Pirates of the Galapagos Islands story. Safety. What to watch out for. And here is a penguin posing against the backdrop of Pinnacle Rock

Basic moments

sleeping iguana Galapagos Islands - a paradise archipelago in the Pacific Ocean

The total area of ​​the islands is 8010 km², the population of the Colon archipelago (this is the second name of the Galapagos) is a little more than 25 thousand people. The fame of the region was brought, first of all, by the richness of the local biosphere landscape. Nature itself took care to turn the territory of the Galapagos Islands, located far from civilization, into a real oasis comparable to paradise on Earth. Despite the proximity of the equator, there is no sweltering heat here, and all thanks to the surrounding cold current. The average annual temperature in the Galapagos varies between 23-24 degrees, although it can be hotter. One can only dream of such conditions in which it is easy and comfortable to relax!

And the possibilities for recreation in the Galapagos Islands are very diverse. In the morning and in the afternoon, tourists prefer to sunbathe under the gentle rays of the local sun. With the onset of the evening, there is an influx of them in cafes, restaurants and other places of entertainment. The rest of the time, guests of the Galapagos get acquainted with natural attractions, of which there are a lot: these are bays, beautiful bays, majestic rocks, capes, formidable volcanoes and, of course, rich flora and fauna. animal world. The latter is especially impressive: for a few days or even a couple of weeks, depending on the length of the vacation, each tourist unwittingly becomes a botanist, a zoologist, and an ornithologist. Travelers study the local nature and animals with interest, observe their growth and development in their natural environment.

A fur seal swims through a school of fish off Santa Cruz Island

An excursion into the history of the archipelago

Map of the Galapagos Islands

If not for the tectonic activity on the Pacific floor, which took place about 8 million years ago, then no islands, most likely, would not have arisen here. Nevertheless, they were formed, and after some time they were inhabited by ancient people. However, direct evidence of this has not been preserved, scientists judge this only by indirect data.

The first European to set foot on their blessed land was a priest of Spanish origin, Thomas de Berlanga. This happened in March 1535, and quite by accident. He went by sea from Panama to Peru, but accidentally deviated from the course and “wandered” into this seemingly godforsaken archipelago. The involuntary discoverer and his companions saw giant tortoises here, the name of which in Spanish in the plural sounded like “galapagos” (translated as “elephant turtles”). So the discovered islands got a name, and they were listed on the then map of the world.

Image of giant Galapagos or elephant tortoises (galapagos) Charles Darwin - English naturalist and traveler, founder of evolutionary doctrine

The Spaniards successfully colonized the Galapagos Islands, but for a long time they did not consider them suitable for full-fledged living. For almost the entire period of foreign domination, pirates took refuge here, making attacks on ships sailing nearby. On February 12, 1832, the archipelago changed sovereign: it was annexed by Ecuador. Three years later, an expedition landed here, which included the future author of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin. Together with Robert Fitzroy and other young naturalists, he explored the islands in depth.

In 1936, the government declared the Galapagos a national park and took them under its protection. During the Second World War, Baltra Island hosted an American air force base, which patrolled the ocean to detect enemy submarines and carried out protection panama canal. After 1945, the United States transferred the property to the Ecuadorian government, which set up its own military base there.

Port of Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island, 1945 Thor Heyerdahl - Norwegian archaeologist, traveler and writer

In 1953, the famous archaeologist and writer Thor Heyerdahl arrived in the Galapagos Islands, searching for the legacy of the Incas, and a decade later, traces of the activities of this Indian people were nevertheless discovered. On February 18, 1973, the leadership of the republic announced the creation of a province of the same name in the Galapagos Islands with its capital in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, while Puerto Ayora is the most populous city in the region. In 1978, UNESCO added the Colon Archipelago to the World Heritage List, and in 1985 it was declared a World Biosphere Reserve. In 1986, the water area surrounding the islands was given the status of a marine protected area. Its area is 70 thousand square meters. km, and in this indicator it is second only to the Australian Great Barrier Reef.

The Galapagos National Park was founded in 1959.

The Ecuadorian state pays great attention to the preservation of the natural attractions of the Galapagos Islands. The area of ​​the created national park covers 97.5% of the territory. Founded in 1959 in Brussels (Belgium), the International Darwin Foundation, for its part, also guarantees the preservation of the unique Galapagos system and strongly supports the scientific research conducted here. For this purpose, in 1964, a special research station was established on one of the islands - Santa Cruz. First of all, the researchers began to fight for the "purity" of the local flora and fauna. They did a great job of removing the so-called "non-native" (imported) animals and plants from here, while at the same time strengthening the protection of indigenous species.

Panorama of the Galapagos

Fauna of the Galapagos Islands

Getting acquainted with the fauna of the Galapagos Islands, one involuntarily wonders how so many species of animals, and the most diverse ones, could gather in one place. Of course, it is impossible to present everyone in one article, so we will talk about the most famous, which have become real favorites of tourists.

If you make a kind of rating of the most popular of them, the first lines in it will be occupied by the already mentioned giant elephant tortoise, which gave the archipelago its name, the Galapagos penguin, the blue-footed booby, the magnificent frigate, the Galapagos flightless cormorant, earthen or Darwin finches, fur seal, Galapagos sea lion . The named animals belonging to endemic species are found on the islands at almost every turn. Without exaggeration, they are unique, because nowhere else on Earth can you see them.

Dolphins off Isabella Island Penguins in the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos penguins, in which the genes of their Antarctic counterparts clearly speak, behave interestingly, as they are constantly looking for cooler places. These are the islands in the western part of the Galapagos, where the water temperature is somewhat lower due to the predominance of cold ocean currents. However, penguins have adapted well and can be found here in different places, but for some reason they breed only on the islands of Fernandina and Isabella and on no others. The named territories, moreover, are the only ones where flightless cormorants nest. They are called so for a reason: due to the weak development of the wings, these birds are not able to fly, but, without losing their balance, they jump well from rock to rock.

Galapagos albatross Nazi booby

Galapagos albatrosses have also chosen a nesting place for themselves, namely the island of Hispaniola: this rarest species can only be observed here and nowhere else in the world. If your vacation falls between April and December, and you visit this part of the archipelago, you can watch exotic birds live. Ground finches, on the contrary, are very common, but they are rightfully called the most legendary. Charles Darwin, when working in the Galapagos Islands, carefully examined representatives of all types of these small birds, suggesting that they have a common ancestor. To such a discovery, very important at that time, the father of evolutionary theory was prompted by the different shape of their beak. The scientist came to the conclusion that such differences were formed as a result of the struggle for survival.

