What country are the Canaries in? Taxi. What features exist. Islands of the province of Las Palmas

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Weather in the Canary Islands

Due to the prevailing winds (trade winds) and warm sea ​​current the climate is very mild. It should be remembered, however, that the air temperature can drop significantly in just 10 minutes.

O. Tenerife

+24 in July, +25 in August, +25 in September, +24 in October, +22 in November, +19 in December

The average air temperature for O. Gran Canaria

+23 in July, +24 in August, +24 in September, +25 in October, +25 in November, +19 in December

Canary Islands hotels 1 - 5 stars

The Canary Islands (Islas Canarias in Spanish) are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Together with the islands of Madeira and Azores to the north and the Cape Verde Islands to the south, they form what is commonly referred to as "Macronesia".

The archipelago consists of seven major inhabited islands and a few small ones. In the center is the most large island- Tenerife. To the west are Gomera, Hierro and Palma. Gran Canaria is located to the east of Tenerife. It is the third largest island in the archipelago. Further east are Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

Canary Islands volcanic origin.

Gran Canaria (island)

Gran Canaria ( Gran Canaria) is the third largest, after Tenerife and Fuerteventura, with an area of ​​1532 km2. The combination of a rounded shape and the location of the high peak Pico de Las Nieves (Pico de Las Nieves) 2000m high in its geographic center, give the island its outline huge mountain, resembling in its shape a cone with many extinct craters and deep ravines descending from the summit to the ocean. The central mountain range, running from northwest to southeast, divides the island into a dry and sunny south and a humid north. In one day you can go from the hot desert coast to the temperate valleys in the center of the island, cross the subtropical forests and conquer the peaks, which sometimes snow. A huge number of plants imported from Europe, Africa and America grow on the island: pine forests in Tamadaba and lime groves of Los Tilos, El Monte vineyards and coffee plantations in Agaete, palm trees and almonds grow here, there are plantations of bananas, tomatoes and sugar cane. The countless variety of landscapes and microclimates, thanks to which Gran Canaria has earned the name "continent in miniature", are among the main attractions of the island.

Most of the beaches are concentrated in the southern part of the island, where the climate is more sunny and dry. The largest dune beach Maspalomas (Maspalomas) stretches for 6 km and covers an area of ​​400 hectares. It is a national park and therefore car traffic is prohibited there: you can travel on it on foot or on camels.

On the northeastern tip of the island is its capital, Las Palmas. Every four years it also becomes the capital of all the Canary Islands - the provincial government alternately sits either in it or in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital of the island of Tenerife. On east coast between Las Palmas and the beaches of Playa del Ingles and Maspalomas, 25 km from the capital is located international Airport Gando.

Lanzarote (island)

Lanzarote is called the island of fire-breathing mountains - on small island about sixty kilometers long and fifteen kilometers wide, there are about three hundred volcanoes! In the autumn of 1730, lava and red-hot ash began to erupt simultaneously from thirty craters. The eruption lasted six years and as a result, a third of the island became covered with lifeless basalt and ash. The next eruption took place in the 19th century. In the center of the island grew a ridge of volcanic cones resembling lunar mountains. Lava comes very close to the surface and at a depth of several meters the temperature reaches several hundred degrees.

The main attraction of Lanzarote is the Cueva de los Verdes cave. It is located in the north of the island under the lava fields of the Korona volcano. This is the largest lava cave in the world - it stretches for 6 kilometers, some of its halls reach 24 meters wide and 15 meters high. The cave was formed when a river of molten basalt from the side crater of Corona continued to flow under a cooled and hardened layer of lava down into the sea. So it turned out a natural tunnel with bizarre shapes of walls and vaults. In one of the halls of the cave is created concert hall.

The biggest tourist centre Lanzarote - the town of Puerto del Carmen (Puerto del Carmen). It has many hotels, restaurants, nightclubs. Next to it, in the village of Costa Teguise, there are more luxurious hotels and entertainment centers.

In other parts of the island there are also places worth visiting: the beaches of Papagayo (Papagayo) in the south, the cliffs and beach of Famara (Famara) in the west, the Cactus Garden, the massif of La Corona with the mysterious volcanic pipes of Jameos del Agua (Los Jameos del Agua ) and Cueva de los Verdes. With great observation deck Del Rio in the north of the island, you can observe the neighboring Chinijo archipelago (Chinijo), consisting of the deserted islets of La Graciosa, Montaña Clara and Alegranza; the first of them can be reached by sea from Lanzarote.

