in the crater of the El Junco volcano.

Fernandina Island

The most active volcano of Colon, La Cumbre, is located on Fernandina Island. It "shoots" every few years. In Urbina Bay there is one of the rare coral reefs in the archipelago.

San Cristobal Island

The island of San Cristóbal represents the whole diversity of the Galapagos flora - from the desert to the pampas (subtropical steppes). Here is the capital of the archipelago - the city of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. It is the second most populated point of the Galapagos Islands. Here you need to visit the Museum of Interpretation, created in alliance with the Spaniards. It will tell you about the islands, their magmatic origin and natural features. Near the center there is also a small park with sea lions.

Santa Maria Island

Santa María is named after one of the Colombian caravels. Its original name is La Gallega ("Galician"). Like other ships of Columbus, she was named after the sailors who liked port prostitutes on their way to America. Columbus took great pains to persuade the captain of La Gallega to change the name. The sea belief was justified: the new name brought misfortune to the ship. Santa Maria ran aground.

Hispaniola Island

The southern volcanic island of the Galapagos is uninhabited.

Bartolome Island

Bartolome Island (Santiago) On one of the black shores of the island, you can watch iguanas, herons, seagulls and other animals. After many walks, the best way to relax is swimming with dolphins and penguins. And having risen to the highest point of the island, you will discover picturesque view to the surrounding landscape.

Animal world of the islands

The research center established on Santa Cruz, together with the International Darwin Foundation, leads great job conservation unique fauna and flora of the Galapagos Islands. Their main goal is to protect indigenous animals and plants from those brought from other places, first by pirates and Spaniards, and then by South Americans.

Seemingly harmless cattle devastate the local habitat, and cute kitties are very fond of Darwin's finches and local birds. Pigs constantly digging the earth destroy nests of turtles, iguanas, and unique vegetation. Black rats are enemies of small turtles. On the islands of Isabela, San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz and Floreana, the indigenous flora has practically disappeared, giving way to avocados, citrus fruits, blackberries, guava.

Galapagos or elephant tortoise

Among the local fauna, the elephant tortoises are the most famous, which gave the islands their name. They reach a length of 1.8 m and weigh up to 400 kg. Their life expectancy is more than a century, and in captivity - even 170 years. Turtles look like this respectable age. They feed on local shrubs and herbs, some of which are poisonous to other animals.

Turtles living on Kolon differ in the size and shape of the shell, as well as relative dimensions depending on the sex. On the large wet islands, the reptiles are larger and their shells are domed. And in turtles living on small arid islands, the shell is saddle-shaped. Males are twice (up to 54 kg) larger than females.

Before the appearance of people on the archipelago, a dozen and a half subspecies lived here with a total number of 250 thousand. By 1970, their population had declined to a life-threatening figure of 3,000. This led to the human invasion of natural places habitat, distribution of pigs, goats and rats. The ability of turtles to go for months without food or drink gave rise to the barbaric use of them by sailors as "live canned food."

By the end of the XX century. people got hooked. To reverse the negative trend, several thousand captive-bred cubs were released to the islands. Now the number of elephant tortoises has reached 20 thousand, mainly settled on the island of Isabela, especially in the vicinity of the Alcedo volcano, and in the mountainous part of Isla Santa Cruz. However, the species continues to be classified as vulnerable.

Other representatives of the fauna

The second symbol of the archipelago is iguana sea lizards, which are found everywhere. The number of individuals reaches 300 thousand. They spend almost all the time in the water, and, crawling out to bask in the sun, they begin to ... blow their noses. So they eliminate excess sea salt. The world's largest colony of marine iguanas can be observed on the Punta Espinoza peninsula on Fernandina. Terrestrial yellow iguanas resembling miniature dinosaurs can be seen in Isabela Island's Urbina Bay.

Galapagos penguins gravitate towards the relatively colder islands of Isabela and Fernandina. Flightless (due to undeveloped wings) cormorants nest here, jumping between rocks. Lake Lago Balthazar on Isabela is interesting because many red flamingos live on its shores. The unique Galapagos albatrosses can be observed on the island of Española.

The best place to watch large birds - magnificent frigatebirds - Fragata Bird Hill on the island of San Cristóbal. And at Cape Cabo Pitt, all 3 species of gannets living on Colon nest.

Most fur seals live on the island of San Salvador. There are many other animals and birds here - chameleons, marine iguanas, sea lions, dolphins, doves, buzzards.

Diving enthusiasts will have even more encounters with animals on Colon. Many experienced divers call these islands the best place to observe the beauties of the underwater world. Here you can observe more than 300 species of beautiful colorful fish. Most fur seals - in the grotto on the island of San Salvador. Popular with divers are the Corona del Diablo (“Devil's Crown”) cliffs near the island of Santa María. Here you can swim close to sharks and rays, however, given the frequent undercurrents here.

Holiday prices in the Galapagos Islands

Citizens of Russia do not need a visa to visit (for up to 90 days) Colon.

How to get to the Galapagos Islands?You can only fly here. There are no direct flights from Russia to Ecuador. First you need to get to one of the European capitals or the USA (Miami), and then fly to Guayaquil. The cost of the selected air ticket sales the average is 65000 RUR.

IN local airport tourists are charged a fee - 10 USD. From there, AeroGal, LAN and Tame operate flights to Colon. The estimated cost of a flight lasting about two hours is 200 USD - 250 USD.

Landing is made at one of two airports - Aeropuerto de San Cristobal or Aeropuerto Seymour, located on the islands of the same name. A one-time resort fee of USD 100 is required upon arrival.

A common way to visit is by cruise, always starting from Santa Cruz Island. The cost strongly depends on the class of the room on the ship, as well as the number of days - 4.5 or 8. The price range is from 600 USD to 5000 USD.

When traveling independently around the islands, you can use boats plying between the islands of Santa Cruz, Isabela and San Cristobal. They leave twice a day. Ticket price - 25 USD - 30 USD. From the same points one-day excursions between them and to other islands are organized. The widest selection of offers is on Santa Cruz. Here is the most high prices- up to 180 USD.

The hotel service is relatively developed in Santa Cruz, especially in the city of Puerto Ayora. Offers range from modest single rooms for $15 per night to suites for $130. A wealthy company can even rent a mansion with a swimming pool and its own marina for 350 USD.

The territory of the Colon archipelago is a protected national park. Independent travel on the islands are not welcome. As a rule, tourists are accompanied by a guide who leads them along the paved paths and observation platforms.