A pair of birds - large frigates

The elephant turtles living here are so ancient that they are often called the same age as the universe. The sizes of these reptiles are huge, reaching a length of one and a half meters. A good-natured toothless grin and a funny head with wrinkled skin hiding in a shell every now and then give the impression of a very old age - as if these animals had moved here from the prehistoric era. Evidence has been preserved that a very long time ago another 15 subspecies were found on the Galapagos Islands, which differed in many respects from each other: both in size, and in the shape of the shell, and in the distribution area. Accident or not, four of them died out almost simultaneously with the arrival of the first people on the archipelago. If earlier the total number of giant tortoises was 250 thousand individuals, today there are about 15 thousand of them left. These animals are long-lived, living on average up to a hundred years. It can be assumed that many of them "met" Darwin himself. Want to see them up close? Then you need to Isabella Island (Albemarle), where they basically settled. Or, as an option, you can visit the surroundings of the Alcedo volcano and the highlands of Santa Cruz Island.

marine iguana monitor lizard

Another symbol of the Colon archipelago is marine iguanas. To see them, you do not need to go to any specific islands. These lizards are found almost everywhere in the local water area. It is estimated that there are about 300 thousand individuals. They spend the lion's share of the time in the water, then go ashore and bask in the sun with pleasure. Their favorite pastime is... blowing their nose. Not like people, of course, but they have no other way than through the nostrils to remove excess sea salt from the body, so do not be surprised at the white foam on their faces.

Diving enthusiasts in the Galapagos Islands are guaranteed their unforgettable encounters and experiences. Diving with or without scuba gear is a great way to get to know fur seals, which are also found almost everywhere in the local waters. There are places in the Galapagos where you can't avoid getting to know them. In this regard, the seal grotto on the island of Santiago is especially noteworthy, where you can get quite close to these amazing creatures.

In addition to iguanas, green turtles and unique colorful fish can also compete with you in scuba diving (more than 300 species live in the local waters of the latter). Encounters with reef, darktip reef and gray Galapagos sharks, and even, if you are very lucky, the mysterious whale sharks, are especially amazing.

It is no less interesting to observe the daily behavior of the inhabitants of the local fauna. Want to see how green sea turtles lay their eggs? Come in January. Do you want to swim with penguins? Welcome to Bartolome Island, but not earlier than May and not later than September. Dreaming of seeing adorable newborn sea lion cubs? Don't miss August. Well, in December you can look at the cubs of the giant Galapagos tortoises: they hatch from eggs just during this period.

Video: The underwater world of the Galapagos Islands

Environmental Safety

Rookery of fur seals on about. Hispaniola, Galapagos Islands

The Government of Ecuador and international environmental organizations traditionally urge tourists to take care of the unique biological resources of the Galapagos Islands. Under special protection are such animals as the elephant tortoise, green turtle, holothurians, sea lion, Galapagos conolophos, as well as birds: Galapagos cormorant, tree finch, Galapagos buzzard. However, environmental threats do exist, and they are mostly associated with historical circumstances.

Pink flamingos in the Galapagos

So, animals and plants are unsafe, accidentally or deliberately brought to the archipelago at different times. This is especially true for cattle. Reproducing rapidly, it oppresses the local fauna, literally devastating its habitat. There are very few “own” predators on the Galapagos Islands, so local animals are often defenseless against “aliens” and often become their victims. For example, cats love to hunt finches. Of the plants, avocados, guava, blackberries, cinchona, fragrant dope, pyramidal ocher, castor beans, elephant grass and various types of citrus fruits pose a threat. Having spread widely, these plants literally “pushed out” representatives of the local flora, in particular, on the islands of Isabella, San Cristobal, Floreana and Santa Cruz.

Sea turning into the sky Sea lion surrounded by crabs

“Emigrants” among local animals appeared, for example, with the light hand of pirates: Thor Heyerdahl found evidence of this. In one of the old documents published by him, it is said that the viceroy of Peru, having learned that sea robbers eat goats here, ordered to set the last evil dogs on them. One of the fathers of Ecuador's independence and the founder of his fleet, José de Villamil, personally gave the order to raise goats, donkeys and other domestic animals in the Galapagos, so that the future colonizers of the islands would have something to eat. The appearance of poultry here and its rapid reproduction has created a new headache for scientists, who rightly believe that their diseases can be transmitted to wild relatives with the risk of entire epidemics.

Rocks about. Isabel

The Galapagos archipelago is also inhabited by pigs and horses, cats and dogs, mice and rats, donkeys, cockroaches, ants. Domestic predators often destroy the nests of wild birds and attack them themselves, catch iguanas and turtles. The nests of the latter are often destroyed by pigs, which, moreover, constantly dig the ground in search of roots and insects, causing enormous damage to the unique vegetation. It is the pigs that are believed to have ousted the iguanas from the island of Santiago, and in fact, relatively recently, in the time of Darwin, they still lived there. Black rats have also become a real scourge of the Galapagos Islands. They attack small turtles as soon as they leave their nests, and as a result, for example, on the island of Pinzon, these reptiles have ceased to breed. Rodents also exterminated their local counterparts - endemic rats.

Galapagos penguins

The priceless riches of the waters of the Colon archipelago are threatened by illegal fishing. Of particular concern to Ecuadorian and international organizations causes fishing for native sharks and unauthorized harvesting of sea cucumbers. A significant increase in the local population, coupled with the development of the tourism industry, has also become a cause for concern. The eyes of the world community on the problems of the Galapagos Islands were also attracted by the accident of the Jessica tanker, which caused a wide resonance, as a result of which a significant amount of oil spilled into the territorial waters.

Islands and attractions

One of the Los Gemelos craters on about. Santa Cruz

The most populated of the thirteen main islands of the archipelago is Santa Cruz. He is the second largest after Isabella. Here it is main port The Galapagos is the city of Puerto Ayora. The main road leads to it, on both sides of which there are two craters, called the Twins (Los Gemelos). According to one version, they appeared as a result of several volcanic eruptions, according to another, these huge voids formed by solidified lava. And next to the village spread beautiful beach Tortuga Bay. After soaking up the sun here, you can go to get acquainted with the lava caves and unique center breeding elephant tortoises.

Kicker Rock 2 km from about. San Cristobal

Santa Cruz Island is a real find for lovers aquatic species sports. Diving, snorkelling, yachting - extreme tourists will definitely find something to their liking here. By renting a yacht, you can go to other islands of the Galapagos archipelago. Others even rent a small plane, flying to remote places and staying for a day or two, or even a week. Let's say, to the northwest, where Dragon Hill is located, which got its name from the iguanas, which were then transported to another place to save them from the dominance of dogs. Fifteen years ago, several individuals were returned here, and over the past years, the population of these animals has fully recovered, and this place itself has been made accessible to tourists.