On south coast in the bay of Papagayo are the best beaches of the island with white sand and crystal clear waters. Due to their inaccessibility, these beaches have retained their original beauty to this day. Of the interesting places on the island, it is also necessary to note the coastal zone of Los Hervideros, where lava fancifully merges with the sea; and the stunning green crater of El Golfo.

Tenerife (island)

Tenerife is the largest, most famous and most visible island of the Canary archipelago. It is the top of the Teide volcano located on it that is seen from ships approaching the Canary Islands. The highest point of Mount El Pico del Teide is located at an altitude of 3718 meters above sea level and is highest point not only the Canaries, but all of Spain. The island of Tenerife is actually a huge mountain rising from the sea and the top of which is the Teide cone.

The first eruption of Mount Teide known to Europeans occurred in 1492, the year Columbus visited the Canary Islands. Then there were eruptions in 1706 and 1909. Sometime after an explosion of enormous force, a crater with a diameter of about 29 km was formed. From the crack from which the magma came out, three new volcanoes formed. Now Teide is a huge volcanic cone in the center of a huge basin. The entire territory of the crater is a national park, the most visited in Spain.

Mountain ranges descending from the crater to the sea cut Tenerife into amazing valleys. Among them, La Oratava is especially noted, before the beauty of which, according to legend, the German naturalist Humboldt and Gumar knelt. The coast of the island is steep in places, with cliffs and rocks - for example, the cliffs of Los Gigantes break into the sea from a height of 600 m. The rest of the coast is covered wonderful beaches with soft and clean sand. On some beaches the sand is golden, on others it is volcanic black.

Mount Teide does not allow southern half islands cool winds carrying clouds. Therefore, the climate of the southern part of the island is drier and hotter, while in the northern part it is milder and cooler. But anywhere on the island, it is magnificent and allows you to enjoy both relaxing on the beaches and nature excursions.

Thanks to the amazing climate on the island of Tenerife, there is a familiar habitat for so many plants. In addition, since the Canary Islands were a transit point for trade routes to America and Africa, many plants from these parts of the world were brought to the island. On the island there are cacti, eucalyptus trees, and many different ornamental flowers, shrubs and trees.

The island has preserved the legendary dragon tree and Canarian laurel, which have become extinct in other areas of the Mediterranean. The dragon tree is the symbol of the archipelago. Although it grows very slowly, it reaches a height of 20 m. Even the ancient inhabitants of the Canary Islands, the Guanches, were aware of the healing properties of the resin of this tree, which is called "dragon's blood", because. in the air it becomes bright red.

Another amazing tree grows in the mountains - the Canarian pine. It is capable of fixing its roots even on bare volcanic rock and is easily restored after fires. The wood of the Canarian pine is very durable and fireproof, so it is a valuable building and ornamental material. Carved souvenirs from Canarian pine are sold in many tourist centers.

The capital of the island is the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Every four years it also becomes the capital of all the Canary Islands - the provincial government alternately sits either in it or in Las Palmas in Gran Canaria. About 220 thousand inhabitants live in the city.

There are 2 airports on the island - Tenerife Norte Airport, 9 km from Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Reina Sofia International Airport in the south, 60 km from the capital of the island.

Fuerteventura (island)

Fuerteventura has the longest and best beaches in the Canary Islands. Most his coastline(340 km) form white sand beaches, the width of which sometimes exceeds 1 km.

In Fuerteventura, the mountains are not high and they cannot hold ocean clouds, as happens on other islands of the Canary archipelago. Therefore, the climate of the island is dry, and the landscape is desert, reminiscent of Africa. Due to the lack of water, agriculture practically did not develop on the island, and even now the population density in Fuerteventura is the lowest among the islands of the archipelago.

The best beaches of the island - Jandia (Jandia) in the south and Corralejo (Corralejo) in the north - can be recognized as one of the best in the world. Some beaches are still deserted and practically untouched by civilization. The sea near the island is also special, shallow due to the peculiarity of the shelf, with the purest water turquoise color. A very rich and diverse underwater world attracts lovers of diving and spearfishing. But the most important sport in Fuerteventura is windsurfing. Jandia Beach has hosted the World Championships several times. In the strait that separates the Canary Islands from Africa, you can catch sardines, tuna, and swordfish, which attracts many fishing enthusiasts here.

