Why the plane is the safest mode of transport. The most dangerous and safe mode of transport in the world: statistics. The most reliable mode of transport, the safest means of transportation: statistics in the world. Why the plane is considered the safest mode of transport

Are you afraid to fly, preferring a car or a train? Absolutely in vain. Today we will determine the safest mode of transport based on dry statistics, which, as it turns out, have little to do with our fears.

It was not in vain that we started with fear, because it is they who clearly show the extent to which our emotions and speculation can prevail over facts and common sense. It is no coincidence that absolutely all sociological surveys give approximately the same result. People consider the train to be the safest mode of transport, the second place is the car, and the most dangerous, of course, is the plane. But it gives slightly different results.

In the world, there are several methods for calculating mortality in different modes of transport. The most accurate and common is the ratio of the dead per segment of the distance travelled. The starting point is considered to be 100 million miles (160 million kilometers).

True, based on these statistics, the safest mode of transport is space transport. Indeed, in its entire history, only three accidents have happened, and colossal distances have been covered. However, space tourism is a prospect, albeit not far away, but the future, so we will consider more common means of transportation.

Especially for you: airplane is the safest mode of transport The statistics confirm this 100%. 0.6 people die per 100 million miles. If we take 2014 as an example, there were 21 plane crashes all over the world. Of these, 10 are cargo ships, 11 are passenger ships. A total of 990 people died. This is less than the number of dead cyclists, and even less than the number of people who died in a year from the “hands” of donkeys.

In total, about 33 million flights were made during the year. On average, there is one accident per 1 million flights. It should be noted that most of them are in small private aircraft.

Probability of dying in an accident passenger flight extremely small, 1/8,000,000. Even flying every day, it will take 21 millennia to get on that ill-fated flight that will crash.

The myth that there is no chance of survival in a plane crash also has little to do with reality. Aircrafts designed by people who know firsthand about aerodynamics and gravity. Therefore, in order to hit the ground on a grand scale from a height of 10,000 km, you need to try hard.

Let's go back to the statistics. Over the past 20-odd years, there have been about 500 aircraft accidents in the United States. The death toll in them was only 5% of the passengers on board at the time of the accident. Even if we ignore minor incidents and analyze only serious accidents with impacts on the ground, a fracture of the aircraft hull and fires, then the number of survivors in them is approximately 50%.

Railway transport

According to statistics, this is the safest form of land transport. The death rate due to train accidents is 0.9 passengers per 160 million km. Sounds incredible, given the speed at which ultra-modern trains travel. However, you can't argue with the numbers. At the same time, to a large extent, global statistics are spoiled by such countries as, where the concept of safety has a very specific meaning.

Automobile transport

For every 160 million kilometers travelled, 1.6 people die in road accidents. According to these statistics, the car can be safely attributed to the most dangerous form of transport. Every year, about 1.2 million people die on the world's roads, which is a thousand times more than in plane crashes. Thus, you are more likely to get into an accident on the way to the airport than to die on the plane itself.

Moreover, these figures apply only to four-wheeled vehicles. If we talk about motorcycles and mopeds, then there are many times more deaths: 42 people per 160 million km.

Crash landings: video showing that even the most difficult situations there is a way out.

To understand whether it is so dangerous to fly on airplanes, you should turn to official statistics. In 2013, 31 air crashes were officially registered. It is important to realize that these tragic events happened not only to Russian aircraft, this is for the world as a whole, and the number of indicated flights includes cargo transportation, and not just passenger traffic.

It is clear that the number of accidents highways significantly higher. Thus, according to official statistics, only in the first half of the year in the territory Russian Federation there were 62,984 reported road traffic accidents, i.e. approximately 346 accidents per day.

As for rail transport, the statistics here are less deplorable, but the figures are far from those of aviation. So, only on the Gorky railway in 2013 there were 17 accidents in which 12 people died. Unfortunately no general statistics on rail accidents around the world as a whole, but in some countries, for example, in India, the situation is much worse than in Russia, so it becomes clear that the number of accidents in absolute terms on air transport is much lower than the same indicator on highways or railways .

When analyzing disasters, of course, one should take into account the widespread use of cars. But the number of flights per day is quite comparable to the number of trains departing daily from the stations.

The severity of the consequences of the disaster on different modes of transport

As a rule, there are no survivors. However, the same dry statistics suggests that this statement is not entirely true. In 2013, out of 827 people, wrecked 311 people died in road accidents in Russia in six months, 7,801 people died and another 80,330 were injured.