Darwin stone arch Charles Darwin Research Center

The main attraction of Santa Cruz is considered to be the Charles Darwin Research Center, awarded in 2002 with the International Space Prize. It has an international status, and was founded with the aim of maintaining the biosphere of the archipelago, which is called the "laboratory of evolution", and its protection. Not only scientists work here, but also university professors, students and volunteers from all over the world. The center, which has branches on the islands of San Cristobal and Isabella, has developed a special program for feeding elephant tortoises and maintaining their natural habitat. These giants are kept directly on the territory of the scientific station, where their reproduction is carefully controlled. As soon as they become adults, they are released into the wild.

Wailing Wall on Isabella Island

On the island of Santiago, in its northwestern part, there is the famous black beach of Puerto Egas, which received this color of sand due to volcanic activity, namely the subsidence of tuff. In this place, sea lions, chameleons, lizards and other animals feel at ease. Connoisseurs of antiquity will surely like the ruins of the shops of salt mining companies that existed in the past. Here you can go snorkeling or walk along the rock formations and tunnels surrounding the beach.

Pinnacle rock on about. Bartolome

The Galapagos Islands also have their own Wailing Wall. It is located on Isabella Island. Briefly, the story is as follows: in 1946-1959 there was a penal colony here. Prisoners were forced to cut cheap blocks of volcanic rock, carry them a considerable distance and build a wall out of them. The work was truly hard labor, and even under the scorching sun. It is not surprising that not all those who served time here endured such torment and died. The entire scale of the work can be imagined looking at this wall: it stretches for more than 100 meters in length, and 8 meters in height. After some time, the prison was closed and razed to the ground, and they decided to leave the gigantic and sad building as evidence of the inhuman treatment of prisoners.

Pelican in the Galapagos Volcano Wolfe

On Isabella, you can also observe the highest volcano of the Galapagos Islands - Wolf, whose height is 1707 meters above sea level. The crater of another volcano, Sierra Negra, is the second largest in the world in diameter (10 km). Another local volcano, Chico, showed its formidable temper in 2005. After its eruption, lava rivers and tunnels remained. Walking through them, it is difficult to get rid of the impression that you are somewhere on the moon: it is so unlike the landscape we are used to. From the top of Chico, there are wonderful views of the northern tip of Albemarle.

A small turtle walks on the black sand in Urbina Bay

In the western part of the island, not far from the Alcedo volcano, there is Urbina Bay, which was formed in 1954 by strong tides. The beach is interesting for its black sand, as well as literally colorful vegetation. The coastline is covered with shellfish, dried corals. Diving enthusiasts are waiting for "competition" with sea lions and turtles. Fans of passive recreation will not be bored either: they will be able to view the inhabitants of the deep sea directly from the shore. It is no less exciting to watch the red Galapagos flamingos, who have chosen the salt lake Balthazar. The main thing is not to scare them, because they do not like strangers and can simply leave.

Genovesa Island

The best place on the island of Hispaniola is considered to be Cape Suarez. Here you can watch colored iguanas, imposingly, not at all afraid of people basking in the sun. And also for birds, for example, wavy albatrosses, the colony of which is considered the largest in the world. In the northeastern part is Gardner Bay, whose delightful white beaches leave no one indifferent. Sea turtles, sea lions crawl out onto the long coast and here they create entire colonies, curious mockingbirds run back and forth. In this place you can go scuba diving or snorkeling, and even race with sea lions.

Albatrosses at Cape Suarez

The most active volcano of the Galapagos is located on the island of Fernandina - La Combre, whose height is 1476 meters. It wakes up very often, once every few years, and such a frequency of eruptions leads to the collapse of the crater. One of the most powerful took place in the summer of 2005, when steam and ash "shot" over 7 kilometers high. The eruption of 2009 brought the greatest damage: the natural landscape in this part of the Galapagos Islands was on the verge of extinction, but, fortunately, the ecosystem quickly recovered.

Red sand beach on Rabida

Main attractions small island Rabida, located south of the island of San Salvador - beaches with dark red sand, which tourists love very much. Such an extraordinary color of the beaches is given by volcanic soil in combination with iron oxide contained in it. It is on Rabid that unique bakuta trees grow. There are red flamingos and pelicans on the island, and there is a large colony of sea lions on the west coast. Rabida Island is also considered the geological center of the entire Galapagos archipelago.

Floreana Island, Galapagos

If you are fond of diving, then you should definitely visit the rocks "Devil's Crown", which are located near the island of Floreana. More precisely, these are not even rocks, but a stone semicircle formed by a submerged volcano, protruding to the surface of the water. Here, as if by order, the most unusual Marine life, and everyone can feel like a real Captain Nemo. Divers also dive outside the crater, swimming alongside sharks, rays and other marine predators. However, first of all, you need to be afraid not of them, but of strong undercurrents, which are not uncommon here.

Bartolome Island, the youngest of the Galapagos Islands

National cuisine

Ceviche is a traditional Ecuadorian dish.

The most popular treat in the Galapagos Islands is ceviche. First of all, seafood lovers will like it. It is prepared like this: fish and other seafood are marinated in lime juice, after which they are seasoned with hot chili peppers. Vegetables are served as a side dish to the popular fish dish.

In the Galapagos Islands, you can order rolls directly to your room

Fans of first courses will surely like rich meat soups. What gives them piquancy is that the broths are cooked from a variety of parts of the carcasses. For one of these soups, it is called caldo de pata, they use ... veal hooves, which are pre-fried.

Pumpkin soup with popcorn

Do you have anything against guinea pigs? No, they will not keep you company during the meal, but ... they will act as the main ingredient for one of their most delicious dishes. It is prepared very simply: the guinea pig is also fried. This food is so delicious that only convinced vegetarians can refuse it. For them, the very nature of the Galapagos Islands has prepared a huge selection of exotic vegetables and fruits, the taste of which cannot be expressed in words - they must definitely be tasted. Tourists especially like the striped cucumber called pepinos. It has a very pronounced and spicy taste.

Bar in Puerto Ayora

Great addition to local culinary delights serve as a glass of excellent beer, which has been produced here for a long time and very high quality. The foamy drink in the Galapagos has many delicious snacks that you can try in local bars and restaurants. In general, the cuisine of the Galapagos Islands is based on classic Latin American recipes. Usually, when cooking, hot spices are mixed in various proportions, not to mention the use of components that, at first glance, seem incompatible, but the dishes of them are obtained - you will lick your fingers!

Note to tourists

Galapagos frigates fly over motor boats

To visit Ecuador and, accordingly, the Galapagos Islands, a visa for citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan will not be required if the period of stay does not exceed 90 days.

Mosaic depicting the Galapagos tortoise

The best conditions for tourists are created in the city of Puerto Ayora. The island of Santa Cruz as a whole can boast of many hotels. Single rooms with modest furnishings will cost $ 15, for suites you will have to pay from $ 100 to $ 130 per night. Connoisseurs of luxury holidays allow themselves to rent a whole private mansion, which has a swimming pool and even a marina. Such a pleasure per day will cost from $ 350 and more.