The capital of the island is the city of Puerto del Rosario (Puerto del Rosario), located in the central part of the island. From small village Morro Jable on south coast you can go by boat to the island of Gran Canaria. From the north coast, you can make an excursion to the uninhabited volcanic island of Lobos or Lanzarote.

Tourism in this autonomy of Spain has long been the basis of the country's economy, although not everyone is able to even find the Canary Islands on the world map. This small archipelago is located near Africa.

Tourists come here in droves to enjoy the natural and cultural attractions, but the main reason why travelers come here is the ocean, where you can try diving, surfing, and sea fishing. Before traveling to this country, you need to carefully study the geography of the islands, choose the best one.

There are seven main islands in total - these are Grand Canaria, Lanzarote, El Hierro, La Gomera, La Palma and Fuerteventura. The area of ​​​​the entire territory is only 7447 square kilometers, and the population is just over two million people.

In contact with

Where are they located on the world map

First of all, you need to find out what canary archipelago- it is part of Spain, but the territory itself is located in Atlantic Ocean, near northwest Africa.

The Canaries consist of seven separate islands, tourism is developed on each of them. Mostly the largest of them - Tenerife and Grand Canaria - are popular, but other territories of "eternal spring" have long been opened for true travelers.


Let's start exploring the Canary Islands from Tenerife. Not the most on the world map large territory Canary, but one of the most important. It is in Tenerife that many tourists come in search of unforgettable landscapes and amazing beaches.

The main attractions are: the city of San Cristobal de la Laguna, Loro Park, Masca Gorge and others. Tourist season lasts from April to October, although the weather allows you to enjoy the beauties all year round.

Surfers have long chosen this place, because you can ride the waves here at any time. At the same time, you can find beaches for beginners, and it will not be difficult for more experienced people to catch big waves off the coast.

Grand Canaria

Tourists come here to relax on the cleanest beaches, of which there are plenty. In addition, in the cities you can find buildings that are already five centuries old. This will be a godsend for all history buffs.

From natural beauties You should definitely visit Nublo National Park. It is interesting that Tenerife and Grand Caaria are constantly changing the status of the capital, although until 1927 the capital was only in Tenerife, now the status of the main city moves every four years. The population of all cities is more than 850 thousand people.


The most eastern big Island ok canary. Here you can find space landscapes and the most beautiful beaches in the world. You should definitely visit this place, because only there National parks where you can see volcanoes, caves and wild beaches.

All the main attractions are located on the outskirts, so it is better to explore Lanzarote by car, although its area is not large.


Surfers around the world are in a hurry to conquer the waves near these shores. Fuerteventura is constantly blown by winds from the Atlantic, catching up high waves. But all connoisseurs of natural beauty also come here.

It is important to have time to visit the main attractions, such as Oasis Park, where you can see the zoo, the botanical garden, which contains thousands of species of animals and plants. In addition, pay attention to entertainment, visit water parks, surfer clubs and more. The area is more than 1600 square kilometers, and the main attractions are scattered throughout the territory, so it is best to explore the beauty by car.

La Palma

Small but beautiful island archipelago. Worth a visit here beautiful places for swimming. In addition to the classic beaches with many tourists, here you can find unusual black sandy beaches where there are no crowds.

It is necessary to look at the architecture of the capital of La Palma - Santa Cruz de La Palma. You can get to La Palma by ferry from neighboring lands.

La Gomera

The administrative division of the Canary Islands is described in detail on Wikipedia. On the world map, the island of La Gomera can be found at the coordinates: n.l. 28.1189216, east -17.2236087.

The island is quiet and calm, there are not many tourists, true connoisseurs of beauty remain here. You can look at La Gomera from its highest point - at 1488 meters. Of the sights, it is important to see the Garajonay National Park, which is considered almost the most beautiful on the islands. The area of ​​La Gomera is small, so you can even move around by taxi, and you can see the entire territory in a day.

El Hierro

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis place is only 300 square kilometers, but here you can find such beauty that you will not find anywhere else. The temperature on the island is +20-27 all year round, which is why you can relax here in any month.