As for railway transport, there is a high death rate in traffic accidents at the crossing, but in most incidents during the movement of the train, people receive moderate injuries and bruises.

About half of air crashes occur during the landing of the aircraft on the ground. Interestingly, about the same proportion of accidents are caused by fatal pilot error.

What type of transport is the least dangerous

Insurance companies help to understand which mode of transport is the least safe, because they constantly study the statistics of accidents on land, in the air and at sea. Interestingly, the lowest tariffs for insurance of goods transported by sea and air transport, that is, the probability of an unfavorable outcome is considered by insurers as lower.

As for passengers, they are insured at a lower percentage for rail transport and during flight by plane. And trips by land transport (personal and public) are considered the most risky of all possible types of travel.

Cold statistics and public opinion on the safety of a particular mode of transport are completely opposite. According to the first, air is considered the safest mode of transport, according to the second - air Transport the most unsafe.

Comparison of statistics with public opinion on the issue of safety of a particular mode of transport shows a significant difference. Most of the respondents cannot exactly justify why they chose this particular mode of transport. Statistics in this sense of the word has the most direct justification.

Popular opinion

As an example, it is better to consider the results of a survey conducted in 2006 by the VTsIOM center. According to the survey results, the most unsafe view transport was air transport, and the safest - rail. 84% voted for the first one, 15% for the second one. Water and transport received mixed reviews. So, 44% consider it dangerous and 39% - safe; 50% think automobile transport dangerous and 48% safe.

air transport statistics

According to statistical estimates, which were based on the number of victims in air crashes, aviation turned out to be the safest mode of transport. The second and third place belongs to water and rail transport, respectively.

The reason why people are afraid of flying is the media that fan the fire from the slightest plane crash. The number of accidents in the air mode of transport is much less than in, but because of their massiveness, the media give them publicity. According to ICAO estimates, there is only one accident per 1 million departures. Thus, the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1/8,000,000. Therefore, it would take a passenger 21,000 years to die.

In relation to survival after air crashes, people have also formed a preconceived notion. To debunk it, just look at the results of statistical processing of 568 aircraft crashes that occurred in the United States between 1983 and 2000. The death toll was 5% of total number. In more serious accidents, such as breaking apart, hitting the ground, and so on, 50% of the passengers turned out to be survivors.

Statistics on road transport

The number of accidents cannot be compared with the number of plane crashes. Statistical processing of road accidents in the Russian Federation for 2009 showed that 26,084 people died and 257,034 were injured in 203,603 road accidents.

The safest mode of transport

Based on the foregoing, it can be safely stated that aerial view transport is the safest on the planet. However, there is one more without dangerous transport- space. In the entire history of flights, only 3 spacecraft have crashed.


The safest mode of transport has not yet been found, so do not be naive to believe that you are in complete security while driving on it. When compiling statistics, the human factor and a series of ridiculous accidents are often not taken into account.

Most without dangerous species Of course, it will not be possible to name transport unambiguously, but statistics indicate that the safest mode of transport is the train, and the most dangerous is a motorcycle or moped. Only one percent of the world's population travels on motorcycles, but more than twenty percent of deaths will occur on this vehicle. Motorcyclists die twenty-eight times more than car drivers.

In second place among dangerous modes of transport is an ordinary bicycle. This vehicle is also dangerous because children and teenagers die on it.

Next come the subways and ferries, which kill a lot of people in one moment. The next two places are occupied by minibuses and cars, which a couple of years ago were considered the most dangerous modes of transport. The fact is that the design of machines has changed a lot, the level of safety has increased.

In third place is the bus, which accounts for 0.5% of deaths per billion kilometers. Of course, these data are consolidated, since bus accidents happen more often in Egypt than in Russia.

Is it possible to consider the statement that the plane is the safest mode of transport as true? Probably not in full due to a number of factors.

It is much safer to fly by plane, since only 0.5% of deaths per one and a half billion kilometers. This takes into account not only catastrophes civil aviation, but also small aircraft helicopters.

It is worth clarifying that almost always all passengers and crew members die. When purchasing tickets for a flight and boarding a plane, passengers do not often think about where it is best and safest to sit down.

Experts, of course, try to determine the most safe places in airplane. They do not include comfortable places located in front, although they are located quite far from the engines.