The brown pelican came to the Santa Cruz bar

the only tourist street Puerto Ayora stretches along the coast and bears the name of ... guess who. Well, of course, Charles Darwin. It is here that hotels, entertainment venues and souvenir shops are concentrated. Travelers are pleasantly surprised by the presence of many shops selling gold and other jewelry, and art salons. The product here is excellent, however, at exorbitant prices. Of the souvenirs, the most popular ones are T-shirts with images of representatives of the local fauna and cute caps with the inscription “Galapagos”.

Graffiti at the end of Darwin Street Hotel Casa Blanca on San Cristobal Island

When visiting the Galapagos Islands - by the way, it is paid ($ 100 in cash is paid immediately upon arrival) - you should not forget that the territory is a protected national park, and the only one in the whole country. And this means that every tourist should adhere to certain rules of conduct. Independent movement around the islands is undesirable, tourists must be accompanied by a guide. There are paved trails for moving around the area. Specially equipped platforms are used as observation points. Talking loudly, making noise or kindling fires is strictly prohibited.

Vegetables and fruits in the Galapagos are recommended to be thoroughly washed Iguana Crossing Hotel on Isabella Island

The voltage in the local power supply is only 110 volts, so take care of adapters and adapters for household electrical appliances in advance. In some hotels they can be provided upon request, but it is impossible to guess which ones in advance, so it is better to take them with you in advance. Also stock up on your own medicines, if, according to the available indications, they need to be taken regularly: most likely, it will not work to replenish your personal first-aid kit during your stay here.

Drinking tap water or cooking with it is not recommended. For these purposes, bottled water is used, which can be bought at any grocery store. Fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed before eating, so as not to get any intestinal infection.

Going on vacation to the Galapagos Islands, it would be useful to focus on the seasons of the local climate. The hottest months are from December to May. It is also considered quite humid, given the occasional tropical downpours. The hottest and wettest months are March and April. The driest and coolest season with its inherent strong winds established from June to November.

Sunset on Santa Cruz Island

How to get there

The Galapagos is an island territory, therefore, except by plane, it is cheaper to get here by no other means. Direct flights to the archipelago from mainland Ecuador are carried out only from the city of Guayaquil. Three airlines send their aircraft to the islands: AeroGal, LAN and Tame.

You will spend 1 hour 50 minutes on the plane. The cost of tickets depends on when they were purchased and whether the tourist got on a promotional special offer. On average, a round-trip flight will cost 350-450 dollars.

There are two airports operating on the Galapagos Islands: on the island of San Cristobal - San Kristobal, on Baltra - Seymour Airport.

Direct flights from Russian Federation to the Republic of Ecuador are not carried out. You will have to get either through one of the European capitals (for example, through Madrid), or through the United States if you have an American visa in your passport.

Ship sailing to the Galapagos Islands

Are you tired of the noise big city and choose a venue long-awaited vacation? Do you want to relax on the beach under the sound of the surf and get acquainted with amazing sights, but at the same time do not consider boring Turkey, Egypt and Thailand, as well as stiff Europe? We suggest visiting Ecuador, or rather, the Galapagos Islands located about 1000 km to the west of it.

Despite the fact that the Galapagos are quite far from civilization, here you are guaranteed to enjoy all the resort delights and get a lot of fresh impressions! You can come here alone or with a loved one, with children or friends - no one will be bored: neither lovers of lying on the beach, nor explorers of the ocean depths!

The Galapagos Islands is an archipelago of 19 islands in the Pacific Ocean on the equator line, formed 6,000,000 years ago after repeated underwater volcanic eruptions. The equator passes through the crater of the mighty Wolf volcano - the highest point of the Galapagos (1707 m above sea level).

The archipelago is conditionally divided into northern and southern parts. The division occurs along a deep ocean trench. Almost all the islands are located in the southern part, and in the northern part there are only a few small rocky islets (Darwin, Wolfe, etc.). Each island has its own unique nature, and the animals living here have adapted for centuries to climatic conditions and the local rugged landscape. By the way, Darwin Island is named after the famous scientist who conducted his research here and first thought about the evolutionary origin of species. Therefore, the Galapagos is also called the "laboratory of evolution."

The area of ​​the main archipelago is 7880 m2. Now about 30,000 people live on it. And for the first time, a human foot set foot on these lands only in 1535! Currently, the islands have the status of "Galapagos National Park and Ecological Reserve". by the most big city and the largest tourist center of the archipelago is Puerto Ayora, located on the island of Santa Cruz.

The unique ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands guarantees a comfortable and pleasant stay! Lady Nature herself opens the door to a wonderful world for brave travelers with bewitching landscapes, white, black and olive sandy coasts, cactus forests and other sights of natural origin.

Weather and climate

Despite the fact that the Galapagos are located on the equator, the climate here is not tropical, but mild and gentle. The weather in this region is largely influenced by cold ocean currents and winds. There are no seasons familiar to us, but two seasons are pronounced: from December to April - the rainy season, from July to October - the dry season.

The hottest periods are December-June, the coolest are July-November. The average annual temperature is about +24 °C. In March and April, the air warms up to +28 °C, and in September - only +21 °C, but by our standards it is quite warm. The water temperature never drops below +21 °C. Thus, you can relax in the Galapagos throughout the year! Acclimatization period for European tourists goes by quickly and almost imperceptibly.

Wildlife of the Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands amaze travelers with an abundance of unprecedented living creatures! Majestic frigates are circling in the sky, boobies are sitting on the coastal rocks, proudly showing their amazing bright blue paws, hundreds of pelicans and penguins are splashing in the sea.

And in the depths under water there is a life of its own - cruel, but at the same time beautiful. Schools of all kinds of fish dart about in a solid mass, but from time to time the idyll is interrupted by bursts, clanging of closed jaws and the contented rumbling of a predator that has dealt with its prey. Sea lions can also be found in local waters. They are happy to meet tourists and even play with them!

In addition, the rarest Galapagos terrestrial iguanas, elephant and green turtles, holothurians, birds of the finches family, buzzards, cormorants are found here ... All representatives of the local fauna simply cannot be counted! Can you imagine what beautiful and unique photos you will bring back from this trip?! Some animals living in the Galapagos Islands are threatened with extinction. But the guards are successfully fighting the visiting poachers national park.

Galapagos Islands tours

For tourist trip The Galapagos Islands do not require a visa. It is more convenient to book tours with well-known tour operators. On average, a trip to the Galapagos will cost you $ 4,000 (for 1 person). Throughout the route, you will be accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide who will try to create the most comfortable conditions during the trip and tell you a lot of interesting things about these amazing islands.

To get to the Galapagos Islands, you first need to fly by plane to the capital of Ecuador, Kyoto. From there, take an Aerolineas Galapagos flight to Guayaquil (1.5 hours), and only then to the Galapagos (another 1.5 hours).