Beaches need to be carefully chosen - there are quiet and quiet places, or you can find a beach near the rocks, where there will be high waves. El Hierro is almost the westernmost lands of the Canary archipelago.

Map in Russian

The easiest way to get from Russia to the Canary Islands is by direct flight Moscow-Tenerife, and from there domestic flights easy access to neighboring islands. Another easy way to get to all the neighboring islands is to take a ferry, communication within the Canaries is well developed. In some areas, you can afford to travel by taxi, given that the cost here is fixed, so taxi drivers will not be able to deceive you.

Before traveling, carefully study the map of the Canary Islands in Russian. Moreover, experienced travelers have long compiled a special map of attractions in Russian, with which you can make an excellent travel plan. Keep in mind that all the beauties are located on different islands, which you have to get to in any convenient way.


The sights of the Canary Islands can be explored for several weeks. But remember that these islands are not for budget tourists The prices here are quite high. But you need to see this beauty at least once in your life. Here everyone will find something to their liking.

Pyramids of Guimar

Quiet, family people can relax on the territory of numerous hotels, enjoying clean beaches and clear ocean. Adventure seekers are required to climb the volcano, stand on a surfboard or walk along the black sand beaches.

You need to stay in the Canary Islands for at least a week, during which time you can explore several of the main islands. But to study all seven beautiful islands need to stay here more than 7 days.

Monastery of Senobio de Valeron

It is useful not only to find Grand Canaria or Tenerife on the world map, but also to find out what you can see there, what excursions to visit.

Columbus House Museum

Don't overlook these sights:

  1. Pyramids of Guimar;
  2. Monastery of Senobio de Valeron;
  3. Columbus House Museum;
  4. Dunes of Maspalomas;
  5. Rock of Roque Nublo;
  6. national park Teide;
  7. Aboriginal World Park;
  8. Botanical Garden Viera e Clavijo is one of the largest in all of Spain, its area is almost 30 hectares, and it was opened in 1959.

Now you know where to look for the Canaries on the world map. The Canary lands are worthy of the attention of all adventure lovers. Of course, you can find beaches in Turkey and Greece, but the Canaries are amazing place, where there is a magical atmosphere.

Aboriginal World Park

Besides, where else can you find volcanoes, rocks, stormy ocean waves. There are not many tourists in some resorts and on some islands, so you will be able to be alone with nature. It doesn't matter which island you choose for your vacation - each of them has a great corner created especially for you.

For more information about the Canary Islands, see the following interesting video:

Last July was 2 weeks in Fuerteventura. Fairy Island - the cleanest beaches for every taste: gently sloping with soft sand, rocky with pitfalls, deserted for many kilometers on Khantia (Kofet beach) (it is assumed that during the Second World War there was a base of German submarines (Winter's villa). The landscape is lunar with frozen lava, roads - flawless, although when moving to the other side of the island through the ridge, they are steep and dangerous (with us, a group of young animals in a jeep slid into the abyss, but, thank God, stayed on the slope).

There is practically no public transport, it is better to rent a car right at the airport. We took a convertible Jeep Wrangler - a little expensive, but did not regret it. On sand, on rocks, on water - no problem. The island is practically unaware of the existence of the Russian language, but understands English perfectly, people are very friendly. We left backpacks in an open car for the whole day without any problems. Paradise for surfers, for lovers of free recreation and photographers, but there is nothing for party-goers to do there.

Apartment for two with a kitchen cost us 35 euros per day. We cooked it ourselves, as we adhere to a dietary diet, but we could not refuse oysters and mussels in a local restaurant, and even with cream sauce. On the beaches, unscrupulous chipmunks steal cookies from packages; they are not at all afraid of people.

It's very easy to get in - Renair flies from Barcelona, ​​the airport is small, the strip runs parallel to the water. Lobos Island is nearby - uninhabited, but very attractive, though some hippies live there, apparently not too officially :) In small lagoons, the water warms up to 35 degrees, you lie like in a bath, and even a small fish gives you a pedicure (completely free !).

There are pointers to all the craters and beauties - the pictures are awesome! discarded american liner already, unfortunately, dragged away, there were only photos on the wall of a local shop. I liked the village of Betancuria, located in the crater of a volcano - until you climb up the serpentine, you don’t understand exactly where it is located. Many old buildings, very tasty ice cream in a German cafe near the center.