The most dangerous places are considered to be in the middle of the cabin of the liner, since they are located above the wing of the aircraft. This leads to sad consequences when the fuel ignites, and there will be quite a lot of victims.

Is it safe to fly on an airplane? Yes, if you find those very safe places in it. In order to minimize the damage aviation accident, you should choose seats at the emergency exit or at the tail of the aircraft. This is due to the fact that as a result of the panic that occurs during emergencies, passengers run to the emergency exit. Those who sit near him will not have to run through the entire salon.

At the end of the cabin, it is safe to sit because the impact of the nose on the ground during the fall will cause vibrations that will not reach the tail of the aircraft. By the way, most often during a disaster, the liner falls off exactly tail section enabling people to survive.

Thus, to the question of whether it is safe to fly on airplanes, one can answer that, subject to all safety standards, it is quite safe. However, if the liner explodes at an altitude of several tens of kilometers, there is no need to talk about the safety of passengers.

The most interesting thing is that all the people of the world are terribly afraid of flying, however, they easily get behind the wheel of a dangerous motorcycle.

The statistics of the safest mode of transport show that the bus ranks third dangerous place. It is worth noting that there are some differences between long-distance or intercity buses.

The buses that go far have soft and most comfortable seats. Bulky and heavy bags should not be kept with you, they are folded into luggage compartment, so they do not injure the passenger, falling on his head when emergency.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences as a result of an accident, you should follow some simple rules. Even the safest seats on the bus will not be able to save a person during an emergency if they are not wearing their seat belts.

It is worth looking around in advance, choosing places closer to hatches or emergency exits. You should always keep documents, money and the most primitive first aid kit with you.

In order to feel safe, you do not need to occupy the front and rear seats. It is worth noting that in a head-on collision, passengers who occupy the first four rows will suffer the most.

The safest place on the bus is in the middle. However, you need to understand exactly where it is located. If the place is on the left at the window, then a blow from the side of the roadway is possible. It is worth sitting down closer to the aisle, which will save you from a fatal blow, which will be taken by the person sitting next to you.

The safest seats on the bus long distance located in the very center. They are next to emergency exit or the middle door, provided the vehicle is large. Of course, these places are unlikely to be saved when the bus is rammed by another vehicle, but in any other circumstances they will help save your own life.

By the way, in a frontal impact, the safest places will be from 13 to 18, and in a left impact - from the third to the seventh. In an emergency with a blow to the right, those who take 10th and 22nd places will definitely not die, and in a collision in the back of the bus - 1st, 2nd, 21st, 22nd places.

The question of which seats on the bus are the safest can be completely answered by statistics. In this case, you need to specify the type of bus and its range. In suburban options, the safest place is where a person sits with his back to the driver or another passenger.

Many people in the world continue to worry about the question of which mode of transport is the safest. It is worth clarifying that as a result of a huge number of surveys conducted around the world, it was found that the safest mode of transport is the train.

The safest trains are considered vehicles, which move on the rails of most American and European states. In terms of safety and reliability, Russian railways rank not last place, since the mortality rate on them is only 0.7% per one and a half billion kilometers.

What is the safest mode of transport Russians found out for themselves in the All-Russian survey, more than 70% of the citizens of our country consider the train the most reliable transport. There is no separation between commuter trains and trains that will take you to another city or even a country.

The safety of this type of transport lies in the fact that it follows strictly on rails. Dispatch services ensure that trains do not collide, which significantly reduces the possibility of an accident.

The safest seats in a train carriage are those located in the middle of the train. These cars, as a rule, are more stable and safer than tail or head counterparts. In a head-on collision, the passengers in the first carriages have very little chance of surviving, they will be the first to derail.

If you are traveling on a long-distance train, then you should choose the fifth or sixth compartment. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify that when traveling on the top shelf, you need to choose it in the direction of the train. Do not leave any objects on the table in the compartment, because there is a possibility of injury.

The safest mode of transport according to statistics in the world will be reliable if all conditions are met. This can only be done if it is possible to book a ticket with the right to choose a seat.

It is best to choose a compartment near the conductor, as it will be easier to get out of it. In case of a fire or other problems in the cars, do not pull the stop valve on the bridge or in the tunnel, as this will make it difficult for passengers to evacuate.