The local cuisine is very tasty, but at first it is better to limit yourself to the usual rice, eggs, vegetables, seafood and corn tortillas. Once adapted, gourmets can try roasted guinea pig, suckling pig or beef hooves in a South American olive oil and white pepper sauce. But we do not recommend trying the traditional local dish - fried green bananas: this is fraught with indigestion!

You must be vaccinated against malaria and yellow fever before traveling to the Galapagos Islands. And we should not forget that in the equatorial countries, as in many others, you can not drink running water!

Tourist routes

In order to view the Galapagos, travelers take a cruise around the islands with landfalls. Tourist routes pass through the most interesting places of the Galapagos archipelago: the remote northern island of Genovesa, rich in fantastic fauna, the most picturesque island of Bartolome and, of course, the Highlands of Santa Cruz Island, where the famous giant tortoises live. Surprisingly, all the wild animals of the Galapagos are absolutely not afraid of people and allow you to watch yourself from a fairly close distance.

It should be noted that you can move around the permitted places of the picturesque territory of the National Park only if accompanied by an employee of the host travel company. Entrance to the park costs about $100. All excursions are paid in cash. It is forbidden to make noise and kindle fires in the protected area, as this irritates birds and animals that have delicate hearing and a sensitive sense of smell.


Photos of Bartolome Island have spread all over the world: there are stunning volcanic landscapes here! The main attractions for tourists are swimming with sea lions and small Galapagos penguins, whose numbers have been significantly reduced by the warm El Niño current, watching manta rays and sharks swimming near the shore, climbing to the 114-meter peak of the island, which offers fantastic views of all the Galapagos islands.

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz is considered the main island of the archipelago, and its capital, Puerto Ayora, is the main city of the Galapagos Islands. In the immediate vicinity of the city are the main attractions of this island: Galapagos national park, lava caves, a turtle farm, the picturesque Tortuga Bay beach and the C. Darwin Research Center. Scientists of the institute are engaged in the preservation of the unique ecosystem of the archipelago. They consider the import of animals from other regions to the Galapagos Islands as the main problem: cats, dogs, goats, insects.

The city has both cheap hotels and expensive hotels. There are many entertainments for tourists: snorkeling, diving, yachting, kayaking, bird watching, cycling and horseback riding, etc. You can travel from Puerto Ayora to other islands of the archipelago on a rented yacht or light aircraft.

San Cristobal

The second largest settlement of the Galapagos is the port of Baquerizo Moreno on the island of San Cristobal. Its main attraction is the Interpretation Center, which was built with the help of the Spanish government. By visiting the Center, you can learn about the volcanic origin and development natural features islands.

If you want to have fun, visit the Main Park of the village, located near the small beach, and watch the sea lions. These amazing animals are very friendly to people!

isabela island

The main settlement of this island is the fishing village of Puerto Villamil. Tourists almost never visit Isabela, except sometimes they sail by on yachts. But in vain! There are no less attractions than on other islands of the Galapagos archipelago:

The path along the reef is the habitat of white sharks;

Bay of Conha and Perla - wonderful place for snorkeling;

Impressive volcanoes Chico and Sierra Negra (its crater has a diameter of 11 m!);

A farm where giant tortoises are bred;

The lake where they live pink flamingos;

"wall of tears", stones for which were collected and carried by the prisoners of the colony, previously located on this island.


The main attraction of the island of Santiago is Puerto Egas beach with black sand of volcanic origin. This beach is home to iguanas, sea lions, crabs, blue herons, gulls and other shore birds. It's nice to just walk or swim and dive under the water in a mask.

We invite you to take a trip to unique world Galapagos Islands. We wish you to have a good time, learn a lot of interesting things and get incredible impressions!

See you on the pages of the site!

Located in the Pacific Ocean western coasts Ecuador, which is located in the northwest of South America. The archipelago includes several dozen small islands of volcanic origin.

The Galapagos Islands are the No. 1 site on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Galapagos is the only place in the world where 98% of the representatives of the animal and plant worlds endemic.

The name Galapagos islands got because of their shape, reminiscent of water turtles living here.

The Galapagos is made up of 13 major volcanic islands, 6 small islands and 107 rocks and alluvial areas. It is believed that the first island was formed 5-10 million years ago as a result of tectonic activity. The youngest islands - Isabela and Fernandina - are still at the stage of formation, the last volcanic eruption was observed in 2005.

The archipelago covers an area of ​​​​only 8010 square meters. km, and only a little over 25,000 people live there. The archipelago is part of Ecuador. This small archipelago is considered a wonder of the world because on these islands isolated from the mainland, animals of the prehistoric era managed to survive: the elephant tortoise, the marine iguana, the only marine lizard on earth, the Galapagos fur seals, the Galapagos penguin, a number of species of birds and other animals.

Many animals now living on the islands have gone their own way of development. These islands are a kind of paradise for a number of animals, including turtles. There are many endemic species on the islands, both among animals and among plants on land and in the coastal part of the ocean. That is why this archipelago is a wonder of the world.

North Seymour Island

North Seymour Island is a very small island in the archipelago. This island is a favorite nesting place for seabirds frigatebirds, gannets and gulls. Sea lions, iguanas and fur seals live.

On the rocky coast there are small beaches where Galapagos penguins live. Penguins sometimes gather in flocks and arrange massive jumps into the water. This spectacle attracts many tourists. The island has the largest nesting site for frigatebirds.

yellow land iguanas

Galapagos penguins


The male frigate bird inflates an air bag to attract the attention of the female. The larger the bag, the more likely it is to be noticed and for the female to fly into his nest.

Interestingly, the period of incubation of chicks in frigates lasts about a year! In the absence of predators, such a long period of incubation is necessary for the natural regulation of the population.

blue-footed booby

The name gannet itself comes from the Spanish bobo (meaning "stupid" or "clown"), due to the fact that blue-footed boobies, like other seabirds, are clumsy on land. However, blue-footed boobies are strong and agile fliers in the air, and can dive into the water from great heights in search of food.

Blue-footed boobies are large and rather comical-looking seabirds, instantly recognizable by their bright blue webbed feet.

During courtship, the male blue-footed booby dances and flaunts his blue paws in front of his partner, trying to impress. During the dance, he spreads his wings, raises his tail and stamps his feet on the ground. To consolidate the effect, he raises branches from the ground for the future nest. Most birds are monogamous, but bigamous unions are also found.

Isabella Island

Isabella is the largest island of the archipelago, and the third largest in terms of population - about 3,000 people live on it.

The main advantage of the island is a long beautiful beach lined with small hotels. On all other islands, hotels are removed from the coastline.

The atmosphere on the island is amazingly sincere. locals friendly and sociable.

There is only one asphalt road on the island, and many residents go barefoot. The island is completely safe, no one fastens bicycles, does not close houses, you can safely leave things on the shore and go swimming, for example.