Separately, it is worth visiting the island of Lanzarote - a show with a geyser from active volcano- It is something! Again, one can hardly boast that every day you eat a steak fried right on the mouth of a volcano, without any tricks. Shoes are recommended with cork soles (a local product, very comfortable and wearable, I have been wearing it for a year), as underfoot in literally the earth is on fire - it's hot! The islands can be reached from the port of Morro Jable by ferry - short, comfortable and strictly on schedule, and flying silver fish will accompany you along the way! Do not be fooled by fishing and dolphins - there are practically none there, once there were seals, but they were all caught in the last century, just like the trees that were cut down ALL for sale. Fuerteventura is a paradise for naturists, especially the beaches of Chantia - there will be practically no one nearby, the most “civilized” and beautiful is Corralejo beach, but clothes optional are not forbidden there, the wind is the least there and fine sand.

But on Kofete there are always strong waves and wind. Yes, even in Lanzarote the vineyards were amazed - each vine grows right in the lava in its own recess. There is also a distillery. True, I didn’t like the wine - it’s very sweet, more like liquor, but diligence local residents impressed. The beaches are all public, and, therefore, free, many have a blue sign of "beach" quality. But even the "wild" beaches are cleaned every morning, as well as the roads. We were stunned when we saw at 4 in the morning a vacuum cleaner car cleaning a mountain serpentine :) Herds of goats roam the roads, I suspect that someone else, but they walk like wild ones, they come up, you can feed them with bread. There are no flies and other nasty insects, no snakes, even sharks and those people do not burst - they understand that the island will not be good without tourists :) There are no reefs either, so diving is not particularly interesting. There are real dunes, as in the "White Sun of the Desert" - opposite the Sahara, and from there the wind brings the purest White sand, you can ride on the dunes like from a hill, the sand does not even stick to your palms and does not leave traces of dust on your clothes. A photo in the dunes at sunset, when a huge scarlet sun goes down below the horizon - it's something! We travel a lot, we always plan ourselves, we saw a lot of things, but Fuertoventura somehow hooked us, we plan to return ...

Useful data for tourists about the Canaries, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, the currency of the Canaries, the cuisine, the features of visa and customs restrictions Canary.

Geography of the Canaries

The Canary Islands (Islas Canarias in Spanish) are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Together with Madeira and the Azores to the north and the Cape Verde Islands to the south, they form what is commonly referred to as "Macronesia".

The archipelago consists of seven large inhabited islands and several small ones. In the center is the largest island - Tenerife. To the west are Gomera, Hierro and Palma. Gran Canaria is located to the east of Tenerife. It is the third largest island in the archipelago. Further east are Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

Canary Islands of volcanic origin.



Official language: Spanish


The inhabitants of the Canary Islands profess Catholicism.


International name: EUR

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Excursions and attractions in the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwest coast of Africa. This archipelago of volcanic origin is an autonomous province of Spain. The Canary Islands are amazing picturesque resort with great natural landscapes, gorgeous beaches and a wide variety of attractions.

The largest and most popular island of the archipelago is Tenerife. Its capital (and one of the two capitals of the "Canary Islands" province) Santa Cruz de Tenerife is famous for its famous Teresitas sandy beach, which is one of the best beaches on the archipelago. The sand for this beach was specially brought from the Sahara. The symbol of the city and an important attraction of all the Canary Islands is considered a masterpiece modern architecture- Auditorio de Tenerife Concert Hall. Also important cultural attractions of Santa Cruz are the Plaza of Spain, the Museum of Nature and Man, the Masonic Temple of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the Church Immaculate Conception Blessed Virgin Mary. The city of San Cristobal de La Laguna and its Cathedral. And, of course, acquaintance with Tenerife will not be complete without a visit to the magnificent National Reserve Teide and the famous Exotic Park.

The picturesque island of Gran Canaria impresses with natural landscapes and excellent beaches. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is the capital of the island (and the second capital of the Canary Islands) and one of major ports in the Atlantic Ocean. The island is rich in various cultural and natural monuments. Among the most interesting places in Las Palmas are the Cathedral, the House of Columbus, Doramas Park, the Canario Museum, the Open Air Museum and the Modern Art Gallery. The town of Galdar is worth a visit Archaeological Museum and Cueva Pintada Park with its famous caves, Church of Santiago de los Caballeros and Saint James Square. Natural attractions such as the Gran Canaria National Park, the Jardin Canario Botanical Garden and the Tamadaba National Park are also interesting.