The safest seats in a subway car

The safest mode of transport in Russia is the train, which travels on the ground, but the metro is only in seventh place in terms of injury rates.

Before getting into the subway car, it is worth writing down or memorizing the phone behind the glass in the cab. It is necessary in order to contact the station attendants.

Most often, trains in the subway, according to the safety statistics of modes of transport, are under the threat of terrorist attacks. If an explosion has taken place, you should not leave the car, because there is a risk that the electrical wires in the tunnel are damaged.

It is necessary to choose places in the middle cars, because it is rather dangerous to be in the head section during an accident. Some experts specify that it is not bad to be in the tail car because of the possibility of quick evacuation from it.

The safest seats in a subway car are standing ones, since explosive devices are most often placed under the seats. It's nice to be in the crowd, while the surrounding people will become a kind of human shield during the explosion.

Speaking about the safety of passengers during terrorist attacks, it should be clarified that explosives are most often left in medium-sized cars filled to capacity. For example, during the terrorist attacks in the Moscow metro, cars number three and two suffered the most.

At terrorist act you need to lie on the floor and do not touch the metal parts in the car to avoid electric shock.

Transport safety statistics are compiled from surveys of the world's inhabitants in various surveys or questionnaires. It is worth remembering that this sad statistic is calculated as the number dead people on a certain section of the road.

Statistics do not always coincide with surveys of people, but you still need to believe stubborn statistics.

Those who are afraid of flying and claim that the plane is the most dangerous mode of transport are mistaken. Engineers and designers of passenger liners are constantly working to improve systems and aerodynamic properties.

This minimizes the risk of hitting the . Compared to trains or cars, best view transport in terms of the number of accidents. The debate about which train or plane is safer is still going on, but the latter wins them.

Security Studies different types transport are held regularly to reveal the big picture and global trends.

In the field of civil aviation, they are carried out ICAO ( international organization civil aviation). She established that There is only 1 crash for every 1 million flights. There is no such data for rail or road transport.

Why do so many passengers shake their knees when they board an aircraft? Any plane crash is actively spread by the media. Therefore, the reputation of the aircraft is not the best.

Numerous studies prove the leadership of the aircraft as the safest mode of transport.

The probability that you will be in a plane crash is approximately 1 to 8,000,000. Even if you will each fly one flight, you will need about 21,000 years old to get into a disaster.

If we talk about the statistics of what is safer than a train or plane, then the death rate as a result of a train accident is 0.9 passengers per 100 million km. Cars have a higher mortality threshold - 1.6 people die per 160 million km. Every year 1.2 million people dies on the roads of the whole world.

Air crash survivor data

Many sources claim that it is almost impossible to survive a plane crash. This is also not entirely true. It's just that the media cover exactly those disasters where a large number of people, not those where many passengers survived.

The US analyzed 538 disasters. They died in them only 5% of people of the total number of passengers flying.

According to the same source of the 53,487 passengers involved in the accident, 51,207 survived.

After a detailed study 26 cases, when the aircraft was destroyed on impact with the ground or there was a fire on board, it was concluded: 50% of all passengers survived.

Even in the event of a plane crash, passengers have every chance of staying alive.

If pilots risk performing a so-called splashdown (landing an aircraft on water), then the chances of surviving passengers increase. by as much as 50%. When the USSR TU-124 landed on the Neva, none of those on board died. The same thing happened during the landing on the Hudson in 2009.

Studying the causes of accidents, experts came to the conclusion that a fatal accident for all passengers occurs due to several factors that have come together at once. This can be both technical reasons and the fault of people at the same time.

A few more facts in favor of aircraft safety

In case all the above facts have not yet given you the answer to the question: “Why is the plane considered the safest mode of transport?”, Here are a couple more arguments that prove this point.

For every 100 million miles the average passenger flies, there are 0.0003 casualties. When compared with the same buses, this figure is almost 17 times higher!

For those who think private flights are better, there is evidence to the contrary. On a private jet, the chances of getting into an accident 1 to 7229.

Of those committed in 2012 26,600,000 flights have only 6 accidents.

The plane is the safest form of transport, and statistics prove it. Therefore, you can safely sit on passenger liner and enjoy a relaxing flight.

Which transport is safer - plane or train?

    I know for sure - the safest mode of transport is your intuition. She is ahead of everyone! She will never let you down! If you don’t want to go, you don’t need anything, but if you already see how you arrived and are happy, sit down and don’t think, you’ll get there! Even a plane doomed to fall with a happy one will carry you and not flinch! God for our happiness!!!