The island was created to just sit on the sand and look into the distance, to lie in a hammock, to drink blackberry juice and do nothing.

The most numerous inhabitants of the island are marine iguanas. It is the only iguana species in the world that can swim.

Every morning, thousands of reptiles slowly crawl out of the water onto land and disperse all over the island.

You can stumble upon them everywhere - on the beach, in the port, in restaurants, in coastal hotels. They sit in the sun and bask.

Juveniles and females, when a person approaches, as a rule, immediately run away, and large males do not react at all to the presence of people, if you do not step on their tail. Iguanas communicate with each other - nodding and shaking their heads. For all their monstrous appearance, iguanas are completely harmless and feed exclusively on algae.

Sunsets on Isabella Island are insanely beautiful - because of the Sierra Negra volcano, the slopes of which gather clouds around them every evening.

Giant Galapagos tortoises (elephant tortoises), which gave the name to the archipelago, can be seen on all inhabited islands.

They no longer live in the wild, because domestic animals introduced by man have wiped out all the turtles by eating their eggs.

Therefore, now the symbol of the Galapagos can only be viewed in special breeding centers for these amphibians.

marine iguanas

Giant Galapagos tortoises (Elephant tortoises)

Hispaniola Island

The island is also known as Hood. The island was named Hispaniola in honor of Spain. The area of ​​the island is 60 km², maximum height 206 m above sea level. This is the oldest island of the archipelago, its age is estimated at 3.5 million years. It is also the most south island. The remoteness of the island from the rest of the group contributes to a large number of endemics on the island and adaptability to the natural resources of the island. Iguanas in Hispaniola appear only during the mating season.

The Galapagos albatross (Phoebastria irrorata), a rare bird species, lives here. The island's steep cliffs are perfect for taking off for these large birds that feed off the coast of Ecuador and Peru.

There are two sites for visitors in Hispaniola. Gardner Bay has a nice beach and a place for swimming and snorkeling. In the Punta Suarez area, you can observe wildlife with a large variety of local fauna.

sea ​​lions

Galapagos albatross

Floreana or Santa Maria Island

The island got its name in honor of the first President of Ecuador, Juan José Flores, during whose reign the Galapagos Islands came under the jurisdiction of Ecuador. The island is also called Santa Maria, after one of the caravels of Christopher Columbus. The area of ​​the island is 173 km², the highest point is 640 m above sea level. This island was one of the first to be inhabited and has quite rich story. From December to May, flamingos and green sea turtles nest on the island. The Hawaiian typhoon (Pterodroma phaeopygia), a sea bird, also nests here. most spending her life away from the shore. The Devil's Crown area has an underwater volcanic cone and coral formations.

Santa Maria is the southernmost island with a warmer and drier climate. Everyone comes here for a beautiful white sand beach.


Green sea turtles

Hawaiian Typhoon

Santa Cruz Island or Indefatigable

It is the most populated island in the archipelago. Its area is 986 km², the highest point is 864 m. The name of the island in Spanish means "Holy Cross". On the island is the largest settlement of the archipelago, the city of Puerto Ayora. It is also home to the National Park Office and the Charles Darwin Research Station. The station has a breeding center for turtles before their subsequent release into the wild. The island's peaks are richly vegetated and host the famous lava tunnels. The island also has a large population of turtles. Sea turtles, rays and small sharks often mate in Black Turtle Bay, surrounded by mangroves. The island has a flamingo lagoon called Cerro Dragon.

Santa Cruz is a real find for lovers of water sports. Diving, snorkeling, yachting - here every water sports enthusiast will find something to their liking.

lava tunnel

Rabida or Jervis Island

Named after the monastery where Christopher Columbus left his son before his journey to the shores of America. The area of ​​the island is 4.9 km² and it is considered the geological center of the archipelago. Famous for its sandy red beaches.

The island is located at an altitude of 367 meters above sea level. Its other name is Jervis, but the Ecuadorians call the island Rabida. Characteristic - red sandy beaches which are very popular with tourists. An unusual color is given by the combination of volcanic soil with iron oxides contained in it in large quantities.

Bakuta trees grow on the island of Rabida. The barnacle pintail lives in a small salt water lagoon near the shore. Brown pelicans nest in the lagoons. If you visit the west coast, you can observe a large colony of sea lions.

Until recently, flamingos lived there, but due to lack of food they were transferred to other islands. There are nine species of finches on the island.

brown pelicans

Galapagos finches

During a trip around the world, Charles Darwin described 13 species of finches living in the Galapagos Islands. It was the observation of these birds that prompted Darwin to the idea of ​​the origin of species due to variability and natural selection. It is clear that only one species of finches originally lived here, which was then modified in a dozen different ways. No other mainland and no other continental island has such a sharp predominance of finches in the avifauna.

All Galapagos finches are descended from a common ancestor that accidentally came here from South America.

white-cheeked pintail

Surprising as it sounds, there are no indigenous people on the Galapagos Islands. Mostly Ecuadorian mestizos live here - the descendants of Spanish colonists and South American Indians, who arrived here from the mainland in the second half of the last century.

And even earlier, English pirates felt good here in between robberies - the islands remained uninhabited for a long time after the discovery: they were located too far from the continent (the distance between the archipelago and Ecuador is as much as one hundred kilometers). An important role was also played by the fact that the Galapagos Islands have almost no sources of fresh water.

And even now the population is small and does not exceed 30 thousand people who live only on five islands: Baltra, Isabella, San Cristobal and Santa Cruz, which is only 3.3% of the total territory of the archipelago, while the islands are inhabited only partly - in the center or on the coast, near the marinas.

The Galapagos Islands are made up of thirteen major islands, six - small and one hundred and seven rocks and alluvial territories ( total area Galapagos is about 8 thousand km²). The archipelago is located in the Pacific Ocean, and is a province of the state of Ecuador (located 972 km to the west from it). If you carefully look at the Galapagos Islands on the map (they are located from 1° 40′ N to 1° 36′ S, and from 89° 16′ to 92° 01′ W), you can notice that in their shape they resemble a pentagon.

The Galapagos Islands were discovered at the beginning of the 16th century, when the ship of the Panamanian bishop Thomas de Berlanga accidentally deviated from the course. Recently, scientists have found that South American Indians have been here much earlier, because they found the remains of dishes and other traces of human activity.

Galapagos and volcanic activity

Like almost all archipelagos formed at great distances from the continent, the Galapagos Islands are of volcanic origin, since they were formed in the region of a transverse fault that cuts through the East Pacific Rise.

Volcanoes first appeared along this crack (from west to east), and after some time, about 5-10 million years ago, a volcanic plateau formed in one of the sections, and on it the Galapagos Islands, which have a complex configuration, winding , rocky shores, and under water - a huge number of coral reefs.