The island of Lanzarote is also popular among tourists. Its most interesting attraction is the Timanfaya National Park and its magnificent underground caves Cueva de los Verdos. A calling card Fuerteventura islands are beautiful sandy beaches - the best in the Canary Islands. The island is also very revered among windsurfers.

Cuisine Canaries

Hotels in the Canary Islands (Spain) are first of all a first-class service, developed infrastructure recreation and entertainment. This resort is famous for its attractions and the best hotels.

Tourism here began to develop not so long ago (in the early 90s), while advanced technologies were used. That is why all the hotels of the Canary Islands are distinguished by their special comfort, convenient approach to the sea, traditionally high level of service, as well as a relatively “fresh” number of rooms.

The choice of accommodation in the Canary Islands is very diverse, ranging from aparthotels with kitchenettes to hotels. Most of the hotels in the Canary Islands are four-star and five-star. Regardless of the level of the hotel - two-star (except the cheapest), three-star, four- or five-star - all rooms are equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV and safes.

Meals in most hotels in the Canary Islands are provided in the form of buffet with an extensive menu. At the same time, breakfast is very often included in the price of the room, and lunch and dinner are paid extra, or all food is free, and only drinks are paid.

Another feature of the Canary Islands is that almost all beaches are located on the territory of hotels and belong to municipal property, which is important for vacationers.

When choosing a place to stay, it is worth remembering that there are several types of accommodation in the Canary Islands, including: family hotel(hostal) - one of the cheapest accommodation options, which is similar to a hostel, but is mainly run by only one family, creating an atmosphere of home comfort; villa (villa) - a private house, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay; aparthotel (aparthotel) - consists of apartments, including one or more rooms, as well as a kitchen. An excellent option for an overnight stay in the Canary Islands are campsites (camping), which are three types and differ in the level of comfort, but this almost affects the cost of living.

Although not everyone knows where the Canaries are, everyone knows about this wonderful place, which for many has become synonymous with elite vacation. Many even consider them to be part of ancient Atlantis, which sank thousands of years ago.

Show on the map where the Canary Islands are located, and not even everyone who has visited them can quickly find them. But, despite this, everyone has heard about them and dream of getting there. IN last years The popularity of holidays in the Canary Islands is only growing. At the same time, millions of people can rest on the islands. The number of tourists every year exceeds the number of residents several times!

Climatic conditions

The Canary Islands are made up of seven big islands and six small ones, each of which is considered a continent in miniature. The climate of each island is unique, but they are united by the fact that all year round you can sunbathe under the warm sun and swim in the ocean. Therefore, the islands are recommended to those whose: here they will be able to relax "in summer".

origin of name

Many mistakenly believe that the islands are named after canaries. However, studies show that it was quite the opposite - it was the birds that were named after the islands. The name Canary comes from the Latin word for "dogs". That is, the islands can be called Dog Islands. Even on the coat of arms of the Canary Islands there is an image of two dogs. According to the second version, the name comes from sea ​​lions, which were previously called "sea dogs". A connection is also possible with Ancient Egypt, where one of the gods had the head of a dog (Anubis). Local population considered dogs sacred.

For those who do not know where the Canary Islands are located on the map, it will be useful to learn about their location. Although the Canaries themselves are considered a territory, there are at least a thousand kilometers to the coast of Spain. Much closer to the African continent. Therefore, before deciding to visit Tunisia or Egypt, you should think about a vacation not in the Canary Islands.

The mistake of many is that they still believe that holidays in the Canary Islands are available only to people with very high earnings or those who save several years for such a vacation. But you can relax, and not spending much. Firstly, you can stay in a hotel with a lower number of stars, and secondly, you can always bargain in such hotels.

Despite the number of stars, each hotel offers a high level of service. In general, going to the Canary Islands, you can be sure that you will definitely find a hotel that can afford it. For example, in a hotel with an average price policy, rest will cost about 50-100 euros per day. It is important to note that this cost may even include car rental. But you can easily find a hotel for 40 euros per day, although you will have to eat in inexpensive establishments, and you will have to stay in the same cheap hotel. Meanwhile, if we analyze the costs of the Canary Islands, it turns out that a similar holiday in neighboring Tunisia, Morocco or Egypt won't get much cheaper. Of course, at low cost, you will have to move around the island (or between islands) on public transport.