    Definitely a train. The train has always been considered the safest mode of transport.

    Train - The safest transport in my opinion.

    train, yes more chance in any situation to survive with people.

    Somehow, 8-10 years ago, I read an article about the most dangerous modes of transport, so they singled out just the same train as the most dangerous transport with the most big amount victims. Cars were in second place public view transport), but the plane at the end of the list dangled ...

    Personally, I am terribly afraid of an airplane, how many times my husband and I wanted to go on vacation abroad, and our fear of an airplane has always been an obstacle, so we have to go to the Russian south, or Near Abroad, by train. Although I agree with the opinion - whoever is destined to burn in a fire will not drown, so is the case with an airplane, but you still feel more confident on the ground.

    air transport is safer in my opinion. While plane crashes do happen, they are extremely rare. Railway accidents happen more often (moreover, freight trains, since there are more of them), but, fortunately, there are no victims. But this is all before time. True, safety is a relative concept. Any means of transportation is potentially dangerous (!!!). If we compare in terms of service, aviation wins over railway. Navigation aids are under the constant control of the relevant services, as are air space is continuously monitored, which cannot be said about the railway. Any person can disable both the canvas and the lighting system, which can lead to very serious consequences. It is quite difficult to penetrate the territory of the airfield and go unnoticed. There are chances to survive even after a plane crash - it's a matter of chance and a good combination of circumstances. By her own Railway- a source of increased danger - there is a risk of injury at best.

    It is generally accepted that the train is the safest mode of transport. This conclusion was reached, given the statistics of accidents in Russia.

    It is probably psychologically important for people to feel the ground under their feet, therefore, to the air and water transport they are more wary than terrestrial. And the statistics just show that it is the automobile and railway types of transport. But at the same time, for some reason, the planes are falling, and people are dying ... It's just ground transport is used more intensively than any other, therefore there are more victims.

    I consider the train the most safe transport. Because if there is a loss of life on railway transport, then it most often occurs through the fault of a person. Let's say a person carelessly crossed the tracks, and he was hit by a machinist. This is the man's fault. It is very rare that there are accidents in railway transport that lead to the death of most people. In a plane crash, a person is not to blame for anything, but he can still die in the event of pilot error, aircraft malfunction, or very unfavorable conditions. weather conditions. Therefore, I believe that the train is safer, although judging by the statistics, the plane is safer.

    Personally, I like to ride the train, because it’s sooooooo hard to fall asleep on the plane, but on the train: I drank a cup of tea with milk and sleep until the morning, of course there is a minus, it’s bright light until 23:00. In general, it almost doesn’t bother anyone, and I How experienced traveler I advise you TRAIN.

    P.S. Note that I flew FIRST CLASS in Los Angeles but even in the first class no one could fall asleep.:) HAVE A GOOD TRAVEL!!!

    I also think that the train is safer, but if on long distance, then it’s better to take a chance and fly by plane, because the train takes sooooooo long ... I went from Novosibirsk to North Caucasus by train 3.5 days, it's sooooo long and tedious, it would be better by plane.

    I think that the train, if something happens, then not everyone dies, but rarely on the plane. especially if from above...

    For me, the safest mode of transport is the train. As soon as I step into the car, from that moment I have drowsiness. I sleep in the car and can’t do anything about it, this monotony of movement and the sound of wheels makes me sick. I can sleep all the way.

    And with air travel sheer stress. Either I’m afraid to be late all the way to the airport, then the flight and I’m afraid of a delay or cancellation altogether. Then the fear of takeoff, the fear of turbulence. Unpleasant stuffing in the ears. Fear of landing and subsequent waste ... And whatever the statistics say, but I'm just afraid to fly, the train is for me!

    Strange, but the statistics show that the planes are still safer than trains. In Russia, planes often crash, but I hardly heard about train accidents, apparently extras did not take into account our Russian aircraft, many of which are dying of incense. By the way, cars are in third place in terms of safety, so if you drive a car, do not be afraid to fly on an airplane.

    According to statistics, the safest mode of transport is air, then rail, in third place is road. In Europe they think so. And in the US, on the contrary, road transport is in the lead.

    In my opinion, it all depends on the point of view, and statistics can prove or disprove anything. Personally, I prefer the plane. And my wife - the train.