Some local volcanoes are still active. For example, the most active of them, the Sierra Negra, located on the island of Fernandina, has erupted more than twenty times since 1813.

Since people do not live here, its eruptions are dangerous only for flora and fauna. Another active volcano, Wolf, which is located on Isabella Island, erupts less frequently and is the highest point in the archipelago: its height is 1707 m.

Climate of Galapagos

The climate of the archipelago is primarily influenced by ocean currents and winds. Despite the fact that the Galapagos Islands are located near the equator, due to the cold Peruvian Current washing the archipelago, the climate here is much cooler than in other areas of these latitudes: the average annual temperature is about 24 ° C (the hottest months are from December to June). Here, as in other equatorial regions, there are two seasons: rainy (December to April) and dry (July to October).

The vital activity of the archipelago

Such a significant distance from civilization could not but have a positive effect on the wildlife of the archipelago - it is so unique and interesting that it is not found anywhere else in the world.

That is why in the 80s of the last century the water area around the islands was declared a "marine conservation area" (it should be noted that in size it is second only to the Great barrier reef, located off the coast of Australia), and UNESCO declared the Biosphere Reserve a national park, which is located on an area of ​​​​almost 700 hectares.

And not in vain, because about sixty species of birds live on the Galapagos Islands, half of which are endemic, not only a huge number of a wide variety of fish species live in the ocean depths, but there are also many sea lions, seals, eels, rays, dolphins, huge flocks ( about 300 individuals) hammerhead sharks swim.

Despite its proximity to the equator, here you can see representatives of not only the tropical, but also the Antarctic wildlife - moss grows near the lianas, parrots fly over the heads of the Galapagos penguins, and dolphins swim next to the seals. Some animals have long been symbols of the Galapagos Islands.

penguins from the equator

Galapagos penguins are the only penguin species in the world that is quite comfortable around the equator. These birds live mainly on the islands of Isabella and Fernandina, and nest in caves and lava voids.

Since the Galapagos Islands have a very hot and dry climate for penguins, these amazing birds have had to adapt in order to survive. First of all it showed up:

  • In their size, the Galapagos penguins are considered the smallest penguins in the world: an adult bird is 50 cm tall and weighs about 2.5 kg;
  • In terms of numbers - no more than 2 thousand individuals live here (and their population decreases every year), and therefore these birds are considered the smallest species of the family and are even listed in the Red Book;
  • On the way of life - during the day, when the air temperature reaches its maximum, the Galapagos penguins sit in the water (they avoid it only during the molt that occurs before the start of the breeding season), and come ashore at night when it gets cooler.

elephant turtles

In the territory unique reserve the Galapagos tortoise lives - the largest tortoise on Earth, which is rightfully considered one of the longest-lived vertebrate animals in the world: in the wild, Galapagos tortoises can live for more than a hundred years, and in captivity they live even longer.

For example, the oldest known turtle in the world, Henrietta, from the Australian Zoo, recently turned 175 years old (although the exact date of birth of this reptile is unknown, its approximate age has been determined using DNA tests). At the moment, the Galapagos Islands have twelve of the fifteen subspecies of these reptiles:

  1. Smaller ones, whose weight ranges from 30 kg in females to 50 kg in males, have long and thin legs, a long neck and a saddle-shaped shell, which allows them to penetrate into the vegetation in case of danger and hide in it. They prefer to live on small islands, where lowlands and a drier climate prevail;
  2. Larger ones, weighing from 200 to 400 kg (the difference between males and females is not as significant as in small species), have a short neck, a dome-shaped shell, the length of which is from 120 to 180 cm. They prefer to live on large islands, in high-mountain regions with a humid climate.

In previous centuries, the population of these animals has decreased significantly. The main reason is, of course, people, since the Galapagos tortoise is able to live for several months without food and water, sailors took them with them as “live canned food”. If in the 16th century their population numbered 250 thousand individuals, then in 1970 - only 3 thousand.

Recently, thanks to captive-bred babies, the number of this species of turtles has slightly increased and, according to rough estimates, is about 19 thousand copies.

The Pacific Galapagos Islands, which belong to the Republic of Ecuador, are also called the Turtle Islands, because in Spanish "turtles" are "galapagos". It is not surprising that this particular animal has become a symbol of the archipelago, because it is inhabited by a large number of giant sea turtles. But, of course, turtles are not the only pride of the islands. There are many plants and animals that can not be found anywhere else, such as the marine iguana, endemic species of seals or the Galapagos fur seal.

So rich natural heritage cannot be left unprotected, because most of the rare animals today are close to extinction. The Galapagos National Park includes almost all the islands of the archipelago. The islands are diverse: some of them are covered with dense tropical vegetation, while others have a desert “lunar” landscape.

The Galapagos Islands are amazing and lovers wildlife they visit these places with pleasure to observe rare creatures and enjoy wonderful views.

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz is the second largest island in the Galapagos archipelago. The largest city of the Puerto Ayora archipelago is located on it, here you can find all the benefits of civilization. But the main attractions of the island, of course, are natural objects, of which there are many on the island, because almost its entire area is occupied by the Galapagos National Park.

There is an amazing place on Santa Cruz: Tortuga Bay, located near Puerto Ayora, which is a long white sand beach, which is characterized by fairly strong waves. It is here that surfers can practice their favorite sport, and swimmers can relax in peace at the end of the beach strip, where there are no surfers anymore. Here you can explore the mangroves, watch mockingbirds, pelicans, marine iguanas or swim with sharks.

In the south-west of the island is Las Ninfas Bay, with calm waters, surrounded by cliffs in tropical greenery, the nearby Bellavista Tunnel is known for being home to sea turtles, various fish species, rays and sharks. In general, there are many places worthy of a detailed description on Santa Cruz Island, but it is better to see them with your own eyes.

Fernandina Island

Fernandina Island of the Galapagos archipelago is located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and was named after the king of Spain, who supported the great discoverer Columbus in his expedition.

In the very center of the island there is an active volcano La Cumbre, in this regard, a trip along Fernandina poses some threat to tourists. There you can also see a depression formed as a result of the collapse of the top of the volcano, at the bottom of which shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow volcanic lake. Tourists are not allowed here, so you have to be content with walks along the coast, admiring the endless expanses of the Pacific Ocean.

Flora is not rich, the only thing that can survive in difficult natural conditions laurel cacti, of which there are a great many, and mangroves along the coast.

A pleasant surprise may be a meeting with cormorants, marine iguanas, and, of course, the famous Galapagos penguins. And on the ocean shore, sea lions bask in the rays of the hot sun, sometimes giving their loud voice, capable of blocking the bewitching sound of the surf.

Chinese hat island

The island got its name - "Chinese Hat" for a reason. It is connected with its unusual shape, which outwardly is very similar to the inverted traditional panama, customary to wear in the provinces of China. But you can see the "headdress" only if you look from the north side of the island.