Transport in the Canaries

Within the same island, you can move around on foot. Lovers will especially like it. hiking. Bus routes also run between cities within the same island, the cost of which is affordable for everyone.

However, we should not forget that the Canary Islands are an archipelago of several islands, and without visiting at least a few of them, one cannot consider a vacation complete. Of course, some tourists may not leave the hotel, but most vacationers visit neighboring islands.

If you rent a car, then you can use it not only to move around one island, but also, having sailed on a ferry, get acquainted with the sights neighboring islands. Of course, you will have to pay for the crossing, but it's worth it. For renting a car for a week, you will have to pay about twenty euros. Of course, it all depends on the class of car.

Many vacationers buy tickets for hydrofoils, which allow them to move between the islands much faster and admire the beauties of each of the islands from a distance. Often, tourists want to quickly move from one extreme island of the archipelago to another, which is about a thousand kilometers. There are many flights for this.

Every city has its own taxi service. For a kilometer of movement around the city you will have to pay about 1 euro. When leaving the city, you will have to pay 1.5-2 euros already. The fare also increases when traveling at night.

Attractions and entertainment in the Canary Islands

For tourists from Russia, Tenerife is the most popular of the islands. It is at the airport of this island that a direct flight from Moscow lands, so when going to Tenerife, you need to be prepared to hear your native language on the beach, in a restaurant or hotel. It is precisely because Russian tourists do not always like to travel between the islands that they stop here.

Throughout February, a grandiose festival takes place in Tenerife, which can easily compete with the world-famous festival in Rio de Janeiro.

The second most popular island among tourists from Russia is Gran Canaria. Here is everything that interests the vacationer:

  • excursions,
  • the shops,
  • entertainment,
  • restaurants,
  • water parks,
  • beaches for every taste.

This is the largest island in terms of population, and a large number of tourists due to the unique climatic conditions, which are considered the best among all the islands. The climatic situation on the island contributes beach holiday throughout the year.

Those who want to relax alone with nature are simply obliged to go to the island of Gomera. The absence of industrial enterprises has a beneficial effect on the nature of the island of Hierro. Night walks under the moon along the promenade on the island of Lanzarote are fascinating. Fuertenventura is a favorite island for those who like to sunbathe on the beach or go surfing. It is here in the middle of summer that international competitions in surfing, windsurfing, kiting and others take place. marine species sports. In general, each of the islands is able to provide its guests with the richest program with the widest choice of entertainment.


Although not everyone knows where the Canary Islands are located on the world map, many have heard about the unsurpassed cuisine of the islands from their friends who have been here. For example, in Tenerife, you can taste the Canarian jacket potato. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing special about this dish, but the added sauces fill it with an unusual taste. The potato itself is grown in the highlands and grows at an altitude of at least 900 meters! Do not forget about fish dishes, seafood. Many restaurants have large aquariums in which every tourist can choose a "victim" for cooking.

Vacation with children

Many vacationers come to the Canary Islands with children. To choose a place of rest, you need to worry about the absence of noisy discos, cafes, markets near the hotel. Most best option for holidays with children - the island of Fuerteventura, where there are no noisy establishments.

Canaries and security

Of course, any inattentive tourist can suffer from petty scammers. Basically, these are illegal migrants who arrived here from the neighboring African continent. To avoid theft, you should not carry cash with you, but pay with electronic cards or traveller's checks. Some tourists even recommend keeping their savings on several plastic cards. But to pay for goods in the markets or to pay a taxi driver, you should still have some cash with you. In general, petty theft and hooliganism are quite rare.

Gifts and souvenirs

It is rare that a tourist goes to the Canary Islands to shop for various goods. In any city, there are dozens of shops where you can buy everything you need, but the bulk of vacationers come here just for a beach holiday.

Of course, you should worry about buying gifts for yourself and your loved ones. It may be small. The main thing is not to rush to buy them on the very first day of the stores closest to the hotel, since on the island you can find similar things at a price that will be much lower.

Canary Islands - perfect place for tourists of all ages. Anyone who can afford a vacation in Egypt, Tunisia or Turkey can just as well go to the Canary Islands. Only a holiday in the Canary Islands will be much more interesting than a trip to the "bored" resorts.