Geologically, the "Chinese Hat" was formed relatively recently, as a result of the activity of numerous active volcanoes of the archipelago. It is located southeast of Santiago Island.

On the beaches of the island you can get a great tan, a lot of fun from swimming and scuba diving. From the shore of the "Chinese hat" the neighboring island is perfectly visible. Santiago, with its beautiful volcanic landscape, and Galapagos penguins frolicking in the coastal waters.

San Cristobal Island

San Cristobal is the easternmost of the Galapagos Islands. The center of the island is the city of the same name, where one of the two main airports in the region is located, so many tourists start their journey from here.

The island has all the conditions for tourism - developed infrastructure with many hotels, restaurants, shops and access to transport. There are also many attractions on the island, the main of which are various beaches and tourist centers. The island is home to various animals and birds - sea lions, elephant turtles, various types of boobies, iguanas, seagulls live here. Dolphins, sharks, rays, lobsters and others live in the waters surrounding the island. Also, tourists will be pleased with the variety of fruits that grow on the island - oranges, bananas, pineapples, lemons and other plants.

Isabella Island

Isabella Island. was named after the Queen of Spain. This is the most big Island Galapagos Islands. The island was discovered by Christopher Columbus.

The area of ​​the island is about 4640 square kilometers, the length is 100 kilometers, and its shape resembles the figure of a sea horse. At the moment, there are five young active volcanoes on the island, of which two are located on the Equator.

The island is very rich in its flora and fauna. This is an amazingly beautiful place! Marine iguanas, penguins, crabs, pelicans, Galapagos tortoises, boobies and other inhabitants live here. From the island you can watch the Galapagos whales, of which there are 16 species.

The local population of the island is only about 2200 people. This area is the most important reserve in the country, because it is here that more than 60 percent of the species of flora and fauna are concentrated.

Bartolome Island

Bartolome Island is small island of volcanic origin, with an area of ​​only 1.2 square kilometers. Despite the small size of the island, here you can see some of the most beautiful scenery in the region. Also, visitors can see various animals and relax on the beautiful beaches.

The island consists of two parts, on one of which tourists can climb Pinnacle Peak, which is the most famous and popular place on the island and from the top to view the scenery of the island. On the other side of the island, tourists can go scuba diving next to sea lions, penguins and other underwater creatures. You can also watch rare green turtles that nest on the island.

Plaza Sur Island

Plaza Sur is part of the Galapagos Islands and belongs to Ecuador. It is even named after the former President of Ecuador - Leonidas Plaza. In fact, this island is one of the natural reserves and is open to tourists.

Bright, unusual and really beautiful flora of the island is represented mainly by prickly pear (a type of cactus) and sesuvium (a beautiful plant with almond-shaped leaves). The most amazing thing is that during the rainy season the leaves of the sesuvium turn red and the landscape of the island becomes absolutely fantastic.

Of the fauna on the island deserve special attention land iguanas, there are many of them. It must be said that the local species differ more large size than those living elsewhere. Various birds nest on the shores of the island, such as red-billed phaetons and rare species of gulls, marine iguanas, sea lions, large turtles and sharks are found in the water.

This island is just the perfect place for scuba diving, because the underwater landscapes, against which sea ​​life are incredibly picturesque.

Genovesa Island

Genovesa Island is the most northeastern island of the Galapagos archipelago and covers an area of ​​only 14 square kilometers. There are no permanent residents or tourist structures on the island, so it is the best place to observe wildlife.

Most of the inhabitants of the island are birds, including entire colonies of gulls, phaetons. There are also different types of boobies, owls, frigatebirds and others. In addition, sea lions, fur seals and iguanas can be found on the island. Diving lessons are also available. Another attraction of the island is the road to the top of the mountain, which is called the "steps of Prince Philip".

North Seymour Island

North Seymour is one of the islands of the Galapagos archipelago, it is not at all large and is a favorite nesting place for sea birds: frigatebirds, boobies and gulls. Of course, sea lions, iguanas and fur seals, traditional for the Galapagos, live on the islands, which are not disturbed even by strong waves beating against the picturesque rocky shores.

Rocks, by the way, are often replaced by white sandy beaches filled with flocks of Galapagos penguins, huddling together and arranging massive jumps into the water in search of food. Such unusual swims annually gather crowds of tourists who film an amazing spectacle on video, but, of course, from a respectful distance so as not to interfere with the fragile natural ecosystem.

Surrounding the island is a 2 km long road that passes through what is believed to be the largest nesting site for the frigate bird. By the way, local birds are practically not afraid of people. However, tourists there go exclusively along special paths accompanied by guides, but sometimes the birds themselves go to these paths and stop at arm's length.

Hispaniola Island

Hispaniola is also known as Hood. Hispaniola was named after Spain. The area of ​​the island is about 60 square kilometers, and the maximum height is 206 meters above sea level.

The age of the island is estimated at 3 and a half million years. This is the most ancient and southernmost island of the entire archipelago. From a geographical point of view, it represents the most classic example of a shield volcano, which was formed by a single caldera in the center of the island. Over time, the island moved away from the hot spot, then the volcano died out, and erosion began.

The remoteness of the island from the main group of islands has contributed to the development of a large number of endemic inhabitants that are adapted exclusively to local natural resources.

The Galapagos albatross, a rare bird species, lives here. The steep and forbidding cliffs of the island are great for taking off these large birds. The hooded mockingbird, a bronze fearless bird, is also endemic to the island.

In addition, guests of the island can meet brightly colored marine iguanas, gulls, lizards, boobies and finches here. And large spacious bays attract a large number of sea lions.

Tintoreras Island

The island of Tintoreras is located near the city of Puerto Villamil and is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Turquoise crystal clear waters and beaches surrounded by mangrove forests are home to various animals, fish and amphibians.

White sharks, marine iguanas, crabs, blue boobies, penguins, reef sharks, sea turtles and sea lions can be seen on the way to and from the island. The island is also one of the few places in the world where marine iguanas successfully reproduce. You can see how they bask on the shore, spit out the salt that got along with the algae and play. The island is a great place to get up close with rare animals and take interesting pictures.

Santa Fe Island

Santa Fe Island is located in the middle of the Galapagos archipelago, has an area of ​​24 square kilometers. Tourists are attracted by one of the most beautiful bays on the islands and the diversity of flora and fauna.

The bay of the island is its main attraction, it is protected from winds and storms and attracts with its clear turquoise waters. Also, tourists can see various animals living on the island and in its waters - sea lions, turtles, rays, iguanas and many others. Walks away from the coastline will also be interesting, where there will be an opportunity to look at various types of cacti and other exotic plants.

Floreana Island

Floreana is an island in the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The island is also known as Santa Maria or Charles Island. It is the sixth largest island in the Galapagos Archipelago. Its area is about 173 square kilometers.